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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] Merged rtmfpcat with swfcat, now proxy can help TCP and RTMFP clients
commit 1d66a5de55e165334cbdd35ad5d38cf4157d9a2a
Author: Nate Hardison <nate@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Jun 8 23:56:03 2011 -0700
Merged rtmfpcat with swfcat, now proxy can help TCP and RTMFP clients
Makefile | 6 +-
ProxyPair.as | 273 +++++++++++++++++++
RTMFPProxyPair.as | 101 +++++++
TCPProxyPair.as | 86 ++++++
connector.py | 4 +-
facilitator.py | 7 +-
rtmfp/ProxyPair.as | 279 -------------------
rtmfp/RTMFPSocket.as | 2 +-
rtmfpcat.as | 353 ------------------------
swfcat.as | 723 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
10 files changed, 756 insertions(+), 1078 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 3595385..4e22e1d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
MXMLC ?= mxmlc
-TARGETS = rtmfpcat.swf
+TARGETS = swfcat.swf
all: $(TARGETS)
-swfcat.swf: badge.png
-%.swf: %.as
+%.swf: %.as badge.png
$(MXMLC) -output $@ -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries -define=RTMFP::CIRRUS_KEY,\"$(CIRRUS_KEY)\" $<
diff --git a/ProxyPair.as b/ProxyPair.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef4e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProxyPair.as
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
+ import flash.events.Event;
+ import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
+ import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
+ import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
+ import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
+ import flash.net.Socket;
+ import flash.utils.ByteArray;
+ import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
+ import flash.utils.setTimeout;
+ import swfcat;
+ public class ProxyPair extends EventDispatcher
+ {
+ private var ui:swfcat;
+ protected var client_addr:Object;
+ /* Not defined here: subclasses should define their own
+ * protected var client_socket:Object;
+ */
+ private var c2r_schedule:Array;
+ private var relay_addr:Object;
+ private var relay_socket:Socket;
+ private var r2c_schedule:Array;
+ // Bytes per second. Set to undefined to disable limit.
+ private const RATE_LIMIT:Number = undefined; //10000;
+ // Seconds.
+ private const RATE_LIMIT_HISrelayY:Number = 5.0;
+ private var rate_limit:RateLimit;
+ // Callback id.
+ private var flush_id:uint;
+ public function ProxyPair(self:ProxyPair, ui:swfcat)
+ {
+ if (self != this) {
+ //only a subclass can pass a valid reference to self
+ throw new IllegalOperationError("ProxyPair cannot be instantiated directly.");
+ }
+ this.ui = ui;
+ this.c2r_schedule = new Array();
+ this.r2c_schedule = new Array();
+ rate_limit = new BucketRateLimit(RATE_LIMIT * RATE_LIMIT_HISrelayY, RATE_LIMIT_HISrelayY);
+ else
+ rate_limit = new RateUnlimit();
+ setup_relay_socket();
+ /* client_socket setup should be taken */
+ /* care of in the subclass constructor */
+ }
+ public function close():void
+ {
+ if (relay_socket != null && relay_socket.connected) {
+ relay_socket.close();
+ }
+ /* subclasses should override to close */
+ /* their client_socket according to impl. */
+ }
+ public function get connected():Boolean
+ {
+ return (relay_socket != null && relay_socket.connected);
+ /* subclasses should override to check */
+ /* connectivity of their client_socket. */
+ }
+ public function set client(client_addr:Object):void
+ {
+ /* subclasses should override to */
+ /* connect the client_socket here */
+ }
+ public function set relay(relay_addr:Object):void
+ {
+ this.relay_addr = relay_addr;
+ log("Relay: connecting to " + relay_addr.host + ":" + relay_addr.port + ".");
+ relay_socket.connect(relay_addr.host, relay_addr.port);
+ }
+ protected function transfer_bytes(src:Object, dst:Object, num_bytes:uint):void
+ {
+ /* No-op: must be overridden by subclasses */
+ }
+ private function setup_relay_socket():void
+ {
+ relay_socket = new Socket();
+ relay_socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
+ log("Relay: connected to " + relay_addr.host + ":" + relay_addr.port + ".");
+ if (connected) {
+ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
+ }
+ });
+ relay_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
+ log("Relay: closed connection.");
+ close();
+ });
+ relay_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
+ log("Relay: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
+ close();
+ });
+ relay_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
+ log("Relay: security error: " + e.text + ".");
+ close();
+ });
+ relay_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, relay_to_client);
+ }
+ protected function client_to_relay(e:ProgressEvent):void
+ {
+ c2r_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
+ flush();
+ }
+ private function relay_to_client(e:ProgressEvent):void
+ {
+ r2c_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
+ flush();
+ }
+ /* Send as much data as the rate limit currently allows. */
+ private function flush():void
+ {
+ if (flush_id)
+ clearTimeout(flush_id);
+ flush_id = undefined;
+ if (!connected)
+ /* Can't do anything until connected. */
+ return;
+ while (!rate_limit.is_limited() && (c2r_schedule.length > 0 || r2c_schedule.length > 0)) {
+ var num_bytes:uint;
+ if (c2r_schedule.length > 0) {
+ num_bytes = c2r_schedule.shift();
+ transfer_bytes(null, relay_socket, num_bytes);
+ rate_limit.update(num_bytes);
+ }
+ if (r2c_schedule.length > 0) {
+ num_bytes = r2c_schedule.shift();
+ transfer_bytes(relay_socket, null, num_bytes);
+ rate_limit.update(num_bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Call again when safe, if necessary. */
+ if (c2r_schedule.length > 0 || r2c_schedule.length > 0)
+ flush_id = setTimeout(flush, rate_limit.when() * 1000);
+ }
+ /* Helper function to write output to the
+ * swfcat console. Set as protected for
+ * subclasses */
+ protected function log(s:String):void
+ {
+ ui.puts(s);
+ }
+ }
+import flash.utils.getTimer;
+class RateLimit
+ public function RateLimit()
+ {
+ }
+ public function update(n:Number):Boolean
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function when():Number
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ public function is_limited():Boolean
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+class RateUnlimit extends RateLimit
+ public function RateUnlimit()
+ {
+ }
+ public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override function when():Number
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ public override function is_limited():Boolean
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+class BucketRateLimit extends RateLimit
+ private var amount:Number;
+ private var capacity:Number;
+ private var time:Number;
+ private var last_update:uint;
+ public function BucketRateLimit(capacity:Number, time:Number)
+ {
+ this.amount = 0.0;
+ /* capacity / time is the rate we are aiming for. */
+ this.capacity = capacity;
+ this.time = time;
+ this.last_update = getTimer();
+ }
+ private function age():void
+ {
+ var now:uint;
+ var delta:Number;
+ now = getTimer();
+ delta = (now - last_update) / 1000.0;
+ last_update = now;
+ amount -= delta * capacity / time;
+ if (amount < 0.0)
+ amount = 0.0;
+ }
+ public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
+ {
+ age();
+ amount += n;
+ return amount <= capacity;
+ }
+ public override function when():Number
+ {
+ age();
+ return (amount - capacity) / (capacity / time);
+ }
+ public override function is_limited():Boolean
+ {
+ age();
+ return amount > capacity;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RTMFPProxyPair.as b/RTMFPProxyPair.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346d63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTMFPProxyPair.as
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ import flash.events.Event;
+ import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
+ import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
+ import flash.net.Socket;
+ import flash.utils.ByteArray;
+ import rtmfp.CirrusSocket;
+ import rtmfp.RTMFPSocket;
+ import rtmfp.events.RTMFPSocketEvent;
+ public class RTMFPProxyPair extends ProxyPair
+ {
+ private var cirrus_socket:CirrusSocket;
+ private var client_socket:RTMFPSocket;
+ private var listen_stream:String;
+ public function RTMFPProxyPair(ui:swfcat, cirrus_socket:CirrusSocket, listen_stream:String)
+ {
+ super(this, ui);
+ log("Starting RTMFP proxy pair on stream " + listen_stream);
+ this.cirrus_socket = cirrus_socket;
+ this.listen_stream = listen_stream;
+ setup_client_socket();
+ }
+ override public function set client(client_addr:Object):void
+ {
+ this.client_addr = client_addr;
+ log("Client: connecting to " + client_addr.peer + " on stream " + client_addr.stream + ".");
+ client_socket.connect(client_addr.peer, client_addr.stream);
+ }
+ override public function close():void
+ {
+ super.close();
+ if (client_socket != null && client_socket.connected) {
+ client_socket.close();
+ }
+ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
+ }
+ override public function get connected():Boolean
+ {
+ return (super.connected && client_socket != null && client_socket.connected);
+ }
+ override protected function transfer_bytes(src:Object, dst:Object, num_bytes:uint):void
+ {
+ var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
+ if (src == null) {
+ src = client_socket;
+ RTMFPSocket(src).readBytes(bytes, 0, num_bytes);
+ log("RTMFPProxyPair: read " + num_bytes + " bytes from client, writing to relay.");
+ Socket(dst).writeBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ if (dst == null) {
+ dst = client_socket;
+ Socket(src).readBytes(bytes, 0, num_bytes);
+ log("RTMFPProxyPair: read " + num_bytes + " bytes from relay, writing to client.");
+ RTMFPSocket(dst).writeBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ }
+ private function setup_client_socket():void
+ {
+ client_socket = new RTMFPSocket(cirrus_socket);
+ client_socket.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
+ log("Client: connection failed to " + client_addr.peer + " on stream " + client_addr.stream + ".");
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.CONNECT_SUCCESS, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
+ log("Client: connected to " + client_addr.peer + " on stream " + client_addr.stream + ".");
+ if (connected) {
+ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
+ }
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PEER_CONNECTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
+ log("Peer connected.");
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PEER_DISCONNECTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
+ log("Client: disconnected from " + client_addr.peer + ".");
+ close();
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PLAY_STARTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
+ log("Play started.");
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PUBLISH_STARTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
+ log("Publishing started.");
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
+ client_socket.listen(listen_stream);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TCPProxyPair.as b/TCPProxyPair.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81af3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TCPProxyPair.as
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ import flash.events.Event;
+ import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
+ import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
+ import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
+ import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
+ import flash.net.Socket;
+ import flash.utils.ByteArray;
+ public class TCPProxyPair extends ProxyPair
+ {
+ private var client_socket:Socket;
+ public function TCPProxyPair(ui:swfcat)
+ {
+ super(this, ui);
+ log("Starting TCP proxy pair");
+ setup_client_socket();
+ }
+ override public function set client(client_addr:Object):void
+ {
+ this.client_addr = client_addr;
+ log("Client: connecting to " + client_addr.host + ":" + client_addr.port + ".");
+ client_socket.connect(client_addr.host, client_addr.port);
+ }
+ override public function close():void
+ {
+ super.close();
+ if (client_socket != null && client_socket.connected) {
+ client_socket.close();
+ }
+ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
+ }
+ override public function get connected():Boolean
+ {
+ return (super.connected && client_socket != null && client_socket.connected);
+ }
+ override protected function transfer_bytes(src:Object, dst:Object, num_bytes:uint):void
+ {
+ var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
+ if (src == null) {
+ src = client_socket;
+ }
+ if (dst == null) {
+ dst = client_socket;
+ }
+ Socket(src).readBytes(bytes, 0, num_bytes);
+ log("TCPProxyPair: transferring " + num_bytes + " bytes.");
+ Socket(dst).writeBytes(bytes);
+ }
+ private function setup_client_socket():void
+ {
+ client_socket = new Socket();
+ client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
+ log("Client: connected to " + client_addr.host + ":" + client_addr.port + ".");
+ if (connected) {
+ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
+ }
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
+ log("Client: closed.");
+ close();
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
+ log("Client: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
+ close();
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
+ log("Client: security error: " + e.text + ".");
+ close();
+ });
+ client_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/connector.py b/connector.py
index a683de0..d20a5b6 100755
--- a/connector.py
+++ b/connector.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import urllib
import xml.sax.saxutils
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def register():
spec = format_addr((None, options.remote_addr[1]))
log(u"Registering \"%s\" with %s." % (spec, format_addr(options.facilitator_addr)))
http = httplib.HTTPConnection(*options.facilitator_addr)
- http.request("POST", "/", urllib.urlencode({"client": spec}))
+ http.request("POST", "/", urllib.urlencode({"client": spec}), {"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
return True
diff --git a/facilitator.py b/facilitator.py
index 0ea86a1..d6c598d 100755
--- a/facilitator.py
+++ b/facilitator.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import sys
import threading
import time
import urllib
+import xml.sax.saxutils
@@ -216,10 +217,6 @@ class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD' : 'POST',
'CONTENT_TYPE' : self.headers['Content-Type']})
- if self.path == "/crossdomain.xml":
- self.send_crossdomain()
- return
client_specs = data["client"]
if client_specs is None or client_specs.value is None:
log(u"client %s missing \"client\" param" % format_addr(self.client_address))
@@ -257,7 +254,7 @@ class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
crossdomain = """\
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="%s"/>
-</cross-domain-policy>\r\n""" % (address[1])
+</cross-domain-policy>\r\n""" % xml.sax.saxutils.escape(str(address[1]))
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')
self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(crossdomain)))
diff --git a/rtmfp/ProxyPair.as b/rtmfp/ProxyPair.as
deleted file mode 100644
index 159abde..0000000
--- a/rtmfp/ProxyPair.as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-package rtmfp
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
- import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
- import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
- import flash.net.Socket;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
- import flash.utils.setTimeout;
- import rtmfp.CirrusSocket;
- import rtmfp.RTMFPSocket;
- import rtmfp.events.RTMFPSocketEvent;
- public class ProxyPair extends EventDispatcher
- {
- private var ui:rtmfpcat;
- private var s_p:RTMFPSocket;
- private var s_r:Socket;
- private var relay_host:String;
- private var relay_port:uint;
- private var p2r_schedule:Array;
- private var r2p_schedule:Array;
- // Bytes per second. Set to undefined to disable limit.
- public const RATE_LIMIT:Number = 10000;
- // Seconds.
- private const RATE_LIMIT_HISrelayY:Number = 5.0;
- private var rate_limit:RateLimit;
- // Callback id.
- private var flush_id:uint;
- public function ProxyPair(ui:rtmfpcat, s_c:CirrusSocket, relay_host:String, relay_port:uint)
- {
- this.ui = ui;
- this.relay_host = relay_host;
- this.relay_port = relay_port;
- this.p2r_schedule = new Array();
- this.r2p_schedule = new Array();
- rate_limit = new BucketRateLimit(RATE_LIMIT * RATE_LIMIT_HISrelayY, RATE_LIMIT_HISrelayY);
- else
- rate_limit = new RateUnlimit();
- setup_rtmfp_socket(s_c);
- setup_relay_socket();
- }
- public function close():void
- {
- if (s_p.connected) {
- s_p.close();
- }
- if (s_r.connected) {
- s_r.close();
- }
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
- }
- public function connect(peer:String, stream:String):void
- {
- s_p.connect(peer, stream);
- }
- public function get connected():Boolean
- {
- return (s_p.connected && s_r.connected);
- }
- public function listen(stream:String):void
- {
- s_p.listen(stream);
- }
- private function setup_rtmfp_socket(s_c:CirrusSocket):void
- {
- s_p = new RTMFPSocket(s_c);
- s_p.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Peering failed.");
- });
- s_p.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.CONNECT_SUCCESS, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Peering success.");
- s_r.connect(relay_host, relay_port);
- });
- s_p.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PEER_CONNECTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Peer connected.");
- });
- s_p.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PEER_DISCONNECTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Peer disconnected.");
- close();
- });
- s_p.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PLAY_STARTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Play started.");
- });
- s_p.addEventListener(RTMFPSocketEvent.PUBLISH_STARTED, function (e:RTMFPSocketEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Publishing started.");
- });
- s_p.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, proxy_to_relay);
- }
- private function setup_relay_socket():void
- {
- s_r = new Socket();
- s_r.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
- ui.puts("Relay: connected to " + relay_host + ":" + relay_port + ".");
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
- ui.puts("Relay: closed connection.");
- close();
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Relay: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
- close();
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
- ui.puts("Relay: security error: " + e.text + ".");
- close();
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, relay_to_proxy);
- }
- private function relay_to_proxy(e:ProgressEvent):void
- {
- r2p_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
- flush();
- }
- private function proxy_to_relay(e:ProgressEvent):void
- {
- p2r_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
- flush();
- }
- /* Send as much data as the rate limit currently allows. */
- private function flush():void
- {
- if (flush_id)
- clearTimeout(flush_id);
- flush_id = undefined;
- if (!(s_p.connected && s_r.connected))
- /* Can't do anything until both sockets are connected. */
- return;
- while (!rate_limit.is_limited() && (p2r_schedule.length > 0 || r2p_schedule.length > 0)) {
- var numBytes:uint;
- var bytes:ByteArray;
- if (p2r_schedule.length > 0) {
- numBytes = p2r_schedule.shift();
- bytes = new ByteArray();
- s_p.readBytes(bytes, 0, numBytes);
- ui.puts("ProxyPair: RTMFP: read " + bytes.length + " bytes.");
- s_r.writeBytes(bytes);
- rate_limit.update(numBytes);
- }
- if (r2p_schedule.length > 0) {
- numBytes = r2p_schedule.shift();
- bytes = new ByteArray();
- s_r.readBytes(bytes, 0, numBytes);
- ui.puts("ProxyPair: Relay: read " + bytes.length + " bytes.");
- s_p.writeBytes(bytes);
- rate_limit.update(numBytes);
- }
- }
- /* Call again when safe, if necessary. */
- if (p2r_schedule.length > 0 || r2p_schedule.length > 0)
- flush_id = setTimeout(flush, rate_limit.when() * 1000);
- }
- }
-import flash.utils.getTimer;
-class RateLimit
- public function RateLimit()
- {
- }
- public function update(n:Number):Boolean
- {
- return true;
- }
- public function when():Number
- {
- return 0.0;
- }
- public function is_limited():Boolean
- {
- return false;
- }
-class RateUnlimit extends RateLimit
- public function RateUnlimit()
- {
- }
- public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
- {
- return true;
- }
- public override function when():Number
- {
- return 0.0;
- }
- public override function is_limited():Boolean
- {
- return false;
- }
-class BucketRateLimit extends RateLimit
- private var amount:Number;
- private var capacity:Number;
- private var time:Number;
- private var last_update:uint;
- public function BucketRateLimit(capacity:Number, time:Number)
- {
- this.amount = 0.0;
- /* capacity / time is the rate we are aiming for. */
- this.capacity = capacity;
- this.time = time;
- this.last_update = getTimer();
- }
- private function age():void
- {
- var now:uint;
- var delta:Number;
- now = getTimer();
- delta = (now - last_update) / 1000.0;
- last_update = now;
- amount -= delta * capacity / time;
- if (amount < 0.0)
- amount = 0.0;
- }
- public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
- {
- age();
- amount += n;
- return amount <= capacity;
- }
- public override function when():Number
- {
- age();
- return (amount - capacity) / (capacity / time);
- }
- public override function is_limited():Boolean
- {
- age();
- return amount > capacity;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rtmfp/RTMFPSocket.as b/rtmfp/RTMFPSocket.as
index bcbee67..4efe702 100644
--- a/rtmfp/RTMFPSocket.as
+++ b/rtmfp/RTMFPSocket.as
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ package rtmfp
/* Tears down this RTMFPSocket, closing both its streams.
To be used when destroying this object. */
- public function close():void
+ public function close():void
if (send_stream != null) {
s_c.connection.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, on_stream_disconnection_event);
diff --git a/rtmfpcat.as b/rtmfpcat.as
deleted file mode 100644
index 1876ef9..0000000
--- a/rtmfpcat.as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.StageAlign;
- import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.utils.setTimeout;
- import rtmfp.CirrusSocket;
- import rtmfp.FacilitatorSocket;
- import rtmfp.ProxyPair;
- import rtmfp.events.CirrusSocketEvent;
- import rtmfp.events.FacilitatorSocketEvent;
- public class rtmfpcat extends Sprite
- {
- /* Adobe's Cirrus server and Nate's key */
- private const DEFAULT_CIRRUS_ADDR:String = "rtmfp://p2p.rtmfp.net";
- private const DEFAULT_CIRRUS_KEY:String = RTMFP::CIRRUS_KEY;
- /* Nate's facilitator -- serves a crossdomain policy */
- private const DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR:Object = {
- host: "",
- port: 9002
- };
- private const DEFAULT_TOR_CLIENT_ADDR:Object = {
- host: "",
- port: 3333
- };
- /* David's relay (nickname 3VXRyxz67OeRoqHn) that also serves a
- crossdomain policy. */
- private const DEFAULT_TOR_RELAY_ADDR:Object = {
- host: "",
- port: 9001
- };
- /* Poll facilitator every 10 sec */
- private const DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL:uint = 10000;
- // Socket to Cirrus server
- private var s_c:CirrusSocket;
- // Socket to facilitator.
- private var s_f:FacilitatorSocket;
- // Handle local-remote traffic
- private var p_p:ProxyPair;
- private var proxy_pairs:Array;
- private var debug_mode:Boolean;
- private var proxy_mode:Boolean;
- /* TextField for debug output. */
- private var output_text:TextField;
- /* Badge for display */
- private var badge:InternetFreedomBadge;
- private var fac_addr:Object;
- private var relay_addr:Object;
- public function rtmfpcat()
- {
- proxy_mode = false;
- debug_mode = false;
- // Absolute positioning.
- stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
- stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
- // Wait until the query string parameters are loaded.
- this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderinfo_complete);
- }
- public function puts(s:String):void
- {
- if (output_text != null) {
- output_text.appendText(s + "\n");
- output_text.scrollV = output_text.maxScrollV;
- }
- }
- private function loaderinfo_complete(e:Event):void
- {
- var fac_spec:String;
- var relay_spec:String;
- debug_mode = (this.loaderInfo.parameters["debug"] != null)
- proxy_mode = (this.loaderInfo.parameters["proxy"] != null);
- if (proxy_mode && !debug_mode) {
- badge = new InternetFreedomBadge(this);
- badge.display();
- } else {
- output_text = new TextField();
- output_text.width = stage.stageWidth;
- output_text.height = stage.stageHeight;
- output_text.background = true;
- output_text.backgroundColor = 0x001f0f;
- output_text.textColor = 0x44cc44;
- addChild(output_text);
- }
- puts("Starting: parameters loaded.");
- /* TODO: use this to have multiple proxies going at once */
- proxy_pairs = new Array();
- fac_spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters["facilitator"];
- if (fac_spec) {
- puts("Facilitator spec: \"" + fac_spec + "\"");
- fac_addr = parse_addr_spec(fac_spec);
- if (!fac_addr) {
- puts("Error: Facilitator spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
- return;
- }
- } else {
- }
- relay_spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters["relay"];
- if (relay_spec) {
- puts("Relay spec: \"" + relay_spec + "\"");
- relay_addr = parse_addr_spec(relay_spec);
- if (!relay_addr) {
- puts("Error: Relay spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (proxy_mode) {
- relay_addr = DEFAULT_TOR_RELAY_ADDR;
- } else {
- }
- }
- main();
- }
- /* The main logic begins here, after start-up issues are taken care of. */
- private function main():void
- {
- establish_cirrus_connection();
- }
- private function establish_cirrus_connection():void
- {
- s_c = new CirrusSocket();
- s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_SUCCESS, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
- puts("Cirrus: connected with id " + s_c.id + ".");
- establish_facilitator_connection();
- });
- s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
- puts("Error: failed to connect to Cirrus.");
- });
- s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_CLOSED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
- puts("Cirrus: closed connection.");
- });
- s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.HELLO_RECEIVED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
- puts("Cirrus: received hello from peer " + e.peer);
- /* don't bother if we already have a proxy going */
- if (p_p != null && p_p.connected) {
- return;
- }
- /* if we're in proxy mode, we should have already set
- up a proxy pair */
- if (!proxy_mode) {
- start_proxy_pair();
- s_c.send_hello(e.peer);
- } else if (!debug_mode && badge != null) {
- badge.total_proxy_pairs++;
- badge.num_proxy_pairs++;
- }
- p_p.connect(e.peer, e.stream);
- });
- }
- private function establish_facilitator_connection():void
- {
- s_f = new FacilitatorSocket(fac_addr.host, fac_addr.port);
- s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:Event):void {
- puts("Facilitator: connect failed.");
- setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
- });
- if (proxy_mode) {
- s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, function (e:FacilitatorSocketEvent):void {
- puts("Facilitator: got registration " + e.client);
- start_proxy_pair();
- s_c.send_hello(e.client);
- });
- s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATIONS_EMPTY, function (e:Event):void {
- puts("Facilitator: no registrations available.");
- setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
- });
- puts("Facilitator: getting registration.");
- s_f.get_registration();
- } else {
- s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_FAILED, function (e:Event):void {
- puts("Facilitator: registration failed.");
- setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
- });
- puts("Facilitator: posting registration.");
- s_f.post_registration(s_c.id);
- }
- }
- private function start_proxy_pair():void
- {
- puts("Starting proxy pair on stream " + s_c.local_stream_name);
- p_p = new ProxyPair(this, s_c, relay_addr.host, relay_addr.port);
- p_p.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
- puts("ProxyPair: connected!");
- });
- p_p.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
- puts("ProxyPair: connection closed.");
- p_p = null;
- if (proxy_mode && !debug_mode && badge != null) {
- badge.num_proxy_pairs--;
- }
- establish_facilitator_connection();
- });
- p_p.listen(s_c.local_stream_name);
- }
- /* Parse an address in the form "host:port". Returns an Object with
- keys "host" (String) and "port" (int). Returns null on error. */
- private function parse_addr_spec(spec:String):Object
- {
- var parts:Array;
- var addr:Object;
- parts = spec.split(":", 2);
- if (parts.length != 2 || !parseInt(parts[1]))
- return null;
- addr = {}
- addr.host = parts[0];
- addr.port = parseInt(parts[1]);
- return addr;
- }
- }
-import flash.text.TextField;
-import flash.text.TextFormat;
-class InternetFreedomBadge {
- private var ui:rtmfpcat;
- private var _num_proxy_pairs:uint;
- private var _total_proxy_pairs:uint;
- [Embed(source="badge.png")]
- private var BadgeImage:Class;
- private var tot_client_count_tf:TextField;
- private var tot_client_count_fmt:TextFormat;
- private var cur_client_count_tf:TextField;
- private var cur_client_count_fmt:TextFormat;
- public function InternetFreedomBadge(ui:rtmfpcat)
- {
- this.ui = ui;
- _num_proxy_pairs = 0;
- _total_proxy_pairs = 0;
- /* Setup client counter for badge. */
- tot_client_count_fmt = new TextFormat();
- tot_client_count_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
- tot_client_count_fmt.align = "center";
- tot_client_count_fmt.font = "courier-new";
- tot_client_count_fmt.bold = true;
- tot_client_count_fmt.size = 10;
- tot_client_count_tf = new TextField();
- tot_client_count_tf.width = 20;
- tot_client_count_tf.height = 17;
- tot_client_count_tf.background = false;
- tot_client_count_tf.defaultTextFormat = tot_client_count_fmt;
- tot_client_count_tf.x=47;
- tot_client_count_tf.y=0;
- cur_client_count_fmt = new TextFormat();
- cur_client_count_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
- cur_client_count_fmt.align = "center";
- cur_client_count_fmt.font = "courier-new";
- cur_client_count_fmt.bold = true;
- cur_client_count_fmt.size = 10;
- cur_client_count_tf = new TextField();
- cur_client_count_tf.width = 20;
- cur_client_count_tf.height = 17;
- cur_client_count_tf.background = false;
- cur_client_count_tf.defaultTextFormat = cur_client_count_fmt;
- cur_client_count_tf.x=47;
- cur_client_count_tf.y=6;
- /* Update the client counter on badge. */
- update_client_count();
- }
- public function display():void
- {
- ui.addChild(new BadgeImage());
- /* Tried unsuccessfully to add counter to badge. */
- /* For now, need two addChilds :( */
- ui.addChild(tot_client_count_tf);
- ui.addChild(cur_client_count_tf);
- }
- public function get num_proxy_pairs():uint
- {
- return _num_proxy_pairs;
- }
- public function set num_proxy_pairs(amount:uint):void
- {
- _num_proxy_pairs = amount;
- update_client_count();
- }
- public function get total_proxy_pairs():uint
- {
- return _total_proxy_pairs;
- }
- public function set total_proxy_pairs(amount:uint):void
- {
- _total_proxy_pairs = amount;
- /* note: doesn't update, so be sure to update this
- before you update num_proxy_pairs! */
- }
- private function update_client_count():void
- {
- /* Update total client count. */
- if (String(total_proxy_pairs).length == 1)
- tot_client_count_tf.text = "0" + String(total_proxy_pairs);
- else
- tot_client_count_tf.text = String(total_proxy_pairs);
- /* Update current client count. */
- cur_client_count_tf.text = "";
- for(var i:Number = 0; i < num_proxy_pairs; i++)
- cur_client_count_tf.appendText(".");
- }
diff --git a/swfcat.as b/swfcat.as
index 05da498..7729d2c 100644
--- a/swfcat.as
+++ b/swfcat.as
@@ -5,251 +5,268 @@ package
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.net.Socket;
import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
- import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
+ import rtmfp.CirrusSocket;
+ import rtmfp.FacilitatorSocket;
+ import rtmfp.events.CirrusSocketEvent;
+ import rtmfp.events.FacilitatorSocketEvent;
public class swfcat extends Sprite
+ /* Adobe's Cirrus server and Nate's key */
+ private const DEFAULT_CIRRUS_ADDR:String = "rtmfp://p2p.rtmfp.net";
+ private const DEFAULT_CIRRUS_KEY:String = RTMFP::CIRRUS_KEY;
+ /* Nate's facilitator -- serves a crossdomain policy */
+ private const DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR:Object = {
+ host: "",
+ port: 9002
+ };
+ private const DEFAULT_TOR_CLIENT_ADDR:Object = {
+ host: "",
+ port: 9002
+ };
/* David's relay (nickname 3VXRyxz67OeRoqHn) that also serves a
crossdomain policy. */
- private const DEFAULT_RELAY_ADDR:Object = {
+ private const DEFAULT_TOR_RELAY_ADDR:Object = {
host: "",
port: 9001
- private const DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR:Object = {
- host: "",
- port: 9002
- };
- private const MAX_NUM_PROXY_PAIRS:uint = 1;
- // Milliseconds.
- private const FACILITATOR_POLL_INTERVAL:int = 10000;
- // Bytes per second. Set to undefined to disable limit.
- public const RATE_LIMIT:Number = undefined;
- // Seconds.
- private const RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY:Number = 5.0;
+ /* Poll facilitator every 10 sec */
+ private const DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL:uint = 10000;
+ // Socket to Cirrus server
+ private var s_c:CirrusSocket;
// Socket to facilitator.
- private var s_f:Socket;
+ private var s_f:FacilitatorSocket;
+ // Handle local-remote traffic
+ private var p_p:ProxyPair;
+ private var client_id:String;
+ private var proxy_pair_factory:Function;
+ private var proxy_pairs:Array;
+ private var debug_mode:Boolean;
+ private var proxy_mode:Boolean;
/* TextField for debug output. */
private var output_text:TextField;
+ /* Badge for display */
+ private var badge:InternetFreedomBadge;
private var fac_addr:Object;
private var relay_addr:Object;
- /* Number of proxy pairs currently connected (up to
- private var num_proxy_pairs:int = 0;
- /* Number of proxy pairs ever connected. */
- private var total_proxy_pairs:int = 0;
- public var rate_limit:RateLimit;
- /* Badge with a client counter */
- [Embed(source="badge.png")]
- private var BadgeImage:Class;
- private var tot_client_count_tf:TextField;
- private var tot_client_count_fmt:TextFormat;
- private var cur_client_count_tf:TextField;
- private var cur_client_count_fmt:TextFormat;
- public function puts(s:String):void
- {
- output_text.appendText(s + "\n");
- output_text.scrollV = output_text.maxScrollV;
- }
- public function update_client_count():void
- {
- /* Update total client count. */
- if (String(total_proxy_pairs).length == 1)
- tot_client_count_tf.text = "0" + String(total_proxy_pairs);
- else
- tot_client_count_tf.text = String(total_proxy_pairs);
- /* Update current client count. */
- cur_client_count_tf.text = "";
- for(var i:Number=0; i<num_proxy_pairs; i++)
- cur_client_count_tf.appendText(".");;
- }
public function swfcat()
+ proxy_mode = false;
+ debug_mode = false;
// Absolute positioning.
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
- output_text = new TextField();
- output_text.width = stage.stageWidth;
- output_text.height = stage.stageHeight;
- output_text.background = true;
- output_text.backgroundColor = 0x001f0f;
- output_text.textColor = 0x44cc44;
- /* Setup client counter for badge. */
- tot_client_count_fmt = new TextFormat();
- tot_client_count_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
- tot_client_count_fmt.align = "center";
- tot_client_count_fmt.font = "courier-new";
- tot_client_count_fmt.bold = true;
- tot_client_count_fmt.size = 10;
- tot_client_count_tf = new TextField();
- tot_client_count_tf.width = 20;
- tot_client_count_tf.height = 17;
- tot_client_count_tf.background = false;
- tot_client_count_tf.defaultTextFormat = tot_client_count_fmt;
- tot_client_count_tf.x=47;
- tot_client_count_tf.y=0;
- cur_client_count_fmt = new TextFormat();
- cur_client_count_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
- cur_client_count_fmt.align = "center";
- cur_client_count_fmt.font = "courier-new";
- cur_client_count_fmt.bold = true;
- cur_client_count_fmt.size = 10;
- cur_client_count_tf = new TextField();
- cur_client_count_tf.width = 20;
- cur_client_count_tf.height = 17;
- cur_client_count_tf.background = false;
- cur_client_count_tf.defaultTextFormat = cur_client_count_fmt;
- cur_client_count_tf.x=47;
- cur_client_count_tf.y=6;
- /* Update the client counter on badge. */
- update_client_count();
- rate_limit = new BucketRateLimit(RATE_LIMIT * RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY, RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY);
- else
- rate_limit = new RateUnlimit();
- puts("Starting.");
// Wait until the query string parameters are loaded.
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderinfo_complete);
+ public function puts(s:String):void
+ {
+ if (output_text != null) {
+ output_text.appendText(s + "\n");
+ output_text.scrollV = output_text.maxScrollV;
+ }
+ }
private function loaderinfo_complete(e:Event):void
var fac_spec:String;
- puts("Parameters loaded.");
- if (this.loaderInfo.parameters["debug"])
+ var relay_spec:String;
+ debug_mode = (this.loaderInfo.parameters["debug"] != null)
+ proxy_mode = (this.loaderInfo.parameters["proxy"] != null);
+ if (proxy_mode && !debug_mode) {
+ badge = new InternetFreedomBadge(this);
+ badge.display();
+ } else {
+ output_text = new TextField();
+ output_text.width = stage.stageWidth;
+ output_text.height = stage.stageHeight;
+ output_text.background = true;
+ output_text.backgroundColor = 0x001f0f;
+ output_text.textColor = 0x44cc44;
- else {
- addChild(new BadgeImage());
- /* Tried unsuccessfully to add counter to badge. */
- /* For now, need two addChilds :( */
- addChild(tot_client_count_tf);
- addChild(cur_client_count_tf);
- fac_addr = get_param_addr("facilitator", DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR);
- if (!fac_addr) {
- puts("Error: Facilitator spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
- return;
+ puts("Starting: parameters loaded.");
+ /* TODO: use this to have multiple proxies going at once */
+ proxy_pairs = new Array();
+ fac_spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters["facilitator"];
+ if (fac_spec) {
+ puts("Facilitator spec: \"" + fac_spec + "\"");
+ fac_addr = parse_addr_spec(fac_spec);
+ if (!fac_addr) {
+ puts("Error: Facilitator spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
- relay_addr = get_param_addr("relay", DEFAULT_RELAY_ADDR);
- if (!relay_addr) {
- puts("Error: Relay spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
- return;
+ relay_spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters["relay"];
+ if (relay_spec) {
+ puts("Relay spec: \"" + relay_spec + "\"");
+ relay_addr = parse_addr_spec(relay_spec);
+ if (!relay_addr) {
+ puts("Error: Relay spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (proxy_mode) {
+ relay_addr = DEFAULT_TOR_RELAY_ADDR;
+ } else {
+ }
- /* Get an address structure from the given movie parameter, or the given
- default. Returns null on error. */
- private function get_param_addr(param:String, default_addr:Object):Object
- {
- var spec:String, addr:Object;
- spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters[param];
- if (spec)
- return parse_addr_spec(spec);
- else
- return default_addr;
- }
/* The main logic begins here, after start-up issues are taken care of. */
private function main():void
- if (num_proxy_pairs >= MAX_NUM_PROXY_PAIRS) {
- return;
+ if (proxy_mode) {
+ establish_facilitator_connection();
+ } else {
+ establish_cirrus_connection();
+ }
- s_f = new Socket();
- s_f.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, fac_connected);
- s_f.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
- puts("Facilitator: closed connection.");
+ private function establish_cirrus_connection():void
+ {
+ s_c = new CirrusSocket();
+ s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_SUCCESS, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
+ puts("Cirrus: connected with id " + s_c.id + ".");
+ if (proxy_mode) {
+ start_proxy_pair();
+ s_c.send_hello(client_id);
+ } else {
+ establish_facilitator_connection();
+ }
- s_f.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
- puts("Facilitator: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
+ s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
+ puts("Error: failed to connect to Cirrus.");
- s_f.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
- puts("Facilitator: security error: " + e.text + ".");
+ s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_CLOSED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
+ puts("Cirrus: closed connection.");
- puts("Facilitator: connecting to " + fac_addr.host + ":" + fac_addr.port + ".");
- s_f.connect(fac_addr.host, fac_addr.port);
+ s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.HELLO_RECEIVED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
+ puts("Cirrus: received hello from peer " + e.peer);
+ /* don't bother if we already have a proxy going */
+ if (p_p != null && p_p.connected) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if we're in proxy mode, we should have already set
+ up a proxy pair */
+ if (!proxy_mode) {
+ proxy_pair_factory = rtmfp_proxy_pair_factory;
+ start_proxy_pair();
+ s_c.send_hello(e.peer);
+ } else if (!debug_mode && badge != null) {
+ badge.total_proxy_pairs++;
+ badge.num_proxy_pairs++;
+ }
+ p_p.client = {peer: e.peer, stream: e.stream};
+ });
- private function fac_connected(e:Event):void
+ private function establish_facilitator_connection():void
- puts("Facilitator: connected.");
- s_f.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, fac_data);
- s_f.writeUTFBytes("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
+ s_f = new FacilitatorSocket(fac_addr.host, fac_addr.port);
+ s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:Event):void {
+ puts("Facilitator: connect failed.");
+ setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
+ });
+ if (proxy_mode) {
+ s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, function (e:FacilitatorSocketEvent):void {
+ var client_addr:Object = parse_addr_spec(e.client);
+ if (client_addr == null) {
+ puts("Facilitator: got registration " + e.client);
+ proxy_pair_factory = rtmfp_proxy_pair_factory;
+ if (s_c == null || !s_c.connected) {
+ client_id = e.client;
+ establish_cirrus_connection();
+ } else {
+ start_proxy_pair();
+ s_c.send_hello(e.client);
+ }
+ } else {
+ proxy_pair_factory = tcp_proxy_pair_factory;
+ start_proxy_pair();
+ p_p.client = client_addr;
+ }
+ });
+ s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATIONS_EMPTY, function (e:Event):void {
+ puts("Facilitator: no registrations available.");
+ setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
+ });
+ puts("Facilitator: getting registration.");
+ s_f.get_registration();
+ } else {
+ s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_FAILED, function (e:Event):void {
+ puts("Facilitator: registration failed.");
+ setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
+ });
+ puts("Facilitator: posting registration.");
+ s_f.post_registration(s_c.id);
+ }
- private function fac_data(e:ProgressEvent):void
+ private function start_proxy_pair():void
- var client_spec:String;
- var client_addr:Object;
- var proxy_pair:Object;
- client_spec = s_f.readMultiByte(e.bytesLoaded, "utf-8");
- puts("Facilitator: got \"" + client_spec + "\".");
- client_addr = parse_addr_spec(client_spec);
- if (!client_addr) {
- puts("Error: Client spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
- return;
- }
- num_proxy_pairs++;
- total_proxy_pairs++;
- /* Update the client count on the badge. */
- update_client_count();
- proxy_pair = new ProxyPair(this, client_addr, relay_addr);
- proxy_pair.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void {
- proxy_pair.log("Complete.");
- num_proxy_pairs--;
- /* Update the client count on the badge. */
- update_client_count();
+ p_p = proxy_pair_factory();
+ p_p.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
+ puts("ProxyPair: connected!");
- proxy_pair.connect();
+ p_p.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
+ puts("ProxyPair: connection closed.");
+ p_p = null;
+ if (proxy_mode && !debug_mode && badge != null) {
+ badge.num_proxy_pairs--;
+ }
+ establish_facilitator_connection();
+ });
+ p_p.relay = relay_addr;
+ }
+ private function rtmfp_proxy_pair_factory():ProxyPair
+ {
+ return new RTMFPProxyPair(this, s_c, s_c.local_stream_name);
+ }
+ private function tcp_proxy_pair_factory():ProxyPair
+ {
+ return new TCPProxyPair(this);
/* Parse an address in the form "host:port". Returns an Object with
keys "host" (String) and "port" (int). Returns null on error. */
- private static function parse_addr_spec(spec:String):Object
+ private function parse_addr_spec(spec:String):Object
var parts:Array;
var addr:Object;
@@ -266,267 +283,105 @@ package
-import flash.display.Sprite;
-import flash.events.Event;
-import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
-import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
-import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
-import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
-import flash.net.Socket;
-import flash.utils.ByteArray;
-import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
-import flash.utils.getTimer;
-import flash.utils.setTimeout;
-class RateLimit
- public function RateLimit()
- {
- }
- public function update(n:Number):Boolean
- {
- return true;
- }
+import flash.text.TextField;
+import flash.text.TextFormat;
- public function when():Number
- {
- return 0.0;
- }
- public function is_limited():Boolean
- {
- return false;
- }
-class RateUnlimit extends RateLimit
- public function RateUnlimit()
- {
- }
- public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
- {
- return true;
- }
- public override function when():Number
- {
- return 0.0;
- }
- public override function is_limited():Boolean
- {
- return false;
- }
-class BucketRateLimit extends RateLimit
- private var amount:Number;
- private var capacity:Number;
- private var time:Number;
- private var last_update:uint;
- public function BucketRateLimit(capacity:Number, time:Number)
- {
- this.amount = 0.0;
- /* capacity / time is the rate we are aiming for. */
- this.capacity = capacity;
- this.time = time;
- this.last_update = getTimer();
- }
- private function age():void
- {
- var now:uint;
- var delta:Number;
- now = getTimer();
- delta = (now - last_update) / 1000.0;
- last_update = now;
- amount -= delta * capacity / time;
- if (amount < 0.0)
- amount = 0.0;
- }
- public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
- {
- age();
- amount += n;
- return amount <= capacity;
- }
- public override function when():Number
- {
- age();
- return (amount - capacity) / (capacity / time);
- }
- public override function is_limited():Boolean
- {
- age();
- return amount > capacity;
- }
-/* An instance of a client-relay connection. */
-class ProxyPair extends EventDispatcher
- // Address ({host, port}) of client.
- private var addr_c:Object;
- // Address ({host, port}) of relay.
- private var addr_r:Object;
- // Socket to client.
- private var s_c:Socket;
- // Socket to relay.
- private var s_r:Socket;
- // Parent swfcat, for UI updates and rate meter.
+class InternetFreedomBadge {
private var ui:swfcat;
- // Pending byte read counts for relay and client sockets.
- private var r2c_schedule:Array;
- private var c2r_schedule:Array;
- // Callback id.
- private var flush_id:uint;
- public function log(msg:String):void
- {
- ui.puts(id() + ": " + msg)
- }
- // String describing this pair for output.
- public function id():String
- {
- return "<" + this.addr_c.host + ":" + this.addr_c.port +
- "," + this.addr_r.host + ":" + this.addr_r.port + ">";
- }
- public function ProxyPair(ui:swfcat, addr_c:Object, addr_r:Object)
+ private var _num_proxy_pairs:uint;
+ private var _total_proxy_pairs:uint;
+ [Embed(source="badge.png")]
+ private var BadgeImage:Class;
+ private var tot_client_count_tf:TextField;
+ private var tot_client_count_fmt:TextFormat;
+ private var cur_client_count_tf:TextField;
+ private var cur_client_count_fmt:TextFormat;
+ public function InternetFreedomBadge(ui:swfcat)
this.ui = ui;
- this.addr_c = addr_c;
- this.addr_r = addr_r;
- this.c2r_schedule = [];
- this.r2c_schedule = [];
- }
- public function connect():void
- {
- s_r = new Socket();
- s_r.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, relay_connected);
- s_r.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
- log("Relay: closed.");
- if (s_c.connected)
- s_c.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
- log("Relay: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
- if (s_c.connected)
- s_c.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
- log("Relay: security error: " + e.text + ".");
- if (s_c.connected)
- s_c.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- });
- s_r.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, relay_to_client);
- log("Relay: connecting to " + addr_r.host + ":" + addr_r.port + ".");
- s_r.connect(addr_r.host, addr_r.port);
+ _num_proxy_pairs = 0;
+ _total_proxy_pairs = 0;
+ /* Setup client counter for badge. */
+ tot_client_count_fmt = new TextFormat();
+ tot_client_count_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
+ tot_client_count_fmt.align = "center";
+ tot_client_count_fmt.font = "courier-new";
+ tot_client_count_fmt.bold = true;
+ tot_client_count_fmt.size = 10;
+ tot_client_count_tf = new TextField();
+ tot_client_count_tf.width = 20;
+ tot_client_count_tf.height = 17;
+ tot_client_count_tf.background = false;
+ tot_client_count_tf.defaultTextFormat = tot_client_count_fmt;
+ tot_client_count_tf.x=47;
+ tot_client_count_tf.y=0;
+ cur_client_count_fmt = new TextFormat();
+ cur_client_count_fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
+ cur_client_count_fmt.align = "center";
+ cur_client_count_fmt.font = "courier-new";
+ cur_client_count_fmt.bold = true;
+ cur_client_count_fmt.size = 10;
+ cur_client_count_tf = new TextField();
+ cur_client_count_tf.width = 20;
+ cur_client_count_tf.height = 17;
+ cur_client_count_tf.background = false;
+ cur_client_count_tf.defaultTextFormat = cur_client_count_fmt;
+ cur_client_count_tf.x=47;
+ cur_client_count_tf.y=6;
+ /* Update the client counter on badge. */
+ update_client_count();
- private function relay_connected(e:Event):void
+ public function display():void
- log("Relay: connected.");
- s_c = new Socket();
- s_c.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, client_connected);
- s_c.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
- log("Client: closed.");
- if (s_r.connected)
- s_r.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- });
- s_c.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
- log("Client: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
- if (s_r.connected)
- s_r.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- });
- s_c.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
- log("Client: security error: " + e.text + ".");
- if (s_r.connected)
- s_r.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- });
- s_c.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
- log("Client: connecting to " + addr_c.host + ":" + addr_c.port + ".");
- s_c.connect(addr_c.host, addr_c.port);
+ ui.addChild(new BadgeImage());
+ /* Tried unsuccessfully to add counter to badge. */
+ /* For now, need two addChilds :( */
+ ui.addChild(tot_client_count_tf);
+ ui.addChild(cur_client_count_tf);
- private function relay_to_client(e:ProgressEvent):void
+ public function get num_proxy_pairs():uint
- r2c_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
- flush();
+ return _num_proxy_pairs;
- private function client_to_relay(e:ProgressEvent):void
+ public function set num_proxy_pairs(amount:uint):void
- c2r_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
- flush();
+ _num_proxy_pairs = amount;
+ update_client_count();
- private function client_connected(e:Event):void
+ public function get total_proxy_pairs():uint
- log("Client: connected.");
+ return _total_proxy_pairs;
- private function transfer_chunk(s_from:Socket, s_to:Socket, n:uint,
- label:String):void
+ public function set total_proxy_pairs(amount:uint):void
- var bytes:ByteArray;
- bytes = new ByteArray();
- s_from.readBytes(bytes, 0, n);
- s_to.writeBytes(bytes);
- ui.rate_limit.update(n);
- log(label + ": read " + bytes.length + ".");
+ _total_proxy_pairs = amount;
+ /* note: doesn't update, so be sure to update this
+ before you update num_proxy_pairs! */
- /* Send as much data as the rate limit currently allows. */
- private function flush():void
+ private function update_client_count():void
- if (flush_id)
- clearTimeout(flush_id);
- flush_id = undefined;
- if (!(s_r.connected && s_c.connected))
- /* Can't do anything until both sockets are connected. */
- return;
- while (!ui.rate_limit.is_limited() &&
- (r2c_schedule.length > 0 || c2r_schedule.length > 0)) {
- if (r2c_schedule.length > 0)
- transfer_chunk(s_r, s_c, r2c_schedule.shift(), "Relay");
- if (c2r_schedule.length > 0)
- transfer_chunk(s_c, s_r, c2r_schedule.shift(), "Client");
- }
- /* Call again when safe, if necessary. */
- if (r2c_schedule.length > 0 || c2r_schedule.length > 0)
- flush_id = setTimeout(flush, ui.rate_limit.when() * 1000);
+ /* Update total client count. */
+ if (String(total_proxy_pairs).length == 1)
+ tot_client_count_tf.text = "0" + String(total_proxy_pairs);
+ else
+ tot_client_count_tf.text = String(total_proxy_pairs);
+ /* Update current client count. */
+ cur_client_count_tf.text = "";
+ for(var i:Number = 0; i < num_proxy_pairs; i++)
+ cur_client_count_tf.appendText(".");
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