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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Move run_tests.py argument handling to its own file

commit 287f7d64c617bdfa4646184782ed22421d5cab3b
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Mar 9 09:10:21 2015 -0700

    Move run_tests.py argument handling to its own file
    This is a pattern I like that we used for our interpreter. Our run_tests.py was
    getting a bit long, and this is funtionality that really does belong in its own
 run_tests.py                  |  136 ++-----------------------------------
 stem/interpreter/arguments.py |   10 +--
 test/arguments.py             |  149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/util.py                  |   34 +++-------
 4 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

diff --git a/run_tests.py b/run_tests.py
index 876b296..ce732f7 100755
--- a/run_tests.py
+++ b/run_tests.py
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 Runs unit and integration tests. For usage information run this with '--help'.
-import collections
-import getopt
 import os
 import sys
 import threading
@@ -26,43 +24,15 @@ import stem.util.log
 import stem.util.system
 import stem.util.test_tools
+import test.arguments
 import test.output
 import test.runner
 import test.util
 from test.output import STATUS, SUCCESS, ERROR, NO_NL, STDERR, println
-from test.util import STEM_BASE, Target, Task
-# Our default arguments. The _get_args() function provides a named tuple of
-# this merged with our argv.
-# Integration targets fall into two categories:
-# * Run Targets (like RUN_COOKIE and RUN_PTRACE) which customize our torrc.
-#   We do an integration test run for each run target we get.
-# * Attribute Target (like CHROOT and ONLINE) which indicates
-#   non-configuration changes to your test runs. These are applied to all
-#   integration runs that we perform.
-ARGS = {
-  'run_unit': False,
-  'run_integ': False,
-  'specific_test': None,
-  'logging_runlevel': None,
-  'tor_path': 'tor',
-  'run_targets': [Target.RUN_OPEN],
-  'attribute_targets': [],
-  'quiet': False,
-  'verbose': False,
-  'print_help': False,
-OPT = 'auit:l:qvh'
-OPT_EXPANDED = ['all', 'unit', 'integ', 'targets=', 'test=', 'log=', 'tor=', 'quiet', 'verbose', 'help']
+from test.util import STEM_BASE, Task
 CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict('test', {
-  'target.torrc': {},
   'integ.test_directory': './test/data',
@@ -74,11 +44,6 @@ SRC_PATHS = [os.path.join(STEM_BASE, path) for path in (
   os.path.join('docs', 'roles.py'),
-'%s' isn't a logging runlevel, use one of the following instead:
 To run stem's tests you'll need mock...
@@ -122,10 +87,7 @@ def main():
   test_config.load(os.path.join(STEM_BASE, 'test', 'settings.cfg'))
-    args = _get_args(sys.argv[1:])
-  except getopt.GetoptError as exc:
-    println('%s (for usage provide --help)' % exc)
-    sys.exit(1)
+    args = test.arguments.parse(sys.argv[1:])
   except ValueError as exc:
@@ -134,7 +96,7 @@ def main():
     test.output.SUPPRESS_STDOUT = True
   if args.print_help:
-    println(test.util.get_help_message())
+    println(test.arguments.get_help())
   elif not args.run_unit and not args.run_integ:
     println('Nothing to run (for usage provide --help)\n')
@@ -328,94 +290,6 @@ def main():
   sys.exit(1 if error_tracker.has_errors_occured() else 0)
-def _get_args(argv):
-  """
-  Parses our arguments, providing a named tuple with their values.
-  :param list argv: input arguments to be parsed
-  :returns: a **named tuple** with our parsed arguments
-  :raises: **ValueError** if we got an invalid argument
-  :raises: **getopt.GetoptError** if the arguments don't conform with what we
-    accept
-  """
-  args = dict(ARGS)
-  try:
-    recognized_args, unrecognized_args = getopt.getopt(argv, OPT, OPT_EXPANDED)
-    if unrecognized_args:
-      error_msg = "aren't recognized arguments" if len(unrecognized_args) > 1 else "isn't a recognized argument"
-      raise getopt.GetoptError("'%s' %s" % ("', '".join(unrecognized_args), error_msg))
-  except getopt.GetoptError as exc:
-    raise ValueError('%s (for usage provide --help)' % exc)
-  for opt, arg in recognized_args:
-    if opt in ('-a', '--all'):
-      args['run_unit'] = True
-      args['run_integ'] = True
-    elif opt in ('-u', '--unit'):
-      args['run_unit'] = True
-    elif opt in ('-i', '--integ'):
-      args['run_integ'] = True
-    elif opt in ('-t', '--targets'):
-      run_targets, attribute_targets = [], []
-      integ_targets = arg.split(',')
-      all_run_targets = [t for t in Target if CONFIG['target.torrc'].get(t) is not None]
-      # validates the targets and split them into run and attribute targets
-      if not integ_targets:
-        raise ValueError('No targets provided')
-      for target in integ_targets:
-        if target not in Target:
-          raise ValueError('Invalid integration target: %s' % target)
-        elif target in all_run_targets:
-          run_targets.append(target)
-        else:
-          attribute_targets.append(target)
-      # check if we were told to use all run targets
-      if Target.RUN_ALL in attribute_targets:
-        attribute_targets.remove(Target.RUN_ALL)
-        run_targets = all_run_targets
-      # if no RUN_* targets are provided then keep the default (otherwise we
-      # won't have any tests to run)
-      if run_targets:
-        args['run_targets'] = run_targets
-      args['attribute_targets'] = attribute_targets
-    elif opt == '--test':
-      args['specific_test'] = arg
-    elif opt in ('-l', '--log'):
-      arg = arg.upper()
-      if arg not in stem.util.log.LOG_VALUES:
-        raise ValueError(LOG_TYPE_ERROR % arg)
-      args['logging_runlevel'] = arg
-    elif opt in ('--tor'):
-      args['tor_path'] = arg
-    elif opt in ('-q', '--quiet'):
-      args['quiet'] = True
-    elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
-      args['verbose'] = True
-    elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
-      args['print_help'] = True
-  # translates our args dict into a named tuple
-  Args = collections.namedtuple('Args', args.keys())
-  return Args(**args)
 def _print_static_issues(static_check_issues):
   if static_check_issues:
     println('STATIC CHECKS', STATUS)
@@ -465,7 +339,7 @@ def _run_test(args, test_class, output_filters, logging_buffer):
     suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(test_class)
-  except AttributeError, e:
+  except AttributeError:
     # should only come up if user provided '--test' for something that doesn't exist
     println(" no such test", ERROR)
     return None
diff --git a/stem/interpreter/arguments.py b/stem/interpreter/arguments.py
index d177b83..eadd043 100644
--- a/stem/interpreter/arguments.py
+++ b/stem/interpreter/arguments.py
@@ -22,13 +22,7 @@ DEFAULT_ARGS = {
 OPT = 'i:s:h'
-  'interface=',
-  'socket=',
-  'no-color',
-  'help',
+OPT_EXPANDED = ['interface=', 'socket=', 'no-color', 'help']
 def parse(argv):
@@ -50,7 +44,7 @@ def parse(argv):
     if unrecognized_args:
       error_msg = "aren't recognized arguments" if len(unrecognized_args) > 1 else "isn't a recognized argument"
       raise getopt.GetoptError("'%s' %s" % ("', '".join(unrecognized_args), error_msg))
-  except getopt.GetoptError as exc:
+  except Exception as exc:
     raise ValueError('%s (for usage provide --help)' % exc)
   for opt, arg in recognized_args:
diff --git a/test/arguments.py b/test/arguments.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48cd383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/arguments.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright 2015, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project
+# See LICENSE for licensing information
+Commandline argument parsing for our test runner.
+import collections
+import getopt
+import stem.util.conf
+import stem.util.log
+from test.util import Target
+'%s' isn't a logging runlevel, use one of the following instead:
+CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict('test', {
+  'msg.help': '',
+  'target.description': {},
+  'target.torrc': {},
+  'run_unit': False,
+  'run_integ': False,
+  'specific_test': None,
+  'logging_runlevel': None,
+  'tor_path': 'tor',
+  'run_targets': [Target.RUN_OPEN],
+  'attribute_targets': [],
+  'quiet': False,
+  'verbose': False,
+  'print_help': False,
+OPT = 'auit:l:qvh'
+OPT_EXPANDED = ['all', 'unit', 'integ', 'targets=', 'test=', 'log=', 'tor=', 'quiet', 'verbose', 'help']
+def parse(argv):
+  """
+  Parses our arguments, providing a named tuple with their values.
+  :param list argv: input arguments to be parsed
+  :returns: a **named tuple** with our parsed arguments
+  :raises: **ValueError** if we got an invalid argument
+  """
+  args = dict(DEFAULT_ARGS)
+  try:
+    recognized_args, unrecognized_args = getopt.getopt(argv, OPT, OPT_EXPANDED)
+    if unrecognized_args:
+      error_msg = "aren't recognized arguments" if len(unrecognized_args) > 1 else "isn't a recognized argument"
+      raise getopt.GetoptError("'%s' %s" % ("', '".join(unrecognized_args), error_msg))
+  except Exception as exc:
+    raise ValueError('%s (for usage provide --help)' % exc)
+  for opt, arg in recognized_args:
+    if opt in ('-a', '--all'):
+      args['run_unit'] = True
+      args['run_integ'] = True
+    elif opt in ('-u', '--unit'):
+      args['run_unit'] = True
+    elif opt in ('-i', '--integ'):
+      args['run_integ'] = True
+    elif opt in ('-t', '--targets'):
+      run_targets, attribute_targets = [], []
+      integ_targets = arg.split(',')
+      all_run_targets = [t for t in Target if CONFIG['target.torrc'].get(t) is not None]
+      # validates the targets and split them into run and attribute targets
+      if not integ_targets:
+        raise ValueError('No targets provided')
+      for target in integ_targets:
+        if target not in Target:
+          raise ValueError('Invalid integration target: %s' % target)
+        elif target in all_run_targets:
+          run_targets.append(target)
+        else:
+          attribute_targets.append(target)
+      # check if we were told to use all run targets
+      if Target.RUN_ALL in attribute_targets:
+        attribute_targets.remove(Target.RUN_ALL)
+        run_targets = all_run_targets
+      # if no RUN_* targets are provided then keep the default (otherwise we
+      # won't have any tests to run)
+      if run_targets:
+        args['run_targets'] = run_targets
+      args['attribute_targets'] = attribute_targets
+    elif opt == '--test':
+      args['specific_test'] = arg
+    elif opt in ('-l', '--log'):
+      arg = arg.upper()
+      if arg not in stem.util.log.LOG_VALUES:
+        raise ValueError(LOG_TYPE_ERROR % arg)
+      args['logging_runlevel'] = arg
+    elif opt in ('--tor'):
+      args['tor_path'] = arg
+    elif opt in ('-q', '--quiet'):
+      args['quiet'] = True
+    elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
+      args['verbose'] = True
+    elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
+      args['print_help'] = True
+  # translates our args dict into a named tuple
+  Args = collections.namedtuple('Args', args.keys())
+  return Args(**args)
+def get_help():
+  """
+  Provides usage information, as provided by the '--help' argument. This
+  includes a listing of the valid integration targets.
+  :returns: **str** with our usage information
+  """
+  help_msg = CONFIG['msg.help']
+  # gets the longest target length so we can show the entries in columns
+  target_name_length = max(map(len, Target))
+  description_format = '\n    %%-%is - %%s' % target_name_length
+  for target in Target:
+    help_msg += description_format % (target, CONFIG['target.description'].get(target, ''))
+  help_msg += '\n'
+  return help_msg
diff --git a/test/util.py b/test/util.py
index 55243a3..5614e4f 100644
--- a/test/util.py
+++ b/test/util.py
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Helper functions for our test framework.
   get_prereq - provides the tor version required to run the given target
   get_torrc_entries - provides the torrc entries for a given target
-  get_help_message - provides usage information for running our tests
 Sets of :class:`~test.util.Task` instances can be ran with
 :func:`~test.util.run_tasks`. Functions that are intended for easy use with
@@ -45,8 +44,6 @@ import test.output
 from test.output import STATUS, ERROR, NO_NL, println
 CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict('test', {
-  'msg.help': '',
-  'target.description': {},
   'target.prereq': {},
   'target.torrc': {},
   'integ.test_directory': './test/data',
@@ -54,6 +51,15 @@ CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict('test', {
   'test.integ_tests': '',
+# Integration targets fall into two categories:
+# * Run Targets (like RUN_COOKIE and RUN_PTRACE) which customize our torrc.
+#   We do an integration test run for each run target we get.
+# * Attribute Target (like CHROOT and ONLINE) which indicates
+#   non-configuration changes to your test runs. These are applied to all
+#   integration runs that we perform.
 Target = stem.util.enum.UppercaseEnum(
@@ -121,28 +127,6 @@ def _get_tests(modules, module_prefix):
         yield '%s.%s' % (import_name, test)
-def get_help_message():
-  """
-  Provides usage information, as provided by the '--help' argument. This
-  includes a listing of the valid integration targets.
-  :returns: **str** with our usage information
-  """
-  help_msg = CONFIG['msg.help']
-  # gets the longest target length so we can show the entries in columns
-  target_name_length = max(map(len, Target))
-  description_format = '\n    %%-%is - %%s' % target_name_length
-  for target in Target:
-    help_msg += description_format % (target, CONFIG['target.description'].get(target, ''))
-  help_msg += '\n'
-  return help_msg
 def get_prereq(target):
   Provides the tor version required to run the given target. If the target

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