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[or-cvs] and make the source instructions <kbd>
Update of /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en
In directory moria:/home/arma/work/onion/cvs/website/en
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and make the source instructions <kbd>
Index: download.wml
RCS file: /home2/or/cvsroot/website/en/download.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -p -d -r1.50 -r1.51
--- download.wml 23 May 2006 18:41:17 -0000 1.50
+++ download.wml 23 May 2006 19:16:08 -0000 1.51
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ need to confirm via email):</p>
<a href="<package-source-alpha>"><version-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-source-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
-<td>./configure && make && src/or/tor</td>
+<td><kbd>./configure && make && src/or/tor</kbd></td>