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[tor-commits] [translation/tor-messenger-authdtd] Update translations for tor-messenger-authdtd

commit a5e6de46df6791cfb2087dca41e8355399a0b291
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jul 23 20:19:27 2015 +0000

    Update translations for tor-messenger-authdtd
 el/auth.dtd    |    8 ++++----
 es_CO/auth.dtd |    2 +-
 hr_HR/auth.dtd |   42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 lv/auth.dtd    |   42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 pt_BR/auth.dtd |   14 +++++++-------
 te/auth.dtd    |    2 +-
 uk/auth.dtd    |   33 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 7 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/el/auth.dtd b/el/auth.dtd
index 8df5727..decd043 100644
--- a/el/auth.dtd
+++ b/el/auth.dtd
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 <!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verify contact's identity">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Verify">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Î?Ï?ιβεβαιÏ?Ï?Ï?ε ">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Help">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Yes">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.no "No">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Î?οήθεια">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Î?αι ">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.no "Î?Ï?ι">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.verified "I have verified that this is in fact the correct fingerprint.">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Your fingerprint">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Their purported fingerprint">
diff --git a/es_CO/auth.dtd b/es_CO/auth.dtd
index ec1777a..e3a9f58 100644
--- a/es_CO/auth.dtd
+++ b/es_CO/auth.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verify contact's identity">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verificar la identidad de los contactos">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Verificar">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Cancelar">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.help "Help">
diff --git a/hr_HR/auth.dtd b/hr_HR/auth.dtd
index 8df5727..6ae799b 100644
--- a/hr_HR/auth.dtd
+++ b/hr_HR/auth.dtd
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verify contact's identity">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Verify">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Help">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Yes">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.no "No">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "I have verified that this is in fact the correct fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Your fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Their purported fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "Manual fingerprint verification">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "Question and answer">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.sharedSecret "Shared secret">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "To verify the fingerprint, contact your buddy via some other authenticated channel, such as the telephone or GPG-signed email. Each of you should tell your fingerprint to the other. If everything matches up, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.choose "Choose">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.how "How would you like to verify your contact's identity?">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a question whose answer is known only to you and your contact. Enter this question and answer, then wait for your contact to enter the answer as well. If the answers do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a secret known only to you and your contact. Enter this secret, then wait for your contact to enter it as well. If the secrets do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.question "Enter question here:">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Enter secret answer here (case sensitive):">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secret "Enter secret here:">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.waiting "Waiting for contact ...">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verificiraj identitet kontakta">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Verificiraj">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Otkaži">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.help "PomoÄ?">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Da">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.no "Ne">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "Verificirao/la sam da je ovo toÄ?an otisak prsta.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Vaš otisak prsta">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Njihovi podržani otisci prstiju">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "RuÄ?na verifikacija otiska prsta">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "Pitanje i odgovor">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.sharedSecret "Dijeljena tajna">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "Kako bi verificirali otisak prsta, kontaktirajte svog prijatelja preko nekog drugog autenticiranog kanala, npr telefonom ili GPG-potpisanim email-om. Oboje bi trebali reÄ?i svoj otisak prsta jedno drugome. Ako je sve u redu, trebali bi indicirati u dijalogu niže da ste verificirali otisak prsta.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.choose "Odaberi">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.how "Kako bi htjeli verificirati identitet Vašeg kontakta?">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "Kako bi verificirali njihov identitet, odaberite pitanje na koje je odgovor poznat samo Vama i VaÅ¡em kontaktu. unesite ovo pitanje i odgovor, te zatim priÄ?ekajte da VaÅ¡ kontakt odgovori. Ako se odgovori ne podudaraju, možda komunicirate s varalicom.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "Kako bi verificirali njihov identitet, odaberite tajnu poznatu samo Vama i VaÅ¡em klijentu. Unesite ovu tajnu, te zatim priÄ?ekajte da ju i VaÅ¡ kontakt unese. Ako se tajne ne podudaraju, možda komunicirate s varalicom.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.question "Unesite pitanje ovdje:">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Unesit tajni odgovor ovdje (osjetljivo na velika i mala slova):">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secret "Unesite tajnu ovdje:">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.waiting "Ä?ekam kontakt...">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lv/auth.dtd b/lv/auth.dtd
index 8df5727..a751904 100644
--- a/lv/auth.dtd
+++ b/lv/auth.dtd
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verify contact's identity">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Verify">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Help">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Yes">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.no "No">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "I have verified that this is in fact the correct fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Your fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Their purported fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "Manual fingerprint verification">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "Question and answer">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.sharedSecret "Shared secret">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "To verify the fingerprint, contact your buddy via some other authenticated channel, such as the telephone or GPG-signed email. Each of you should tell your fingerprint to the other. If everything matches up, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.choose "Choose">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.how "How would you like to verify your contact's identity?">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a question whose answer is known only to you and your contact. Enter this question and answer, then wait for your contact to enter the answer as well. If the answers do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a secret known only to you and your contact. Enter this secret, then wait for your contact to enter it as well. If the secrets do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.question "Enter question here:">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Enter secret answer here (case sensitive):">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secret "Enter secret here:">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.waiting "Waiting for contact ...">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY authDialog.title "VerificÄ?t kontakta identitÄ?ti ">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "VerificÄ?t">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Atcelt">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Palīdzība">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yes "JÄ?">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.no "NÄ?">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "Esmu verificÄ?jis, ka Å¡Ä« ir pareizÄ? ciparvirkne.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "JÅ«su ciparvirkne">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "NorÄ?dÄ«tÄ? ciparvirkne">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "ManuÄ?la ciparvirknes verifikÄ?cija">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "JautÄ?jums un atbilde">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.sharedSecret "DalÄ«ts noslÄ?pums">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "Lai verificÄ?tu ciparvirkni, sazinieties ar savu kolÄ?Ä£i, izmantojot kÄ?du citu autentificÄ?tu kanÄ?lu, tÄ?du kÄ?, piemÄ?ram, tÄ?lrunis vai GPG-parakstÄ«ts e-pasts. Katram no Jums jÄ?pasaka otram sava ciparvirkne. Ja viss sakrÄ«t, Jums jÄ?norÄ?da zemÄ?k esoÅ¡ajÄ? dialoglodziÅ?Ä?, ka esat verificÄ?jis ciparvirkni.  ">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.choose "IzvÄ?lÄ?ties">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.how "KÄ? vÄ?laties verificÄ?t sava kontakta identitÄ?ti?">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "Lai identificÄ?tu identitÄ?ti, izvÄ?lieties jautÄ?jumu, kas zinÄ?ms vienÄ«gi Jums un JÅ«su kontaktam. Ierakstiet Å¡o jautÄ?jumu un atbildi, tad gaidiet kamÄ?r atbildi ieraksta JÅ«su kontakts. Ja atbildes nesakrÄ«t, tad, iespÄ?jams, JÅ«s sazinÄ?ties ar kÄ?du, kas uzdodas par citu. ">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "Lai identificÄ?tu identitÄ?ti, izvÄ?lieties noslÄ?pumu, kas zinÄ?ms vienÄ«gi Jums un JÅ«su kontaktam. Ierakstiet Å¡o noslÄ?pumu, tad gaidiet kamÄ?r to izdara JÅ«su kontakts. Ja noslÄ?pumi nesakrÄ«t, tad, iespÄ?jams, JÅ«s sazinÄ?ties ar kÄ?du, kas uzdodas par citu. ">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.question "Ierakstiet jautÄ?jumu te:">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Ierakstiet slepeno atbildi te (reģistrjutīgs):">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secret "Ierakstiet noslÄ?pumu te:">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.waiting "Gaida kontaktu:">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pt_BR/auth.dtd b/pt_BR/auth.dtd
index 831aa4b..aa46402 100644
--- a/pt_BR/auth.dtd
+++ b/pt_BR/auth.dtd
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
 <!ENTITY authDialog.help "Ajuda">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Sim">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.no "Não">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "I have verified that this is in fact the correct fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Your fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Their purported fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "Manual fingerprint verification">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "Eu verifiquei que é de fato a impressão digital correta .">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Sua impressão digital.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Sua suposta impressão digital.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "Verificação manual de impressão digital.">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "Pergunta e resposta">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.sharedSecret "Segredo compartilhado">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "To verify the fingerprint, contact your buddy via some other authenticated channel, such as the telephone or GPG-signed email. Each of you should tell your fingerprint to the other. If everything matches up, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "Para verificar a impressão digital, entre em contato com a pessoa através de outro canal autenticado, como um telefone ou mensagem de e-mail assinada com GPG. Cada pessoa deve informar sua impressão digital para a outra. Se tudo coincidir, você deve indicar no diálogo abaixo que verificou a impressão digital. ">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.choose "Escolher">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.how "Como você gostaria de verificar a identidade da pessoa do seu contato?">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a question whose answer is known only to you and your contact. Enter this question and answer, then wait for your contact to enter the answer as well. If the answers do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a secret known only to you and your contact. Enter this secret, then wait for your contact to enter it as well. If the secrets do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "Para verificar a identidade de seu contato, escolha uma pergunta cuja resposta seja conhecida apenas por você e pelo contato. Insira a pergunta e a resposta, então aguarde o seu contato colocar a resposta também. Se as respostas não coincidirem, então você pode estar falando com um impostor. ">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "Para verificar a identidade de seu contato, escolha um segredo que seja conhecido apenas por você e pelo contato. Insira o segredo, então aguarde o seu contato fazer o mesmo. Se os segredos não coincidirem, então você pode estar falando com um impostor. ">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.question "Insira a pergunta aqui:">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Insira a pergunta secreta aqui ">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.secret "Insira o segredo aqui:">
diff --git a/te/auth.dtd b/te/auth.dtd
index 8df5727..b3c3bc2 100644
--- a/te/auth.dtd
+++ b/te/auth.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verify contact's identity">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Verify">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Help">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.help "సహాయ�">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Yes">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.no "No">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.verified "I have verified that this is in fact the correct fingerprint.">
diff --git a/uk/auth.dtd b/uk/auth.dtd
index 53e59df..1d85719 100644
--- a/uk/auth.dtd
+++ b/uk/auth.dtd
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
-<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Verify contact's identity">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.title "Ð?еÑ?евка Ñ?денÑ?иÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?Ñ? конÑ?акÑ?Ñ?">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.authenticate "Ð?еÑ?евÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Help">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.cancel "Ð?Ñ?дмÑ?на">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.help "Ð?опомога">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.yes "Так">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.no "Ð?Ñ?">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "I have verified that this is in fact the correct fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Your fingerprint">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.verified "Я пеÑ?евÑ?Ñ?ив, Ñ?о Ñ?е пÑ?авилÑ?ний вÑ?дбиÑ?ок палÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.yourFingerprint "Ð?аÑ?Ñ? вÑ?дбиÑ?ки палÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.theirFingerprint "Their purported fingerprint">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "Manual fingerprint verification">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "Question and answer">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualVerification "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?бник по пеÑ?евÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?еÑ?ез вÑ?дбиÑ?ки палÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.questionAndAnswer "Ð?иÑ?аннÑ? Ñ?а вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ?">
 <!ENTITY authDialog.sharedSecret "Shared secret">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "To verify the fingerprint, contact your buddy via some other authenticated channel, such as the telephone or GPG-signed email. Each of you should tell your fingerprint to the other. If everything matches up, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.choose "Choose">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.how "How would you like to verify your contact's identity?">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a question whose answer is known only to you and your contact. Enter this question and answer, then wait for your contact to enter the answer as well. If the answers do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "To verify their identity, pick a secret known only to you and your contact. Enter this secret, then wait for your contact to enter it as well. If the secrets do not match, then you may be talking to an imposter.">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.question "Enter question here:">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Enter secret answer here (case sensitive):">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.secret "Enter secret here:">
-<!ENTITY authDialog.waiting "Waiting for contact ...">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY authDialog.manualInstruction "Щоб пÑ?дÑ?веÑ?диÑ?и Ñ?воÑ? вÑ?дбиÑ?ки, зв'Ñ?жÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? з ваÑ?им пÑ?иÑ?Ñ?елем  за допомогоÑ? Ñ?нÑ?ого пеÑ?евÑ?Ñ?еного каналÑ?, напÑ?иклад, по Ñ?елеÑ?онÑ? або за допомогоÑ? GPG-заÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ованого елекÑ?Ñ?онного лиÑ?Ñ?а.
+Ð?ожен з ваÑ? повинен Ñ?озповÑ?Ñ?Ñ?и пÑ?о Ñ?воÑ? вÑ?дбиÑ?ки Ñ?нÑ?омÑ?. ЯкÑ?о вÑ?е збÑ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, ви повиннÑ? вказаÑ?и в дÑ?алоговомÑ? вÑ?кнÑ? нижÑ?е, Ñ?о ви пеÑ?евÑ?Ñ?или вÑ?дбиÑ?ки палÑ?Ñ?Ñ?в.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.choose "Ð?ибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.how "Як би ви Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?ли заÑ?вÑ?дÑ?иÑ?и ваÑ?Ñ? оÑ?обÑ??">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.qaInstruction "Щоб пеÑ?евÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и Ñ?воÑ? оÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пиÑ?аннÑ?, вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ? на Ñ?ке вÑ?доме Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?ки вам Ñ? ваÑ?омÑ? конÑ?акÑ?Ñ?. Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?е пиÑ?аннÑ? Ñ? вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ?, а поÑ?Ñ?м заÑ?екайÑ?е поки ваÑ? конÑ?акÑ? вÑ?дповÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?. ЯкÑ?о вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ? не збÑ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, Ñ?о ви, Ñ?коÑ?Ñ?Ñ? за вÑ?е Ñ?озмовлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е з Ñ?амозванÑ?ем.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secretInstruction "Щоб пеÑ?евÑ?Ñ?иÑ?и Ñ?воÑ? оÑ?обиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, вибеÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пиÑ?аннÑ?, вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ? на Ñ?ке вÑ?доме Ñ?Ñ?лÑ?ки вам Ñ? ваÑ?омÑ? конÑ?акÑ?Ñ?. Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ?, а поÑ?Ñ?м заÑ?екайÑ?е поки ваÑ? конÑ?акÑ? вÑ?дповÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?. ЯкÑ?о вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ? не збÑ?гаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, Ñ?о ви, Ñ?коÑ?Ñ?Ñ? за вÑ?е Ñ?озмовлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е з Ñ?амозванÑ?ем.">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.question "Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пиÑ?аннÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?:">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.answer "Ð?ведÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?екÑ?еÑ?нÑ? вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? (з Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ваннÑ?м Ñ?егÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?):">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.secret "введÑ?Ñ?Ñ? вÑ?дповÑ?дÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?:">
+<!ENTITY authDialog.waiting "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?кÑ?ваннÑ? конÑ?акÑ?Ñ? ...">
\ No newline at end of file

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