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[or-cvs] r15380: Statistics functions and classes formerly in metatroller.py, (torflow/branches/gsoc2008)

Author: fallon
Date: 2008-06-20 18:42:04 -0400 (Fri, 20 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 15380

Statistics functions and classes formerly in metatroller.py, now reside here.  

Added: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/StatsSupport.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/StatsSupport.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/StatsSupport.py	2008-06-20 22:42:04 UTC (rev 15380)
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+#StatsSupport.py - functions and classes useful for calculating stream/circuit statistics
+import sys
+import re
+import random
+import copy
+import time
+import math
+from TorCtl import TorUtil, PathSupport, TorCtl
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import *
+from TorCtl.PathSupport import *
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import meta_port, meta_host, control_port, control_host
+class ReasonRouterList:
+  "Helper class to track which Routers have failed for a given reason"
+  def __init__(self, reason):
+    self.reason = reason
+    self.rlist = {}
+  def sort_list(self): raise NotImplemented()
+  def write_list(self, f):
+    "Write the list of failure counts for this reason 'f'"
+    rlist = self.sort_list()
+    for r in rlist:
+      susp = 0
+      tot_failed = r.circ_failed+r.strm_failed
+      tot_susp = tot_failed+r.circ_suspected+r.strm_suspected
+      f.write(r.idhex+" ("+r.nickname+") F=")
+      if self.reason in r.reason_failed:
+        susp = r.reason_failed[self.reason]
+      f.write(str(susp)+"/"+str(tot_failed))
+      f.write(" S=")
+      if self.reason in r.reason_suspected:
+        susp += r.reason_suspected[self.reason]
+      f.write(str(susp)+"/"+str(tot_susp)+"\n")
+  def add_r(self, r):
+    "Add a router to the list for this reason"
+    self.rlist[r] = 1
+  def total_suspected(self):
+    "Get a list of total suspected failures for this reason"
+    # suspected is disjoint from failed. The failed table
+    # may not have an entry
+    def notlambda(x, y):
+      if self.reason in y.reason_suspected:
+        if self.reason in y.reason_failed:
+          return (x + y.reason_suspected[self.reason]
+               + y.reason_failed[self.reason])
+        else:
+          return (x + y.reason_suspected[self.reason])
+      else:
+        if self.reason in y.reason_failed:
+          return (x + y.reason_failed[self.reason])
+        else: return x
+    return reduce(notlambda, self.rlist.iterkeys(), 0)
+  def total_failed(self):
+    "Get a list of total failures for this reason"
+    def notlambda(x, y):
+      if self.reason in y.reason_failed:
+        return (x + y.reason_failed[self.reason])
+      else: return x
+    return reduce(notlambda, self.rlist.iterkeys(), 0)
+class SuspectRouterList(ReasonRouterList):
+  """Helper class to track all routers suspected of failing for a given
+     reason. The main difference between this and the normal
+     ReasonRouterList is the sort order and the verification."""
+  def __init__(self, reason): ReasonRouterList.__init__(self,reason)
+  def sort_list(self):
+    rlist = self.rlist.keys()
+    rlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.reason_suspected[self.reason],
+                  x.reason_suspected[self.reason]))
+    return rlist
+  def _verify_suspected(self):
+    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.reason_suspected[self.reason],
+            self.rlist.iterkeys(), 0)
+class FailedRouterList(ReasonRouterList):
+  """Helper class to track all routers that failed for a given
+     reason. The main difference between this and the normal
+     ReasonRouterList is the sort order and the verification."""
+  def __init__(self, reason): ReasonRouterList.__init__(self,reason)
+  def sort_list(self):
+    rlist = self.rlist.keys()
+    rlist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.reason_failed[self.reason],
+                  x.reason_failed[self.reason]))
+    return rlist
+  def _verify_failed(self):
+    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.reason_failed[self.reason],
+            self.rlist.iterkeys(), 0)
+class BandwidthStats:
+  "Class that manages observed bandwidth through a Router"
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.byte_list = []
+    self.duration_list = []
+    self.min_bw = 1e10
+    self.max_bw = 0
+    self.mean = 0
+    self.dev = 0
+  def _exp(self): # Weighted avg
+    "Expectation - weighted average of the bandwidth through this node"
+    tot_bw = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, self.byte_list, 0.0)
+    EX = 0.0
+    for i in xrange(len(self.byte_list)):
+      EX += (self.byte_list[i]*self.byte_list[i])/self.duration_list[i]
+    if tot_bw == 0.0: return 0.0
+    EX /= tot_bw
+    return EX
+  def _exp2(self): # E[X^2]
+    "Second moment of the bandwidth"
+    tot_bw = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, self.byte_list, 0.0)
+    EX = 0.0
+    for i in xrange(len(self.byte_list)):
+      EX += (self.byte_list[i]**3)/(self.duration_list[i]**2)
+    if tot_bw == 0.0: return 0.0
+    EX /= tot_bw
+    return EX
+  def _dev(self): # Weighted dev
+    "Standard deviation of bandwidth"
+    EX = self.mean
+    EX2 = self._exp2()
+    arg = EX2 - (EX*EX)
+    if arg < -0.05:
+      plog("WARN", "Diff of "+str(EX2)+" and "+str(EX)+"^2 is "+str(arg))
+    return math.sqrt(abs(arg))
+  def add_bw(self, bytes, duration):
+    "Add an observed transfer of 'bytes' for 'duration' seconds"
+    if not bytes: plog("WARN", "No bytes for bandwidth")
+    bytes /= 1024.
+    self.byte_list.append(bytes)
+    self.duration_list.append(duration)
+    bw = bytes/duration
+    plog("DEBUG", "Got bandwidth "+str(bw))
+    if self.min_bw > bw: self.min_bw = bw
+    if self.max_bw < bw: self.max_bw = bw
+    self.mean = self._exp()
+    self.dev = self._dev()
+class StatsRouter(TorCtl.Router):
+  "Extended Router to handle statistics markup"
+  def __init__(self, router): # Promotion constructor :)
+    """'Promotion Constructor' that converts a Router directly into a 
+    StatsRouter without a copy."""
+    self.__dict__ = router.__dict__
+    self.reset()
+  def reset(self):
+    "Reset all stats on this Router"
+    self.circ_uncounted = 0
+    self.circ_failed = 0
+    self.circ_succeeded = 0 # disjoint from failed
+    self.circ_suspected = 0
+    self.circ_chosen = 0 # above 4 should add to this
+    self.strm_failed = 0 # Only exits should have these
+    self.strm_succeeded = 0
+    self.strm_suspected = 0 # disjoint from failed
+    self.strm_uncounted = 0
+    self.strm_chosen = 0 # above 4 should add to this
+    self.reason_suspected = {}
+    self.reason_failed = {}
+    self.first_seen = time.time()
+    if "Running" in self.flags:
+      self.became_active_at = self.first_seen
+      self.hibernated_at = 0
+    else:
+      self.became_active_at = 0
+      self.hibernated_at = self.first_seen
+    self.total_hibernation_time = 0
+    self.total_active_uptime = 0
+    self.total_extend_time = 0
+    self.total_extended = 0
+    self.bwstats = BandwidthStats()
+    self.z_ratio = 0
+    self.prob_zr = 0
+    self.z_bw = 0
+    self.prob_zb = 0
+  def avg_extend_time(self):
+    """Return the average amount of time it took for this router
+     to extend a circuit one hop"""
+    if self.total_extended:
+      return self.total_extend_time/self.total_extended
+    else: return 0
+  def bw_ratio(self):
+    """Return the ratio of the Router's advertised bandwidth to its 
+     observed average stream bandwidth"""
+    bw = self.bwstats.mean
+    if bw == 0.0: return 0
+    else: return self.bw/(1024.*bw)
+  def current_uptime(self):
+    if self.became_active_at:
+      ret = (self.total_active_uptime+(time.time()-self.became_active_at))
+    else:
+      ret = self.total_active_uptime
+    if ret == 0: return 0.000005 # eh..
+    else: return ret
+  def failed_per_hour(self):
+    """Return the number of circuit extend failures per hour for this 
+     Router"""
+    return (3600.*(self.circ_failed+self.strm_failed))/self.current_uptime()
+  # XXX: Seperate suspected from failed in totals 
+  def suspected_per_hour(self):
+    """Return the number of circuits that failed with this router as an
+     earlier hop"""
+    return (3600.*(self.circ_suspected+self.strm_suspected
+          +self.circ_failed+self.strm_failed))/self.current_uptime()
+  # These four are for sanity checking
+  def _suspected_per_hour(self):
+    return (3600.*(self.circ_suspected+self.strm_suspected))/self.current_uptime()
+  def _uncounted_per_hour(self):
+    return (3600.*(self.circ_uncounted+self.strm_uncounted))/self.current_uptime()
+  def _chosen_per_hour(self):
+    return (3600.*(self.circ_chosen+self.strm_chosen))/self.current_uptime()
+  def _succeeded_per_hour(self):
+    return (3600.*(self.circ_succeeded+self.strm_succeeded))/self.current_uptime()
+  key = """Metatroller Statistics:
+  CC=Circuits Chosen   CF=Circuits Failed     CS=Circuit Suspected
+  SC=Streams Chosen    SF=Streams Failed      SS=Streams Suspected
+  FH=Failed per Hour   SH=Suspected per Hour  ET=avg circuit Extend Time (s)
+  EB=mean BW (K)       BD=BW std Dev (K)      BR=Ratio of observed to avg BW
+  ZB=BW z-test value   PB=Probability(z-bw)   ZR=Ratio z-test value
+  PR=Prob(z-ratio)     U=Uptime (h)\n"""
+  def __str__(self):
+    return (self.idhex+" ("+self.nickname+")\n"
+    +"   CC="+str(self.circ_chosen)
+      +" CF="+str(self.circ_failed)
+      +" CS="+str(self.circ_suspected+self.circ_failed)
+      +" SC="+str(self.strm_chosen)
+      +" SF="+str(self.strm_failed)
+      +" SS="+str(self.strm_suspected+self.strm_failed)
+      +" FH="+str(round(self.failed_per_hour(),1))
+      +" SH="+str(round(self.suspected_per_hour(),1))+"\n"
+    +"   ET="+str(round(self.avg_extend_time(),1))
+      +" EB="+str(round(self.bwstats.mean,1))
+      +" BD="+str(round(self.bwstats.dev,1))
+      +" ZB="+str(round(self.z_bw,1))
+      +" PB="+(str(round(self.prob_zb,3))[1:])
+      +" BR="+str(round(self.bw_ratio(),1))
+      +" ZR="+str(round(self.z_ratio,1))
+      +" PR="+(str(round(self.prob_zr,3))[1:])
+      +" U="+str(round(self.current_uptime()/3600, 1))+"\n")
+  def sanity_check(self):
+    "Makes sure all stats are self-consistent"
+    if (self.circ_failed + self.circ_succeeded + self.circ_suspected
+      + self.circ_uncounted != self.circ_chosen):
+      plog("ERROR", self.nickname+" does not add up for circs")
+    if (self.strm_failed + self.strm_succeeded + self.strm_suspected
+      + self.strm_uncounted != self.strm_chosen):
+      plog("ERROR", self.nickname+" does not add up for streams")
+    def check_reasons(reasons, expected, which, rtype):
+      count = 0
+      for rs in reasons.iterkeys():
+        if re.search(r"^"+which, rs): count += reasons[rs]
+      if count != expected:
+        plog("ERROR", "Mismatch "+which+" "+rtype+" for "+self.nickname)
+    check_reasons(self.reason_suspected,self.strm_suspected,"STREAM","susp")
+    check_reasons(self.reason_suspected,self.circ_suspected,"CIRC","susp")
+    check_reasons(self.reason_failed,self.strm_failed,"STREAM","failed")
+    check_reasons(self.reason_failed,self.circ_failed,"CIRC","failed")
+    now = time.time()
+    tot_hib_time = self.total_hibernation_time
+    tot_uptime = self.total_active_uptime
+    if self.hibernated_at: tot_hib_time += now - self.hibernated_at
+    if self.became_active_at: tot_uptime += now - self.became_active_at
+    if round(tot_hib_time+tot_uptime) != round(now-self.first_seen):
+      plog("ERROR", "Mismatch of uptimes for "+self.nickname)
+    per_hour_tot = round(self._uncounted_per_hour()+self.failed_per_hour()+
+         self._suspected_per_hour()+self._succeeded_per_hour(), 2)
+    chosen_tot = round(self._chosen_per_hour(), 2)
+    if per_hour_tot != chosen_tot:
+      plog("ERROR", self.nickname+" has mismatch of per hour counts: "
+                    +str(per_hour_tot) +" vs "+str(chosen_tot))
+class StatsHandler(PathSupport.PathBuilder):
+  """An extension of PathSupport.PathBuilder that keeps track of 
+     router statistics for every circuit and stream"""
+  def __init__(self, c, slmgr):
+    PathBuilder.__init__(self, c, slmgr, StatsRouter)
+    self.circ_count = 0
+    self.strm_count = 0
+    self.strm_failed = 0
+    self.circ_failed = 0
+    self.failed_reasons = {}
+    self.suspect_reasons = {}
+  def run_zbtest(self): # Unweighted z-test
+    """Run unweighted z-test to calculate the probabilities of a node
+       having a given stream bandwidth based on the Normal distribution"""
+    n = reduce(lambda x, y: x+(y.bwstats.mean > 0), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    if n == 0: return (0, 0)
+    avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.bwstats.mean, self.sorted_r, 0)/float(n)
+    def notlambda(x, y):
+      if y.bwstats.mean <= 0: return x+0
+      else: return x+(y.bwstats.mean-avg)*(y.bwstats.mean-avg)
+    stddev = math.sqrt(reduce(notlambda, self.sorted_r, 0)/float(n))
+    if not stddev: return (avg, stddev)
+    for r in self.sorted_r:
+      if r.bwstats.mean > 0:
+        r.z_bw = abs((r.bwstats.mean-avg)/stddev)
+        r.prob_zb = TorUtil.zprob(-r.z_bw)
+    return (avg, stddev)
+  def run_zrtest(self): # Unweighted z-test
+    """Run unweighted z-test to calculate the probabilities of a node
+       having a given ratio of stream bandwidth to advertised bandwidth
+       based on the Normal distribution"""
+    n = reduce(lambda x, y: x+(y.bw_ratio() > 0), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    if n == 0: return (0, 0)
+    avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.bw_ratio(), self.sorted_r, 0)/float(n)
+    def notlambda(x, y):
+      if y.bw_ratio() <= 0: return x+0
+      else: return x+(y.bw_ratio()-avg)*(y.bw_ratio()-avg)
+    stddev = math.sqrt(reduce(notlambda, self.sorted_r, 0)/float(n))
+    if not stddev: return (avg, stddev)
+    for r in self.sorted_r:
+      if r.bw_ratio() > 0:
+        r.z_ratio = abs((r.bw_ratio()-avg)/stddev)
+        r.prob_zr = TorUtil.zprob(-r.z_ratio)
+    return (avg, stddev)
+  def write_reasons(self, f, reasons, name):
+    "Write out all the failure reasons and statistics for all Routers"
+    f.write("\n\n\t----------------- "+name+" -----------------\n")
+    for rsn in reasons:
+      f.write("\n"+rsn.reason+". Failed: "+str(rsn.total_failed())
+          +", Suspected: "+str(rsn.total_suspected())+"\n")
+      rsn.write_list(f)
+  def write_routers(self, f, rlist, name):
+    "Write out all the usage statistics for all Routers"
+    f.write("\n\n\t----------------- "+name+" -----------------\n\n")
+    for r in rlist:
+      # only print it if we've used it.
+      if r.circ_chosen+r.strm_chosen > 0: f.write(str(r))
+  def write_stats(self, filename):
+    "Write out all the statistics the StatsHandler has gathered"
+    # TODO: all this shit should be configurable. Some of it only makes
+    # sense when scanning in certain modes.
+    plog("DEBUG", "Writing stats")
+    # Sanity check routers
+    for r in self.sorted_r: r.sanity_check()
+    # Sanity check the router reason lists.
+    for r in self.sorted_r:
+      for rsn in r.reason_failed:
+        if r not in self.failed_reasons[rsn].rlist:
+          plog("ERROR", "Router missing from reason table")
+      for rsn in r.reason_suspected:
+        if r not in self.suspect_reasons[rsn].rlist:
+          plog("ERROR", "Router missing from reason table")
+    # Sanity check the lists the other way
+    for rsn in self.failed_reasons.itervalues(): rsn._verify_failed()
+    for rsn in self.suspect_reasons.itervalues(): rsn._verify_suspected()
+    f = file(filename, "w")
+    f.write(StatsRouter.key)
+    (avg, dev) = self.run_zbtest()
+    f.write("\n\nBW stats: u="+str(round(avg,1))+" s="+str(round(dev,1))+"\n")
+    (avg, dev) = self.run_zrtest()
+    f.write("BW ratio stats: u="+str(round(avg,1))+" s="+str(round(dev,1))+"\n")
+    # Circ, strm infoz
+    f.write("Circ failure ratio: "+str(self.circ_failed)
+            +"/"+str(self.circ_count)+"\n")
+    f.write("Stream failure ratio: "+str(self.strm_failed)
+            +"/"+str(self.strm_count)+"\n")
+    # Extend times 
+    n = 0.01+reduce(lambda x, y: x+(y.avg_extend_time() > 0), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    avg_extend = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.avg_extend_time(), self.sorted_r, 0)/n
+    def notlambda(x, y):
+      return x+(y.avg_extend_time()-avg_extend)*(y.avg_extend_time()-avg_extend) 
+    dev_extend = math.sqrt(reduce(notlambda, self.sorted_r, 0)/float(n))
+    f.write("Extend time: u="+str(round(avg_extend,1))
+             +" s="+str(round(dev_extend,1)))
+    # sort+print by bandwidth
+    bw_rate = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
+    bw_rate.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.bw_ratio(), x.bw_ratio()))
+    self.write_routers(f, bw_rate, "Bandwidth Ratios")
+    failed = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
+    failed.sort(lambda x, y:
+          cmp(y.circ_failed+y.strm_failed,
+            x.circ_failed+x.strm_failed))
+    self.write_routers(f, failed, "Failed Counts")
+    suspected = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
+    suspected.sort(lambda x, y: # Suspected includes failed
+       cmp(y.circ_failed+y.strm_failed+y.circ_suspected+y.strm_suspected,
+         x.circ_failed+x.strm_failed+x.circ_suspected+x.strm_suspected))
+    self.write_routers(f, suspected, "Suspected Counts")
+    fail_rate = copy.copy(failed)
+    fail_rate.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.failed_per_hour(), x.failed_per_hour()))
+    self.write_routers(f, fail_rate, "Fail Rates")
+    suspect_rate = copy.copy(suspected)
+    suspect_rate.sort(lambda x, y:
+       cmp(y.suspected_per_hour(), x.suspected_per_hour()))
+    self.write_routers(f, suspect_rate, "Suspect Rates")
+    # TODO: Sort by failed/selected and suspect/selected ratios
+    # if we ever want to do non-uniform scanning..
+    # FIXME: Add failed in here somehow..
+    susp_reasons = self.suspect_reasons.values()
+    susp_reasons.sort(lambda x, y:
+       cmp(y.total_suspected(), x.total_suspected()))
+    self.write_reasons(f, susp_reasons, "Suspect Reasons")
+    fail_reasons = self.failed_reasons.values()
+    fail_reasons.sort(lambda x, y:
+       cmp(y.total_failed(), x.total_failed()))
+    self.write_reasons(f, fail_reasons, "Failed Reasons")
+    f.close()
+    # FIXME: sort+print by circ extend time
+  def reset_stats(self):
+    plog("DEBUG", "Resetting stats")
+    self.circ_count = 0
+    self.strm_count = 0
+    self.strm_failed = 0
+    self.circ_failed = 0
+    self.suspect_reasons.clear()
+    self.failed_reasons.clear()
+    for r in self.sorted_r: r.reset()
+  def circ_status_event(self, c):
+    if c.circ_id in self.circuits:
+      # TODO: Hrmm, consider making this sane in TorCtl.
+      if c.reason: lreason = c.reason
+      else: lreason = "NONE"
+      if c.remote_reason: rreason = c.remote_reason
+      else: rreason = "NONE"
+      reason = c.event_name+":"+c.status+":"+lreason+":"+rreason
+      if c.status == "LAUNCHED":
+        # Update circ_chosen count
+        self.circ_count += 1
+      elif c.status == "EXTENDED":
+        delta = c.arrived_at - self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at
+        r_ext = c.path[-1]
+        if r_ext[0] != '$': r_ext = self.name_to_key[r_ext]
+        self.routers[r_ext[1:]].total_extend_time += delta
+        self.routers[r_ext[1:]].total_extended += 1
+      elif c.status == "FAILED":
+        for r in self.circuits[c.circ_id].path: r.circ_chosen += 1
+        if len(c.path)-1 < 0: start_f = 0
+        else: start_f = len(c.path)-1 
+        # Count failed
+        self.circ_failed += 1
+        # XXX: Differentiate between extender and extendee
+        for r in self.circuits[c.circ_id].path[start_f:len(c.path)+1]:
+          r.circ_failed += 1
+          if not reason in r.reason_failed:
+            r.reason_failed[reason] = 1
+          else: r.reason_failed[reason]+=1
+          if reason not in self.failed_reasons:
+             self.failed_reasons[reason] = FailedRouterList(reason)
+          self.failed_reasons[reason].add_r(r)
+        for r in self.circuits[c.circ_id].path[len(c.path)+1:]:
+          r.circ_uncounted += 1
+        # Don't count if failed was set this round, don't set 
+        # suspected..
+        for r in self.circuits[c.circ_id].path[:start_f]:
+          r.circ_suspected += 1
+          if not reason in r.reason_suspected:
+            r.reason_suspected[reason] = 1
+          else: r.reason_suspected[reason]+=1
+          if reason not in self.suspect_reasons:
+             self.suspect_reasons[reason] = SuspectRouterList(reason)
+          self.suspect_reasons[reason].add_r(r)
+      elif c.status == "CLOSED":
+        # Since PathBuilder deletes the circuit on a failed, 
+        # we only get this for a clean close
+        for r in self.circuits[c.circ_id].path:
+          r.circ_chosen += 1
+          if lreason in ("REQUESTED", "FINISHED", "ORIGIN"):
+            r.circ_succeeded += 1
+          else:
+            if not reason in r.reason_suspected:
+              r.reason_suspected[reason] = 1
+            else: r.reason_suspected[reason] += 1
+            r.circ_suspected+= 1
+            if reason not in self.suspect_reasons:
+              self.suspect_reasons[reason] = SuspectRouterList(reason)
+            self.suspect_reasons[reason].add_r(r)
+    PathBuilder.circ_status_event(self, c)
+  def count_stream_reason_failed(self, s, reason):
+    "Count the routers involved in a failure"
+    # Update failed count,reason_failed for exit
+    r = self.circuits[s.circ_id].exit
+    if not reason in r.reason_failed: r.reason_failed[reason] = 1
+    else: r.reason_failed[reason]+=1
+    r.strm_failed += 1
+    if reason not in self.failed_reasons:
+      self.failed_reasons[reason] = FailedRouterList(reason)
+    self.failed_reasons[reason].add_r(r)
+  def count_stream_suspects(self, s, lreason, reason):
+    "Count the routers 'suspected' of being involved in a failure"
+    if lreason in ("TIMEOUT", "INTERNAL", "TORPROTOCOL" "DESTROY"):
+      for r in self.circuits[s.circ_id].path[:-1]:
+        r.strm_suspected += 1
+        if not reason in r.reason_suspected:
+          r.reason_suspected[reason] = 1
+        else: r.reason_suspected[reason]+=1
+        if reason not in self.suspect_reasons:
+          self.suspect_reasons[reason] = SuspectRouterList(reason)
+        self.suspect_reasons[reason].add_r(r)
+    else:
+      for r in self.circuits[s.circ_id].path[:-1]:
+        r.strm_uncounted += 1
+  def stream_status_event(self, s):
+    if s.strm_id in self.streams and not self.streams[s.strm_id].ignored:
+      # TODO: Hrmm, consider making this sane in TorCtl.
+      if s.reason: lreason = s.reason
+      else: lreason = "NONE"
+      if s.remote_reason: rreason = s.remote_reason
+      else: rreason = "NONE"
+      reason = s.event_name+":"+s.status+":"+lreason+":"+rreason+":"+self.streams[s.strm_id].kind
+      if (s.status in ("DETACHED", "FAILED", "CLOSED", "SUCCEEDED")
+          and not s.circ_id):
+        # XXX: REMAPs can do this (normal). Also REASON=DESTROY (bug?)
+        # Also timeouts.. Those should use the pending circ instead
+        # of returning..
+        plog("WARN", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detached from no circuit!")
+        PathBuilder.stream_status_event(self, s)
+        return
+      # Verify circ id matches stream.circ
+      if s.status not in ("NEW", "NEWRESOLVE", "REMAP"):
+        circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].circ
+        if not circ: circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ
+        if circ and circ.circ_id != s.circ_id:
+          plog("WARN", str(s.strm_id) + " has mismatch of "
+                +str(s.circ_id)+" v "+str(circ.circ_id))
+        if s.circ_id and s.circ_id not in self.circuits:
+          plog("NOTICE", "Unknown circuit "+str(s.circ_id)
+                +" for stream "+str(s.strm_id))
+          return
+      if s.status == "DETACHED":
+        if self.streams[s.strm_id].attached_at:
+          plog("WARN", str(s.strm_id)+" detached after succeeded")
+        # Update strm_chosen count
+        self.strm_count += 1
+        for r in self.circuits[s.circ_id].path: r.strm_chosen += 1
+        self.strm_failed += 1
+        self.count_stream_suspects(s, lreason, reason)
+        self.count_stream_reason_failed(s, reason)
+      elif s.status == "FAILED":
+        # HACK. We get both failed and closed for the same stream,
+        # with different reasons. Might as well record both, since they 
+        # often differ.
+        self.streams[s.strm_id].failed_reason = reason
+      elif s.status == "CLOSED":
+        # Always get both a closed and a failed.. 
+        #   - Check if the circuit exists still
+        # Update strm_chosen count
+        self.strm_count += 1
+        for r in self.circuits[s.circ_id].path: r.strm_chosen += 1
+        # Update bw stats. XXX: Don't do this for resolve streams
+        if self.streams[s.strm_id].attached_at:
+          lifespan = self.streams[s.strm_id].lifespan(s.arrived_at)
+          for r in self.streams[s.strm_id].circ.path:
+            r.bwstats.add_bw(self.streams[s.strm_id].bytes_written+
+                             self.streams[s.strm_id].bytes_read, lifespan)
+        if self.streams[s.strm_id].failed:
+          reason = self.streams[s.strm_id].failed_reason+":"+lreason+":"+rreason
+        self.count_stream_suspects(s, lreason, reason)
+        r = self.circuits[s.circ_id].exit
+        if (not self.streams[s.strm_id].failed
+          and (lreason == "DONE" or (lreason == "END" and rreason == "DONE"))):
+          r.strm_succeeded += 1
+        else:
+          self.strm_failed += 1
+          self.count_stream_reason_failed(s, reason)
+    PathBuilder.stream_status_event(self, s)
+  def ns_event(self, n):
+    PathBuilder.ns_event(self, n)
+    now = n.arrived_at
+    for ns in n.nslist:
+      if not ns.idhex in self.routers:
+        continue
+      r = self.routers[ns.idhex]
+      if "Running" in ns.flags:
+        if not r.became_active_at:
+          r.became_active_at = now
+          r.total_hibernation_time += now - r.hibernated_at
+        r.hibernated_at = 0
+      else:
+        if not r.hibernated_at:
+          r.hibernated_at = now
+          r.total_active_uptime += now - r.became_active_at
+        r.became_active_at = 0