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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Revising the tutorials

commit 0c4cb0d9c0178a353df4894bb87ccb835bca2ace
Merge: 954bced 7d4efa2
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Mar 4 00:11:59 2013 -0800

    Revising the tutorials
    Changing our tutorial page to be a friendly listing of the tutorials rather
    than a wall of text. Also rewrote our present tutorials and their corresponding

 docs/_static/label/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.png   |  Bin 0 -> 2675 bytes
 .../label/resources/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.xcf  |  Bin 0 -> 7035 bytes
 .../resources/the_little_relay_that_could.xcf      |  Bin 0 -> 7273 bytes
 docs/_static/label/the_little_relay_that_could.png |  Bin 0 -> 3162 bytes
 docs/_static/section/archlinux.png                 |  Bin 7144 -> 0 bytes
 docs/_static/section/debian.png                    |  Bin 5646 -> 0 bytes
 docs/_static/section/download/archlinux.png        |  Bin 0 -> 7144 bytes
 docs/_static/section/download/debian.png           |  Bin 0 -> 5646 bytes
 docs/_static/section/download/git.png              |  Bin 0 -> 4749 bytes
 docs/_static/section/git.png                       |  Bin 4749 -> 0 bytes
 docs/_static/section/tutorial/mirror.png           |  Bin 0 -> 2985 bytes
 docs/_static/section/tutorial/train.png            |  Bin 0 -> 9887 bytes
 docs/api.rst                                       |    1 +
 docs/api/descriptor/microdescriptor.rst            |    5 +
 docs/contents.rst                                  |    9 +-
 docs/download.rst                                  |    6 +-
 docs/tutorial.rst                                  |  186 ++++---------------
 docs/tutorial/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.rst        |  178 ++++++++++++++++++
 docs/tutorial/the_little_relay_that_could.rst      |   65 +++++++
 test/mocking.py                                    |   12 +-
 test/unit/tutorial.py                              |  189 +++++++++++++++-----
 21 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)

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