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[or-cvs] r10197: Initial commit of bw-informer.py, an addon for Onion Routers (torflow/trunk)

Author: renner
Date: 2007-05-16 13:36:49 -0400 (Wed, 16 May 2007)
New Revision: 10197

Initial commit of bw-informer.py, an addon for Onion Routers that can be queried
by clients to deliver current bandwidth-information about single TLS-connections
as well as the router's global bandwidth-load.

Added: torflow/trunk/bw-informer.py
--- torflow/trunk/bw-informer.py	2007-05-15 21:17:48 UTC (rev 10196)
+++ torflow/trunk/bw-informer.py	2007-05-16 17:36:49 UTC (rev 10197)
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+  RWTH Aachen University, Informatik IV
+  Copyright (C) 2007 Johannes Renner 
+  Contact: renner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+# Addon for Onion Routers (prototype-v0.0-alpha):
+# Provides bandwidth-data about single TLS-connections as well as 
+# total bandwidth-data about the router for requesting clients. 
+# This software works in a passive way: It does _not_ control the 
+# Tor process, e.g. close connections, _only_ records traffic.
+# TODO: Howto make the document be served by Tor via http?
+# TODO: Check nicknames for uniqueness
+import sys
+import sched
+import time
+import socket
+import atexit
+import threading
+from TorCtl import *
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import *
+# Move these to config file:
+# Tor host and port
+control_host = ""
+control_port = 9051
+# Listen host and port
+listen_host = ""
+listen_port = 9053
+# Duration of single measuring interval (seconds)
+interval = 30
+# No of inactive rounds to decrease max until 
+# we set it to zero, this leads to 1 hour
+inactive_limit = 3600/interval
+# Alpha for computing new max values, let max
+# decrease slowly if no traffic or not topped
+alpha = 0.01
+# Minimum 'available' bandwidth (bytes/sec) 
+# to show up on the document
+available_min = 10000
+# Global variable marks the start of an interval
+start = time.time()
+# variable that contains the status-document
+bw_status = "no status document available yet :(\r\n"
+# Dictionary that contains all stats 
+stats = {}
+stats_lock = threading.Lock()
+#key_to_name = {}
+#name_to_key = {}
+# We use one class for recording global stats and link stats
+class LinkBandwidthStats(TorCtl.Router):
+  def __init__(self, r=None):
+    if r:
+      self.__dict__ = r.dict
+    else:
+      self.down = 0
+    # Total counters
+    self.tot_age = 0
+    self.tot_count = 0
+    self.tot_ncircs = 0
+    self.tot_read = 0
+    self.tot_written = 0
+    # Interval stats
+    self.int_read = 0		# count bytes read & written ..
+    self.int_written = 0	# in the last interval
+    self.int_bytes = 0 		# sum of both, gets set on update()
+    self.avg_throughput = 0.0	# avg throughput for the last interval 
+    self.max_throughput = 0.0	# throughput max-value
+    self.available = 0.0	# max - avg
+    self.inactive_count = 0	# counter for inactive rounds
+    self.inactive = False	# inactive flag
+  def read(self, bytes_read):
+    self.tot_read += bytes_read
+    self.int_read += bytes_read
+  def written(self, bytes_written):
+    self.tot_written += bytes_written
+    self.int_written += bytes_written
+  # Reset all of the interval counters
+  def reset_interval_counters(self):
+    self.int_read = 0
+    self.int_written = 0
+    self.int_bytes = 0
+  # Most important method here
+  def update(self, elapsed):
+    # Compute the interval-bytes read+written
+    self.int_bytes = self.int_read + self.int_written    
+    # If nothing read or written this round
+    if self.int_bytes == 0:
+      # Increase counter
+      self.inactive_count += 1
+      if self.inactive_count >= inactive_limit:
+        # Limit reached: set max to 0 to get this deleted from stats
+	plog("DEBUG", "Inactive limit reached --> setting max to 0: " + self.nickname)
+        self.max_throughput = 0
+        self.inactive = True
+	# Not needed since inactive --> del
+	#reset_interval_counters()
+	return
+    else:
+      # We have read or written something
+      self.inactive_count = 0
+    # Compute avg interval throughput
+    self.avg_throughput = self.int_bytes/elapsed        
+    # Max handling ..
+    if self.avg_throughput > self.max_throughput:
+      # We have a new max!
+      self.max_throughput = self.avg_throughput
+      plog("DEBUG", self.nickname + " reached new max: " + str(self.max_throughput) + " bytes/sec")
+    else:
+      # Saving old max for debugging only
+      #old_max = self.max_throughput    
+      # Decrease the max-value using alpha-formula 
+      self.max_throughput = max(self.avg_throughput, (self.max_throughput*(1-alpha) + self.avg_throughput*alpha))	
+      #plog("DEBUG", self.nickname + ": max decreased from " + str(old_max) + " to " + str(self.max_throughput))
+    # Also set inactive if nothing read/written and max decreased to zero
+    if self.int_bytes == 0 and self.max_throughput == 0:
+      self.inactive = True
+    # Compute the difference as 'available'
+    # TODO: Do it in the clients, or deliver ONLY this value??
+    self.available = self.max_throughput - self.avg_throughput
+    # Reset the counters
+    self.reset_interval_counters()
+# Special instance of LinkBandwidthStats for recording of bw-events
+global_stats = LinkBandwidthStats()
+# TODO: Get my hostname/nickname?
+global_stats.nickname = "This Router"
+# We need an EventHandler
+# extend from TorCtl.EventHandler
+class LinkHandler(TorCtl.EventHandler):
+  def __init__(self, conn):
+    # Set the connection
+    self.c = conn
+    TorCtl.EventHandler.__init__(self)
+  # Method to handle BW-events for recording total bw
+  def bandwidth_event(self, event):
+    #plog("NOTICE", "BW-Event: " + str(event.read) + " bytes read, " + str(event.written) + " bytes written")  
+    if event.read: global_stats.read(event.read)
+    if event.written: global_stats.written(event.written)
+  # Method to handle ORCONN-events
+  def or_conn_status_event(self, o):    
+    # XXX: Count all routers as one?
+    # If o.endpoint is an idhash
+    #if re.search(r"^\$", o.endpoint):
+      #if o.endpoint not in key_to_name:
+        #o.endpoint = "AllClients:HASH"
+      #else: o.endpoint = key_to_name[o.endpoint]
+    # If it is no idhash and not in name_to_key
+    #elif o.endpoint not in name_to_key:
+      #plog("DEBUG", "IP? " + o.endpoint)
+      #o.endpoint = "AllClients:IP"
+    if o.status == "NEW" or o.status == "LAUNCHED" or o.status == "CONNECTED":
+      plog("NOTICE", "Connection to " + o.endpoint + " is now " + o.status)
+    # If status is READ or WRITE
+    if o.status == "READ" or o.status == "WRITE":
+      #plog("DEBUG", o.endpoint + ", read: " + str(o.read_bytes) + " wrote: " + str(o.wrote_bytes))      
+      stats_lock.acquire()
+      # If not in stats: add!
+      if o.endpoint not in stats:
+        stats[o.endpoint] = LinkBandwidthStats()
+        stats[o.endpoint].nickname = o.endpoint
+        plog("NOTICE", "+ Added " + o.endpoint + " to the stats")
+      # Add number of bytes to total and interval
+      if o.read_bytes:
+        stats[o.endpoint].read(o.read_bytes)
+      if o.wrote_bytes:
+        stats[o.endpoint].written(o.wrote_bytes)
+      stats_lock.release()
+    # If CLOSED or FAILED  
+    if o.status == "CLOSED" or o.status == "FAILED": 
+      # Don't record reasons!
+      stats_lock.acquire()      
+      if o.endpoint not in stats:
+	# Add .. if there will be no traffic it will be removed in the next round
+        stats[o.endpoint] = LinkBandwidthStats()
+        stats[o.endpoint].nickname = o.endpoint
+        plog("NOTICE", "+ Added " + o.endpoint + " to the stats")
+      # Add 'running' to status
+      if o.status == "FAILED" and not stats[o.endpoint].down:
+        o.status = o.status + "(Running)"
+      # 'Total' stats	
+      stats[o.endpoint].tot_ncircs += o.ncircs
+      stats[o.endpoint].tot_count += 1
+      if o.age: stats[o.endpoint].tot_age += o.age
+      #if o.read_bytes: stats[o.endpoint].tot_read += o.read_bytes
+      #if o.wrote_bytes: stats[o.endpoint].tot_wrote += o.wrote_bytes      
+      stats_lock.release()
+    else: return
+    # This is only for constructing debug output
+    if o.age: age = "AGE="+str(o.age)
+    else: age = ""
+    if o.read_bytes: read = "READ="+str(o.read_bytes)
+    else: read = ""
+    if o.wrote_bytes: wrote = "WRITTEN="+str(o.wrote_bytes)
+    else: wrote = ""
+    if o.reason: reason = "REASON="+o.reason
+    else: reason = ""
+    if o.ncircs: ncircs = "NCIRCS="+str(o.ncircs)
+    else: ncircs = ""
+    plog("DEBUG", " ".join((o.event_name, o.endpoint, o.status, age, read, wrote, reason, ncircs)))
+# Sort a list by a specified key
+def sort_list(list, key):
+  list.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(key(y), key(x))) # Python < 2.4 hack
+  return list
+# Write document to file f
+def write_file(f):
+  f.write(bw_status)
+  f.close()
+# Update stats and reset every router's counters
+# (Requires stats_lock.acquire())
+def update_stats(elapsed):
+  # Update & reset global stats
+  global_stats.update(elapsed)
+  # Get the links
+  links = stats.values()
+  for l in links:
+    # Update & reset stats
+    l.update(elapsed)
+    # If inactive --> delete
+    if l.inactive:
+      del stats[l.nickname]
+      plog("NOTICE", "- No traffic on link to " + l.nickname + " --> deleted from stats")  
+# Create the new status document
+# (Requires stats_lock.acquire())
+# TODO: Compress the data:
+#  - if available==max --> only deliver max?
+#  - leave out links with available==0 ? 
+#      - No, avail==0 means new max, but not nothing available!
+#  - clustering/classification?
+def create_document():
+  new_status = ""
+  # Fill in global_stats
+  new_status += str(global_stats.available) + " "
+  new_status += str(global_stats.max_throughput) + " "
+  new_status += str(global_stats.avg_throughput) + "\r\n"  
+  new_status += "--------------------\r\n"
+  # TODO: Better sort for available or max?
+  key = lambda x: x.available
+  links_sorted = sort_list(stats.values(), key)
+  for l in links_sorted:
+    # Cutoff at available_min
+    if key(l) >= available_min:
+      new_status += l.nickname + " " + str(key(l)) + " "
+      new_status += str(l.max_throughput) + " " + str(l.avg_throughput) + "\r\n"
+  # Critical: Exchange global bw_status document
+  global bw_status
+  bw_status = new_status
+# This is the method where the main work gets done
+# Schedule the call every 'interval' seconds
+def do_work(s):
+  global start
+  # Get the time and compute elapsed
+  now = time.time()
+  elapsed = now-start
+  # Acquire lock
+  stats_lock.acquire()
+  # Update stats
+  update_stats(elapsed)
+  # Create the document
+  create_document()
+  # Release lock
+  stats_lock.release()  
+  # Write to file, TODO: Write to Tor-dir, find out!
+  write_file(file("./data/bw-document", "w"))
+  # Some debugging
+  plog("INFO", "Created new document for the last interval (" + str(elapsed) + ") seconds\n") # + bw_status)  
+  # Reschedule
+  start = time.time()
+  s.enter(interval, 1, do_work, (s,))
+# Run a scheduler that does work every interval
+def start_sched():
+  #global key_to_name, name_to_key
+  #nslist = c.get_network_status()
+  #read_routers(c, nslist)  
+  s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
+  start = time.time()
+  s.enter(interval, 1, do_work, (s,))
+  try:
+    s.run()
+  except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    pass
+# run()-method for one client-request
+def client_thread(channel, details):
+  channel.send(bw_status)
+  channel.close()
+  plog("INFO", "Sent status to: " + details[0] + ":" + str(details[1]))
+# run()-method of the server-thread
+def start_server():
+  server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  server.bind((listen_host, listen_port))
+  server.listen(5)
+  atexit.register(cleanup, *(server,))
+  plog("INFO", "Listening on " + listen_host + ":" + str(listen_port))
+  # Have the server serve "forever":
+  while True:
+    channel, details = server.accept()
+    if not channel: break
+    thr = threading.Thread(None, lambda: client_thread(channel, details))
+    thr.setName("Client-Connection: " + details[0])
+    thr.start()
+# Close some given s (socket, connection, ...)
+def cleanup(x):
+  plog("INFO", "Closing socket/connection")
+  x.close()
+# Main function
+def main(argv):
+  plog("INFO", "This is bandwidth-informer v0.0-alpha")
+  # Create connection to Tor
+  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  s.connect((control_host, control_port))
+  c = TorCtl.Connection(s)
+  plog("INFO", "Successfully connected to running Tor process")
+  # Set LinkHandler here
+  c.set_event_handler(LinkHandler(c))
+  # Close connection on exit
+  atexit.register(cleanup, *(c,))
+  # Start the thread
+  c.launch_thread()
+  c.authenticate()
+  # Only listen to ORCONN
+  c.set_events([TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.ORCONN, TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.BW], True)
+  # TODO: Set extra-info for descriptor here
+  # Start server thread
+  thr = threading.Thread(None, lambda: start_server())
+  thr.setName("Server")
+  thr.setDaemon(1)
+  thr.start()
+  # Start the monitor here
+  start_sched()
+# Program entry point
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main(sys.argv)

Property changes on: torflow/trunk/bw-informer.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *