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[tor-commits] [nyx/master] Added Tor runlevels and nyx runlevels
commit e1457a7397885a3a61157bcc131df1cec42f73c1
Author: Sambuddha Basu <sambuddhabasu1@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon May 9 02:18:36 2016 +0400
Added Tor runlevels and nyx runlevels
nyx/popups.py | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nyx/popups.py b/nyx/popups.py
index 87e65e3..54c141a 100644
--- a/nyx/popups.py
+++ b/nyx/popups.py
@@ -434,7 +434,8 @@ def new_select_event_types(initial_selection):
events = events.split()
- events = nyx.log.TOR_RUNLEVELS + [event for event in events if event not in nyx.log.TOR_RUNLEVELS]
+ events = nyx.log.TOR_RUNLEVELS + nyx.log.NYX_RUNLEVELS + [event for event in events if event not in nyx.log.TOR_RUNLEVELS]
+ tor_events = [events[i+10:i + 13] for i in xrange(0, len(events) - 10, 3)]
selection = 0
selected_events = initial_selection
@@ -442,18 +443,28 @@ def new_select_event_types(initial_selection):
subwindow.addstr(0, 0, 'Event Types:', HIGHLIGHT)
- tor_events = [events[i:i + 3] for i in xrange(0, len(events), 3)]
+ x = subwindow.addstr(1, 1, "Tor Runlevel:")
+ for i, line in enumerate(events[:5]):
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x + 3, 1, '[X]' if line in selected_events else '[ ]')
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x, 1, line, HIGHLIGHT if selection == i else NORMAL)
+ x = subwindow.addstr(1, 2, "Nyx Runlevel:")
+ for i, line in enumerate(events[5:10]):
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x + 3, 2, '[X]' if line in selected_events else '[ ]')
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x, 2, line[4:], HIGHLIGHT if selection == (i + 5) else NORMAL)
+ subwindow.hline(1, 3, 78)
for i, line in enumerate(tor_events):
for j, in_line in enumerate(line):
- x = subwindow.addstr(j * 30 + 1, i + 1, '[X]' if in_line in selected_events else '[ ]')
- x = subwindow.addstr(x, i + 1, in_line, HIGHLIGHT if selection == (i * 3 + j) else NORMAL)
+ x = subwindow.addstr(j * 25 + 1, i + 4, '[X]' if in_line in selected_events else '[ ]')
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x, i + 4, in_line, HIGHLIGHT if selection == (i * 3 + j + 10) else NORMAL)
x = 30
for i, line in enumerate(['Ok', 'Cancel']):
- x = subwindow.addstr(x, len(tor_events) + 2, '[')
- x = subwindow.addstr(x, len(tor_events) + 2, line, HIGHLIGHT if selection == (len(events) + i) else NORMAL)
- x = subwindow.addstr(x, len(tor_events) + 2, ']')
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x, len(tor_events) + 5, '[')
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x, len(tor_events) + 5, line, HIGHLIGHT if selection == (len(events) + i) else NORMAL)
+ x = subwindow.addstr(x, len(tor_events) + 5, ']')
with nyx.curses.CURSES_LOCK:
while True:
@@ -461,9 +472,23 @@ def new_select_event_types(initial_selection):
key = nyx.curses.key_input()
if key.match('up'):
- selection = max(0, selection - 3)
+ if selection >= 5 and selection <= 9:
+ selection -= 5
+ elif selection >= 10 and selection <= 12:
+ selection = 5
+ elif selection == len(events) or selection == (len(events) + 1):
+ selection = len(events) - 1
+ else:
+ selection = max(0, selection - 3)
elif key.match('down'):
- selection = min(len(events) + 1, selection + 3)
+ if selection >= 0 and selection <=4:
+ selection += 5
+ elif selection >= 5 and selection <=9:
+ selection = 10
+ elif selection >= (((len(tor_events) -1) * 3) + 10) and selection < len(events):
+ selection = len(events)
+ else:
+ selection = min(len(events) + 1, selection + 3)
elif key.match('left'):
selection = max(0, selection - 1)
elif key.match('right'):
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