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[or-cvs] r22491: {arm} added: greatly expanded options customizable via the armrc a (in arm/trunk: . init interface util)

Author: atagar
Date: 2010-06-08 16:29:02 +0000 (Tue, 08 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 22491

added: greatly expanded options customizable via the armrc and including sample
fix: parsing error when ExitPolicy is undefined (caught by Paul Menzel)

Added: arm/trunk/armrc.sample
--- arm/trunk/armrc.sample	                        (rev 0)
+++ arm/trunk/armrc.sample	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# default startup options
+startup.interface.port 9051
+startup.blindModeEnabled false
+startup.events N3
+features.colorInterface true
+# seconds between querying information
+queries.ps.rate 5
+queries.connections.minRate 5
+# Thread pool size for hostname resolutions (determining the maximum number of
+# concurrent requests). Upping this to around thirty or so seems to be
+# problematic, causing intermittently seizing.
+queries.hostnames.poolSize 5
+# Uses python's internal "socket.gethostbyaddr" to resolve addresses rather
+# than the host command. This is ignored if the system's unable to make
+# parallel requests. Resolving this way seems to be much slower than host calls
+# in practice.
+queries.hostnames.useSocketModule false
+# caching parameters
+cache.sysCalls.size 600
+cache.hostnames.size 700000
+cache.hostnames.trimSize 200000
+cache.armLog.size 1000
+cache.armLog.trimSize 200
+# runlevels at which to log arm related events
+log.configEntryNotFound NONE
+log.configEntryTypeError NOTICE
+log.sysCallMade DEBUG
+log.sysCallCached NONE
+log.sysCallFailed INFO
+log.sysCallCacheGrowing INFO
+log.connLookupFailed INFO
+log.connLookupFailover NOTICE
+log.connLookupAbandon WARN
+log.connLookupRateGrowing NONE
+log.hostnameCacheTrimmed INFO
+log.cursesColorSupport INFO

Modified: arm/trunk/init/starter.py
--- arm/trunk/init/starter.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/init/starter.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -16,17 +16,23 @@
 import interface.controller
 import interface.logPanel
 import util.conf
+import util.connections
+import util.hostnames
+import util.log
+import util.sysTools
 import util.torTools
+import util.uiTools
 import TorCtl.TorUtil
 VERSION = "1.3.5_dev"
 LAST_MODIFIED = "Apr 8, 2010"
 DEFAULT_CONFIG = os.path.expanduser("~/.armrc")
-DEFAULT_LOGGED_EVENTS = "N3" # tor and arm NOTICE, WARN, and ERR events
-AUTH_CFG = "init.password" # config option for user's controller password
+DEFAULTS = {"startup.controlPassword": None,
+            "startup.interface.ipAddress": "",
+            "startup.interface.port": 9051,
+            "startup.blindModeEnabled": False,
+            "startup.events": "N3"}
 OPT = "i:c:be:vh"
 OPT_EXPANDED = ["interface=", "config=", "blind", "event=", "version", "help"]
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@
 arm -b -i 1643          hide connection data, attaching to control port 1643
 arm -e we -c /tmp/cfg   use this configuration file with 'WARN'/'ERR' events
+""" % (DEFAULTS["startup.interface.ipAddress"], DEFAULTS["startup.interface.port"], DEFAULT_CONFIG, DEFAULTS["startup.events"], interface.logPanel.EVENT_LISTING)
 def isValidIpAddr(ipStr):
@@ -71,11 +77,8 @@
   return True
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  controlAddr = DEFAULT_CONTROL_ADDR     # controller interface IP address
-  controlPort = DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT     # controller interface port
+  param = dict([(key, None) for key in DEFAULTS.keys()])
   configPath = DEFAULT_CONFIG            # path used for customized configuration
-  isBlindMode = False                    # allows connection lookups to be disabled
-  loggedEvents = DEFAULT_LOGGED_EVENTS   # flags for event types in message log
   # parses user input, noting any issues
@@ -87,29 +90,26 @@
   for opt, arg in opts:
     if opt in ("-i", "--interface"):
       # defines control interface address/port
+      controlAddr, controlPort = None, None
+      divIndex = arg.find(":")
-        divIndex = arg.find(":")
         if divIndex == -1:
           controlPort = int(arg)
           controlAddr = arg[0:divIndex]
           controlPort = int(arg[divIndex + 1:])
-        # validates that input is a valid ip address and port
-        if divIndex != -1 and not isValidIpAddr(controlAddr):
-          raise AssertionError("'%s' isn't a valid IP address" % controlAddr)
-        elif controlPort < 0 or controlPort > 65535:
-          raise AssertionError("'%s' isn't a valid port number (ports range 0-65535)" % controlPort)
       except ValueError:
         print "'%s' isn't a valid port number" % arg
-      except AssertionError, exc:
-        print exc
-        sys.exit()
-    elif opt in ("-c", "--config"): configPath = arg        # sets path of user's config
-    elif opt in ("-b", "--blind"): isBlindMode = True       # prevents connection lookups
-    elif opt in ("-e", "--event"): loggedEvents = arg       # set event flags
+      param["startup.interface.ipAddress"] = controlAddr
+      param["startup.interface.port"] = controlPort
+    elif opt in ("-c", "--config"): configPath = arg  # sets path of user's config
+    elif opt in ("-b", "--blind"):
+      param["startup.blindModeEnabled"] = True        # prevents connection lookups
+    elif opt in ("-e", "--event"):
+      param["startup.events"] = arg                   # set event flags
     elif opt in ("-v", "--version"):
       print "arm version %s (released %s)\n" % (VERSION, LAST_MODIFIED)
@@ -121,12 +121,41 @@
   config = util.conf.getConfig("arm")
   config.path = configPath
-  try: config.load()
-  except IOError, exc: print "Failed to load configuration (using defaults): %s" % exc
+  if os.path.exists(configPath):
+    try:
+      config.load()
+      # revises defaults to match user's configuration
+      config.update(DEFAULTS)
+      # loads user preferences for utilities
+      for utilModule in (util.conf, util.connections, util.hostnames, util.log, util.sysTools, util.uiTools):
+        utilModule.loadConfig(config)
+    except IOError, exc:
+      msg = "Failed to load configuration (using defaults): \"%s\"" % str(exc)
+      util.log.log(util.log.WARN, msg)
+  else:
+    msg = "No configuration found, using defaults: %s" % configPath
+    util.log.log(util.log.NOTICE, msg)
+  # overwrites undefined parameters with defaults
+  for key in param.keys():
+    if param[key] == None: param[key] = DEFAULTS[key]
+  # validates that input has a valid ip address and port
+  controlAddr = param["startup.interface.ipAddress"]
+  controlPort = param["startup.interface.port"]
+  if not isValidIpAddr(controlAddr):
+    print "'%s' isn't a valid IP address" % controlAddr
+    sys.exit()
+  elif controlPort < 0 or controlPort > 65535:
+    print "'%s' isn't a valid port number (ports range 0-65535)" % controlPort
+    sys.exit()
   # validates and expands log event flags
-    expandedEvents = interface.logPanel.expandEvents(loggedEvents)
+    expandedEvents = interface.logPanel.expandEvents(param["startup.events"])
   except ValueError, exc:
     for flag in str(exc):
       print "Unrecognized event flag: %s" % flag
@@ -138,13 +167,13 @@
   # sets up TorCtl connection, prompting for the passphrase if necessary and
   # sending problems to stdout if they arise
   util.torTools.INCORRECT_PASSWORD_MSG = "Controller password found in '%s' was incorrect" % configPath
-  authPassword = config.get(AUTH_CFG, None)
+  authPassword = config.get(DEFAULTS["startup.controlPassword"], None)
   conn = util.torTools.connect(controlAddr, controlPort, authPassword)
   if conn == None: sys.exit(1)
   controller = util.torTools.getConn()
-  interface.controller.startTorMonitor(expandedEvents, isBlindMode)
+  interface.controller.startTorMonitor(expandedEvents, param["startup.blindModeEnabled"])

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/headerPanel.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/headerPanel.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/headerPanel.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 import time
 import threading
-from util import conf, log, panel, sysTools, torTools, uiTools
+from util import conf, panel, sysTools, torTools, uiTools
 # seconds between querying information
-UPDATE_RATE_CFG = "updateRate.header"
+UPDATE_RATE_CFG = "queries.ps.rate"
 # minimum width for which panel attempts to double up contents (two columns to
 # better use screen real estate)
@@ -54,14 +54,7 @@
-    # seconds between querying updates
-    try:
-      self._updateRate = int(conf.getConfig("arm").get(UPDATE_RATE_CFG, DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE))
-    except ValueError:
-      # value wasn't an integer
-      log.log(log.WARN, "Config: %s is expected to be an integer (defaulting to %i)" % (UPDATE_RATE_CFG, DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE))
-      self._updateRate = DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE
+    self._updateRate = conf.getConfig("arm").get(UPDATE_RATE_CFG, DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE, 1)
     self._isTorConnected = True
     self._lastUpdate = -1       # time the content was last revised
     self._isLastDrawWide = False
@@ -278,7 +271,7 @@
       # fetch exit policy (might span over multiple lines)
       policyEntries = []
       for exitPolicy in conn.getOption("ExitPolicy", [], True):
-        policyEntries += [policy.strip() for policy in exitPolicy[1].split(",")]
+        policyEntries += [policy.strip() for policy in exitPolicy.split(",")]
       self.vals["tor/exitPolicy"] = ", ".join(policyEntries)
       # system information

Modified: arm/trunk/util/conf.py
--- arm/trunk/util/conf.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/conf.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -17,8 +17,16 @@
 import os
 import threading
+import log
 CONFS = {}  # mapping of identifier to singleton instances of configs
+# user customizable parameters
+CONFIG = {"log.configEntryNotFound": None, "log.configEntryTypeError": log.INFO}
+def loadConfig(config):
+  config.update(CONFIG)
 def getConfig(handle):
   Singleton constructor for configuration file instances. If a configuration
@@ -53,7 +61,7 @@
     self.contentsLock = threading.RLock()
     self.rawContents = []   # raw contents read from configuration file
-  def get(self, key, default=None):
+  def getSimple(self, key, default=None):
     This provides the currently value associated with a given key. If no such
     key exists then this provides the default.
@@ -64,12 +72,80 @@
     if key in self.contents: val = self.contents[key]
-    else: val = default
+    else:
+      msg = "config entry '%s' not found, defaulting to '%s'" % (key, str(default))
+      log.log(CONFIG["log.configEntryNotFound"], msg)
+      val = default
     return val
+  def get(self, key, default=None, minValue=0, maxValue=None):
+    """
+    Fetches the given configuration, using the key and default value to hint
+    the type it should be. Recognized types are:
+    - boolean if default is a boolean (valid values are 'true' and 'false',
+      anything else provides the default)
+    - integer or float if default is a number (provides default if fails to
+      cast)
+    - logging runlevel if key starts with "log."
+    Arguments:
+      key      - config setting to be fetched
+      default  - value provided if no such key exists
+      minValue - if set and default value is numeric then uses this constraint
+      maxValue - if set and default value is numeric then uses this constraint
+    """
+    callDefault = log.runlevelToStr(default) if key.startswith("log.") else default
+    val = self.getSimple(key, callDefault)
+    if val == default: return val
+    if key.startswith("log."):
+      val = log.strToRunlevel(val)
+    elif isinstance(default, bool):
+      if val.lower() == "true": val = True
+      elif val.lower() == "false": val = False
+      else:
+        msg = "config entry '%s' is expected to be a boolean, defaulting to '%s'" % (key, str(default))
+        log.log(CONFIG["log.configEntryTypeError"], msg)
+        val = default
+    elif isinstance(default, int):
+      try:
+        val = int(val)
+        if minValue: val = max(val, minValue)
+        if maxValue: val = min(val, maxValue)
+      except ValueError:
+        msg = "config entry '%s' is expected to be an integer, defaulting to '%i'" % (key, default)
+        log.log(CONFIG["log.configEntryTypeError"], msg)
+        val = default
+    elif isinstance(default, float):
+      try:
+        val = float(val)
+        if minValue: val = max(val, minValue)
+        if maxValue: val = min(val, maxValue)
+      except ValueError:
+        msg = "config entry '%s' is expected to be a float, defaulting to '%f'" % (key, default)
+        log.log(CONFIG["log.configEntryTypeError"], msg)
+        val = default
+    return val
+  def update(self, confMappings):
+    """
+    Revises a set of key/value mappings to reflect the current configuration.
+    Undefined values are left with their current values.
+    Arguments:
+      confMappings - configuration key/value mappints to be revised
+    """
+    for entry in confMappings.keys():
+      confMappings[entry] = self.get(entry, confMappings[entry])
   def set(self, key, value):
     Stores the given configuration value.

Modified: arm/trunk/util/connections.py
--- arm/trunk/util/connections.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/connections.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -43,12 +43,16 @@
 RUN_LSOF = "lsof -nPi | grep \"%s\s*%s.*(ESTABLISHED)\""
 RESOLVERS = []                      # connection resolvers available via the singleton constructor
-RESOLVER_MIN_DEFAULT_LOOKUP = 5     # minimum seconds between lookups (unless overwritten)
-RESOLVER_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 1         # period to sleep when not resolving
 RESOLVER_FAILURE_TOLERANCE = 3      # number of subsequent failures before moving on to another resolver
 RESOLVER_SERIAL_FAILURE_MSG = "Querying connections with %s failed, trying %s"
 RESOLVER_FINAL_FAILURE_MSG = "All connection resolvers failed"
+# user customizable parameters
+CONFIG = {"queries.connections.minRate": 5, "log.connLookupFailed": log.INFO, "log.connLookupFailover": log.NOTICE, "log.connLookupAbandon": log.WARN, "log.connLookupRateGrowing": None}
+def loadConfig(config):
+  config.update(CONFIG)
 def getConnections(resolutionCmd, processName, processPid = ""):
   Retrieves a list of the current connections for a given process, providing a
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@
     self.processName = processName
     self.processPid = processPid
     self.resolveRate = resolveRate
-    self.defaultRate = RESOLVER_MIN_DEFAULT_LOOKUP
+    self.defaultRate = CONFIG["queries.connections.minRate"]
     self.lastLookup = -1
     self.overwriteResolver = None
     self.defaultResolver = CMD_NETSTAT
@@ -275,7 +279,15 @@
         lookupTime = time.time() - resolveStart
         self._connections = connResults
-        self.defaultRate = max(5, 10 % lookupTime)
+        newMinDefaultRate = 100 * lookupTime
+        if self.defaultRate < newMinDefaultRate:
+          # adding extra to keep the rate from frequently changing
+          self.defaultRate = newMinDefaultRate + 0.5
+          msg = "connection lookup time increasing to %0.1f seconds per call" % self.defaultRate
+          log.log(CONFIG["log.connLookupRateGrowing"], msg)
         if isDefault: self._subsiquentFailures = 0
       except IOError, exc:
         # this logs in a couple of cases:
@@ -283,7 +295,7 @@
         # logged via sysTools)
         # - note failovers for default resolution methods
         if str(exc).startswith("No results found using:"):
-          log.log(log.INFO, str(exc))
+          log.log(CONFIG["log.connLookupFailed"], str(exc))
         if isDefault:
           self._subsiquentFailures += 1
@@ -302,10 +314,11 @@
             if newResolver:
               # provide notice that failures have occured and resolver is changing
-              log.log(log.NOTICE, RESOLVER_SERIAL_FAILURE_MSG % (CMD_STR[resolver], CMD_STR[newResolver]))
+              msg = RESOLVER_SERIAL_FAILURE_MSG % (CMD_STR[resolver], CMD_STR[newResolver])
+              log.log(CONFIG["log.connLookupFailover"], msg)
               # exhausted all resolvers, give warning
-              log.log(log.WARN, RESOLVER_FINAL_FAILURE_MSG)
+              log.log(CONFIG["log.connLookupAbandon"], RESOLVER_FINAL_FAILURE_MSG)
             self.defaultResolver = newResolver

Modified: arm/trunk/util/hostnames.py
--- arm/trunk/util/hostnames.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/hostnames.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -32,21 +32,26 @@
 import Queue
 import distutils.sysconfig
+import log
 import sysTools
 RESOLVER = None                       # hostname resolver (service is stopped if None)
 RESOLVER_LOCK = threading.RLock()     # regulates assignment to the RESOLVER
-RESOLVER_CACHE_SIZE = 700000          # threshold for when cached results are discarded
-RESOLVER_CACHE_TRIM_SIZE = 200000     # number of entries discarded when the limit's reached
-RESOLVER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 5         # upping to around 30 causes the program to intermittently seize
 RESOLVER_COUNTER = itertools.count()  # atomic counter, providing the age for new entries (for trimming)
                    "7(YXRRSET)", "8(NXRRSET)", "9(NOTAUTH)", "10(NOTZONE)", "16(BADVERS)")
-# If true this allows for the use of socket.gethostbyaddr to resolve addresses
-# (this seems to be far slower, but would seem preferable if I'm wrong...).
+# user customizable parameters
+CONFIG = {"queries.hostnames.poolSize": 5, "queries.hostnames.useSocketModule": False, "cache.hostnames.size": 700000, "cache.hostnames.trimSize": 200000, "log.hostnameCacheTrimmed": log.INFO}
+def loadConfig(config):
+  config.update(CONFIG)
+  # ensures sane config values
+  CONFIG["queries.hostnames.poolSize"] = max(1, CONFIG["queries.hostnames.poolSize"])
+  CONFIG["cache.hostnames.size"] = max(100, CONFIG["cache.hostnames.size"])
+  CONFIG["cache.hostnames.trimSize"] = max(10, min(CONFIG["cache.hostnames.trimSize"], CONFIG["cache.hostnames.size"] / 2))
 def start():
   Primes the service to start resolving addresses. Calling this explicitly is
@@ -258,9 +263,9 @@
     # gethostbyname_r function, which determines if python resolutions can be
     # done in parallel or not. If so, this is preferable.
     isSocketResolutionParallel = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R")
-    self.useSocketResolution = ALLOW_SOCKET_RESOLUTION and isSocketResolutionParallel
+    self.useSocketResolution = CONFIG["queries.hostnames.useSocketModule"] and isSocketResolutionParallel
-    for _ in range(RESOLVER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE):
+    for _ in range(CONFIG["queries.hostnames.poolSize"]):
       t = threading.Thread(target = self._workerLoop)
@@ -360,16 +365,20 @@
       self.resolvedCache[ipAddr] = (result, RESOLVER_COUNTER.next())
       # trim cache if excessively large (clearing out oldest entries)
-      if len(self.resolvedCache) > RESOLVER_CACHE_SIZE:
+      if len(self.resolvedCache) > CONFIG["cache.hostnames.size"]:
         # Providing for concurrent, non-blocking calls require that entries are
         # never removed from the cache, so this creates a new, trimmed version
         # instead.
         # determines minimum age of entries to be kept
         currentCount = RESOLVER_COUNTER.next()
-        threshold = currentCount - (RESOLVER_CACHE_SIZE - RESOLVER_CACHE_TRIM_SIZE)
+        newCacheSize = CONFIG["cache.hostnames.size"] - CONFIG["cache.hostnames.trimSize"]
+        threshold = currentCount - newCacheSize
         newCache = {}
+        msg = "trimming hostname cache from %i entries to %i" % (len(self.resolvedCache), newCacheSize)
+        log.log(CONFIG["log.hostnameCacheTrimmed"], msg)
         # checks age of each entry, adding to toDelete if too old
         for ipAddr, entry in self.resolvedCache.iteritems():
           if entry[1] >= threshold: newCache[ipAddr] = entry

Modified: arm/trunk/util/log.py
--- arm/trunk/util/log.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/log.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
 DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERR = range(1, 6)
-LOG_LIMIT = 1000            # threshold (per runlevel) at which entries are discarded
-LOG_TRIM_SIZE = 200         # number of entries discarded when the limit's reached
-LOG_LOCK = RLock()          # provides thread safety for logging operations
+# provides thread safety for logging operations
+LOG_LOCK = RLock()
+# user customizable parameters (caching limits are per-runlevel)
+CONFIG = {"cache.armLog.size": 1000, "cache.armLog.trimSize": 200}
 # chronologically ordered records of events for each runlevel, stored as tuples
 # consisting of: (time, message)
 _backlog = dict([(level, []) for level in range(1, 6)])
@@ -25,10 +27,47 @@
 # mapping of runlevels to the listeners interested in receiving events from it
 _listeners = dict([(level, []) for level in range(1, 6)])
+def loadConfig(config):
+  config.update(CONFIG)
+  # ensures sane config values
+  CONFIG["cache.armLog.size"] = max(10, CONFIG["cache.armLog.size"])
+  CONFIG["cache.armLog.trimSize"] = max(5, min(CONFIG["cache.armLog.trimSize"], CONFIG["cache.armLog.size"] / 2))
+def strToRunlevel(runlevelStr):
+  """
+  Converts runlevel strings ("DEBUG", "INFO", "NOTICE", etc) to their
+  corresponding enumeations. This isn't case sensitive and provides None if
+  unrecognized.
+  Arguments:
+    runlevelStr - string to be converted to runlevel
+  """
+  if not runlevelStr: return None
+  runlevelStr = runlevelStr.upper()
+  for enum, level in RUNLEVEL_STR.items():
+    if level == runlevelStr: return enum
+  return None
+def runlevelToStr(runlevelEnum):
+  """
+  Converts runlevel enumerations to corresponding string. If unrecognized then
+  this provides "NONE".
+  Arguments:
+    runlevelEnum - enumeration to be converted to string
+  """
+  if runlevelEnum in RUNLEVEL_STR: return RUNLEVEL_STR[runlevelEnum]
+  else: return "NONE"
 def log(level, msg, eventTime = None):
   Registers an event, directing it to interested listeners and preserving it in
-  the backlog.
+  the backlog. If the level is None then this is a no-op.
     level     - runlevel coresponding to the message severity
@@ -36,6 +75,7 @@
     eventTime - unix time at which the event occured, current time if undefined
+  if not level: return
   if eventTime == None: eventTime = time.time()
@@ -58,8 +98,8 @@
     # turncates backlog if too long
-    toDelete = len(eventBacklog) - LOG_LIMIT
-    if toDelete >= 0: del eventBacklog[: toDelete + LOG_TRIM_SIZE]
+    toDelete = len(eventBacklog) - CONFIG["cache.armLog.size"]
+    if toDelete >= 0: del eventBacklog[: toDelete + CONFIG["cache.armLog.trimSize"]]
     # notifies listeners
     for callback in _listeners[level]:

Modified: arm/trunk/util/sysTools.py
--- arm/trunk/util/sysTools.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/sysTools.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -14,9 +14,14 @@
 # cached system call results, mapping the command issued to the (time, results) tuple
 IS_FAILURES_CACHED = True           # caches both successful and failed results if true
-CALL_CACHE_TRIM_SIZE = 600          # number of entries at which old results are trimmed
 CALL_CACHE_LOCK = threading.RLock() # governs concurrent modifications of CALL_CACHE
+# user customizable parameters
+CONFIG = {"cache.sysCalls.size": 600, "log.sysCallMade": log.DEBUG, "log.sysCallCached": None, "log.sysCallFailed": log.INFO, "log.sysCallCacheGrowing": log.INFO}
+def loadConfig(config):
+  config.update(CONFIG)
 def isAvailable(command, cached=True):
   Checks the current PATH to see if a command is available or not. If a full
@@ -67,18 +72,19 @@
   # caching functionality (fetching and trimming)
   if cacheAge > 0:
+    global CALL_CACHE, CONFIG
     # keeps consistancy that we never use entries over a minute old (these
     # results are 'dirty' and might be trimmed at any time)
     cacheAge = min(cacheAge, 60)
+    cacheSize = CONFIG["cache.sysCalls.size"]
     # if the cache is especially large then trim old entries
+    if len(CALL_CACHE) > cacheSize:
       # checks that we haven't trimmed while waiting
+      if len(CALL_CACHE) > cacheSize:
         # constructs a new cache with only entries less than a minute old
         newCache, currentTime = {}, time.time()
@@ -88,9 +94,12 @@
         # if the cache is almost as big as the trim size then we risk doing this
         # frequently, so grow it and log
-        if len(newCache) > (0.75 * CALL_CACHE_TRIM_SIZE):
-          CALL_CACHE_TRIM_SIZE = len(newCache) * 2
-          log.log(log.INFO, "growing system call cache to %i entries" % CALL_CACHE_TRIM_SIZE)
+        if len(newCache) > (0.75 * cacheSize):
+          cacheSize = len(newCache) * 2
+          CONFIG["cache.sysCalls.size"] = cacheSize
+          msg = "growing system call cache to %i entries" % cacheSize
+          log.log(CONFIG["log.sysCallCacheGrowing"], msg)
         CALL_CACHE = newCache
@@ -102,14 +111,18 @@
       if isinstance(cachedResults, IOError):
-          log.log(log.DEBUG, "system call (cached failure): %s (age: %0.1f seconds, error: %s)" % (command, cacheAge, str(cachedResults)))
+          msg = "system call (cached failure): %s (age: %0.1f seconds, error: %s)" % (command, cacheAge, str(cachedResults))
+          log.log(CONFIG["log.sysCallCached"], msg)
           if suppressExc: return None
           else: raise cachedResults
           # flag was toggled after a failure was cached - reissue call, ignoring the cache
           return call(command, 0, suppressExc, quiet)
-        log.log(log.DEBUG, "system call (cached): %s (age: %0.1f seconds)" % (command, cacheAge))
+        msg = "system call (cached): %s (age: %0.1f seconds)" % (command, cacheAge)
+        log.log(CONFIG["log.sysCallCached"], msg)
         return cachedResults
   startTime = time.time()
@@ -136,7 +149,9 @@
   if errorExc:
     # log failure and either provide None or re-raise exception
-    log.log(log.INFO, "system call (failed): %s (error: %s)" % (command, str(errorExc)))
+    msg = "system call (failed): %s (error: %s)" % (command, str(errorExc))
+    log.log(CONFIG["log.sysCallFailed"], msg)
     if cacheAge > 0 and IS_FAILURES_CACHED:
       CALL_CACHE[command] = (time.time(), errorExc)
@@ -146,7 +161,9 @@
     else: raise errorExc
     # log call information and if we're caching then save the results
-    log.log(log.DEBUG, "system call: %s (runtime: %0.2f seconds)" % (command, time.time() - startTime))
+    msg = "system call: %s (runtime: %0.2f seconds)" % (command, time.time() - startTime)
+    log.log(CONFIG["log.sysCallMade"], msg)
     if cacheAge > 0:
       CALL_CACHE[command] = (time.time(), results)

Modified: arm/trunk/util/torTools.py
--- arm/trunk/util/torTools.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/torTools.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -262,15 +262,21 @@
     # unable to be determined)
     self.pid = None
-  def init(self, conn):
+  def init(self, conn=None):
     Uses the given TorCtl instance for future operations, notifying listeners
     about the change.
-      conn - TorCtl instance to be used
+      conn - TorCtl instance to be used, if None then a new instance is fetched
+             via the connect function
+    if conn == None:
+      conn = connect()
+      if conn == None: raise ValueError("Unable to initialize TorCtl instance.")
     if conn.is_live() and conn != self.conn:
@@ -383,14 +389,16 @@
-    result, raisedExc = default, None
+    result, raisedExc = [], None
     if self.isAlive():
-        if multiple: result = self.conn.get_option(param)
+        if multiple:
+          for key, value in self.conn.get_option(param):
+            if value != None: result.append(value)
         else: result = self.conn.get_option(param)[0][1]
       except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed), exc:
         if type(exc) == TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: self.close()
-        raisedExc = exc
+        result, raisedExc = default, exc

Modified: arm/trunk/util/uiTools.py
--- arm/trunk/util/uiTools.py	2010-06-08 02:14:57 UTC (rev 22490)
+++ arm/trunk/util/uiTools.py	2010-06-08 16:29:02 UTC (rev 22491)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 import sys
 import curses
+import log
 # colors curses can handle
 COLOR_LIST = {"red": curses.COLOR_RED,        "green": curses.COLOR_GREEN,
               "yellow": curses.COLOR_YELLOW,  "blue": curses.COLOR_BLUE,
@@ -26,6 +28,12 @@
 TIME_UNITS = [(86400.0, "d", " day"),                   (3600.0, "h", " hour"),
               (60.0, "m", " minute"),                   (1.0, "s", " second")]
+# user customizable parameters
+CONFIG = {"features.colorInterface": True, "log.cursesColorSupport": log.INFO}
+def loadConfig(config):
+  config.update(CONFIG)
 def getColor(color):
   Provides attribute corresponding to a given text color. Supported colors
@@ -211,13 +219,16 @@
+    if not CONFIG["features.colorInterface"]: return
     try: hasColorSupport = curses.has_colors()
     except curses.error: return # initscr hasn't been called yet
     # initializes color mappings if color support is available
     if hasColorSupport:
       colorpair = 0
+      log.log(CONFIG["log.cursesColorSupport"], "Terminal color support detected and enabled")
       for colorName in COLOR_LIST:
         fgColor = COLOR_LIST[colorName]
@@ -225,4 +236,6 @@
         colorpair += 1
         curses.init_pair(colorpair, fgColor, bgColor)
         COLOR_ATTR[colorName] = curses.color_pair(colorpair)
+    else:
+      log.log(CONFIG["log.cursesColorSupport"], "Terminal color support unavailable")