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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Add doc and fix whitespace
commit 4d88884b0cfdc98ca4c4741d4e1073267418038c
Author: Sathyanarayanan Gunasekaran <gsathya.ceg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri Mar 23 15:18:44 2012 +0530
Add doc and fix whitespace
stem/exit_policy.py | 303 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stem/exit_policy.py b/stem/exit_policy.py
index 287b620..0a51f5f 100644
--- a/stem/exit_policy.py
+++ b/stem/exit_policy.py
@@ -1,152 +1,191 @@
+Tor Exit Policy information and requirements for its features. These can be
+easily parsed and compared, for instance...
+>>> exit_policies = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy()
+>>> exit_policies.add("reject *:*")
+>>> print exit_policies
+reject *:*
+ExitPolicyLine - Single rule from the exit policy
+ |- __str__ - string representation
+ +- check - check if exiting to this ip is allowed
+ExitPolicy - List of ExitPolicyLine objects
+ |- __str__ - string representation
+ |- __iter__ - ExitPolicyLine entries for the exit policy
+ |- check - check if exiting to this ip is allowed
+ |- add - add new rule to the exit policy
+ +- isExitingAllowed - check if exit node
# ip address ranges substituted by the 'private' keyword
PRIVATE_IP_RANGES = ("", "", "", "", "", "")
class ExitPolicyLine:
- def __init__(self, ruleEntry):
- # sanitize the input a bit, cleaning up tabs and stripping quotes
- ruleEntry = ruleEntry.replace("\\t", " ").replace("\"", "")
- self.ruleEntry = ruleEntry
- self.isAccept = ruleEntry.startswith("accept")
- # strips off "accept " or "reject " and extra spaces
- ruleEntry = ruleEntry[7:].replace(" ", "")
- # split ip address (with mask if provided) and port
- if ":" in ruleEntry: entryIp, entryPort = ruleEntry.split(":", 1)
- else: entryIp, entryPort = ruleEntry, "*"
- # sets the ip address component
- self.isIpWildcard = entryIp == "*" or entryIp.endswith("/0")
- if "/" in entryIp:
- ipComp = entryIp.split("/", 1)
- self.ipAddress = ipComp[0]
- self.ipMask = int(ipComp[1])
- else:
- self.ipAddress = entryIp
- self.ipMask = 32
- # constructs the binary address just in case of comparison with a mask
- if self.ipAddress != "*":
- self.ipAddressBin = ""
- for octet in self.ipAddress.split("."):
- # Converts the int to a binary string, padded with zeros. Source:
- # http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet216539.html
- self.ipAddressBin += "".join([str((int(octet) >> y) & 1) for y in range(7, -1, -1)])
- else:
- self.ipAddressBin = "0" * 32
+ """
+ Single rule from the user's exit policy. These are chained together to form
+ complete policies.
+ """
- # sets the port component
- self.minPort, self.maxPort = 0, 0
- self.isPortWildcard = entryPort == "*"
- if entryPort != "*":
- if "-" in entryPort:
- portComp = entryPort.split("-", 1)
- self.minPort = int(portComp[0])
- self.maxPort = int(portComp[1])
- else:
- self.minPort = int(entryPort)
- self.maxPort = int(entryPort)
- def __str__(self):
- # This provides the actual policy rather than the entry used to construct
- # it so the 'private' keyword is expanded.
- acceptanceLabel = "accept" if self.isAccept else "reject"
+ def __init__(self, rule_entry):
+ """
+ Exit Policy line constructor.
+ """
+ # sanitize the input a bit, cleaning up tabs and stripping quotes
+ rule_entry = rule_entry.replace("\\t", " ").replace("\"", "")
- if self.isIpWildcard:
- ipLabel = "*"
- elif self.ipMask != 32:
- ipLabel = "%s/%i" % (self.ipAddress, self.ipMask)
- else: ipLabel = self.ipAddress
+ self.rule_entry = rule_entry
+ self.is_accept = rule_entry.startswith("accept")
- if self.isPortWildcard:
- portLabel = "*"
- elif self.minPort != self.maxPort:
- portLabel = "%i-%i" % (self.minPort, self.maxPort)
- else: portLabel = str(self.minPort)
+ # strips off "accept " or "reject " and extra spaces
+ rule_entry = rule_entry[7:].replace(" ", "")
- myPolicy = "%s %s:%s" % (acceptanceLabel, ipLabel, portLabel)
- return myPolicy
+ # split ip address (with mask if provided) and port
+ if ":" in rule_entry: entry_ip, entry_port = rule_entry.split(":", 1)
+ else: entry_ip, entry_port = rule_entry, "*"
- def check(self, ipAddress, port):
- """
- Checks if the rule chain allows exiting to this address, returning true if
- so and false otherwise.
- """
+ # sets the ip address component
+ self.is_ip_wildcard = entry_ip == "*" or entry_ip.endswith("/0")
- port = int(port)
+ # separate host and mask
+ if "/" in entry_ip:
+ ip_comp = entry_ip.split("/", 1)
+ self.ip_address = ip_comp[0]
+ self.ip_mask = int(ip_comp[1])
+ else:
+ self.ip_address = entry_ip
+ self.ip_mask = 32
- # does the port check first since comparing ip masks is more work
- isPortMatch = self.isPortWildcard or (port >= self.minPort and port <= self.maxPort)
+ # constructs the binary address just in case of comparison with a mask
+ if self.ip_address != "*":
+ self.ip_address_bin = ""
+ for octet in self.ip_address.split("."):
+ # Converts the int to a binary string, padded with zeros. Source:
+ # http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet216539.html
+ self.ip_address_bin += "".join([str((int(octet) >> y) & 1) for y in range(7, -1, -1)])
+ else:
+ self.ip_address_bin = "0" * 32
+ # sets the port component
+ self.min_port, self.max_port = 0, 0
+ self.is_port_wildcard = entry_port == "*"
- if isPortMatch:
- isIpMatch = self.isIpWildcard or self.ipAddress == ipAddress
+ if entry_port != "*":
+ if "-" in entry_port:
+ port_comp = entry_port.split("-", 1)
+ self.min_port = int(port_comp[0])
+ self.max_port = int(port_comp[1])
+ else:
+ self.min_port = int(entry_port)
+ self.max_port = int(entry_port)
- # expands the check to include the mask if it has one
- if not isIpMatch and self.ipMask != 32:
- inputAddressBin = ""
- for octet in ipAddress.split("."):
- inputAddressBin += "".join([str((int(octet) >> y) & 1) for y in range(7, -1, -1)])
- isIpMatch = self.ipAddressBin[:self.ipMask] == inputAddressBin[:self.ipMask]
- if isIpMatch: return self.isAccept
+ def __str__(self):
+ # This provides the actual policy rather than the entry used to construct
+ # it so the 'private' keyword is expanded.
+ acceptance_label = "accept" if self.is_accept else "reject"
+ if self.is_ip_wildcard:
+ ip_label = "*"
+ elif self.ip_mask != 32:
+ ip_label = "%s/%i" % (self.ip_address, self.ip_mask)
+ else: ip_label = self.ip_address
+ if self.is_port_wildcard:
+ port_label = "*"
+ elif self.min_port != self.max_port:
+ port_label = "%i-%i" % (self.min_port, self.max_port)
+ else: port_label = str(self.min_port)
+ my_policy = "%s %s:%s" % (acceptance_label, ip_label, port_label)
+ return my_policy
+ def check(self, ip_address, port):
+ """
+ Checks if the rule chain allows exiting to this address, returning true if
+ so and false otherwise.
+ """
+ port = int(port)
+ # does the port check first since comparing ip masks is more work
+ is_port_match = self.is_port_wildcard or (port >= self.min_port and port <= self.max_port)
+ if is_port_match:
+ is_ip_match = self.is_ip_wildcard or self.ip_address == ip_address
+ # expands the check to include the mask if it has one
+ if not is_ip_match and self.ip_mask != 32:
+ input_address_bin = ""
+ for octet in ip_address.split("."):
+ input_address_bin += "".join([str((int(octet) >> y) & 1) for y in range(7, -1, -1)])
+ is_ip_match = self.ip_address_bin[:self.ip_mask] == input_address_bin[:self.ip_mask]
+ if is_ip_match: return self.is_accept
- # fell off the chain without a conclusion (shouldn't happen...)
- return False
+ # fell off the chain without a conclusion (shouldn't happen...)
+ return False
class ExitPolicy:
+ """
+ Provides a wrapper to ExitPolicyLine. This is iterable and can be stringified for
+ individual Exit Policy lines.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
- Single rule from the user's exit policy. These are chained together to form
- complete policies.
+ ExitPolicy constructor
- def __init__(self):
- """
- Exit policy rule constructor.
- """
- self._policies = []
- def add(self, ruleEntry):
- # checks for the private alias (which expands this to a chain of entries)
- if "private" in ruleEntry.lower():
- for addr in PRIVATE_IP_RANGES:
- newEntry = ruleEntry.replace("private", addr)
- self._policies.append(ExitPolicyLine(newEntry))
- else:
- self._policies.append(ExitPolicyLine(ruleEntry))
- def isExitingAllowed(self):
- """
- Provides true if the policy allows exiting whatsoever, false otherwise.
- """
- for policy in self._policies:
- if policy.isAccept: return True
- elif policy.isIpWildcard and self.isPortWildcard: return False
- def check(self, ipAddress, port):
- """
- Checks if the rule chain allows exiting to this address, returning true if
- so and false otherwise.
- """
- for policy in self._policies:
- if policy.check(ipAddress, port): return True
+ self._policies = []
- return False
- def __iter__(self):
- for policy in self._policies:
- yield policy
+ def add(self, rule_entry):
+ """
+ This method is used to add an Exit Policy rule to the list of policies.
+ Arguments:
+ rule_entry (str) - exit policy rule in the format "accept|reject ADDR[/MASK][:PORT]"
+ ex - "accept*"
+ """
+ # checks for the private alias (which expands this to a chain of entries)
+ if "private" in rule_entry.lower():
+ for addr in PRIVATE_IP_RANGES:
+ new_entry = rule_entry.replace("private", addr)
+ self._policies.append(ExitPolicyLine(new_entry))
+ else:
+ self._policies.append(ExitPolicyLine(rule_entry))
+ def is_exiting_allowed(self):
+ """
+ Provides true if the policy allows exiting whatsoever, false otherwise.
+ """
+ for policy in self._policies:
+ if policy.is_accept: return True
+ elif policy.is_ip_wildcard and policy.is_port_wildcard: return False
+ def check(self, ip_address, port):
+ """
+ Checks if the rule chain allows exiting to this address, returning true if
+ so and false otherwise.
+ """
+ for policy in self._policies:
+ if policy.check(ip_address, port): return True
+ return False
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """
+ Provides an ordered listing of policies in this Exit Policy
+ """
+ for policy in self._policies:
+ yield policy
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Provides the string used to construct the Exit Policy
+ """
+ return ' , '.join([str(policy) for policy in self._policies])
- def __str__(self):
- # This provides the actual policy rather than the entry used to construct
- # it so the 'private' keyword is expanded.
- return ' , '.join([str(policy) for policy in self._policies])
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