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[tor-commits] [metrics-tasks/master] Improve HSDir set instability graph

commit 1836cbe30031d0807730d4898af1bc18f85b982f
Author: Robert Ransom <rransom.8774@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue May 24 18:03:35 2011 -0700

    Improve HSDir set instability graph
 task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot |    8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot b/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot
index 532fd53..e6bbfea 100644
--- a/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot
+++ b/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"
 set xrange ["2011-01-01-00-00-00":]
 set yrange [0:1]
-plot "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:($3/$2) with lines title "1 hr",\
-     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:($4/$2) with lines title "2 hr",\
-     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:($5/$2) with lines title "3 hr",\
-     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:($6/$2) with lines title "4 hr"
+plot "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($6/$2) with filledcurves title "4 hr",\
+     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($5/$2) with filledcurves title "3 hr",\
+     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($4/$2) with filledcurves title "2 hr",\
+     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($3/$2) with filledcurves title "1 hr"

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