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[tor-commits] [tor/master] consdiffmgr: Extract the code for compressing and storing

commit 6da31ec4848b23db4b923ff5141c24b82f466c8d
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri May 5 10:48:02 2017 -0400

    consdiffmgr: Extract the code for compressing and storing
    We're going to use this for consensuses too.
 src/or/consdiffmgr.c | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/or/consdiffmgr.c b/src/or/consdiffmgr.c
index d478101..b108c80 100644
--- a/src/or/consdiffmgr.c
+++ b/src/or/consdiffmgr.c
@@ -1072,6 +1072,91 @@ typedef struct compressed_result_t {
 } compressed_result_t;
+ * Compress the bytestring <b>input</b> of length <b>len</b> using the
+ * <n>n_methods</b> compression methods listed in the array <b>methods</b>.
+ *
+ * For each successful compression, set the fields in the <b>results_out</b>
+ * array in the position corresponding to the compression method. Use
+ * <b>labels_in</b> as a basis for the labels of the result.
+ *
+ * Return 0 if all compression succeeded; -1 if any failed.
+ */
+static int
+compress_multiple(compressed_result_t *results_out, int n_methods,
+                  const compress_method_t *methods,
+                  const uint8_t *input, size_t len,
+                  const config_line_t *labels_in)
+  int rv = 0;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < n_methods; ++i) {
+    compress_method_t method = methods[i];
+    const char *methodname = compression_method_get_name(method);
+    char *result;
+    size_t sz;
+    if (0 == tor_compress(&result, &sz, (const char*)input, len, method)) {
+      results_out[i].body = (uint8_t*)result;
+      results_out[i].bodylen = sz;
+      results_out[i].labels = config_lines_dup(labels_in);
+      cdm_labels_prepend_sha3(&results_out[i].labels, LABEL_SHA3_DIGEST,
+                              results_out[i].body,
+                              results_out[i].bodylen);
+      config_line_prepend(&results_out[i].labels,
+                          LABEL_COMPRESSION_TYPE,
+                          methodname);
+    } else {
+      rv = -1;
+    }
+  }
+  return rv;
+ * Given an array of <b>n</b> compressed_result_t in <b>results</b>,
+ * as produced by compress_multiple, store them all into the
+ * consdiffmgr, and store handles to them in the <b>handles_out</b>
+ * array.
+ *
+ * Return CDM_DIFF_PRESENT if any was stored, and CDM_DIFF_ERROR if none
+ * was stored.
+ */
+static cdm_diff_status_t
+store_multiple(consensus_cache_entry_handle_t **handles_out,
+               int n,
+               const compress_method_t *methods,
+               const compressed_result_t *results,
+               const char *description)
+  cdm_diff_status_t status = CDM_DIFF_ERROR;
+  consdiffmgr_ensure_space_for_files(n);
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+    compress_method_t method = methods[i];
+    uint8_t *body_out = results[i].body;
+    size_t bodylen_out = results[i].bodylen;
+    config_line_t *labels = results[i].labels;
+    const char *methodname = compression_method_get_name(method);
+    if (body_out && bodylen_out && labels) {
+      /* Success! Store the results */
+      log_info(LD_DIRSERV, "Adding %s, compressed with %s",
+               description, methodname);
+      consensus_cache_entry_t *ent =
+        consensus_cache_add(cdm_cache_get(),
+                            labels,
+                            body_out,
+                            bodylen_out);
+      status = CDM_DIFF_PRESENT;
+      handles_out[i] = consensus_cache_entry_handle_new(ent);
+      consensus_cache_entry_decref(ent);
+    }
+  }
+  return status;
  * An object passed to a worker thread that will try to produce a consensus
  * diff.
@@ -1235,24 +1320,10 @@ consensus_diff_worker_threadfn(void *state_, void *work_)
-  unsigned u;
-  for (u = 1; u < n_diff_compression_methods(); ++u) {
-    compress_method_t method = compress_diffs_with[u];
-    const char *methodname = compression_method_get_name(method);
-    char *result;
-    size_t sz;
-    if (0 == tor_compress(&result, &sz, consensus_diff, difflen, method)) {
-      job->out[u].body = (uint8_t*)result;
-      job->out[u].bodylen = sz;
-      job->out[u].labels = config_lines_dup(common_labels);
-      cdm_labels_prepend_sha3(&job->out[u].labels, LABEL_SHA3_DIGEST,
-                              job->out[u].body,
-                              job->out[u].bodylen);
-      config_line_prepend(&job->out[u].labels,
-                          LABEL_COMPRESSION_TYPE,
-                          methodname);
-    }
-  }
+  compress_multiple(job->out+1,
+                    n_diff_compression_methods()-1,
+                    compress_diffs_with+1,
+                    (const uint8_t*)consensus_diff, difflen, common_labels);
   return WQ_RPL_REPLY;
@@ -1318,36 +1389,20 @@ consensus_diff_worker_replyfn(void *work_)
     cache = 0;
-  int status = CDM_DIFF_ERROR;
   consensus_cache_entry_handle_t *handles[ARRAY_LENGTH(compress_diffs_with)];
   memset(handles, 0, sizeof(handles));
-  consdiffmgr_ensure_space_for_files(n_diff_compression_methods());
+  char description[128];
+  tor_snprintf(description, sizeof(description),
+               "consensus diff from %s to %s",
+               lv_from_digest, lv_to_digest);
-  unsigned u;
-  for (u = 0; u < n_diff_compression_methods(); ++u) {
-    compress_method_t method = compress_diffs_with[u];
-    uint8_t *body_out = job->out[u].body;
-    size_t bodylen_out = job->out[u].bodylen;
-    config_line_t *labels = job->out[u].labels;
-    const char *methodname = compression_method_get_name(method);
-    if (body_out && bodylen_out && labels) {
-      /* Success! Store the results */
-      log_info(LD_DIRSERV, "Adding consensus diff from %s to %s, "
-               "compressed with %s",
-               lv_from_digest, lv_to_digest, methodname);
+  int status = store_multiple(handles,
+                              n_diff_compression_methods(),
+                              compress_diffs_with,
+                              job->out,
+                              description);
-      consensus_cache_entry_t *ent =
-        consensus_cache_add(cdm_cache_get(),
-                            labels,
-                            body_out,
-                            bodylen_out);
-      status = CDM_DIFF_PRESENT;
-      handles[u] = consensus_cache_entry_handle_new(ent);
-      consensus_cache_entry_decref(ent);
-    }
-  }
   if (status != CDM_DIFF_PRESENT) {
     /* Failure! Nothing to do but complain */
@@ -1357,6 +1412,7 @@ consensus_diff_worker_replyfn(void *work_)
     status = CDM_DIFF_ERROR;
+  unsigned u;
   for (u = 0; u < ARRAY_LENGTH(handles); ++u) {
     compress_method_t method = compress_diffs_with[u];
     if (cache) {

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