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[tor-commits] [tor/maint-0.4.0] appveyor: skip two redundant builds to speed up CI on Windows

commit a479909ee8cd10b22d534e4c0855df4f8fb9807b
Author: teor <teor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Feb 27 16:11:47 2019 +1000

    appveyor: skip two redundant builds to speed up CI on Windows
    Skip the Appveyor 32-bit Windows Server 2016 job, and 64-bit Windows
    Server 2012 R2 job. The remaining 2 jobs still provide coverage of
    64/32-bit, and Windows Server 2016/2012 R2.
    Also set fast_finish, so failed jobs terminate the build immediately.
    Fixes bug 29601; bugfix on
 .appveyor.yml    | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 changes/bug29601 |  6 ++++++
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
index 69cbd8e2d..da791faca 100644
--- a/.appveyor.yml
+++ b/.appveyor.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,25 @@ environment:
     # hardening doesn't work with mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc, because it's gcc 8
     hardening: --disable-gcc-hardening
+  # Don't keep building failing jobs
+  fast_finish: true
+  # Skip the 32-bit Windows Server 2016 job, and the 64-bit Windows Server
+  # 2012 R2 job, to speed up the build.
+  # The environment variables must be listed without the 'environment' tag.
+  exclude:
+    - image: Visual Studio 2017
+      target: i686-w64-mingw32
+      compiler_path: mingw32
+      mingw_prefix: mingw-w64-i686
+      hardening:
+    - image: Visual Studio 2015
+      target: x86_64-w64-mingw32
+      compiler_path: mingw64
+      mingw_prefix: mingw-w64-x86_64
+      # hardening doesn't work with mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc, because it's gcc 8
+      hardening: --disable-gcc-hardening
 - ps: >-
     Function Execute-Command ($commandPath)
diff --git a/changes/bug29601 b/changes/bug29601
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4ba5fbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changes/bug29601
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  o Minor bugfixes (Windows, CI):
+    - Skip the Appveyor 32-bit Windows Server 2016 job, and 64-bit Windows
+      Server 2012 R2 job. The remaining 2 jobs still provide coverage of
+      64/32-bit, and Windows Server 2016/2012 R2. Also set fast_finish, so
+      failed jobs terminate the build immediately.
+      Fixes bug 29601; bugfix on

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