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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/develop] Revert "Also forbid bogus characters in PT fingerprint and address"

commit 2254b859abf24f437376b94c6c4907f91a04d957
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 6 20:41:31 2015 +0000

    Revert "Also forbid bogus characters in PT fingerprint and address"
    This reverts commit 44e31908090a0e70dfdd82020a5b89c80e04a6d2.
    In the @property setters for b.bridges.BridgeAddressBase.fingerprint and
    b.bridges.BridgeAddressBase.address, the functions
    b.p.fingerprints.isValidFingerprint() and b.p.addr.isValidIP()
    respectively determine whether the attribute will be set.  My tests show
    that all of {non-ASCII characters, control characters, double quotes,
    backslashes} will not make it through either of those validation
 lib/bridgedb/bridges.py |   26 --------------------------
 1 file changed, 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/bridges.py b/lib/bridgedb/bridges.py
index 01bbdd0..4e9ecd1 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/bridges.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/bridges.py
@@ -351,10 +351,6 @@ class PluggableTransport(BridgeAddressBase):
               characters or double quotes or backslashes, in keys or
               in values.
-          3. The :data:`fingerprint` and :data:`address` do not
-              contain non-ASCII or control characters or double quotes
-              or backslashes.
         :raises MalformedPluggableTransport: if any of the above checks fails.
         if not self.fingerprint:
@@ -390,28 +386,6 @@ class PluggableTransport(BridgeAddressBase):
                     % (k, v))
-        if not isascii_noncontrol(self.fingerprint):
-            raise MalformedPluggableTransport(
-                ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with non-ASCII or "
-                 "control characters in fingerprint: %r")
-                % self.fingerprint)
-        if '"' in self.fingerprint or '\\' in self.fingerprint:
-            raise MalformedPluggableTransport(
-                ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with double quotes or "
-                 "backslashes in fingerprint: %r")
-                % self.fingerprint)
-        if not isascii_noncontrol(self.address):
-            raise MalformedPluggableTransport(
-                ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with non-ASCII or "
-                 "control characters in address: %r")
-                % self.address)
-        if '"' in self.address or '\\' in self.address:
-            raise MalformedPluggableTransport(
-                ("Cannot create PluggableTransport with double quotes or "
-                 "backslashes in address: %r")
-                % self.address)
         if not self._checkArguments():
             raise MalformedPluggableTransport(
                 ("Can't use %s transport with missing arguments. Arguments: "

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