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[tor-commits] [stegotorus/master] transmit_room() now takes 3 arguments and the chopper produces exactly what is asked for. As a side-effect this made HTTP reliable under automated test.

commit 9a6de8ce32c36d04fd96e48194230dfcdc1132cf
Author: Zack Weinberg <zackw@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Apr 1 14:23:17 2012 -0700

    transmit_room() now takes 3 arguments and the chopper produces exactly what is asked for. As a side-effect this made HTTP reliable under automated test.
 src/protocol/chop.cc  |  106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/steg.h            |   66 +++++++++++++++-----------
 src/steg/embed.cc     |    5 ++-
 src/steg/http.cc      |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 src/steg/nosteg.cc    |    4 +-
 src/steg/nosteg_rr.cc |    4 +-
 6 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/protocol/chop.cc b/src/protocol/chop.cc
index a46d0ac..ad8ac9f 100644
--- a/src/protocol/chop.cc
+++ b/src/protocol/chop.cc
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ const size_t SECTION_LEN = UINT16_MAX;
+const size_t HANDSHAKE_LEN = sizeof(uint32_t);
 enum opcode_t
   op_DAT = 0,       // Pass data section along to upstream
@@ -729,16 +731,18 @@ chop_circuit_t::send_special(opcode_t f, struct evbuffer *payload)
   size_t blocksize;
   log_assert(d <= SECTION_LEN);
   chop_conn_t *conn = pick_connection(d, &blocksize);
+  size_t lo = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE + ((conn && !conn->sent_handshake)
+                                ? HANDSHAKE_LEN : 0);
-  if (!conn || (blocksize - MIN_BLOCK_SIZE < d)) {
+  if (!conn || (blocksize - lo < d)) {
     log_warn("no usable connection for special block "
              "(opcode %02x, need %lu bytes, have %lu)",
-             (unsigned int)f, (unsigned long)(d + MIN_BLOCK_SIZE),
+             (unsigned int)f, (unsigned long)(d + lo),
              (unsigned long)blocksize);
     return -1;
-  return send_targeted(conn, d, (blocksize - MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) - d, f, payload);
+  return send_targeted(conn, d, (blocksize - lo) - d, f, payload);
@@ -749,33 +753,47 @@ chop_circuit_t::send_targeted(chop_conn_t *conn)
     avail = SECTION_LEN;
   avail += MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  size_t room = conn->steg->transmit_room();
-  if (room < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-    log_warn(conn, "send() called without enough transmit room "
-             "(have %lu, need %lu)", (unsigned long)room,
-             (unsigned long)MIN_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    return -1;
+  // If we have any data to transmit, ensure we do not send a block
+  // that contains no data at all.
+  size_t lo = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE + (avail == MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ? 0 : 1);
+  // If this connection has not yet sent a handshake, it will need to.
+  size_t hi = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
+  if (!conn->sent_handshake) {
+    lo += HANDSHAKE_LEN;
+    hi += HANDSHAKE_LEN;
+    avail += HANDSHAKE_LEN;
-  log_debug(conn, "offers %lu bytes (%s)", (unsigned long)room,
-            conn->steg->cfg()->name());
-  if (room < avail)
-    avail = room;
+  size_t room = conn->steg->transmit_room(avail, lo, hi);
+  if (room == 0)
+    log_abort(conn, "must send but cannot send");
+  if (room < lo || room >= hi)
+    log_abort(conn, "steg size request (%lu) out of range [%lu, %lu]",
+              (unsigned long)room, (unsigned long)lo, (unsigned long)hi);
-  return send_targeted(conn, avail);
+  log_debug(conn, "requests %lu bytes (%s)", (unsigned long)room,
+            conn->steg->cfg()->name());
+  return send_targeted(conn, room);
 chop_circuit_t::send_targeted(chop_conn_t *conn, size_t blocksize)
-  log_assert(blocksize >= MIN_BLOCK_SIZE && blocksize <= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
+  size_t lo = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, hi = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
+  if (!conn->sent_handshake) {
+    lo += HANDSHAKE_LEN;
+    hi += HANDSHAKE_LEN;
+  }
+  log_assert(blocksize >= lo && blocksize <= hi);
   struct evbuffer *xmit_pending = bufferevent_get_input(up_buffer);
   size_t avail = evbuffer_get_length(xmit_pending);
   opcode_t op = op_DAT;
-  if (avail > blocksize - MIN_BLOCK_SIZE)
-    avail = blocksize - MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
+  if (avail > blocksize - lo)
+    avail = blocksize - lo;
   else if (avail > SECTION_LEN)
     avail = SECTION_LEN;
   else if (upstream_eof && !sent_fin)
@@ -783,7 +801,7 @@ chop_circuit_t::send_targeted(chop_conn_t *conn, size_t blocksize)
     // this direction; mark it as such
     op = op_FIN;
-  return send_targeted(conn, avail, (blocksize - MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) - avail,
+  return send_targeted(conn, avail, (blocksize - lo) - avail,
                        op, xmit_pending);
@@ -868,6 +886,10 @@ chop_circuit_t::pick_connection(size_t desired, size_t *blocksize)
   desired += MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
+  // If we have any data to transmit, ensure we do not send a block
+  // that contains no data at all.
+  size_t lo = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE + (desired == MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ? 0 : 1);
   log_debug(this, "target block size %lu bytes", (unsigned long)desired);
   // Find the best fit for the desired transmission from all the
@@ -880,18 +902,25 @@ chop_circuit_t::pick_connection(size_t desired, size_t *blocksize)
-    size_t room = conn->steg->transmit_room();
-    if (room <= MIN_BLOCK_SIZE)
-      room = 0;
+    size_t shake = conn->sent_handshake ? 0 : HANDSHAKE_LEN;
+    size_t room = conn->steg->transmit_room(desired + shake, lo + shake,
+                                            MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + shake);
+    if (room == 0) {
+      log_debug(conn, "offers 0 bytes (%s)",
+                conn->steg->cfg()->name());
+      continue;
+    }
-    if (room > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
-      room = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    if (room < lo + shake || room >= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + shake)
+      log_abort(conn, "steg size request (%lu) out of range [%lu, %lu]",
+                (unsigned long)room,
+                (unsigned long)(lo + shake),
+                (unsigned long)(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + shake));
     log_debug(conn, "offers %lu bytes (%s)", (unsigned long)room,
-    if (room >= desired) {
+    if (room >= desired + shake) {
       if (room < minabove) {
         minabove = room;
         targabove = conn;
@@ -915,7 +944,7 @@ chop_circuit_t::pick_connection(size_t desired, size_t *blocksize)
   // their initial values, so we'll return NULL and set blocksize to 0,
   // which callers know how to handle.
   if (targabove) {
-    *blocksize = desired;
+    *blocksize = minabove;
     return targabove;
   } else {
     *blocksize = maxbelow;
@@ -1086,7 +1115,7 @@ chop_conn_t::send(struct evbuffer *block)
                 upstream ? '+' : '-',
                 upstream ? upstream->circuit_id : 0);
     if (evbuffer_prepend(block, (void *)&upstream->circuit_id,
-                         sizeof(upstream->circuit_id))) {
+                         HANDSHAKE_LEN)) {
       log_warn(this, "failed to prepend handshake to first block");
       return -1;
@@ -1332,29 +1361,28 @@ chop_conn_t::send()
   } else {
     log_debug(this, "must send (no upstream)");
-    size_t room = steg->transmit_room();
-    if (room < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-      log_warn(this, "send() called without enough transmit room "
-               "(have %lu, need %lu)", (unsigned long)room,
-               (unsigned long)MIN_BLOCK_SIZE);
-      conn_do_flush(this);
-      return;
-    }
+    size_t room = steg->transmit_room(MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, MIN_BLOCK_SIZE,
+                                      MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
+    if (room < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || room >= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
+      log_abort(this, "steg size request (%lu) out of range [%lu, %lu]",
+                (unsigned long)room,
+                (unsigned long)MIN_BLOCK_SIZE,
+                (unsigned long)MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
     // Since we have no upstream, we can't encrypt anything; instead,
     // generate random bytes and feed them straight to steg_transmit.
     struct evbuffer *chaff = evbuffer_new();
     struct evbuffer_iovec v;
-    if (!chaff || evbuffer_reserve_space(chaff, MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, &v, 1) != 1 ||
-        v.iov_len < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+    if (!chaff || evbuffer_reserve_space(chaff, room, &v, 1) != 1 ||
+        v.iov_len < room) {
       log_warn(this, "memory allocation failed");
       if (chaff)
-    v.iov_len = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    rng_bytes((uint8_t *)v.iov_base, MIN_BLOCK_SIZE);
+    v.iov_len = room;
+    rng_bytes((uint8_t *)v.iov_base, room);
     if (evbuffer_commit_space(chaff, &v, 1)) {
       log_warn(this, "evbuffer_commit_space failed");
       if (chaff)
diff --git a/src/steg.h b/src/steg.h
index a044afb..ad6b829 100644
--- a/src/steg.h
+++ b/src/steg.h
@@ -52,11 +52,22 @@ struct steg_t
   /** Return the steg_config_t from which this steg_t was created. */
   virtual steg_config_t *cfg() = 0;
-  /** Report the maximum number of bytes that could be transmitted on
-      your connection at this time.  You must be prepared to handle a
-      subsequent request to transmit any _smaller_ number of bytes on
-      this connection.  */
-  virtual size_t transmit_room() = 0;
+  /** The protocol using this steg module would like to transmit PREF
+      bytes on your connection.  Return an adjusted number of bytes;
+      you may adjust down to indicate that you cannot transmit all of
+      the available data, or up to indicate that it should be padded.
+      Returning zero indicates that your connection cannot transmit at
+      all right now; if you do this, transmit() will not be called.
+      Returning any nonzero value indicates that you want to transmit
+      exactly that number of bytes.  The protocol may or may not call
+      transmit() after you return a nonzero value, but if it does, it
+      will provide the number of bytes you requested.
+      If you return a nonzero value, it MUST be greater than or equal
+      to MIN, and less than or equal to MAX.  PREF is guaranteed to be
+      in this range already.  */
+  virtual size_t transmit_room(size_t pref, size_t min, size_t max) = 0;
   /** Consume all of the data in SOURCE, disguise it, and write it to
       the outbound buffer for your connection. Return 0 on success, -1
@@ -94,32 +105,33 @@ steg_config_t *steg_new(const char *name, config_t *cfg);
 /* Macros for use in defining steg modules. */
-#define STEG_DEFINE_MODULE(mod)                                 \
-  /* new_ dispatchers */                                        \
-  static steg_config_t *mod##_new(config_t *cfg)                \
-  { return new mod##_steg_config_t(cfg); }                      \
-                                                                \
-  /* canned methods */                                          \
-  const char *mod##_steg_config_t::name() { return #mod; }      \
-                                                                \
-  /* module object */                                           \
-  extern const steg_module s_mod_##mod = {                      \
-    #mod, mod##_new                                             \
+#define STEG_DEFINE_MODULE(mod)                         \
+  /* new_ dispatchers */                                \
+  static steg_config_t *mod##_new(config_t *cfg)        \
+  { return new mod##_steg_config_t(cfg); }              \
+                                                        \
+  /* canned methods */                                  \
+  const char *mod##_steg_config_t::name()               \
+  { return #mod; }                                      \
+                                                        \
+  /* module object */                                   \
+  extern const steg_module s_mod_##mod = {              \
+    #mod, mod##_new                                     \
   } /* deliberate absence of semicolon */
-#define STEG_CONFIG_DECLARE_METHODS(mod)                        \
-  mod##_steg_config_t(config_t *cfg);                           \
-  virtual ~mod##_steg_config_t();                               \
-  virtual const char *name();                                   \
-  virtual steg_t *steg_create(conn_t *conn)                     \
+#define STEG_CONFIG_DECLARE_METHODS(mod)                \
+  mod##_steg_config_t(config_t *);                      \
+  virtual ~mod##_steg_config_t();                       \
+  virtual const char *name();                           \
+  virtual steg_t *steg_create(conn_t *)                 \
   /* deliberate absence of semicolon */
-#define STEG_DECLARE_METHODS(mod)                               \
-  virtual ~mod##_steg_t();                                      \
-  virtual steg_config_t *cfg();                                 \
-  virtual size_t transmit_room();                               \
-  virtual int transmit(struct evbuffer *source);                \
-  virtual int receive(struct evbuffer *dest)                    \
+#define STEG_DECLARE_METHODS(mod)                       \
+  virtual ~mod##_steg_t();                              \
+  virtual steg_config_t *cfg();                         \
+  virtual size_t transmit_room(size_t, size_t, size_t); \
+  virtual int transmit(struct evbuffer *);              \
+  virtual int receive(struct evbuffer *)                \
   /* deliberate absence of semicolon */
diff --git a/src/steg/embed.cc b/src/steg/embed.cc
index f24c210..d301620 100644
--- a/src/steg/embed.cc
+++ b/src/steg/embed.cc
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ embed_steg_t::cfg()
+embed_steg_t::transmit_room(size_t, size_t lo, size_t hi)
   if (is_finished() || !is_outgoing()) return 0;
@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ embed_steg_t::transmit_room()
   // 2 bytes for data length, 4 bytes for the index of a new trace
   size_t room = get_pkt_size() - 2;
   if (cur_pkt == 0) room -= 4;
+  if (room < lo) room = lo;
+  if (room > hi) room = hi;
   return room;
diff --git a/src/steg/http.cc b/src/steg/http.cc
index 77ea859..a4fd790 100644
--- a/src/steg/http.cc
+++ b/src/steg/http.cc
 #include "connections.h"
 #include "protocol.h"
 #include "steg.h"
+#include "rng.h"
 #include "payloads.h"
 #include "cookies.h"
 #include "swfSteg.h"
@@ -184,64 +186,59 @@ http_steg_t::cfg()
   return config;
+static size_t
+clamp(size_t val, size_t lo, size_t hi)
-  unsigned int mjc;
+  if (val < lo) return lo;
+  if (val > hi) return hi;
+  return val;
+http_steg_t::transmit_room(size_t pref, size_t lo, size_t hi)
   if (have_transmitted)
     /* can't send any more on this connection */
     return 0;
   if (config->is_clientside) {
-    return (MIN_COOKIE_SIZE + rand() % (MAX_COOKIE_SIZE - MIN_COOKIE_SIZE)) / 4;
+    // MIN_COOKIE_SIZE and MAX_COOKIE_SIZE are *after* base64'ing
+    if (lo < MIN_COOKIE_SIZE*3/4)
+      lo = MIN_COOKIE_SIZE*3/4;
+    if (hi > MAX_COOKIE_SIZE*3/4)
+      hi = MAX_COOKIE_SIZE*3/4;
   else {
     if (!have_received)
       return 0;
     switch (type) {
-      return 1024;
+      if (hi >= 1024)
+        hi = 1024;
+      break;
-      mjc = config->pl.max_JS_capacity / 2;
-      if (mjc > 1024) {
-        // it should be 1024 + ...., but seems like we need to be a little bit smaller (chopper bug?)
-        int rval = 512 + rand()%(mjc - 1024);
-        //	fprintf(stderr, "returning rval %d, mjc  %d\n", rval, mjc);
-        return rval;
-      }
-      log_warn("js capacity too small\n");
-      exit(-1);
+      if (hi >= config->pl.max_JS_capacity / 2)
+        hi = config->pl.max_JS_capacity / 2;
+      break;
-      mjc = config->pl.max_HTML_capacity / 2;
-      if (mjc > 1024) {
-        // it should be 1024 + ...., but seems like we need to be a little bit smaller (chopper bug?)
-        int rval = 512 + rand()%(mjc - 1024);
-        //	fprintf(stderr, "returning rval %d, mjc  %d\n", rval, mjc);
-        return rval;
-      }
-      log_warn("js capacity too small\n");
-      exit(-1);
+      if (hi >= config->pl.max_HTML_capacity / 2)
+        hi = config->pl.max_HTML_capacity / 2;
+      break;
-      // return 1024 + rand()%(get_max_PDF_capacity() - 1024)
-      return PDF_MIN_AVAIL_SIZE;
+      if (hi >= PDF_MIN_AVAIL_SIZE)
+        hi = PDF_MIN_AVAIL_SIZE;
+      break;
-    return SIZE_MAX;
+  log_assert(hi >= lo);
+  return clamp(pref + rng_range_geom(hi - lo, 8), lo, hi);
 lookup_peer_name_from_ip(const char* p_ip, char* p_name)  {
@@ -346,7 +343,7 @@ http_client_cookie_transmit (http_steg_t *s, struct evbuffer *source,
   // substitute / with _, + with ., = with - that maybe inserted anywhere in the middle 
   sanitize_b64(data2, len);
   cookie_len = gen_b64_cookie_field(cookiebuf, data2, len);
   cookiebuf[cookie_len] = 0;
@@ -356,7 +353,10 @@ http_client_cookie_transmit (http_steg_t *s, struct evbuffer *source,
     log_debug("cookie generation failed\n");
     return -1;
+  log_debug(conn, "cookie input %ld encoded %d final %d",
+            sbuflen, len, cookie_len);
+  log_debug(conn, "cookie encoded: %s", data2);
+  log_debug(conn, "cookie final: %s", cookiebuf);
   // add uri field
   rval = evbuffer_add(dest, buf, strstr(buf, "\r\n") - buf + 2);
@@ -657,28 +657,27 @@ http_server_receive(http_steg_t *s, conn_t *conn, struct evbuffer *dest, struct
     char *p;
     char *pend;
-    char outbuf[MAX_COOKIE_SIZE];
+    char outbuf[MAX_COOKIE_SIZE * 3/2];
     char outbuf2[MAX_COOKIE_SIZE];
     int sofar = 0;
     //int cookie_mode = 0;
     if (s2.pos == -1) {
-      log_debug("Did not find end of request %d", (int) evbuffer_get_length(source));
-      //      evbuffer_dump(source, stderr);
+      log_debug(conn, "Did not find end of request %d",
+                (int) evbuffer_get_length(source));
       return RECV_INCOMPLETE;
-    log_debug("SERVER received request header of length %d", (int)s2.pos);
+    log_debug(conn, "SERVER received request header of length %d", (int)s2.pos);
     data = (char*) evbuffer_pullup(source, s2.pos+4);
     if (data == NULL) {
-      log_debug("SERVER evbuffer_pullup fails");
+      log_debug(conn, "SERVER evbuffer_pullup fails");
       return RECV_BAD;
     data[s2.pos+3] = 0;
     type = find_uri_type((char *)data, s2.pos+4);
@@ -691,19 +690,14 @@ http_server_receive(http_steg_t *s, conn_t *conn, struct evbuffer *dest, struct
       p = data + sizeof "GET /" -1;
     pend = strstr(p, "\r\n");
-    if (pend == NULL || (pend - p > MAX_COOKIE_SIZE)) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "incorrect cookie recovery \n");
-      exit(-1);
-    }
+    log_assert(pend);
+    if (pend - p > MAX_COOKIE_SIZE * 3/2)
+      log_abort(conn, "cookie too big: %lu (max %lu)",
+                (unsigned long)(pend - p), (unsigned long)MAX_COOKIE_SIZE);
     bzero(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf));
     int cookielen = unwrap_b64_cookie((char*) p, (char*) outbuf, pend - p);
     desanitize_b64(outbuf, cookielen);
     outbuf[cookielen] = '\n';
     bzero(outbuf2, sizeof(outbuf2));
@@ -711,25 +705,19 @@ http_server_receive(http_steg_t *s, conn_t *conn, struct evbuffer *dest, struct
     base64::decoder D;
     sofar = D.decode(outbuf, cookielen+1, outbuf2);
+    if (sofar <= 0)
+      log_warn(conn, "base64 decode failed\n");
-    if (sofar <= 0) 
-      log_warn("decode failed\n"); 
-    if (sofar >= MAX_COOKIE_SIZE) {
-      log_warn("cookie buffer overflow????\n"); 
-       exit(-1);
-    }
+    if (sofar >= MAX_COOKIE_SIZE)
+      log_abort(conn, "cookie decode buffer overflow\n");
     if (evbuffer_add(dest, outbuf2, sofar)) {
-      log_debug("Failed to transfer buffer");
+      log_debug(conn, "Failed to transfer buffer");
       return RECV_BAD;
     evbuffer_drain(source, s2.pos + sizeof("\r\n\r\n") - 1);
   } while (evbuffer_get_length(source));
   s->have_received = 1;
   s->type = type;
@@ -737,16 +725,6 @@ http_server_receive(http_steg_t *s, conn_t *conn, struct evbuffer *dest, struct
   return RECV_GOOD;
 http_steg_t::receive(struct evbuffer *dest)
diff --git a/src/steg/nosteg.cc b/src/steg/nosteg.cc
index df80c89..328a1d6 100644
--- a/src/steg/nosteg.cc
+++ b/src/steg/nosteg.cc
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ nosteg_steg_t::cfg()
+nosteg_steg_t::transmit_room(size_t pref, size_t, size_t)
-  return SIZE_MAX;
+  return pref;
diff --git a/src/steg/nosteg_rr.cc b/src/steg/nosteg_rr.cc
index 8b316bb..adde6c8 100644
--- a/src/steg/nosteg_rr.cc
+++ b/src/steg/nosteg_rr.cc
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ nosteg_rr_steg_t::cfg()
+nosteg_rr_steg_t::transmit_room(size_t pref, size_t, size_t)
-  return can_transmit ? SIZE_MAX : 0;
+  return can_transmit ? pref : 0;

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