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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Remove now unused and dead code

commit 8e52a8854892ee53585fc75f9d8fad2dc04bbe24
Author: Arturo Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Jan 16 21:07:49 2013 +0100

    Remove now unused and dead code
    We no longer need inputunit. nettesttask was never needed
 ooni/inputunit.py   |   85 ------------------
 ooni/nettesttask.py |  118 -------------------------
 ooni/runner.py      |  242 ---------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 445 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ooni/inputunit.py b/ooni/inputunit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fb85d9e..0000000
--- a/ooni/inputunit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# inputunit.py 
-# -------------
-# IN here we have functions related to the creation of input
-# units. Input units are how the inputs to be fed to tests are
-# split up into.
-# :authors: Arturo Filastò
-# :license: see included LICENSE file
-from math import ceil
-class InputUnitFactory(object):
-    """
-    This is a factory that takes the size of input units to be generated a set
-    of units that is a python iterable item and outputs InputUnit objects
-    containing inputUnitSize elements.
-    This object is a python iterable, this means that it does not need to keep
-    all the elements in memory to be able to produce InputUnits.
-    """
-    inputUnitSize = 10
-    length = None
-    def __init__(self, inputs=[]):
-        """
-        Args:
-            inputs (iterable): inputs *must* be an iterable.
-        """
-        self._inputs = iter(inputs)
-        self.inputs = iter(inputs)
-        self._ended = False
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __len__(self):
-        """
-        Returns the number of input units in the input unit factory.
-        """
-        if not self.length:
-            self.length = ceil(float(sum(1 for _ in self._inputs))/self.inputUnitSize)
-        return self.length
-    def next(self):
-        input_unit_elements = []
-        if self._ended:
-            raise StopIteration
-        for i in xrange(self.inputUnitSize):
-            try:
-                input_unit_elements.append(self.inputs.next())
-            except StopIteration:
-                self._ended = True
-                break
-        if not input_unit_elements:
-            raise StopIteration
-        return InputUnit(input_unit_elements)
-class InputUnit(object):
-    """
-    This is a python iterable object that contains the input elements to be
-    passed onto a TestCase.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, inputs=[]):
-        self._inputs = iter(inputs)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<%s inputs=%s>" % (self.__class__, self._inputs)
-    def __add__(self, inputs):
-        for i in inputs:
-            self._inputs.append(i)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def next(self):
-        return self._inputs.next()
-    def append(self, input):
-        self._inputs.append(input)
diff --git a/ooni/nettesttask.py b/ooni/nettesttask.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c5108..0000000
--- a/ooni/nettesttask.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.internet.task import CooperativeTask
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from ooni.reporter import OONIBReporter, YAMLReporter, OONIBReportError
-from ooni.utils import log
-import time
-from twisted.internet.task import cooperate
-class NetTestTask(CooperativeTask):
-    """
-    The object produced by a NetTestTaskFactory.
-    A NetTestTask wraps a test_ callable with its options and input unit.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, test_case, test_input, oonib_reporter=None, yaml_reporter=None):
-        test_class, test_method = test_case
-        #log.debug("Running %s with %s..." % (test_method, test_input))
-        self.oonib_reporter = oonib_reporter
-        self.oonib_reporter = yaml_reporter
-        self.test_instance = test_class()
-        self.test_instance.input = test_input
-        self.test_instance.report = {}
-        self.test_instance._start_time = time.time()
-        self.test_instance._setUp()
-        self.test_instance.setUp()
-        self.test = getattr(self.test_instance, test_method)
-    # XXX: override CoordinatedTask methods
-    def start(self):  #???
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.test)
-        d.addCallback(self.test_done)
-        d.addErrback(self.test_error)
-        return d
-    def write_report(self):
-        if not self.oonib_reporter:
-            return self.yaml_reporter.testDone(self.test_instance, str(self.test))
-        d1 = self.oonib_reporter.testDone(self.test_instance, str(self.test))
-        d2 = self.yaml_reporter.testDone(self.test_instance, str(self.test))
-        dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
-        @dl.addErrback
-        def reportingFailed(failure):
-            log.err("Error in reporting %s" % self.test)
-            log.exception(failure)
-        return dl
-    def test_done(self, result):
-        log.msg("Finished running %s" % self.test)
-        log.debug("Deferred callback result: %s" % result)
-        return self.write_report()
-    def test_error(self, failure):
-        log.err("Error in running %s" % self.test)
-        log.exception(failure)
-        return self.write_report()
-    #XXX: does not implement tests_done!
-class NetTestTaskFactory(object):
-    def __init__(self, test_cases, input_unit_list):
-        self.input_unit_list = input_unit_list
-        self.inputs = self.generate_inputs()
-        self.test_cases = test_cases
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def next(self):
-        return self.inputs.next()
-        # XXX: raise exception or fire callback when inputs are exhausted
-    def generate_inputs(self):
-        for input_unit in self.input_unit_list:
-            for test_case in self.test_cases:
-                yield NetTestTask(test_case, input_unit)
-def runTestCases(test_cases, options, cmd_line_options):
-    log.debug("Running %s" % test_cases)
-    log.debug("Options %s" % options)
-    log.debug("cmd_line_options %s" % dict(cmd_line_options))
-    test_inputs = options['inputs']
-    oonib_reporter = OONIBReporter(cmd_line_options)
-    yaml_reporter = YAMLReporter(cmd_line_options)
-    if cmd_line_options['collector']:
-        log.msg("Using remote collector, please be patient while we create the report.")
-        try:
-            yield oonib_reporter.createReport(options)
-        except OONIBReportError:
-            log.err("Error in creating new report")
-            log.msg("We will only create reports to a file")
-            oonib_reporter = None
-    else:
-        oonib_reporter = None
-    yield yaml_reporter.createReport(options)
-    log.msg("Reporting to file %s" % yaml_reporter._stream.name)
-    nettest_task_factory = NetTestTaskFactory(test_cases, test_inputs)
-    #XXX: resume is not supported!
-    try:
-        #XXX: override the default cooperator, set up own scheduler
-        #XXX: add callback when tasks are all exhausted
-        for nettest_task in nettest_task_factory.generate_inputs():
-            nettest_task.yaml_reporter = yaml_reporter
-            nettest_task.oonib_reporter = oonib_reporter
-            log.debug("Running %s with input unit %s" % (nettest_task,
-                        nettest_task.test_instance.input))
-            # feed the cooperator
-            nettest_task.start()
-    except Exception:
-        log.exception("Problem in running test")
diff --git a/ooni/runner.py b/ooni/runner.py
index a602234..21c3e0e 100644
--- a/ooni/runner.py
+++ b/ooni/runner.py
@@ -27,248 +27,6 @@ from ooni.utils import log, checkForRoot, pushFilenameStack
 from ooni.utils import NotRootError, Storage
 from ooni.utils.net import randomFreePort
-def processTest(obj, cmd_line_options):
-    """
-    Process the parameters and :class:`twisted.python.usage.Options` of a
-    :class:`ooni.nettest.Nettest`.
-    :param obj:
-        An uninstantiated old test, which should be a subclass of
-        :class:`ooni.plugoo.tests.OONITest`.
-    :param cmd_line_options:
-        A configured and instantiated :class:`twisted.python.usage.Options`
-        class.
-    """
-    if not hasattr(obj.usageOptions, 'optParameters'):
-        obj.usageOptions.optParameters = []
-    if obj.inputFile:
-        obj.usageOptions.optParameters.append(obj.inputFile)
-    if obj.baseParameters:
-        for parameter in obj.baseParameters:
-            obj.usageOptions.optParameters.append(parameter)
-    if obj.baseFlags:
-        if not hasattr(obj.usageOptions, 'optFlags'):
-            obj.usageOptions.optFlags = []
-        for flag in obj.baseFlags:
-            obj.usageOptions.optFlags.append(flag)
-    options = obj.usageOptions()
-    options.parseOptions(cmd_line_options['subargs'])
-    obj.localOptions = options
-    if obj.inputFile:
-        obj.inputFilename = options[obj.inputFile[0]]
-    try:
-        log.debug("processing options")
-        tmp_test_case_object = obj()
-        tmp_test_case_object._checkRequiredOptions()
-    except usage.UsageError, e:
-        test_name = tmp_test_case_object.name
-        log.err("There was an error in running %s!" % test_name)
-        log.err("%s" % e)
-        options.opt_help()
-        raise usage.UsageError("Error in parsing command line args for %s" % test_name)
-    if obj.requiresRoot:
-        try:
-            checkForRoot()
-        except NotRootError:
-            log.err("%s requires root to run" % obj.name)
-            sys.exit(1)
-    return obj
-def isTestCase(obj):
-    try:
-        return issubclass(obj, NetTestCase)
-    except TypeError:
-        return False
-def findTestClassesFromFile(cmd_line_options):
-    """
-    Takes as input the command line config parameters and returns the test
-    case classes.
-    :param filename:
-        the absolute path to the file containing the ooniprobe test classes
-    :return:
-        A list of class objects found in a file or module given on the
-        commandline.
-    """
-    filename = cmd_line_options['test']
-    classes = []
-    module = filenameToModule(filename)
-    for name, val in inspect.getmembers(module):
-        if isTestCase(val):
-            classes.append(processTest(val, cmd_line_options))
-    return classes
-def makeTestCases(klass, tests, method_prefix):
-    """
-    Takes a class some tests and returns the test cases. method_prefix is how
-    the test case functions should be prefixed with.
-    """
-    cases = []
-    for test in tests:
-        cases.append((klass, method_prefix+test))
-    return cases
-class NoTestCasesFound(Exception):
-    pass
-def loadTestsAndOptions(classes, cmd_line_options):
-    """
-    Takes a list of test classes and returns their testcases and options.
-    """
-    method_prefix = 'test'
-    options = None
-    test_cases = []
-    for klass in classes:
-        tests = reflect.prefixedMethodNames(klass, method_prefix)
-        if tests:
-            test_cases = makeTestCases(klass, tests, method_prefix)
-        test_klass = klass()
-        options = test_klass._processOptions()
-    if not test_cases:
-        raise NoTestCasesFound
-    return test_cases, options
-def runTestCasesWithInput(test_cases, test_input, yaml_reporter,
-        oonib_reporter=None):
-    """
-    Runs in parallel all the test methods that are inside of the specified test case.
-    Reporting happens every time a Test Method has concluded running.
-    Once all the test methods have been called we check to see if the
-    postProcessing class method returns something. If it does return something
-    we will write this as another entry inside of the report called post_processing.
-    Args:
-        test_cases (list): A list of tuples containing the test_class (a
-            class) and the test_method (a string)
-        test_input (instance): Any instance that will be passed as input to
-            the test.
-        yaml_reporter: An instance of :class:ooni.reporter.YAMLReporter
-        oonib_reporter: An instance of :class:ooni.reporter.OONIBReporter. If
-            this is set to none then we will only report to the YAML reporter.
-    """
-    # This is used to store a copy of all the test reports
-    tests_report = {}
-    def write_report(test_instance, test_name):
-        if not oonib_reporter:
-            return yaml_reporter.testDone(test_instance, test_name)
-        d1 = oonib_reporter.testDone(test_instance, test_name)
-        d2 = yaml_reporter.testDone(test_instance, test_name)
-        dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
-        @dl.addErrback
-        def reportingFailed(failure):
-            log.err("Error in reporting %s" % test_name)
-            log.exception(failure)
-        return dl
-    def test_done(result, test_instance, test_name):
-        log.msg("Finished running %s" % test_name)
-        log.debug("Deferred callback result: %s" % result)
-        tests_report[test_name] = dict(test_instance.report)
-        return write_report(test_instance, test_name)
-    def test_error(failure, test_instance, test_name):
-        log.err("Error in running %s" % test_name)
-        log.exception(failure)
-        return write_report(test_instance, test_name)
-    def tests_done(result, test_class):
-        test_instance = test_class()
-        test_instance.report = {}
-        test_instance.input = None
-        test_instance._start_time = time.time()
-        post = getattr(test_instance, 'postProcessor')
-        try:
-            post_processing = post(tests_report)
-            if not oonib_reporter:
-                return yaml_reporter.testDone(test_instance, 'summary')
-            d1 = oonib_reporter.testDone(test_instance, 'summary')
-            d2 = yaml_reporter.testDone(test_instance, 'summary')
-            return defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
-        except NoPostProcessor:
-            log.debug("No post processor configured")
-            return
-    dl = []
-    for test_case in test_cases:
-        log.debug("Processing %s" % test_case[1])
-        test_class = test_case[0]
-        test_method = test_case[1]
-        log.debug("Running %s with %s..." % (test_method, test_input))
-        test_instance = test_class()
-        test_instance.input = test_input
-        test_instance.report = {}
-        # use this to keep track of the test runtime
-        test_instance._start_time = time.time()
-        # call setups on the test
-        test_instance._setUp()
-        test_instance.setUp()
-        test = getattr(test_instance, test_method)
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(test)
-        d.addCallback(test_done, test_instance, test_method)
-        d.addErrback(test_error, test_instance, test_method)
-        dl.append(d)
-    test_methods_d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
-    test_methods_d.addCallback(tests_done, test_cases[0][0])
-    @test_methods_d.addErrback
-    def deferredListFailed(failure):
-        log.err("Error Test Method Deferred List")
-        log.exception(failure)
-    return test_methods_d
-def runTestCasesWithInputUnit(test_cases, input_unit, yaml_reporter,
-        oonib_reporter):
-    """
-    Runs the Test Cases that are given as input parallely.
-    A Test Case is a subclass of ooni.nettest.NetTestCase and a list of
-    methods.
-    The deferred list will fire once all the test methods have been
-    run once per item in the input unit.
-    test_cases: A list of tuples containing the test class and the test method as a string.
-    input_unit: A generator that yields an input per iteration
-    """
-    log.debug("Running test cases with input unit")
-    dl = []
-    for test_input in input_unit:
-        log.debug("Running test with this input %s" % test_input)
-        d = runTestCasesWithInput(test_cases,
-                test_input, yaml_reporter, oonib_reporter)
-        dl.append(d)
-    return defer.DeferredList(dl)
 class InvalidResumeFile(Exception):

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