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[tor-commits] [stegotorus/master] Another round of adjustments to the benchmarks

commit 42948a36f82b5d38223cb4691bc25a84b809e11a
Author: Zack Weinberg <zackw@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Feb 15 08:01:37 2012 -0800

    Another round of adjustments to the benchmarks
 scripts/benchmark.py         |   49 +++++++++++++++++--------
 scripts/bm-fixedrate-cgi.c   |   31 ++++++++--------
 scripts/bm-tor-controller.py |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/benchmark.py b/scripts/benchmark.py
index f4f8830..be45467 100755
--- a/scripts/benchmark.py
+++ b/scripts/benchmark.py
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ PROXY_SSH_CMD = ("ssh", PROXY)
 TARGET    = "storustest.nfshost.com"
-# Fudge factors.  For some reason, bm-fixedrate generates data a
-# linear factor slower than it was meant to; this is the quick fix.
+# For some reason, bm-fixedrate generates data a linear factor slower
+# than it was meant to; this is the quick fix.
 # Programs we need to run.  Change these if any binary is not in the
 # default path or hasn't got the default name.
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ FUDGE_FIXEDRATE = 2.5
 # setup, write a wrapper script.
 C_bwm     = "bwm-ng"
-C_curl    = "curl"
 C_mcurl   = "bm-mcurl"
 C_storus  = "stegotorus-wrapper"
 C_tor     = "/usr/sbin/tor"
@@ -232,10 +231,13 @@ def p_tor_direct():
 ORPort %s
 SocksPort 0
 BridgeRelay 1
+AssumeReachable 1
 PublishServerDescriptor 0
 ExitPolicy reject *:*
 DataDirectory .
 Log err stderr
+ContactInfo zackw at cmu dot edu
+Nickname storustest
 # unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way to tell Tor to accept
 # OR connections from specific IP addresses only.
 """ % PROXY_PORT)
@@ -268,17 +270,24 @@ Log err stderr
 Bridge %s:%s
 UseBridges 1
 SafeSocks 0
+ControlPort 9051
+__DisablePredictedCircuits 1
+__LeaveStreamsUnattached 1
     return ClientProcess((C_tor, "--quiet", "-f", "tor-direct-client.conf"))
+def c_torctl():
+    return ClientProcess((os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/bm-tor-controller.py'))
 def c_curl(url, proxyhost):
-    return ClientProcess((C_curl, "-s", "--socks5-hostname",
+    return ClientProcess((C_mcurl, '1', '1',
                           proxyhost + ":" + PROXY_PORT,
-                          url, "-o", "/dev/null"))
+                          url))
 def c_mcurl(prefix, cps, proxyhost):
-    return ClientProcess((C_mcurl, str(cps), '200', proxyhost,
+    return ClientProcess((C_mcurl, str(cps), '200',
+                          proxyhost + ':' + PROXY_PORT,
                           'http://' + TARGET + '/' + prefix +
@@ -296,7 +305,7 @@ def bench_fixedrate_direct(report):
                 client = c_curl('http://' + TARGET + '/bm-fixedrate.cgi/' +
                                 str(int(cap * 1000 * FUDGE_FIXEDRATE)),
-                monitor(report, "fixedrate,direct,%d" % cap, 60)
+                monitor(report, "fixedrate,direct,%d" % cap, 10)
                 if client is not None:
@@ -314,6 +323,7 @@ def bench_fixedrate_tor(report):
         proxy = p_tor_direct()
         proxyl = c_tor_direct()
+        proxyc = c_torctl()
         time.sleep(5) # tor startup is slow
         for cap in range(10,810,10):
@@ -332,17 +342,20 @@ def bench_fixedrate_tor(report):
         if proxy is not None:
+        if proxyc is not None:
+            proxyc.terminate()
+            proxyc.wait()
         if proxyl is not None:
-def bench_files_direct(report, prefix):
+def bench_files_direct(report, prefix, maxconn):
     client = None
     proxy = None
         proxy = p_nylon()
-        for cps in range(1,151):
+        for cps in range(1,maxconn+1):
             sys.stderr.write("files.%s,direct,%d\n" % (prefix, cps))
                 client = c_mcurl(prefix, cps, PROXY_IP)
@@ -357,16 +370,17 @@ def bench_files_direct(report, prefix):
-def bench_files_tor(report, prefix):
+def bench_files_tor(report, prefix, maxconn):
     client = None
     proxy = None
     proxyl = None
         proxy = p_tor_direct()
         proxyl = c_tor_direct()
+        proxyc = c_torctl()
         time.sleep(5) # tor startup is slow
-        for cps in range(1,151):
+        for cps in range(1,maxconn+1):
             sys.stderr.write("files.%s,tor,%d\n" % (prefix, cps))
                 client = c_mcurl(prefix, cps, '')
@@ -380,6 +394,9 @@ def bench_files_tor(report, prefix):
         if proxy is not None:
+        if proxyc is not None:
+            proxyc.terminate()
+            proxyc.wait()
         if proxyl is not None:
@@ -388,7 +405,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-    bench_files_direct(sys.stdout, "fixed")
-    bench_files_tor(sys.stdout, "fixed")
-    bench_files_direct(sys.stdout, "pareto")
-    bench_files_tor(sys.stdout, "pareto")
+    bench_files_direct(sys.stdout, "fixed", 120)
+    bench_files_tor(sys.stdout, "fixed", 120)
+    bench_files_direct(sys.stdout, "pareto", 80)
+    bench_files_tor(sys.stdout, "pareto", 80)
diff --git a/scripts/bm-fixedrate-cgi.c b/scripts/bm-fixedrate-cgi.c
index 2b48f98..851cda7 100644
--- a/scripts/bm-fixedrate-cgi.c
+++ b/scripts/bm-fixedrate-cgi.c
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
 #include <time.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-/* 1400 bytes is a safe figure for per-packet transmissible payload. */
-#define BLOCKSZ 1400
 #if __GNUC__ >= 3
 #define NORETURN void __attribute__((noreturn))
@@ -48,14 +44,22 @@ error_500(const char *syscall)
 static void
 generate(unsigned long rate, bool dryrun)
-  double interval;
   timer_t timerid;
   struct sigevent sev;
   struct itimerspec its;
   sigset_t mask;
   int sig;
   char *data;
-  size_t bufsz = BLOCKSZ;
+  size_t bufsz;
+  /* Despite our use of the high-resolution interval timers, we cannot
+     count on being scheduled more often than 1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC
+     seconds.  We ask to be scheduled every 0.01 seconds to avoid a
+     class of rounding errors, since it is very likely that we will be
+     asked to generate at a rate that is a power of ten.
+     Therefore, every time we are scheduled we should produce R/100
+     bytes of data. */
   /* You send data at R bytes per second in 1400-byte blocks by
      calling write() every 1/(R/1400) second.  However, despite our
@@ -63,24 +67,19 @@ generate(unsigned long rate, bool dryrun)
      being scheduled more often than every 1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC seconds,
      so if we need to send data faster than that, bump up the block
      size instead.  */
-  interval = 1./(rate/(double)BLOCKSZ);
-  if (interval < 1./CLOCKS_PER_SEC) {
-    interval = 1./CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-    bufsz = rate / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-  }
+  bufsz = rate / 100;
-  its.it_value.tv_sec = lrint(floor(interval));
-  its.it_value.tv_nsec = lrint((interval - its.it_value.tv_sec) * 1e9);
+  its.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
+  its.it_value.tv_nsec = 10000000; /* 1e7 ns = 0.01 s */
   its.it_interval.tv_sec = its.it_value.tv_sec;
   its.it_interval.tv_nsec = its.it_value.tv_nsec;
   if (dryrun) {
     printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"
            "Goal %lu bytes per second:\n"
-           "would send %lu bytes every %f seconds\n"
+           "would send %zu bytes every 0.01 seconds\n"
            "  \"    \"    \"     \"     \"   %lu sec + %lu nsec\n",
-           rate, bufsz, interval,
+           rate, bufsz,
            (unsigned long)its.it_value.tv_sec,
            (unsigned long)its.it_value.tv_nsec);
diff --git a/scripts/bm-tor-controller.py b/scripts/bm-tor-controller.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b147be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/bm-tor-controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+from torctl import TorCtl, TorUtil, PathSupport
+import time
+i = PathSupport.IdHexRestriction
+# in San Francisco
+amunet = PathSupport.OrNodeRestriction([
+  i('$0CE3CFB1E9CC47B63EA8869813BF6FAB7D4540C1'), # amunet4
+  i('$E0BD57A11F00041A9789577C53A1B784473669E4'), # amunet3
+  i('$E5E3E9A472EAF7BE9682B86E92305DB4C71048EF') # amunet2
+# probably in L.A.
+hazare = PathSupport.OrNodeRestriction([
+  i('$3D0FAFB36EB9FC9D1EFD68758E2B0025117D3D1B'), # hazare2
+  i('$6586CEE14353DD1E6FAF3F172A23B00119A67C57'), # saeed
+  i('$6F383C2629471E1AE7DA053D04625AAED69844CC')  # hazare
+# very likely in L.A.
+noisebr = PathSupport.OrNodeRestriction([
+  i('$3A415473854F9F082F16EECDFE436218FE1169EA'), # noiseexit01c
+  i('$9C98B38FE270546C69205E16047B8D46BBBB0447'), # noiseexit01d
+  i('$F97F3B153FED6604230CD497A3D1E9815B007636')  # noiseexit01a
+# I shouldn't have to do this
+class TheseUniformly(PathSupport.BaseSelectionManager):
+    def __init__(self, res_entry, res_mid, res_exit):
+        PathSupport.BaseSelectionManager.__init__(self)
+        if not isinstance(res_entry, PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList):
+            res_entry = PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList([res_entry])
+        if not isinstance(res_mid, PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList):
+            res_mid = PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList([res_mid])
+        if not isinstance(res_exit, PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList):
+            res_exit = PathSupport.NodeRestrictionList([res_exit])
+        self.res_entry = res_entry
+        self.res_mid   = res_mid
+        self.res_exit  = res_exit
+        self.path_selector = None
+    def reconfigure(self, consensus):
+        if self.path_selector is not None:
+            try:
+                self.path_selector.rebuild_gens(consensus.sorted_r)
+            except NoNodesRemain:
+                pass
+        self.path_selector = PathSupport.PathSelector(
+            PathSupport.ExactUniformGenerator(consensus.sorted_r, self.res_entry),
+            PathSupport.ExactUniformGenerator(consensus.sorted_r, self.res_mid),
+            PathSupport.ExactUniformGenerator(consensus.sorted_r, self.res_exit),
+            PathSupport.PathRestrictionList([PathSupport.UniqueRestriction()]))
+    def new_consensus(self, consensus):
+        self.reconfigure(consensus)
+    def set_exit(self, exit_name):
+        pass
+    def set_target(self, host, port):
+        pass
+    def select_path(self):
+        return self.path_selector.select_path(3)
+TorUtil.loglevel = "WARN"
+s = TheseUniformly(amunet, hazare, noisebr)
+c = TorCtl.connect(ConnClass=PathSupport.Connection)
+h = PathSupport.PathBuilder(c, s)
+              TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.BW,
+              TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NEWCONSENSUS,
+              TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NEWDESC,
+              TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
+              TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM_BW], True)
+while True: time.sleep(120)

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