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[tor-commits] [translation/gettor_completed] Update translations for gettor_completed

commit 3ff95088a40da24a62cbb12be4a4accdd91084d8
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Mar 14 20:45:04 2012 +0000

    Update translations for gettor_completed
 sk/gettor.po |  454 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 454 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sk/gettor.po b/sk/gettor.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e5aca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sk/gettor.po
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Translators:
+#   <koloman375@xxxxxxxxx>, 2012.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: The Tor Project\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-13 22:01+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-29 20:01+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: K0L0M4N <koloman375@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sk\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2\n"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:27
+msgid "Hello, This is the \"GetTor\" robot."
+msgstr "Ahoj, toto je \"GetTor\" robot."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:29
+msgid "Thank you for your request."
+msgstr "Ä?akujeme za VaÅ¡u žiadosÅ¥."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:31
+msgid ""
+"Unfortunately, we won't answer you at this address. You should make\n"
+"an account with GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.COM or YAHOO.CN and send the mail from\n"
+"one of those."
+msgstr "Nanešťastie Vám neodpovieme na túto adresu. Mali by ste si\nvytvoriť konto na GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.COM  alebo YAHOO.CN a \nz tade potom pošlite email."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:35
+msgid ""
+"We only process requests from email services that support \"DKIM\",\n"
+"which is an email feature that lets us verify that the address in the\n"
+"\"From\" line is actually the one who sent the mail."
+msgstr "Spracujeme len tie emailové žiadosti, ktoré podporujú \"DKIM\",\nÄ?o je emailová funkcia, ktorá nám dovolí overiÅ¥, že adresa\nz riadka From patrí skutoÄ?ne tomu, kto email poslal."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:39
+msgid ""
+"(We apologize if you didn't ask for this mail. Since your email is from\n"
+"a service that doesn't use DKIM, we're sending a short explanation,\n"
+"and then we'll ignore this email address for the next day or so.)"
+msgstr "(OspravedlÅ?ujeme sa, ak ste o tento email nepožiadali. Kvôli tomu, že VaÅ¡a emailová služba\nnepoužíva DKIM, posielame Vám krátke vysvetlenie a následne\nbudeme túto emailovú adresu pár dní ignorovaÅ¥.)"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:43 lib/gettor/i18n.py:130
+msgid ""
+"If you have any questions or it doesn't work, you can contact a\n"
+"human at this support email address: help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+msgstr "Ak máte akékoľvek otázky alebo nieÄ?o nepracuje správne, môžete\nkontaktovaÅ¥ naÅ¡u podporu na emailovej adrese: help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:46
+msgid ""
+"I will mail you a Tor package, if you tell me which one you want.\n"
+"Please select one of the following package names:\n"
+"    windows\n"
+"    macos-i386\n"
+"    macos-ppc\n"
+"    linux-i386\n"
+"    linux-x86_64\n"
+"    source"
+msgstr "Ja ti pošlem balík Tor, ak mi povieš, ktorý chceš.\nVyber si prosím jeden z nasledujúcich balíkov:\n\n    windows\n    macos-i386\n    macos-ppc\n    linux-i386\n    linux-x86_64\n    zdroj"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:56
+msgid ""
+"Please reply to this mail, and tell me a single package name anywhere \n"
+"in the body of your email."
+msgstr "Prosím odpovedzte na tento email a do tela emailu napíšte meno jedného\nbalíka."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:59
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Z�SKAŤ LOKALIZOVAN� VERZIU TORu\n============================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:62
+msgid ""
+"To get a version of Tor translated into your language, specify the\n"
+"language you want in the address you send the mail to:\n"
+"    gettor+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+msgstr "Aby ste získali Tor preložený do Vášho jazyka, uveÄ?te jazyk,\nktorý chcete v adrese poslaného emailu:\n\n    gettor+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:67
+msgid ""
+"This example will give you the requested package in a localized\n"
+"version for Farsi (Persian). Check below for a list of supported language\n"
+"codes. "
+msgstr "Tento príklad Vám pošle lokalizovanú verziu v jazyku Farsi (Perzština).\nNižšie je zoznam všetkých podporovaných jazykov: "
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:71
+msgid " List of supported locales:"
+msgstr " Zoznam podporovaných jazykov:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:73
+msgid "Here is a list of all available languages:"
+msgstr "Zoznam všetkých dostupných jazykov:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:75
+msgid ""
+"    gettor+ar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Arabic\n"
+"    gettor+de@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     German\n"
+"    gettor+en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     English\n"
+"    gettor+es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Spanish\n"
+"    gettor+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Farsi (Iran)\n"
+"    gettor+fr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     French\n"
+"    gettor+it@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Italian\n"
+"    gettor+nl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Dutch\n"
+"    gettor+pl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Polish\n"
+"    gettor+ru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Russian\n"
+"    gettor+zh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Chinese"
+msgstr "    gettor+ar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Arabsky\n    gettor+de@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Nemecky\n    gettor+en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Anglicky\n    gettor+es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Å panielsky\n    gettor+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Farsi (Irán)\n    gettor+fr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Francúzky\n    gettor+it@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Taliansky\n    gettor+nl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Holandsky\n    gettor+pl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Poľsky\n    gettor+ru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Rusky\n    gettor+zh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:     Ä?ínsky"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:87
+msgid "If you select no language, you will receive the English version."
+msgstr "Ak si nevyberiete jazyk, tak sa použije anglická verzia."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:89
+msgid ""
+msgstr "MENÅ IE BALÃ?KY\n============="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:92
+msgid ""
+"If your bandwith is low or your provider doesn't allow you to\n"
+"receive large attachments in your email, GetTor can send you several\n"
+"small packages instead of one big one."
+msgstr "Ak je Vaše pripojenie príliš pomalé alebo Váš poskytovateľ Vám nepovoľuje\nprijímať veľké prílohy vo Vašich emailoch, GetTor Vám môže poslať niekoľko\nmenších balíkov namiesto jedného veľkého."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:96
+msgid ""
+"Simply include the keyword 'split' in a new line on its own (this part\n"
+"is important!) like so: \n"
+"        \n"
+"    windows\n"
+"    split"
+msgstr "Jednoducho pridajte slovo 'split' do nového riadku (toto je dôležité!)\nnasledujúcim spôsobom:\n        \n    windows\n    split"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:102
+msgid ""
+"Sending this text in an email to GetTor will cause it to send you \n"
+"the Tor Browser Bundle in a number of 1,4MB attachments."
+msgstr "Ak pošlete tento text v emaile GetToru, dostanete Tor Browser Bundle ako niekoľko 1,4 MB príloh."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:105
+msgid ""
+"After having received all parts, you need to re-assemble them to \n"
+"one package again. This is done as follows:"
+msgstr "Akonáhle získate vÅ¡etky Ä?asti, musíte ich vÅ¡etky spojiÅ¥ do jedného celku.\nSpravíte to nasledovne:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:108
+msgid "1.) Save all received attachments into one folder on your disk."
+msgstr "1.) Umiestnite vÅ¡etky Ä?asti do jedného prieÄ?inka na VaÅ¡om disku."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:110
+msgid ""
+"2.) Unzip all files ending in \".z\". If you saved all attachments to\n"
+"a fresh folder before, simply unzip all files in that folder. If you don't\n"
+"know how to unzip the .z files, please see the UNPACKING THE FILES section."
+msgstr "2.) Rozbaľte vÅ¡etky súbory s príponou \".z\". Ak ste uložili vÅ¡etky prílohy\ndo nového prieÄ?inka, rozbaľte vÅ¡etky súbory v tomto prieÄ?inku. Ak neviete\nako rozbaliÅ¥ súbory s príponou .z, prezrite si sekciu ROZBAĽOVANIE SÃ?BOROV."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:114
+msgid ""
+"3.) Verify all files as described in the mail you received with \n"
+"each package. (gpg --verify)"
+msgstr "3.) Overte všetky súbory, tak to bolo opísané v emaile. (gpg --verify)"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:117
+msgid ""
+"4.) Now unpack the multi-volume archive into one file by double-\n"
+"clicking the file ending in \"..split.part01.exe\". This should start the \n"
+"process automatically."
+msgstr "4.) Teraz spojte jednotlivé prílohy so jedného súboru a to tak, že dvakrát kliknete na súbor, ktorý konÄ?í na \"..split.part01.exe\". To by malo spustiÅ¥ automatický spojenie súborov."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:121
+msgid ""
+"5.) After unpacking is finished, you should find a newly created \n"
+"\".exe\" file in your destination folder. Simply doubleclick\n"
+"that and Tor Browser Bundle should start within a few seconds."
+msgstr "5.) Po rozbalení by ste mali nájsÅ¥ v prieÄ?inku nový \".exe\" súbor.\nDvakrát naÅ? kliknite a Tor Browser Bundle by sa mal spustiÅ¥."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:125
+msgid "6.) That's it. You're done. Thanks for using Tor and have fun!"
+msgstr "6.) A to je vÅ¡etko. Ä?akujeme, že používate Tor a užite si ho!"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:127
+msgid ""
+msgstr "PODPORA\n========"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:133
+msgid ""
+"Here's your requested software as a zip file. Please unzip the\n"
+"package and verify the signature."
+msgstr "Tu je Váš požadovaný softvér ako zip súbor. Rozbaľte balík a overte \npodpis."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:136
+msgid ""
+"If your computer has GnuPG installed, use the gpg commandline \n"
+"tool as follows after unpacking the zip file:\n"
+"    gpg --verify tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe.asc tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe"
+msgstr "OVERIŤ PODPIS\n=============\nAk je na VaÅ¡om poÄ?ítaÄ?i nainÅ¡talovaný GnuPG, tak po rozbalení zip\nsúboru použite nástroj gpg v príkazovom priadku:\n\n    gpg --verify tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe.asc tor-browser-1.3.24_en-US.exe"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:143
+msgid ""
+"The output should look somewhat like this:\n"
+"    gpg: Good signature from 'Erinn Clark <...>'"
+msgstr "Výstup by mal vyzerať asi takto:\n\n   gpg: Good signature from 'Erinn Clark <...>'"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:147
+msgid ""
+"If you're not familiar with commandline tools, try looking for\n"
+"a graphical user interface for GnuPG on this website:\n"
+"    http://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html";
+msgstr "Ak neviete pracovať s príkazovým riadkom, skúste použiť GnuGP\ns grafickým rozhraním, ktoré sa nachádza na tejto stránke:\n\n    http://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html";
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:152
+msgid ""
+msgstr "BLOKOVANÃ? PRÃ?STUP/CENZÃ?RA\n=========================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:155
+msgid ""
+"If your Internet connection blocks access to the Tor network, you\n"
+"may need a bridge relay. Bridge relays (or \"bridges\" for short)\n"
+"are Tor relays that aren't listed in the main directory. Since there\n"
+"is no complete public list of them, even if your ISP is filtering\n"
+"connections to all the known Tor relays, they probably won't be able\n"
+"to block all the bridges."
+msgstr "Ak vaÅ¡e internetové pripojenie blokuje prístup do siete Tor, tak potom\npotrebujete premosÅ¥ovacie relay. PremosÅ¥ovacie relay (alebo skrátene\n\"mosty\") sú Tor relay, ktoré nie sú zahrnuté v hlavnom adresáre. KeÄ?že\nneexistuje úplný verejný zoznam mostov, tak ak by aj Váš poskytovateľ\ninternetového pripojenia blokoval vÅ¡etky známe Tor relay, pravdepodobne\nnebude schopný blokovaÅ¥ vÅ¡etky mosty."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:162
+msgid ""
+"You can acquire a bridge by sending an email that contains \"get bridges\"\n"
+"in the body of the email to the following email address:\n"
+"    bridges@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+msgstr "Môžete požiadať o most, ak pošlete email, ktorý bude v tele emailu \nobsahovať \"get bridges\", na adresu:\n\n    bridges@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:167
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to fetch bridges with a web browser at the following\n"
+"url: https://bridges.torproject.org/";
+msgstr "Je možné získaÅ¥ mosty pomocou internetového prehliadaÄ?a na adrese:\nhttps://bridges.torproject.org/";
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:170
+msgid ""
+"Since this is part of a split-file request, you need to wait for\n"
+"all split files to be received by you before you can save them all\n"
+"into the same directory and unpack them by double-clicking the\n"
+"first file."
+msgstr "DÃ?LEŽITÃ? POZNÃ?MKA:\nKeÄ?že toto je požiadavka, v ktorej Vám poÅ¡leme viacej súborov, tak musíte\npoÄ?kaÅ¥ na vÅ¡etky Ä?asti súboru a potom ich môžete uložiÅ¥ do jedného\nprieÄ?inka a rozbaliÅ¥ dvojitým kliknutím na prvý súbor."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:176
+msgid ""
+"Packages might arrive out of order! Please make sure you received\n"
+"all packages before you attempt to unpack them!"
+msgstr "Balíky nemusia prísÅ¥ v správnom poradí! Uistite sa, že ste dostali\nvÅ¡etky balíky skôr ako ich zaÄ?nete rozbaľovaÅ¥!"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:179
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"It was successfully understood. Your request is currently being processed.\n"
+"Your package (%s) should arrive within the next ten minutes."
+msgstr "Vaša požiadavka sa práve spracováva.\nVáš balík (%s) by mal prísť behom pár minút."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:182
+msgid ""
+"If it doesn't arrive, the package might be too big for your mail provider.\n"
+"Try resending the mail from a GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.CN or YAHOO.COM account."
+msgstr "Ak nepriÅ¡iel, tak balík bol možno príliÅ¡ veľký pre Vášho emailového poskytovateľa.\nSkúste preposlaÅ¥ mail z úÄ?tu GMAIL.COM, YAHOO.CN alebo YAHOO.COM."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:185
+msgid ""
+"Unfortunately we are currently experiencing problems and we can't fulfill\n"
+"your request right now. Please be patient as we try to resolve this issue."
+msgstr "NaneÅ¡Å¥astie máme teraz nejaké problémy a nemôžeme vybaviÅ¥ VaÅ¡u\npožiadavku. Prosím, buÄ?te trpezlivý, kým nevyrieÅ¡ime tento problém."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:188
+msgid ""
+"Unfortunately there is no split package available for the package you\n"
+"requested. Please send us another package name or request the same package \n"
+"again, but remove the 'split' keyword. In that case we'll send you the whole \n"
+"package. Make sure this is what you want."
+msgstr "NaneÅ¡Å¥astie balík, o ktorý žiadate nie je rozdelený na menÅ¡ie Ä?asti. \nProsím požiadajte o iný balík alebo požiadajte znova o ten istý balík,\nale teraz odstráÅ?te slovo 'split'. V tomto prípade Vám poÅ¡leme celý balík.\nUistite sa, že práve tento chcete. "
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr "ROZBAĽOVANIE S�BOROV\n====================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:196
+msgid ""
+"The easiest way to unpack the files you received is to install 7-Zip,\n"
+"a free file compression/uncompression tool. If it isn't installed on\n"
+"your computer yet, you can download it here:\n"
+"    http://www.7-zip.org/";
+msgstr "NajjednoduchÅ¡ia spôsob ako rozbaliÅ¥ súbory, ktoré ste dostali, je pomocou 7-Zip,\nbezplatného komprimaÄ?ného programu. Ak ho eÅ¡te nemáte nainÅ¡talovaný\nna VaÅ¡om poÄ?ítaÄ?i, tak si ho môžete stiahnuÅ¥ na tejto adrese:\n\n    http://www.7-zip.org/";
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:202
+msgid ""
+"When 7-Zip is installed, you can open the .z archive you received from\n"
+"us by double-clicking on it."
+msgstr "KeÄ? sa nainÅ¡taluje 7-Zip, môžete otvoriÅ¥ .z archív"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:205
+msgid ""
+"An alternative way to get the .z files extraced is to rename them to\n"
+".zip. For example, if you recevied a file called \"windows.z\", rename it to \n"
+"\"windows.zip\". You should then be able to extract the archive with common \n"
+"file archiver programs that probably are already installed on your computer."
+msgstr "Alternatívna cesta ako extrahovaÅ¥ súbory s príponou .z je, že zmeníte\npríponu \nna .zip. Napríklad, ak dostanete súbor pomenovaný\n\"windows.z\", premenujte ho na \n\"windows.zip\". Teraz by ste mali byÅ¥ schopný extrahovaÅ¥ archív s bežným archivaÄ?ným programom, ktorý máte pravdepodobne nainÅ¡talovaný na VaÅ¡om poÄ?ítaÄ?i."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:210
+msgid ""
+"Please reply to this mail, and tell me a single package name anywhere\n"
+"in your reply. Here's a short explanation of what these packages are:"
+msgstr "Prosím odpovedz na tento email a napíš do tela emailu názov jedného balíka.\nTu je krátke vysvetlenie o Ä?om sú tieto balíky:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:213
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for Windows operating systems. If you're \n"
+"running some version of Windows, like Windows XP, Windows Vista or \n"
+"Windows 7, this is the package you should get."
+msgstr "windows:\nTor Browser Bundle pre operaÄ?ný systém Windows. Ak používate\nWindows XP, Windows Vista alebo Windows 7, tak potrebujete\npráve tento balík."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:218
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for OS X, Intel CPU architecture. In \n"
+"general, newer Mac hardware will require you to use this package."
+msgstr "macos-i386:\nTor Browser Bundle pre OS X, architektúru Intel CPU.\nVo všeobecnosti, novší Mac hardvér bude vyžadovať práve tento balík."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:222
+msgid ""
+"This is an older installer (the \"Vidalia bundle\") for older Macs running\n"
+"OS X on PowerPC CPUs. Note that this package will be deprecated soon."
+msgstr "macos-ppc:\nToto je starší inÅ¡talátor (\"balík Vidalia\") pre starÅ¡ie Macy, na ktorých beží OS X s CPU PowerPC. Berte na vedomie, že za krátky Ä?as bude tento balík zastaralý."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:226
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for Linux, 32bit versions."
+msgstr "linux-i386:\nTor Browser Bundle pre Linux, 32-bitová verzia."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:229
+msgid ""
+"Note that this package is rather large and needs your email provider to \n"
+"allow for attachments of about 30MB in size."
+msgstr "Všimnite si, že tento balík je pomerne veľký a je nutné, aby emailový poskytovateľ\ndovoľoval pripojiť do emailu prílohy o veľkosti až 30 MB."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:232
+msgid ""
+"The Tor Browser Bundle package for Linux, 64bit versions."
+msgstr "linux-x86_64:\nTor Browser Bundle pre Linux, 64-bitová verzia."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:235
+msgid ""
+"The Tor source code, for experts. Most users do not want this package."
+msgstr "zdroj:\nZdrojový kód Tor, pre expertov. VäÄ?Å¡ina užívateľov tento balík nepotrebuje. "
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:238
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Ä?ASTO KLADENÃ? OTÃ?ZKY\n====================="
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:241
+msgid "What is Tor?"
+msgstr "Ä?o je Tor?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:243
+msgid "The name \"Tor\" can refer to several different components."
+msgstr "Názov \"Tor\" sa môže vzťahovať k niekoľkým rôznym komponentom."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:245
+msgid ""
+"The Tor software is a program you can run on your computer that helps \n"
+"keep you safe on the Internet. Tor protects you by bouncing your \n"
+"communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers \n"
+"all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection \n"
+"from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from \n"
+"learning your physical location. This set of volunteer relays is called the \n"
+"Tor network. You can read more about how Tor works here:\n"
+"    https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";
+msgstr "Program Tor Vám umožní ostaÅ¥ na Internete v bezpeÄ?í. Tor presmeruje VaÅ¡u \nkomunikáciu cez sieÅ¥ vytvorenú dobrovoľníkmi z celého sveta: zabraÅ?uje,\naby niekto mohol zistiÅ¥ aké stránky navÅ¡tevujete a zabraÅ?uje stránkam \nzistiÅ¥ miesto, kde sa nachádzate. Táto sieÅ¥ dobrovoľníkov sa volá sieÅ¥ Tor.\nViac informácií o tom ako Tor funguje nájdete tu:\n\n    https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:255
+msgid "What is the Tor Browser Bundle?"
+msgstr "Ä?o je Tor Browser Bundle?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:257
+msgid ""
+"The Browser Bundle (TBB) is the package we recommend to most users. \n"
+"The bundle comes with everything you need to safely browse the Internet.\n"
+"Just extract it and run."
+msgstr "The Browser Bundle (TBB) odporúÄ?ame pre väÄ?Å¡inu užívateľov.\nBalík obsahuje vÅ¡etko Ä?o potrebujete pre bezpeÄ?né prezeranie internetu.\nStaÄ?í ho rozbaliÅ¥ a spustiÅ¥."
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:261
+msgid "What package should I request?"
+msgstr "Ktorý balík potrebujem?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:263
+msgid ""
+"This depends on the operating system you use. For instance, if your\n"
+"operating system is Microsoft Windows, you should request \"windows\". Here\n"
+"is a short explanation of all packages to request and what operating \n"
+"systems there are suitable for:"
+msgstr "Záleží to na tom, aký operaÄ?ný systém používate. Napríklad, ak\npoužívate operaÄ?ný systém Microsoft Windows, mali by ste požiadaÅ¥ o\n\"windows\". Tu je krátke zhrnutie vÅ¡etkých balíkov, o ktoré môžete požiadaÅ¥\na pre aké operaÄ?né systémy sú urÄ?ené:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:268
+msgid "How do I extract the file(s) you sent me?"
+msgstr "Ako mám extrahovať súbor(y), ktoré ste mi poslali?"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:270
+msgid "QUESTION:"
+msgstr "OTÃ?ZKA:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:272
+msgid "ANSWER:"
+msgstr "ODPOVEÄ?:"
+#: lib/gettor/i18n.py:274
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, but the package you requested (%s) is too large for your \n"
+"provider to accept as an attachment. Try using another provider that allows \n"
+"for larger email attachments. Or try one of the following mirrors:\n"
+"  https://www.oignon.net/dist/torbrowser/\n";
+"  https://tor.beme-it.de/dist/torbrowser/\n";
+"  https://www.torservers.net/mirrors/torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/";
+msgstr "PrepáÄ?te, ale balík, o ktorý žiadate (%s) je príliÅ¡ veľký na to, aby sa dal\npripojiÅ¥ ako príloha emailu. Skúste použiÅ¥ emailového poskytovateľa,\nktorý umožÅ?uje pripojiÅ¥ väÄ?Å¡ie prílohy. Alebo použite nasledujúce mirrory:\n\n  https://www.oignon.net/dist/torbrowser/\n  https://tor.beme-it.de/dist/torbrowser/\n  https://www.torservers.net/mirrors/torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/";

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