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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Integ test to validate our cached descriptor file

commit 092d36a17a9318c42f09199e66458e399af68fda
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Mar 24 19:58:48 2012 -0700

    Integ test to validate our cached descriptor file
    Parsing all of the descriptors in our cached descriptors file to see if it has
    anything that'll make us choke (and by extension indicate either a tor or stem
    This is an important yet lengthy test, taking around four second. Targets do
    not effect this test so only running it once for the test run.
 test/integ/descriptor/server_descriptor.py |   37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/integ/descriptor/server_descriptor.py b/test/integ/descriptor/server_descriptor.py
index d027dc6..a3a1e65 100644
--- a/test/integ/descriptor/server_descriptor.py
+++ b/test/integ/descriptor/server_descriptor.py
@@ -8,10 +8,16 @@ import unittest
 import stem.version
 import stem.descriptor.server_descriptor
+import test.runner
 my_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
 DESCRIPTOR_TEST_DATA = os.path.join(my_dir, "data")
+# 'test_cached_descriptor' is a lengthy test and uneffected by testing targets,
+# so including a flag to prevent it from being ran multiple times
 class TestServerDescriptor(unittest.TestCase):
   def test_metrics_descriptor(self):
@@ -83,4 +89,35 @@ Qlx9HNCqCY877ztFRC624ja2ql6A2hBcuoYMbkHjcQ4=
     self.assertEquals(expected_onion_key, desc.onion_key)
     self.assertEquals(expected_signing_key, desc.signing_key)
     self.assertEquals(expected_signature, desc.signature)
+    self.assertEquals([], desc.get_unrecognized_lines())
+  def test_cached_descriptor(self):
+    """
+    Parses the cached descriptor file in our data directory, checking that it
+    doesn't raise any validation issues and looking for unrecognized descriptor
+    additions.
+    """
+      self.skipTest("(already ran)")
+    else:
+    descriptor_path = os.path.join(test.runner.get_runner().get_test_dir(), "cached-descriptors")
+    with open(descriptor_path) as descriptor_file:
+      for desc in stem.descriptor.server_descriptor.parse_file_v3(descriptor_file):
+        unrecognized_lines = desc.get_unrecognized_lines()
+        if unrecognized_lines:
+          # TODO: This isn't actually a problem, and rather than failing we
+          # should alert the user about these entries at the end of the tests
+          # (along with new events, getinfo options, and such). For now though
+          # there doesn't seem to be anything in practice to trigger this so
+          # failing to get our attention if it does.
+          print "Unrecognized descriptor content: %s" % unrecognized_lines
+          self.fail()

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