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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Merge branch 'master' into feature/probe_ip_lookup

commit c597157a554b47f59b1ee85fae2019a0dbc8834e
Merge: 5f55b18 0b84394
Author: Arturo Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Mar 20 13:57:01 2013 -0400

    Merge branch 'master' into feature/probe_ip_lookup
    * master:
      Change None to correct YAML "Null" syntax in ooniprobe.conf.sample.
      Support CPython with patch from lunar https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8507
      Add the 'reports' group to the sample config file.
      Change ooni.director.start() to set config.reports.pcap option.
      Move config processing options to new function config.processConfigFile().
      Rewrite config.generatePcapFilename().

 ooni/config.py        |   61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 ooni/director.py      |    2 +-
 ooni/geoip.py         |   15 ++++++++----
 ooniprobe.conf.sample |    4 ++-
 4 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --cc ooni/geoip.py
index efac5e9,0000000..0f8335f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/ooni/geoip.py
+++ b/ooni/geoip.py
@@@ -1,183 -1,0 +1,188 @@@
 +import re
 +import os
 +import random
 +from twisted.web import client, http_headers
 +from ooni.utils.net import userAgents, BodyReceiver
 +from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol
 +from ooni.utils import log, net, checkForRoot
 +from ooni import config, errors
-     import pygeoip
++    from pygeoip import GeoIP
 +except ImportError:
-     log.err("Unable to import pygeoip. We will not be able to run geo IP related measurements")
++    try:
++        import GeoIP as CGeoIP
++        def GeoIP(database_path, *args, **kwargs):
++            return CGeoIP.open(database_path)
++    except ImportError:
++        log.err("Unable to import pygeoip. We will not be able to run geo IP related measurements")
 +class GeoIPDataFilesNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +def IPToLocation(ipaddr):
 +    city_file = os.path.join(config.advanced.geoip_data_dir, 'GeoLiteCity.dat')
 +    country_file = os.path.join(config.advanced.geoip_data_dir, 'GeoIP.dat')
 +    asn_file = os.path.join(config.advanced.geoip_data_dir, 'GeoIPASNum.dat')
 +    location = {'city': None, 'countrycode': None, 'asn': None}
 +    try:
-         city_dat = pygeoip.GeoIP(city_file)
++        city_dat = GeoIP(city_file)
 +        location['city'] = city_dat.record_by_addr(ipaddr)['city']
-         country_dat = pygeoip.GeoIP(country_file)
++        country_dat = GeoIP(country_file)
 +        location['countrycode'] = country_dat.country_code_by_addr(ipaddr)
-         asn_dat = pygeoip.GeoIP(asn_file)
++        asn_dat = GeoIP(asn_file)
 +        location['asn'] = asn_dat.org_by_addr(ipaddr)
 +    except IOError:
 +        log.err("Could not find GeoIP data files. Go into data/ "
 +                "and run make geoip")
 +        raise GeoIPDataFilesNotFound
 +    return location
 +class HTTPGeoIPLookupper(object):
 +    url = None
 +    _agent = client.Agent
 +    def __init__(self):
 +        self.agent = self._agent(reactor)
 +    def _response(self, response):
 +        content_length = response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-length')
 +        finished = defer.Deferred()
 +        response.deliverBody(BodyReceiver(finished, content_length))
 +        finished.addCallback(self.parseResponse)
 +        return finished
 +    def parseResponse(self, response_body):
 +        """
 +        Override this with the logic for parsing the response.
 +        Should return the IP address of the probe.
 +        """
 +        pass
 +    def failed(self, failure):
 +        log.err("Failed to lookup via %s" % self.url)
 +        log.exception(failure)
 +        return failure
 +    def lookup(self):
 +        headers = {}
 +        headers['User-Agent'] = [random.choice(userAgents)]
 +        d = self.agent.request("GET", self.url, http_headers.Headers(headers))
 +        d.addCallback(self._response)
 +        d.addErrback(self.failed)
 +        return d
 +class UbuntuGeoIP(HTTPGeoIPLookupper):
 +    url = "http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup";
 +    def parseResponse(self, response_body):
 +        m = re.match(".*<Ip>(.*)</Ip>.*", response_body)
 +        probe_ip = m.group(1)
 +        return probe_ip
 +class TorProjectGeoIP(HTTPGeoIPLookupper):
 +    url = "https://check.torproject.org/";
 +    def parseResponse(self, response_body):
 +        regexp = "Your IP address appears to be: <b>((\d+\.)+(\d+))"
 +        probe_ip = re.search(regexp, response_body).group(1)
 +        return probe_ip
 +class MaxMindGeoIP(HTTPGeoIPLookupper):
 +    url = "https://www.maxmind.com/en/locate_my_ip";
 +    def parseResponse(self, response_body):
 +        regexp = '<span id="my-ip-address">((\d+\.)+(\d+))</span>'
 +        probe_ip = re.search(regexp, response_body).group(1)
 +        return probe_ip
 +class ProbeIP(object):
 +    strategy = None
 +    geoIPServices = {'ubuntu': UbuntuGeoIP,
 +        'torproject': TorProjectGeoIP,
 +        'maxmind': MaxMindGeoIP
 +    }
 +    address = None
 +    tor_state = config.tor_state
 +    @defer.inlineCallbacks
 +    def lookup(self):
 +        try:
 +            yield self.askTor()
 +            log.msg("Found your IP via Tor %s" % self.address)
 +            defer.returnValue(self.address)
 +        except errors.TorStateNotFound:
 +            log.debug("Tor is not running. Skipping IP lookup via Tor.")
 +        except Exception:
 +            log.msg("Unable to lookup the probe IP via Tor.")
 +        try:
 +            yield self.askTraceroute()
 +            log.msg("Found your IP via Traceroute %s" % self.address)
 +            defer.returnValue(self.address)
 +        except errors.InsufficientPrivileges:
 +            log.debug("Cannot determine the probe IP address with a traceroute, becase of insufficient priviledges")
 +        except:
 +            log.msg("Unable to lookup the probe IP via traceroute")
 +        try:
 +            yield self.askGeoIPService()
 +            log.msg("Found your IP via a GeoIP service: %s" % self.address)
 +            defer.returnValue(self.address)
 +        except Exception, e:
 +            log.msg("Unable to lookup the probe IP via GeoIPService")
 +            raise e
 +    @defer.inlineCallbacks
 +    def askGeoIPService(self):
 +        # Shuffle the order in which we test the geoip services.
 +        services = self.geoIPServices.items()
 +        random.shuffle(services)
 +        for service_name, service in services:
 +            s = service()
 +            log.msg("Looking up your IP address via %s" % service_name)
 +            try:
 +                self.address = yield s.lookup()
 +                self.strategy = 'geo_ip_service-' + service_name
 +                break
 +            except Exception, e:
 +                log.msg("Failed to lookup your IP via %s" % service_name)
 +        if not self.address:
 +            raise errors.ProbeIPUnknown
 +    def askTraceroute(self):
 +        """
 +        Perform a UDP traceroute to determine the probes IP address.
 +        """
 +        checkForRoot()
 +        raise NotImplemented
 +    def askTor(self):
 +        """
 +        Obtain the probes IP address by asking the Tor Control port via GET INFO
 +        address.
 +        XXX this lookup method is currently broken when there are cached descriptors or consensus documents
 +        see: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8214
 +        """
 +        if self.tor_state:
 +            d = self.tor_state.protocol.get_info("address")
 +            @d.addCallback
 +            def cb(result):
 +                self.strategy = 'tor_get_info_address'
 +                self.address = result.values()[0]
 +            return d
 +        else:
 +            raise errors.TorStateNotFound

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