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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Dropping functionality to sighup via pkill

commit b16f7b82e403ddc7ccc768a4b79a28a00811c309
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jun 1 19:17:01 2013 -0700

    Dropping functionality to sighup via pkill
    Once I had a phobia of deleting any code that could possibly prove to be useful
    later. This is a great example: the initial version of arm could reset tor by
    issuing a pkill to sighup. I later learned that this could also be done far
    more simpily by issuing a 'SIGNAL RELOAD'.
    So what did I do? I changed arm to use SIGNAL of course, but I also left the
    pkill code around just in case I needed it in the future. The only advantage of
    pkill is that we can sighup tor instances that lack a control port. This might
    make its way into stem's process module someday if we ever have a need, but
    arm's implementation is old and unused so it's about time it got deleted.
 src/util/torTools.py |   68 ++++++--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/util/torTools.py b/src/util/torTools.py
index 0cb3a22..1ed1bbb 100644
--- a/src/util/torTools.py
+++ b/src/util/torTools.py
@@ -992,77 +992,23 @@ class Controller:
     return list(self.controllerEvents)
-  def reload(self, issueSighup = False):
+  def reload(self):
     This resets tor (sending a RELOAD signal to the control port) causing tor's
-    internal state to be reset and the torrc reloaded. This can either be done
-    by...
-      - the controller via a RELOAD signal (default and suggested)
-          conn.send_signal("RELOAD")
-      - system reload signal (hup)
-          pkill -sighup tor
-    The later isn't really useful unless there's some reason the RELOAD signal
-    won't do the trick. Both methods raise an IOError in case of failure.
-    Arguments:
-      issueSighup - issues a sighup rather than a controller RELOAD signal
+    internal state to be reset and the torrc reloaded.
-    raisedException = None
-    if self.isAlive():
-      if not issueSighup:
+    try:
+      if self.isAlive():
         except Exception, exc:
           # new torrc parameters caused an error (tor's likely shut down)
-          raisedException = IOError(str(exc))
-      else:
-        try:
-          # Redirects stderr to stdout so we can check error status (output
-          # should be empty if successful). Example error:
-          # pkill: 5592 - Operation not permitted
-          #
-          # note that this may provide multiple errors, even if successful,
-          # hence this:
-          #   - only provide an error if Tor fails to log a sighup
-          #   - provide the error message associated with the tor pid (others
-          #     would be a red herring)
-          if not system.is_available("pkill"):
-            raise IOError("pkill command is unavailable")
-          self._isReset = False
-          pkillCall = os.popen("pkill -sighup ^tor$ 2> /dev/stdout")
-          pkillOutput = pkillCall.readlines()
-          pkillCall.close()
-          # Give the sighupTracker a moment to detect the sighup signal. This
-          # is, of course, a possible concurrency bug. However I'm not sure
-          # of a better method for blocking on this...
-          waitStart = time.time()
-          while time.time() - waitStart < 1:
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            if self._isReset: break
-          if not self._isReset:
-            errorLine, torPid = "", self.controller.get_pid(None)
-            if torPid:
-              for line in pkillOutput:
-                if line.startswith("pkill: %s - " % torPid):
-                  errorLine = line
-                  break
-            if errorLine: raise IOError(" ".join(errorLine.split()[3:]))
-            else: raise IOError("failed silently")
-        except IOError, exc:
-          raisedException = exc
-    self.connLock.release()
-    if raisedException: raise raisedException
+          raise IOError(str(exc))
+    finally:
+      self.connLock.release()
   def shutdown(self, force = False):

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