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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Dropping the last raw TorCtl usage

commit c21dbc32601b467968c0a900f0b79c2738b7d1e3
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat May 14 14:11:56 2011 -0700

    Dropping the last raw TorCtl usage
    This removes the last direct usage of TorCtl by arm. Instead, all access is
    done via the torTools Connection wrapper class. In addition to being easier
    and provide better performance, removing this last direct TorCtl usage should
    allow for arm to be arbitrarily detatched and reattached to Tor instances
    while running (the option for reattaching is coming soon...).
 src/cli/controller.py          |   52 ++++-----------------------------------
 src/cli/graphing/graphPanel.py |    5 +++-
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cli/controller.py b/src/cli/controller.py
index 030b1d3..4916faf 100644
--- a/src/cli/controller.py
+++ b/src/cli/controller.py
@@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ Curses (terminal) interface for the arm relay status monitor.
 import os
-import re
 import math
 import time
 import curses
-import curses.textpad
-import socket
-from TorCtl import TorCtl
 import popups
 import headerPanel
@@ -21,7 +17,6 @@ import graphing.graphPanel
 import logPanel
 import configPanel
 import torrcPanel
-import descriptorPopup
 import cli.connections.connPanel
 import cli.connections.connEntry
@@ -43,6 +38,7 @@ def refresh():
 PANELS = {}
 STDSCR = None
 IS_PAUSED = False
+PAGE = 0
 def getScreen():
   return STDSCR
@@ -214,10 +210,10 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
   Starts arm interface reflecting information on provided control port.
-  stdscr - curses window
-  conn - active Tor control port connection
-  loggedEvents - types of events to be logged (plus an optional "UNKNOWN" for
-    otherwise unrecognized events)
+  stdscr       - curses window
+  startTime    - unix time for when arm was started
+  loggedEvents - event types we've been configured to log
+  isBlindMode  - flag to indicate if the user's turned off connection lookups
@@ -240,9 +236,6 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
   # pauses/unpauses connection resolution according to if tor's connected or not
-  # TODO: incrementally drop this requirement until everything's using the singleton
-  conn = torTools.getConn().getTorCtl()
   curses.halfdelay(REFRESH_RATE * 10)   # uses getch call as timer for REFRESH_RATE seconds
   try: curses.use_default_colors()      # allows things like semi-transparent backgrounds (call can fail with ERR)
   except curses.error: pass
@@ -254,17 +247,6 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
   # attempts to determine tor's current pid (left as None if unresolveable, logging an error later)
   torPid = torTools.getConn().getMyPid()
-  #try:
-  #  confLocation = conn.get_info("config-file")["config-file"]
-  #  if confLocation[0] != "/":
-  #    # relative path - attempt to add process pwd
-  #    try:
-  #      results = sysTools.call("pwdx %s" % torPid)
-  #      if len(results) == 1 and len(results[0].split()) == 2: confLocation = "%s/%s" % (results[0].split()[1], confLocation)
-  #    except IOError: pass # pwdx call failed
-  #except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed):
-  #  confLocation = ""
   # loads the torrc and provides warnings in case of validation errors
     loadedTorrc = torConfig.getTorrc()
@@ -317,12 +299,6 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
   elif graphType == 2 and not isBlindMode: panels["graph"].setStats("connections")
   elif graphType == 3: panels["graph"].setStats("system resources")
-  # listeners that update bandwidth and log panels with Tor status
-  #conn.add_event_listener(panels["log"])
-  conn.add_event_listener(panels["graph"].stats["bandwidth"])
-  conn.add_event_listener(panels["graph"].stats["system resources"])
-  if not isBlindMode: conn.add_event_listener(panels["graph"].stats["connections"])
   # prepopulates bandwidth values from state file
   if CONFIG["features.graph.bw.prepopulate"]:
     isSuccessful = panels["graph"].stats["bandwidth"].prepopulateFromState()
@@ -332,11 +308,6 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
   #panels["log"].loggedEvents = loggedEvents # strips any that couldn't be set
   panels["log"].setLoggedEvents(loggedEvents) # strips any that couldn't be set
-  # directs logged TorCtl events to log panel
-  #TorUtil.loglevel = "DEBUG"
-  #TorUtil.logfile = panels["log"]
-  #torTools.getConn().addTorCtlListener(panels["log"].tor_ctl_event)
   # provides a notice about any event types tor supports but arm doesn't
   missingEventTypes = logPanel.getMissingEventTypes()
   if missingEventTypes:
@@ -350,16 +321,6 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
-  # warns if tor isn't updating descriptors
-  #try:
-  #  if conn.get_option("FetchUselessDescriptors")[0][1] == "0" and conn.get_option("DirPort")[0][1] == "0":
-  #    warning = """Descriptors won't be updated (causing some connection information to be stale) unless:
-  #a. 'FetchUselessDescriptors 1' is set in your torrc
-  #b. the directory service is provided ('DirPort' defined)
-  #c. or tor is used as a client"""
-  #    log.log(log.WARN, warning)
-  #except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed): pass
   isUnresponsive = False    # true if it's been over ten seconds since the last BW event (probably due to Tor closing)
   isPaused = False          # if true updates are frozen
   overrideKey = None        # immediately runs with this input rather than waiting for the user if set
@@ -523,8 +484,7 @@ def drawTorMonitor(stdscr, startTime, loggedEvents, isBlindMode):
-        conn = torTools.getConn()
-        conn.close() # joins on TorCtl event thread
+        torTools.getConn().close() # joins on TorCtl event thread
         # joins on utility daemon threads - this might take a moment since
         # the internal threadpools being joined might be sleeping
diff --git a/src/cli/graphing/graphPanel.py b/src/cli/graphing/graphPanel.py
index ef0267d..ae8e73c 100644
--- a/src/cli/graphing/graphPanel.py
+++ b/src/cli/graphing/graphPanel.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from TorCtl import TorCtl
 import cli.popups
-from util import enum, panel, uiTools
+from util import enum, panel, torTools, uiTools
 # time intervals at which graphs can be updated
 UPDATE_INTERVALS = [("each second", 1), ("5 seconds", 5),   ("30 seconds", 30),
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ class GraphStats(TorCtl.PostEventListener):
       # iterative insert needed to avoid making shallow copies (nasty, nasty gotcha)
       self.primaryCounts[i] = (self.maxCol + 1) * [0]
       self.secondaryCounts[i] = (self.maxCol + 1) * [0]
+    # tracks BW events
+    torTools.getConn().addEventListener(self)
   def clone(self, newCopy=None):

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