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[tor-commits] [chutney/master] Add more information about chutney_tests to the README

commit e20712c7411e765364943ff64cd02ae9ce74d35e
Author: teor (Tim Wilson-Brown) <teor2345@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jul 2 19:50:16 2016 +1000

    Add more information about chutney_tests to the README
    You can replace the standard chutney tests with custom scripts.
    But you probably shouldn't.
 README | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README b/README
index d11da52..7b73157 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -74,3 +74,12 @@ Test scripts:
   The test scripts are stored in the "scripts/chutney_tests" directory. These
   Python files must define a "run_test(network)" function. Files starting with
   an underscore ("_") are ignored.
+  Test scripts can be run using the following syntax:
+  ./chutney <script-name> networks/<network-name>
+  The chutney verify command is implemented using a test script.
+  Test scripts in the test directory with the same name as standard commands
+  are run instead of that standard command. This allows expert users to replace
+  the standard chutney commands with modified versions.

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