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[tor-commits] [depictor/master] Highlight only the non-matching parameter
commit f04375a1a7afc822bd6593539808dc71155a6dc7
Author: Tom Ritter <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Mar 4 17:36:26 2015 +0100
Highlight only the non-matching parameter
website.py | 14 ++++++++------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/website.py b/website.py
index baca4e7..fbdf4ee 100755
--- a/website.py
+++ b/website.py
@@ -421,23 +421,25 @@ class WebsiteWriter:
for dirauth_nickname in self.known_authorities:
if dirauth_nickname in self.votes:
vote = self.votes[dirauth_nickname]
- #XXX - Only Write invalid/odd parameter in red
- conflictOrInvalid = False
+ conflictOrInvalid = []
if vote.params:
for p in vote.params:
if (p not in self.known_params and not p.startswith('bwauth')) or \
p not in self.consensus.params or \
self.consensus.params[p] != vote.params[p]:
- conflictOrInvalid = True
+ conflictOrInvalid.append(p)
if conflictOrInvalid:
self.site.write(" <tr>\n"
+ " <td><span class=\"oiv\">" + dirauth_nickname + "</span></td>\n"
- + " <td><span class=\"oiv\">params")
+ + " <td>params")
for p in vote.params:
- self.site.write(" " + p + "=" + str(vote.params[p]))
- self.site.write("</span></td>\n"
+ if p in conflictOrInvalid:
+ self.site.write(" <span class=\"oiv\">" + p + "=" + str(vote.params[p]) + "</span>")
+ else:
+ self.site.write(" " + p + "=" + str(vote.params[p]))
+ self.site.write("</td>\n"
+ " </tr>\n")
self.site.write(" <tr>\n"
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