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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Support for encrypted hidden service descriptor introduction-points
commit 529f1236805730bf93031de9aaf9823beb1077ed
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat Mar 7 15:31:15 2015 -0800
Support for encrypted hidden service descriptor introduction-points
Supporting basic and stealth auth for hidden service descriptor
introduction-points. Based on donncha's example script on #15004.
stem/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py | 124 +++++++++++++++++++--
test/unit/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py | 65 +++++++++++
2 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stem/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py b/stem/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py
index 1292189..f64036d 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ the HSDir flag.
# TODO: Add a description for how to retrieve them when tor supports that
# (#14847) and then update #15009.
+import base64
+import binascii
import collections
+import hashlib
import io
import stem.util.connection
@@ -63,6 +66,19 @@ INTRODUCTION_POINTS_ATTR = {
'intro_authentication': [],
+# introduction-point fields that can only appear once
+ 'introduction-point',
+ 'ip-address',
+ 'onion-port',
+ 'onion-key',
+ 'service-key',
IntroductionPoint = collections.namedtuple('IntroductionPoints', INTRODUCTION_POINTS_ATTR.keys())
@@ -238,7 +254,7 @@ class HiddenServiceDescriptor(Descriptor):
self._entries = entries
- def introduction_points(self):
+ def introduction_points(self, authentication_cookie = None):
Provided this service's introduction points. This provides a list of
IntroductionPoint instances, which have the following attributes...
@@ -251,6 +267,9 @@ class HiddenServiceDescriptor(Descriptor):
* **intro_authentication** (list): tuples of the form (auth_type, auth_data)
for establishing a connection
+ :param str authentication_cookie: cookie to decrypt the introduction-points
+ if it's encrypted
:returns: **list** of IntroductionPoints instances
@@ -258,15 +277,103 @@ class HiddenServiceDescriptor(Descriptor):
* **DecryptionFailure** if unable to decrypt this field
- # TODO: Support fields encrypted with a desriptor-cookie. (#15004)
+ content = self.introduction_points_content
- if not self.introduction_points_content:
+ if not content:
return []
- elif not self.introduction_points_content.startswith(b'introduction-point '):
- raise DecryptionFailure('introduction-point content is encrypted')
+ elif authentication_cookie:
+ if not stem.prereq.is_crypto_available():
+ raise DecryptionFailure('Decrypting introduction-points requires pycrypto')
+ try:
+ missing_padding = len(authentication_cookie) % 4
+ authentication_cookie = base64.b64decode(authentication_cookie + '=' * missing_padding)
+ except TypeError as exc:
+ raise DecryptionFailure('authentication_cookie must be a base64 encoded string (%s)' % exc)
+ authentication_type = int(binascii.hexlify(content[0]), 16)
+ if authentication_type == BASIC_AUTH:
+ content = HiddenServiceDescriptor._decrypt_basic_auth(content, authentication_cookie)
+ elif authentication_type == STEALTH_AUTH:
+ content = HiddenServiceDescriptor._decrypt_stealth_auth(content, authentication_cookie)
+ else:
+ raise DecryptionFailure("Unrecognized authentication type '%s', presently we only support basic auth (%s) and stealth auth (%s)" % (authentication_type, BASIC_AUTH, STEALTH_AUTH))
+ if not content.startswith(b'introduction-point '):
+ raise DecryptionFailure("Unable to decrypt the introduction-points, maybe this is the wrong key?")
+ elif not content.startswith(b'introduction-point '):
+ raise DecryptionFailure('introduction-points content is encrypted, you need to provide its authentication_cookie')
+ return HiddenServiceDescriptor._parse_introduction_points(content)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _decrypt_basic_auth(content, authentication_cookie):
+ from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+ from Crypto.Util import Counter
+ from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
+ try:
+ client_blocks = int(binascii.hexlify(content[1]), 16)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise DecryptionFailure("When using basic auth the content should start with a number of blocks but wasn't a hex digit: %s" % binascii.hexlify(content[1]))
+ # parse the client id and encrypted session keys
+ client_entries_length = client_blocks * 16 * 20
+ client_entries = content[2:2 + client_entries_length]
+ client_keys = [(client_entries[i:i + 4], client_entries[i + 4:i + 20]) for i in range(0, client_entries_length, 4 + 16)]
+ iv = content[2 + client_entries_length:2 + client_entries_length + 16]
+ encrypted = content[2 + client_entries_length + 16:]
+ client_id = hashlib.sha1(authentication_cookie + iv).digest()[:4]
+ for entry_id, encrypted_session_key in client_keys:
+ if entry_id != client_id:
+ continue # not the session key for this client
+ # try decrypting the session key
+ counter = Counter.new(128, initial_value = 0)
+ cipher = AES.new(authentication_cookie, AES.MODE_CTR, counter = counter)
+ session_key = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_session_key)
+ # attempt to decrypt the intro points with the session key
+ counter = Counter.new(128, initial_value = bytes_to_long(iv))
+ cipher = AES.new(session_key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter = counter)
+ decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted)
+ # check if the decryption looks correct
+ if decrypted.startswith(b'introduction-point '):
+ return decrypted
+ return content # nope, unable to decrypt the content
+ @staticmethod
+ def _decrypt_stealth_auth(content, authentication_cookie):
+ from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+ from Crypto.Util import Counter
+ from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
+ # byte 1 = authentication type, 2-17 = input vector, 18 on = encrypted content
+ iv, encrypted = content[1:17], content[17:]
+ counter = Counter.new(128, initial_value = bytes_to_long(iv))
+ cipher = AES.new(authentication_cookie, AES.MODE_CTR, counter = counter)
+ return cipher.decrypt(encrypted)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse_introduction_points(content):
+ """
+ Provides the parsed list of IntroductionPoint for the unencrypted content.
+ """
introduction_points = []
- content_io = io.BytesIO(self.introduction_points_content)
+ content_io = io.BytesIO(content)
while True:
content = b''.join(_read_until_keywords('introduction-point', content_io, ignore_first = True))
@@ -277,11 +384,12 @@ class HiddenServiceDescriptor(Descriptor):
entries = _get_descriptor_components(content, False)
- # TODO: most fields can only appear once, we should check for that
for keyword, values in list(entries.items()):
value, block_type, block_contents = values[0]
+ if keyword in SINGLE_INTRODUCTION_POINT_FIELDS and len(values) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("'%s' can only appear once in an introduction-point block, but appeared %i times" % (keyword, len(values)))
if keyword == 'introduction-point':
attr['identifier'] = value
elif keyword == 'ip-address':
diff --git a/test/unit/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py b/test/unit/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py
index 911e9fa..7b37ef0 100644
--- a/test/unit/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py
+++ b/test/unit/descriptor/hidden_service_descriptor.py
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import datetime
import unittest
import stem.descriptor
+import stem.prereq
+import test.runner
from test.mocking import CRYPTO_BLOB, get_hidden_service_descriptor
from test.unit.descriptor import get_resource
@@ -269,6 +272,9 @@ class TestHiddenServiceDescriptor(unittest.TestCase):
Parse a descriptor with introduction-points encrypted with basic auth.
+ if not stem.prereq.is_crypto_available():
+ return test.runner.skip(self, 'requires pycrypto')
descriptor_file = open(get_resource('hidden_service_basic_auth'), 'rb')
desc = next(stem.descriptor.parse_file(descriptor_file, 'hidden-service-descriptor 1.0', validate = True))
@@ -281,12 +287,43 @@ class TestHiddenServiceDescriptor(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual([], desc.introduction_points_auth)
self.assertRaises(DecryptionFailure, desc.introduction_points)
+ self.assertRaises(DecryptionFailure, desc.introduction_points, 'aCmx3qIvArbil8A0KM4KgQ==')
+ introduction_points = desc.introduction_points('dCmx3qIvArbil8A0KM4KgQ==')
+ self.assertEqual(3, len(introduction_points))
+ point = introduction_points[0]
+ self.assertEqual('hmtvoobwglmmec26alnvl7x7mgmmr7xv', point.identifier)
+ self.assertEqual('', point.address)
+ self.assertEqual(443, point.port)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBANbPRD07T' in point.onion_key)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAN+LAdZP/' in point.service_key)
+ self.assertEqual([], point.intro_authentication)
+ point = introduction_points[1]
+ self.assertEqual('q5w6l2f4g5zw4rkr56fkyovbkkrnzcj5', point.identifier)
+ self.assertEqual('', point.address)
+ self.assertEqual(9001, point.port)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAKmsbKrtt' in point.onion_key)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBANwczLtzR' in point.service_key)
+ self.assertEqual([], point.intro_authentication)
+ point = introduction_points[2]
+ self.assertEqual('qcvprvmvnjb4dfyqjtxskugniliwlrx3', point.identifier)
+ self.assertEqual('', point.address)
+ self.assertEqual(9002, point.port)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAM1ILL+7P' in point.onion_key)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAM7B/cymp' in point.service_key)
+ self.assertEqual([], point.intro_authentication)
def test_with_stealth_auth(self):
Parse a descriptor with introduction-points encrypted with stealth auth.
+ if not stem.prereq.is_crypto_available():
+ return test.runner.skip(self, 'requires pycrypto')
descriptor_file = open(get_resource('hidden_service_stealth_auth'), 'rb')
desc = next(stem.descriptor.parse_file(descriptor_file, 'hidden-service-descriptor 1.0', validate = True))
@@ -298,6 +335,34 @@ class TestHiddenServiceDescriptor(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual([], desc.introduction_points_auth)
self.assertRaises(DecryptionFailure, desc.introduction_points)
+ self.assertRaises(DecryptionFailure, desc.introduction_points, 'aCmx3qIvArbil8A0KM4KgQ==')
+ introduction_points = desc.introduction_points('dCmx3qIvArbil8A0KM4KgQ==')
+ self.assertEqual(3, len(introduction_points))
+ point = introduction_points[0]
+ self.assertEqual('6h4bkedts3yz2exl3vu4lsyiwkjrx5ff', point.identifier)
+ self.assertEqual('', point.address)
+ self.assertEqual(443, point.port)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAMX5hO5hQ' in point.onion_key)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAMNSjfydv' in point.service_key)
+ self.assertEqual([], point.intro_authentication)
+ point = introduction_points[1]
+ self.assertEqual('4ghasjftsdfbbycafvlfx7czln3hrk53', point.identifier)
+ self.assertEqual('', point.address)
+ self.assertEqual(9901, point.port)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAL2v/KNEY' in point.onion_key)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAOXiuIgBr' in point.service_key)
+ self.assertEqual([], point.intro_authentication)
+ point = introduction_points[2]
+ self.assertEqual('76tsxvudxqx47gedk3tl5qpesdzrh6yh', point.identifier)
+ self.assertEqual('', point.address)
+ self.assertEqual(9001, point.port)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBALca3zEoS' in point.onion_key)
+ self.assertTrue('MIGJAoGBAL3rWIAQ6' in point.service_key)
+ self.assertEqual([], point.intro_authentication)
def _assert_matches_duckduckgo(self, desc):
self.assertEqual('y3olqqblqw2gbh6phimfuiroechjjafa', desc.descriptor_id)
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