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[tor-commits] [tordnsel/master] remove the extra Ord instance

commit ead3f98a9d38c1221c6af096ca10f8e1479cee9c
Author: David Kaloper <david@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Aug 8 04:07:08 2013 +0200

    remove the extra Ord instance
 src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc | 9 ---------
 1 file changed, 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc b/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
index 76c6525..beee747 100644
--- a/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
+++ b/src/TorDNSEL/Util.hsc
@@ -531,15 +531,6 @@ bindListeningUnixDomainStreamSocket sockPath mode = do
     listen sock sOMAXCONN
     return sock
-instance Ord SockAddr where
-  SockAddrInet port1 addr1 `compare` SockAddrInet port2 addr2 =
-    case addr1 `compare` addr2 of
-      EQ    -> port1 `compare` port2
-      other -> other
-  SockAddrUnix path1 `compare` SockAddrUnix path2 = path1 `compare` path2
-  SockAddrInet _ _ `compare` SockAddrUnix _ = LT
-  SockAddrUnix _ `compare` SockAddrInet _ _ = GT
 -- Monads

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