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[tor-commits] [torspec/master] fix typos in proposal 275

commit 28ed266a88a55605621c74b81e210b2fcf5c41ee
Author: Roger Dingledine <arma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed May 10 01:25:06 2017 -0400

    fix typos in proposal 275
 proposals/275-md-published-time-is-silly.txt | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proposals/275-md-published-time-is-silly.txt b/proposals/275-md-published-time-is-silly.txt
index b23e747..0a01fe5 100644
--- a/proposals/275-md-published-time-is-silly.txt
+++ b/proposals/275-md-published-time-is-silly.txt
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Target: 0.3.1.x-alpha
    and see if we can replace the value with something else.
       * Published is used in the voting process to decide which
-        descriptor should be considered.  But that is takend from
+        descriptor should be considered.  But that is taken from
         vote networkstatus documents, not consensuses.
       * Published is used in mark_my_descriptor_dirty_if_too_old()
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ Target: 0.3.1.x-alpha
    As an interim solution: We should add a new consensus method number
    that changes the process by which Published fields in consensuses are
-   generated.  It should set all all Published fields in the consensus
-   should be the same value.  These fields should be taken to rotate
+   generated.  It should set all Published fields in the consensus
+   to be the same value.  These fields should be taken to rotate
    every 15 hours, by taking consensus valid-after time, and rounding
    down to the nearest multiple of 15 hours since the epoch.

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