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[tor-commits] [sbws/master] new: scanner: Return the new possible errors

commit cc14d90d7537ac1266cb3bc1b631a8a5da35284a
Author: juga0 <juga@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Feb 7 20:05:40 2019 +0000

    new: scanner: Return the new possible errors
    when mesuring the relay.
    Part of #28567.
 sbws/core/scanner.py | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sbws/core/scanner.py b/sbws/core/scanner.py
index 73d0b0e..98fa305 100644
--- a/sbws/core/scanner.py
+++ b/sbws/core/scanner.py
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ from multiprocessing.context import TimeoutError
 from ..lib.circuitbuilder import GapsCircuitBuilder as CB
 from ..lib.resultdump import ResultDump
-from ..lib.resultdump import ResultSuccess, ResultErrorCircuit
-from ..lib.resultdump import ResultErrorStream
+from ..lib.resultdump import (
+    ResultSuccess, ResultErrorCircuit, ResultErrorStream,
+    ResultErrorSecondRelay,  ResultError,  # ResultErrorDestination
+    )
 from ..lib.relaylist import RelayList
 from ..lib.relayprioritizer import RelayPrioritizer
 from ..lib.destination import (DestinationList,
@@ -240,11 +242,22 @@ def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
     log.debug('Measuring %s %s', relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint)
+    our_nick = conf['scanner']['nickname']
     s = requests_utils.make_session(
         cb.controller, conf.getfloat('general', 'http_timeout'))
     # Probably because the scanner is stopping.
     if s is None:
-        return None
+        if settings.end_event.is_set():
+            return None
+        else:
+            # In future refactor this should be returned from the make_session
+            reason = "Unable to get proxies."
+            log.debug(reason + ' to measure %s %s',
+                      relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint)
+            return [
+                ResultError(relay, [], '', our_nick,
+                            msg=reason),
+                ]
     # Pick a destionation
     dest = destinations.next()
     # If there is no any destination at this point, it can not continue.
@@ -256,6 +269,14 @@ def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
                      "the scanner can continue if one fails.")
         # Exit the scanner with error stopping threads first.
         stop_threads(signal.SIGTERM, None, 1)
+        # When the destinations can recover would be implemented;
+        # reason = 'Unable to get destination'
+        # log.debug(reason + ' to measure %s %s',
+        #           relay.nickname, relay.fingerprint)
+        # return [
+        #     ResultErrorDestination(relay, [], dest.url, our_nick,
+        #                            msg=reason),
+        #     ]
     # Pick a relay to help us measure the given relay. If the given relay is an
     # exit, then pick a non-exit. Otherwise pick an exit.
     helper = None
@@ -274,14 +295,15 @@ def measure_relay(args, conf, destinations, cb, rl, relay):
             circ_fps = [relay.fingerprint, helper.fingerprint]
             nicknames = [relay.nickname, helper.nickname]
     if not helper:
-        # TODO: Return ResultError of some sort
-        log.debug('Unable to pick a 2nd relay to help measure %s (%s)',
+        reason = 'Unable to select a second relay'
+        log.debug(reason + ' to help measure %s (%s)',
                   relay.fingerprint, relay.nickname)
-        return None
-    assert helper
-    assert circ_fps is not None and len(circ_fps) == 2
+        return [
+            ResultErrorSecondRelay(relay, [], dest.url, our_nick,
+                                   msg=reason),
+            ]
     # Build the circuit
-    our_nick = conf['scanner']['nickname']
     circ_id, reason = cb.build_circuit(circ_fps)
     if not circ_id:
         log.debug('Could not build circuit with path %s (%s): %s ',

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