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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] Move ProxyPair into its own file.

commit c9df47139a3e9ad3a2412dcb4bc85b5b3c322bce
Author: David Fifield <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jun 11 14:15:55 2011 -0700

    Move ProxyPair into its own file.
 Makefile     |    2 +-
 ProxyPair.as |  156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 swfcat.as    |  154 ---------------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7f81cf9..ed799c6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ TARGETS = swfcat.swf
 all: $(TARGETS)
-swfcat.swf: badge.png
+swfcat.swf: *.as badge.png
 %.swf: %.as
 	$(MXMLC) -output $@ -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries $<
diff --git a/ProxyPair.as b/ProxyPair.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead6e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProxyPair.as
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+    import flash.events.Event;
+    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
+    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
+    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
+    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
+    import flash.events.TextEvent;
+    import flash.net.Socket;
+    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
+    import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
+    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
+    /* An instance of a client-relay connection. */
+    public class ProxyPair extends EventDispatcher
+    {
+        // Address ({host, port}) of client.
+        private var addr_c:Object;
+        // Address ({host, port}) of relay.
+        private var addr_r:Object;
+        // Socket to client.
+        private var s_c:Socket;
+        // Socket to relay.
+        private var s_r:Socket;
+        // Parent swfcat, for UI updates and rate meter.
+        private var ui:swfcat;
+        // Pending byte read counts for relay and client sockets.
+        private var r2c_schedule:Array;
+        private var c2r_schedule:Array;
+        // Callback id.
+        private var flush_id:uint;
+        public function log(msg:String):void
+        {
+            ui.puts(id() + ": " + msg)
+        }
+        // String describing this pair for output.
+        public function id():String
+        {
+            return "<" + this.addr_c.host + ":" + this.addr_c.port +
+                "," + this.addr_r.host + ":" + this.addr_r.port + ">";
+        }
+        public function ProxyPair(ui:swfcat, addr_c:Object, addr_r:Object)
+        {
+            this.ui = ui;
+            this.addr_c = addr_c;
+            this.addr_r = addr_r;
+            this.c2r_schedule = [];
+            this.r2c_schedule = [];
+        }
+        /* Return a function that shows an error message and closes the other half
+           of a communication pair. */
+        private function socket_error(message:String, other:Socket):Function
+        {
+            return function(e:Event):void {
+                if (e is TextEvent)
+                    log(message + ": " + (e as TextEvent).text + ".");
+                else
+                    log(message + ".");
+                if (other && other.connected)
+                    other.close();
+                dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
+            };
+        }
+        public function connect():void
+        {
+            s_r = new Socket();
+            s_r.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, relay_connected);
+            s_r.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Relay: closed", s_c));
+            s_r.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Relay: I/O error", s_c));
+            s_r.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Relay: security error", s_c));
+            s_r.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, relay_to_client);
+            log("Relay: connecting to " + addr_r.host + ":" + addr_r.port + ".");
+            s_r.connect(addr_r.host, addr_r.port);
+        }
+        private function relay_connected(e:Event):void
+        {
+            log("Relay: connected.");
+            s_c = new Socket();
+            s_c.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, client_connected);
+            s_c.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Client: closed", s_r));
+            s_c.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Client: I/O error", s_r));
+            s_c.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Client: security error", s_r));
+            s_c.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
+            log("Client: connecting to " + addr_c.host + ":" + addr_c.port + ".");
+            s_c.connect(addr_c.host, addr_c.port);
+        }
+        private function relay_to_client(e:ProgressEvent):void
+        {
+            r2c_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
+            flush();
+        }
+        private function client_to_relay(e:ProgressEvent):void
+        {
+            c2r_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
+            flush();
+        }
+        private function client_connected(e:Event):void
+        {
+            log("Client: connected.");
+        }
+        private function transfer_chunk(s_from:Socket, s_to:Socket, n:uint,
+            label:String):void
+        {
+            var bytes:ByteArray;
+            bytes = new ByteArray();
+            s_from.readBytes(bytes, 0, n);
+            s_to.writeBytes(bytes);
+            ui.rate_limit.update(n);
+            log(label + ": read " + bytes.length + ".");
+        }
+        /* Send as much data as the rate limit currently allows. */
+        private function flush():void
+        {
+            if (flush_id)
+                clearTimeout(flush_id);
+            flush_id = undefined;
+            if (!(s_r.connected && s_c.connected))
+                /* Can't do anything until both sockets are connected. */
+                return;
+            while (!ui.rate_limit.is_limited() &&
+                   (r2c_schedule.length > 0 || c2r_schedule.length > 0)) {
+                if (r2c_schedule.length > 0)
+                    transfer_chunk(s_r, s_c, r2c_schedule.shift(), "Relay");
+                if (c2r_schedule.length > 0)
+                    transfer_chunk(s_c, s_r, c2r_schedule.shift(), "Client");
+            }
+            /* Call again when safe, if necessary. */
+            if (r2c_schedule.length > 0 || c2r_schedule.length > 0)
+                flush_id = setTimeout(flush, ui.rate_limit.when() * 1000);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/swfcat.as b/swfcat.as
index 8d893b2..b8e198a 100644
--- a/swfcat.as
+++ b/swfcat.as
@@ -210,20 +210,9 @@ package
-import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.TextFormat;
 import flash.text.TextField;
-import flash.events.Event;
-import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
-import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
-import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
-import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
-import flash.events.TextEvent;
-import flash.net.Socket;
-import flash.utils.ByteArray;
-import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
 import flash.utils.getTimer;
-import flash.utils.setTimeout;
 class Badge extends flash.display.Sprite
@@ -400,146 +389,3 @@ class BucketRateLimit extends RateLimit
         return amount > capacity;
-/* An instance of a client-relay connection. */
-class ProxyPair extends EventDispatcher
-    // Address ({host, port}) of client.
-    private var addr_c:Object;
-    // Address ({host, port}) of relay.
-    private var addr_r:Object;
-    // Socket to client.
-    private var s_c:Socket;
-    // Socket to relay.
-    private var s_r:Socket;
-    // Parent swfcat, for UI updates and rate meter.
-    private var ui:swfcat;
-    // Pending byte read counts for relay and client sockets.
-    private var r2c_schedule:Array;
-    private var c2r_schedule:Array;
-    // Callback id.
-    private var flush_id:uint;
-    public function log(msg:String):void
-    {
-        ui.puts(id() + ": " + msg)
-    }
-    // String describing this pair for output.
-    public function id():String
-    {
-        return "<" + this.addr_c.host + ":" + this.addr_c.port +
-            "," + this.addr_r.host + ":" + this.addr_r.port + ">";
-    }
-    public function ProxyPair(ui:swfcat, addr_c:Object, addr_r:Object)
-    {
-        this.ui = ui;
-        this.addr_c = addr_c;
-        this.addr_r = addr_r;
-        this.c2r_schedule = [];
-        this.r2c_schedule = [];
-    }
-    /* Return a function that shows an error message and closes the other half
-       of a communication pair. */
-    private function socket_error(message:String, other:Socket):Function
-    {
-        return function(e:Event):void {
-            if (e is TextEvent)
-                log(message + ": " + (e as TextEvent).text + ".");
-            else
-                log(message + ".");
-            if (other && other.connected)
-                other.close();
-            dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
-        };
-    }
-    public function connect():void
-    {
-        s_r = new Socket();
-        s_r.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, relay_connected);
-        s_r.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Relay: closed", s_c));
-        s_r.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Relay: I/O error", s_c));
-        s_r.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Relay: security error", s_c));
-        s_r.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, relay_to_client);
-        log("Relay: connecting to " + addr_r.host + ":" + addr_r.port + ".");
-        s_r.connect(addr_r.host, addr_r.port);
-    }
-    private function relay_connected(e:Event):void
-    {
-        log("Relay: connected.");
-        s_c = new Socket();
-        s_c.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, client_connected);
-        s_c.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Client: closed", s_r));
-        s_c.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Client: I/O error", s_r));
-        s_c.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Client: security error", s_r));
-        s_c.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
-        log("Client: connecting to " + addr_c.host + ":" + addr_c.port + ".");
-        s_c.connect(addr_c.host, addr_c.port);
-    }
-    private function relay_to_client(e:ProgressEvent):void
-    {
-        r2c_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
-        flush();
-    }
-    private function client_to_relay(e:ProgressEvent):void
-    {
-        c2r_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
-        flush();
-    }
-    private function client_connected(e:Event):void
-    {
-        log("Client: connected.");
-    }
-    private function transfer_chunk(s_from:Socket, s_to:Socket, n:uint,
-        label:String):void
-    {
-        var bytes:ByteArray;
-        bytes = new ByteArray();
-        s_from.readBytes(bytes, 0, n);
-        s_to.writeBytes(bytes);
-        ui.rate_limit.update(n);
-        log(label + ": read " + bytes.length + ".");
-    }
-    /* Send as much data as the rate limit currently allows. */
-    private function flush():void
-    {
-        if (flush_id)
-            clearTimeout(flush_id);
-        flush_id = undefined;
-        if (!(s_r.connected && s_c.connected))
-            /* Can't do anything until both sockets are connected. */
-            return;
-        while (!ui.rate_limit.is_limited() &&
-               (r2c_schedule.length > 0 || c2r_schedule.length > 0)) {
-            if (r2c_schedule.length > 0)
-                transfer_chunk(s_r, s_c, r2c_schedule.shift(), "Relay");
-            if (c2r_schedule.length > 0)
-                transfer_chunk(s_c, s_r, c2r_schedule.shift(), "Client");
-        }
-        /* Call again when safe, if necessary. */
-        if (r2c_schedule.length > 0 || c2r_schedule.length > 0)
-            flush_id = setTimeout(flush, ui.rate_limit.when() * 1000);
-    }

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