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[or-cvs] r14839: TorCheck shouldn't be called index.py, it should be called T (check/trunk/cgi-bin)
Author: ioerror
Date: 2008-05-30 01:28:18 -0400 (Fri, 30 May 2008)
New Revision: 14839
TorCheck shouldn't be called index.py, it should be called TorCheck.py. Docs need to be updated to reflect this change.
Copied: check/trunk/cgi-bin/TorCheck.py (from rev 14813, check/trunk/cgi-bin/index.py)
--- check/trunk/cgi-bin/TorCheck.py (rev 0)
+++ check/trunk/cgi-bin/TorCheck.py 2008-05-30 05:28:18 UTC (rev 14839)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ TorCheck.py
+ https://check.torproject.org - originally in perl, rewritten in python
+ By Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ Written at ToorCon Seattle 2008 (Thanks for the great time h1kari!)
+ Thanks to Crispen for a power outlet :-)
+ Additional python suggestions from nickm
+ Best used with the Debian packages:
+ python-dns
+ libapache2-mod-python
+ locales-all
+__program__ = 'TorCheck.py'
+__version__ = '20080529.01'
+__url__ = 'https://tor-svn.freehaven.net/svn/check/'
+__author__ = 'Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2008, Jacob Appelbaum'
+__license__ = 'See LICENSE for licensing information'
+ from future import antigravity
+except ImportError:
+ antigravity = None
+import DNS
+# This is pydns and can be downloaded from http://pydns.sourceforge.net/
+# Or use the Debian package listed above
+from mod_python import apache
+from mod_python import util
+import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
+import gettext
+import locale
+# We could also explictly query the remote EL server
+# This is not as good as using a cache for obvious reasons
+def isUsingTor(clientIp):
+ # This is the exit node ip address
+ # This is where we want to dynamically recieve this from Apache
+ splitIp = clientIp.split('.')
+ splitIp.reverse()
+ ELExitNode = ".".join(splitIp)
+ # We'll attempt to reach this port on the Target host
+ ELPort = "80"
+ # We'll try to reach this host
+ ElTarget = ""
+ # This is the ExitList DNS server we want to query
+ ELHost = "ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org"
+ # Prepare the question as an A record request
+ ELQuestion = ELExitNode + "." + ELPort + "." + ElTarget + "." + ELHost
+ request = DNS.DnsRequest(name=ELQuestion,qtype='A')
+ # Ask the question and load the data into our answer
+ answer=request.req()
+ # Parse the answer and decide if it's allowing exits
+ # is an exit and NXDOMAIN is not
+ if answer.header['status'] == "NXDOMAIN":
+ # We're not exiting from a Tor exit
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if not answer.answers:
+ # We're getting unexpected data - fail closed
+ return 2
+ for a in answer.answers:
+ if a['data'] != "":
+ return 2
+ # If we're here, we've had a positive exit answer
+ return 0
+def getLocales():
+ locale_descriptions = { 'en_US' : 'English', 'de' : 'Deutsch', 'es' :
+ 'español','fa_IR' : 'fa_IR', 'ja' : '(Nihogo)', 'it_IT' : 'Italiano',
+ 'pt_BR' : 'Português', 'pl': 'polski', 'ru': 'Русский (Russkij)',
+ 'zh_CN' :'(Simplified Chinese)' }
+ return locale_descriptions
+def getLocaleName(lang):
+ # If the user passes in a locale that matches what we support, good
+ # However, anything that we don't support will result in us using a default locale
+ #
+ # Important! lang is tainted data, don't forget this!
+ #
+ default_locale = "en_US"
+ # We'd really like these additional locales to be translated:
+ # locales = ( 'ar', 'fr', 'nl', 'pt-PT', 'ru' )
+ # Make sure we have a valid language
+ if not lang:
+ return default_locale
+ # This is to deal with Mozilla and Debian having different ideas about
+ # what it means to be a locale
+ lang = lang.replace("-", "_")
+ # Do a case insensitive match
+ lang = lang.lower()
+ # Check for an exact match of language_country
+ for item in getLocales().keys():
+ if item.lower() == lang:
+ return item
+ # Check for just the language
+ lang = lang.split("_", 1)[0]
+ for item in getLocales().keys():
+ if item.lower().startswith(lang):
+ return item
+ # Fall back to default
+ return default_locale
+def parseLang(req):
+ user_supplied_lang = None
+ formSubmission=util.FieldStorage(req)
+ user_supplied_lang = formSubmission.getfirst("lang", None)
+ # Find the bast match for the requested language
+ locale = getLocaleName(user_supplied_lang)
+ # i18n with Unicode!
+ # Ensure you have properly installed TorCheck.{po,pot,mo} files
+ lang = gettext.translation('TorCheck', languages=[locale])
+ lang.install()
+# Now that we know everything we need, lets print the website
+def handler(req):
+ # Make a DNS request to the EL and decide what to tell the user
+ UsingTor = isUsingTor(req.connection.remote_ip)
+ req.send_http_header()
+ req.content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
+ # First lets construct the simple webpage:
+ req.write('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" '\
+ '"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">\n')
+ req.write('<html>\n')
+ req.write('<head>\n')
+ req.write('<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '\
+ 'charset=utf-8">\n')
+ req.write('<title>Are you using Tor?</title>\n')
+ req.write('<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" '\
+ 'href="./favicon.ico">\n')
+ req.write('<style type="text/css">\n')
+ req.write('img,acronym {\n')
+ req.write(' border: 0;')
+ req.write(' text-decoration: none;')
+ req.write('}')
+ req.write('</style>')
+ req.write('</head>\n')
+ req.write('<body>\n')
+ parseLang(req)
+ req.write('<center>\n')
+ if UsingTor == 0:
+ req.write('\n')
+ req.write('<img alt="' + _("Congratulations. You are using Tor.") + \
+ '" src="https://check.torproject.org/images/tor-on.png">\n<br>')
+ req.write('<h1 style="color: #0A0">\n')
+ req.write(_('Congratulations. You are using Tor.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
+ req.write('</h1>\n')
+ req.write(_('Please refer to the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">Tor website</a> for further information about using Tor safely.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
+ # This is the case where we have an NXDOMAIN and they aren't using Tor
+ elif UsingTor == 1:
+ req.write('\n')
+ req.write('<img alt="' + _("Sorry. You are not using Tor.") + '" '\
+ 'src="https://check.torproject.org/images/tor-off.png">\n<br>')
+ req.write('<h1 style="color: #A00">')
+ req.write(_('Sorry. You are not using Tor.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
+ req.write('</h1>')
+ req.write(_('If you are attempting to use a Tor client, please refer to the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">Tor website</a> and specifically the <a href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ItDoesntWork">instructions for configuring your Tor client</a>.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
+ # This means we have some strange data response we don't understand
+ # It's better that we fail closed and let the user know everything went wrong
+ elif UsingTor == 2:
+ req.write('\n')
+ req.write('<img alt="' + _("Sorry, your query failed or an unexpected response was received.") + '" '\
+ 'src="https://check.torproject.org/images/tor-off.png">\n<br>')
+ req.write('<h1 style="color: #A00">\n')
+ req.write(_('Sorry, your query failed or an unexpected response was received.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n')
+ req.write('</h1>')
+ req.write(_('A temporary service outage prevents us from determining if your source IP address is a <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">Tor</a> node. For other ways to test whether you are using Tor, please visit <a href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#IsMyConnectionPrivate">this FAQ entry</a>.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
+ # Now we'll close up this html rat hole
+ req.write('\n')
+ req.write('<br>\n');
+ req.write('<small>\n')
+ req.write('<tt>')
+ req.write(_('Additional information: '))
+ req.write('<br>\n')
+ req.write(_('Your IP address appears to be: '))
+ req.write('<b>%s</b><br>\n' % req.connection.remote_ip )
+ req.write(_('This small script is powered by <a href="6http://exitlist.torproject.org/">tordnsel</a>'))
+ req.write('<br>')
+ req.write(_('You may also be interested in the <a href="/cgi-bin/TorBulkExitList.py">Tor Bulk Exit List Exporter</a>'))
+ req.write('<br><br>')
+ req.write(_('This server does not log <i>any</i> information about visitors.'))
+ req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
+ # We want to display little pretty images so users can choose their language
+ locales = getLocales()
+ for item in sorted(locales.keys()):
+ req.write('<a href="?lang=%s">' % item )
+ req.write('<acronym title="%s">' % locales[item] )
+ req.write('<img src="images/%s.png" ' % item )
+ req.write('alt="%s" width="24" height="16">' % item )
+ req.write('</acronym>')
+ req.write('</a> ')
+ req.write('</tt>')
+ req.write('</small>')
+ req.write('</center>\n')
+ req.write('</body>')
+ req.write('</html>')
+ return apache.OK
Deleted: check/trunk/cgi-bin/index.py
--- check/trunk/cgi-bin/index.py 2008-05-30 04:29:12 UTC (rev 14838)
+++ check/trunk/cgi-bin/index.py 2008-05-30 05:28:18 UTC (rev 14839)
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- TorCheck.py
- https://check.torproject.org - originally in perl, rewritten in python
- By Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Written at ToorCon Seattle 2008 (Thanks for the great time h1kari!)
- Thanks to Crispen for a power outlet :-)
- Additional python suggestions from nickm
- Best used with the Debian packages:
- python-dns
- libapache2-mod-python
- locales-all
-__program__ = 'TorCheck.py'
-__version__ = '20080529.01'
-__url__ = 'https://tor-svn.freehaven.net/svn/check/'
-__author__ = 'Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>'
-__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2008, Jacob Appelbaum'
-__license__ = 'See LICENSE for licensing information'
- from future import antigravity
-except ImportError:
- antigravity = None
-import DNS
-# This is pydns and can be downloaded from http://pydns.sourceforge.net/
-# Or use the Debian package listed above
-from mod_python import apache
-from mod_python import util
-import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
-import gettext
-import locale
-# We could also explictly query the remote EL server
-# This is not as good as using a cache for obvious reasons
-def isUsingTor(clientIp):
- # This is the exit node ip address
- # This is where we want to dynamically recieve this from Apache
- splitIp = clientIp.split('.')
- splitIp.reverse()
- ELExitNode = ".".join(splitIp)
- # We'll attempt to reach this port on the Target host
- ELPort = "80"
- # We'll try to reach this host
- ElTarget = ""
- # This is the ExitList DNS server we want to query
- ELHost = "ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org"
- # Prepare the question as an A record request
- ELQuestion = ELExitNode + "." + ELPort + "." + ElTarget + "." + ELHost
- request = DNS.DnsRequest(name=ELQuestion,qtype='A')
- # Ask the question and load the data into our answer
- answer=request.req()
- # Parse the answer and decide if it's allowing exits
- # is an exit and NXDOMAIN is not
- if answer.header['status'] == "NXDOMAIN":
- # We're not exiting from a Tor exit
- return 1
- else:
- if not answer.answers:
- # We're getting unexpected data - fail closed
- return 2
- for a in answer.answers:
- if a['data'] != "":
- return 2
- # If we're here, we've had a positive exit answer
- return 0
-def getLocales():
- locale_descriptions = { 'en_US' : 'English', 'de' : 'Deutsch', 'es' :
- 'español','fa_IR' : 'fa_IR', 'ja' : '(Nihogo)', 'it_IT' : 'Italiano',
- 'pt_BR' : 'Português', 'pl': 'polski', 'ru': 'Русский (Russkij)',
- 'zh_CN' :'(Simplified Chinese)' }
- return locale_descriptions
-def getLocaleName(lang):
- # If the user passes in a locale that matches what we support, good
- # However, anything that we don't support will result in us using a default locale
- #
- # Important! lang is tainted data, don't forget this!
- #
- default_locale = "en_US"
- # We'd really like these additional locales to be translated:
- # locales = ( 'ar', 'fr', 'nl', 'pt-PT', 'ru' )
- # Make sure we have a valid language
- if not lang:
- return default_locale
- # This is to deal with Mozilla and Debian having different ideas about
- # what it means to be a locale
- lang = lang.replace("-", "_")
- # Do a case insensitive match
- lang = lang.lower()
- # Check for an exact match of language_country
- for item in getLocales().keys():
- if item.lower() == lang:
- return item
- # Check for just the language
- lang = lang.split("_", 1)[0]
- for item in getLocales().keys():
- if item.lower().startswith(lang):
- return item
- # Fall back to default
- return default_locale
-def parseLang(req):
- user_supplied_lang = None
- formSubmission=util.FieldStorage(req)
- user_supplied_lang = formSubmission.getfirst("lang", None)
- # Find the bast match for the requested language
- locale = getLocaleName(user_supplied_lang)
- # i18n with Unicode!
- # Ensure you have properly installed TorCheck.{po,pot,mo} files
- lang = gettext.translation('TorCheck', languages=[locale])
- lang.install()
-# Now that we know everything we need, lets print the website
-def handler(req):
- # Make a DNS request to the EL and decide what to tell the user
- UsingTor = isUsingTor(req.connection.remote_ip)
- req.send_http_header()
- req.content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
- # First lets construct the simple webpage:
- req.write('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" '\
- '"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">\n')
- req.write('<html>\n')
- req.write('<head>\n')
- req.write('<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; '\
- 'charset=utf-8">\n')
- req.write('<title>Are you using Tor?</title>\n')
- req.write('<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" '\
- 'href="./favicon.ico">\n')
- req.write('<style type="text/css">\n')
- req.write('img,acronym {\n')
- req.write(' border: 0;')
- req.write(' text-decoration: none;')
- req.write('}')
- req.write('</style>')
- req.write('</head>\n')
- req.write('<body>\n')
- parseLang(req)
- req.write('<center>\n')
- if UsingTor == 0:
- req.write('\n')
- req.write('<img alt="' + _("Congratulations. You are using Tor.") + \
- '" src="https://check.torproject.org/images/tor-on.png">\n<br>')
- req.write('<h1 style="color: #0A0">\n')
- req.write(_('Congratulations. You are using Tor.'))
- req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
- req.write('</h1>\n')
- req.write(_('Please refer to the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">Tor website</a> for further information about using Tor safely.'))
- req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
- # This is the case where we have an NXDOMAIN and they aren't using Tor
- elif UsingTor == 1:
- req.write('\n')
- req.write('<img alt="' + _("Sorry. You are not using Tor.") + '" '\
- 'src="https://check.torproject.org/images/tor-off.png">\n<br>')
- req.write('<h1 style="color: #A00">')
- req.write(_('Sorry. You are not using Tor.'))
- req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
- req.write('</h1>')
- req.write(_('If you are attempting to use a Tor client, please refer to the <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">Tor website</a> and specifically the <a href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ItDoesntWork">instructions for configuring your Tor client</a>.'))
- req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
- # This means we have some strange data response we don't understand
- # It's better that we fail closed and let the user know everything went wrong
- elif UsingTor == 2:
- req.write('\n')
- req.write('<img alt="' + _("Sorry, your query failed or an unexpected response was received.") + '" '\
- 'src="https://check.torproject.org/images/tor-off.png">\n<br>')
- req.write('<h1 style="color: #A00">\n')
- req.write(_('Sorry, your query failed or an unexpected response was received.'))
- req.write('<br>\n')
- req.write('</h1>')
- req.write(_('A temporary service outage prevents us from determining if your source IP address is a <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">Tor</a> node. For other ways to test whether you are using Tor, please visit <a href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#IsMyConnectionPrivate">this FAQ entry</a>.'))
- req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
- # Now we'll close up this html rat hole
- req.write('\n')
- req.write('<br>\n');
- req.write('<small>\n')
- req.write('<tt>')
- req.write(_('Additional information: '))
- req.write('<br>\n')
- req.write(_('Your IP address appears to be: '))
- req.write('<b>%s</b><br>\n' % req.connection.remote_ip )
- req.write(_('This small script is powered by <a href="6http://exitlist.torproject.org/">tordnsel</a>'))
- req.write('<br>')
- req.write(_('You may also be interested in the <a href="/cgi-bin/TorBulkExitList.py">Tor Bulk Exit List Exporter</a>'))
- req.write('<br><br>')
- req.write(_('This server does not log <i>any</i> information about visitors.'))
- req.write('<br>\n<br>\n')
- # We want to display little pretty images so users can choose their language
- locales = getLocales()
- for item in sorted(locales.keys()):
- req.write('<a href="?lang=%s">' % item )
- req.write('<acronym title="%s">' % locales[item] )
- req.write('<img src="images/%s.png" ' % item )
- req.write('alt="%s" width="24" height="16">' % item )
- req.write('</acronym>')
- req.write('</a> ')
- req.write('</tt>')
- req.write('</small>')
- req.write('</center>\n')
- req.write('</body>')
- req.write('</html>')
- return apache.OK