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[tor-commits] [chutney/master] Undo a bunch of unnecessary whitespace changes
commit eee4dd2b6a04e46dfda0d2517c9ac6a0b4dffffc
Author: teor <teor@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon May 18 13:22:46 2020 +1000
Undo a bunch of unnecessary whitespace changes
lib/chutney/TorNet.py | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/chutney/TorNet.py b/lib/chutney/TorNet.py
index 20e28c1..b4ec606 100644
--- a/lib/chutney/TorNet.py
+++ b/lib/chutney/TorNet.py
@@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ class MissingBinaryException(Exception):
def getenv_type(env_var, default, type_, type_name=None):
- """ Return the value of the environment variable 'envar' as type_,
+ """
+ Return the value of the environment variable 'envar' as type_,
or 'default' if no such variable exists.
Raise ValueError using type_name if the environment variable is set,
but type_() raises a ValueError on its value. (If type_name is None
or empty, the ValueError uses type_'s string representation instead.)
@@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ def getenv_int(env_var, default):
Return the value of the environment variable 'envar' as an int,
or 'default' if no such variable exists.
Raise ValueError if the environment variable is set, but is not an int.
return getenv_type(env_var, default, int, type_name='an int')
@@ -79,7 +82,9 @@ def getenv_bool(env_var, default):
Return the value of the environment variable 'envar' as a bool,
or 'default' if no such variable exists.
Unlike bool(), converts 0, "False", and "No" to False.
Raise ValueError if the environment variable is set, but is not a bool.
@@ -96,9 +101,11 @@ def getenv_bool(env_var, default):
def mkdir_p(d, mode=448):
"""Create directory 'd' and all of its parents as needed. Unlike
os.makedirs, does not give an error if d already exists.
448 is the decimal representation of the octal number 0700. Since
python2 only supports 0700 and python3 only supports 0o700, we can use
Note that python2 and python3 differ in how they create the
permissions for the intermediate directories. In python3, 'mode'
only sets the mode for the last directory created.
@@ -134,12 +141,15 @@ def get_absolute_net_path():
Returns the absolute path of the "net" directory that chutney should
use to store "node*" directories containing torrcs and tor runtime data.
If the CHUTNEY_DATA_DIR environmental variable is an absolute path, it
is returned unmodified, regardless of whether the path actually exists.
(Chutney creates any directories that do not exist.)
Otherwise, if it is a relative path, and there is an existing directory
with that name in the directory containing the chutney executable
script, return that path (this check exists for legacy reasons).
Finally, return the path relative to the current working directory,
regardless of whether the path actually exists.
@@ -169,6 +179,8 @@ def get_absolute_nodes_path():
This path is also used as a prefix for the unique nodes directory
+ See get_new_absolute_nodes_path() for more details.
return os.path.join(get_absolute_net_path(), 'nodes')
@@ -176,8 +188,10 @@ def get_new_absolute_nodes_path(now=time.time()):
Returns the absolute path of a unique "nodes*" directory that chutney
should use to store the current network's torrcs and tor runtime data.
The nodes directory suffix is based on the current timestamp,
incremented if necessary to avoid collisions with existing directories.
(The existing directory check contains known race conditions: running
multiple simultaneous chutney instances on the same "net" directory is
not supported. The uniqueness check is only designed to avoid
@@ -219,7 +233,9 @@ def _warnMissingTor(tor_path, cmdline, tor_name="tor"):
def run_tor(cmdline, exit_on_missing=True):
"""Run the tor command line cmdline, which must start with the path or
name of a tor binary.
Returns the combined stdout and stderr of the process.
If exit_on_missing is true, warn and exit if the tor binary is missing.
Otherwise, raise a MissingBinaryException.
@@ -256,6 +272,7 @@ def launch_process(cmdline, tor_name="tor", stdin=None, exit_on_missing=True):
"""Launch the command line cmdline, which must start with the path or
name of a binary. Use tor_name as the canonical name of the binary in
logs. Pass stdin to the Popen constructor.
Returns the Popen object for the launched process.
if tor_name == "tor":
@@ -289,6 +306,7 @@ def run_tor_gencert(cmdline, passphrase):
"""Run the tor-gencert command line cmdline, which must start with the
path or name of a tor-gencert binary.
Then send passphrase to the stdin of the process.
Returns the combined stdout and stderr of the process.
p = launch_process(cmdline,
@@ -359,6 +377,7 @@ def get_tor_modules(tor):
"""Check the list of compile-time modules advertised by the given
'tor' binary, and return a map from module name to a boolean
describing whether it is supported.
Unlisted modules are ones that Tor did not treat as compile-time
optional modules.
@@ -392,6 +411,7 @@ class Node(object):
"""A Node represents a Tor node or a set of Tor nodes. It's created
in a network configuration file.
This class is responsible for holding the user's selected node
configuration, and figuring out how the node needs to be
configured and launched.
@@ -406,7 +426,7 @@ class Node(object):
# Users are expected to call these:
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
- """Create a new Node.
+ """Create a new Node.
Initial fields in this Node's environment are set from 'kwargs'.
@@ -701,6 +721,7 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
def _makeHiddenServiceDir(self):
"""Create the hidden service subdirectory for this node.
The directory name is stored under the 'hs_directory' environment
key. It is combined with the 'dir' data directory key to yield the
path to the hidden service directory.
@@ -760,7 +781,7 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
.format(repr(" ".join(cmdline)), repr(stdouterr)))
self._env['fingerprint'] = fingerprint
def _getAltAuthLines(self, hasbridgeauth=False):
"""Return a combination of AlternateDirAuthority,
and AlternateBridgeAuthority lines for
@@ -844,7 +865,7 @@ class LocalNodeBuilder(NodeBuilder):
class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def _setEd25519Id(self):
"""Read the ed25519 identity key for this router, and set up the 'ed25519-id' entry in the Environ"""
datadir = self._env['dir']
@@ -870,13 +891,13 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
raise ValueError("The current length of the key is {}, which is not matching the expected length of {}".format(CURRENT_ED25519_BASE64_KEY_SIZE, EXPECTED_ED25519_BASE64_KEY_SIZE))
self._env['ed25519_id'] = ed25519_id
def __init__(self, env):
- NodeController.__init__(self,env)
+ NodeController.__init__(self, env)
self._env = env
def getNick(self):
"""Return the nickname for this node."""
return self._env['nick']
@@ -963,6 +984,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
"""Returns the minimum start time before verifying, regardless of
whether the network has bootstrapped, or the dir info has been
Based on $CHUTNEY_EXTRA_START_TIME and the tor version.
# User overrode the dynamic time
@@ -987,6 +1009,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def getUncheckedDirInfoWaitTime(self):
"""Returns the amount of time to wait before verifying, after the
network has bootstrapped, and the dir info has been distributed.
Based on whether this node is an onion service.
if self.getOnionService():
@@ -1242,14 +1265,17 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
* a boolean indicating whether this node is a bridge client, and
* a dict with the expected paths to the consensus files for this
If v2_dir_paths is True, returns the v3 directory paths.
Otherwise, returns the bridge status path.
If v2_dir_paths is True, but this node is not a bridge client or
bridge authority, returns None. (There are no paths.)
Directory servers usually have both consensus flavours.
Clients usually have the microdesc consensus, but they may have
either flavour. (Or both flavours.)
Only the bridge authority has the bridge networkstatus.
The dict keys are:
* "ns_cons", "desc", and "desc_new";
* "md_cons", "md", and "md_new"; and
@@ -1302,7 +1328,9 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def getNodePublishedDirInfoPaths(self):
"""Return a dict of paths to consensus files, where we expect this
node to be published.
The dict keys are the nicks for each node.
See getNodeCacheDirInfoPaths() for the path data structure, and which
nodes appear in each type of directory.
@@ -1334,7 +1362,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
nickname = self.getNick()
ed25519_key = self.getEd25519Id()
cons = dir_format in ["ns_cons",
@@ -1364,10 +1392,11 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
# If there is no ed25519_id, then we can't search for it
return None
def getFileDirInfoStatus(self, dir_format, dir_path):
"""Check dir_path, a directory path used by another node, to see if
this node is present. The directory path is a dir_format file.
Returns a status 3-tuple containing:
* an integer status code:
* negative numbers correspond to errors,
@@ -1413,11 +1442,15 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
"""Combine the directory statuses in dir_status, if their keys
appear in status_key_list. Keys may be directory formats, or
node nicks.
If best is True, choose the best status, otherwise, choose the
worst status.
If ignore_missing is True, ignore missing statuses, if there is any
other status available.
If statuses are equal, combine their format sets.
Returns None if the status list is empty.
dir_status_list = [ dir_status[status_key]
@@ -1466,19 +1499,24 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
"""Summarise the statuses for this node, among all the files used by
the other node.
to_dir_server is True if the other node is a directory server.
to_bridge_client is True if the other node is a bridge client.
Combine these alternate files by choosing the best status:
* desc_alts: "desc" and "desc_new"
* md_alts: "md" and "md_new"
Handle these alternate formats by ignoring missing directory files,
then choosing the worst status:
* cons_all: "ns_cons" and "md_cons"
* desc_all: "desc"/"desc_new" and
Add an "node_dir" status that describes the overall status, which
is the worst status among descriptors, consensuses, and the bridge
networkstatus (if relevant). Return this status.
Returns None if no status is expected.
from_bridge = self.getBridge()
@@ -1577,10 +1615,13 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
"""Check all the directory paths used by another node, to see if this
node is present.
to_dir_server is True if the other node is a directory server.
to_bridge_client is True if the other node is a bridge client.
Returns a dict containing a status 3-tuple for every relevant
directory format. See getFileDirInfoStatus() for more details.
Returns None if the node doesn't have any directory files
containing published information from this node.
@@ -1609,6 +1650,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def getNodeDirInfoStatusList(self):
"""Look through the directories on each node, and work out if
this node is in that directory.
Returns a dict containing a status 3-tuple for each relevant node.
The 3-tuple contains:
* a status code,
@@ -1616,11 +1658,14 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
* a status message string.
See getNodeCacheDirInfoStatus() and getFileDirInfoStatus() for
more details.
If this node is a directory authority, bridge authority, or relay
(including exits), checks v3 directory consensuses, descriptors,
microdesc consensuses, and microdescriptors.
If this node is a bridge, checks bridge networkstatuses, and
descriptors on bridge authorities and bridge clients.
If this node is a client (including onion services), returns None.
dir_files = self.getNodePublishedDirInfoPaths()
@@ -1658,6 +1703,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def summariseNodeDirInfoStatus(self, dir_status):
"""Summarise the statuses for this node's descriptor, among all the
directory files used by all other nodes.
Returns a dict containing a status 4-tuple for each status code.
The 4-tuple contains:
* a status code,
@@ -1667,9 +1713,11 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
* a status message string.
See getNodeCacheDirInfoStatus() and getFileDirInfoStatus() for
more details.
Also add an "node_all" status that describes the overall status,
which is the worst status among all the other nodes' directory
Returns None if no status is expected.
node_status = dict()
@@ -1736,6 +1784,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def getNodeDirInfoStatus(self):
"""Return a 4-tuple describing the status of this node's descriptor,
in all the directory documents across the network.
If this node does not have a descriptor, returns None.
dir_status = self.getNodeDirInfoStatusList()
@@ -1757,6 +1806,7 @@ class LocalNodeController(NodeController):
def isInExpectedDirInfoDocs(self):
"""Return True if the descriptors for this node are in all expected
directory documents.
Return None if this node does not publish descriptors.
node_status = self.getNodeDirInfoStatus()
@@ -1849,7 +1899,9 @@ class TorEnviron(chutney.Templating.Environ):
"""Subclass of chutney.Templating.Environ to implement commonly-used
Environment fields provided:
orport, controlport, socksport, dirport: *Port torrc option
dir: DataDirectory torrc option
nick: Nickname torrc option
@@ -1868,6 +1920,7 @@ class TorEnviron(chutney.Templating.Environ):
Chutney users can disable the sandbox using:
if it doesn't work on their version of glibc.
Environment fields used:
nodenum: chutney's internal node number for the node
tag: a short text string that represents the type of node
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