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[tor-commits] [torperf/master] Lenny is dead.

commit 3cea734b10b5a8276771adbdd1425f71df1c6e42
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Mar 5 16:18:21 2012 +0100

    Lenny is dead.
 measurements-HOWTO |   27 +++------------------------
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/measurements-HOWTO b/measurements-HOWTO
index e8978e3..67de0c5 100644
--- a/measurements-HOWTO
+++ b/measurements-HOWTO
@@ -116,31 +116,10 @@ $ ./start-tors
 Install the timeout tool:
-$ sudo apt-get install timeout     # Lenny
-$ sudo apt-get install coreutils   # Squeeze
+$ sudo apt-get install coreutils
-Add crontab entries to start the regular requests.
-Note that the syntax of the timeout script in Lenny is different from the
-one in Squeeze.  When in doubt, look up the correct syntax in the man
-page.  For the timeout script contained in Lenny, the crontab entries
-would be as follows (line breaks are only for formatting purposes here):
-$ crontab -e
-*/5 * * * * timeout -2 295 ~/torperf/trivsocks-client
-  torperf.torproject.org /.50kbfile >> ~/torperf/50kb.data
-  2>/dev/null
-2,32 * * * * timeout -2 1795 ~/torperf/trivsocks-client
-  torperf.torproject.org /.1mbfile >> ~/torperf/1mb.data
-  2>/dev/null
-8 * * * * timeout -2 3595 ~/torperf/trivsocks-client
-  torperf.torproject.org /.5mbfile >> ~/torperf/5mb.data
-  2>/dev/null
-For the timeout script in Squeeze, use the following crontab entries (the
-only difference is that the first command-line argument is "-s2" instead
-of "-2"; again, line breaks for formatting purposes only):
+Add crontab entries to start the regular requests (line breaks are only
+for formatting purposes here):
 $ crontab -e

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