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[tor-commits] [torspec/master] Merge prop140 into dir-spec.txt

commit 739702d077dc724d58e95758f10ba2876b546026
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue May 9 10:00:43 2017 -0400

    Merge prop140 into dir-spec.txt
 dir-spec.txt                      | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 proposals/000-index.txt           |   4 +-
 proposals/140-consensus-diffs.txt |   3 +-
 tor-spec.txt                      |   2 +
 4 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dir-spec.txt b/dir-spec.txt
index 4223c57..3565c7a 100644
--- a/dir-spec.txt
+++ b/dir-spec.txt
@@ -1899,7 +1899,17 @@
         authority votes required for a fresh shared random value to be written
         in the consensus (this rule only applies on the first commit round of
         the shared randomness protocol).
-        Min: 1. Max: INT32_MAX. Default: 2/3 of the total number of dirauth.
+        Min: 1. Max: INT32_MAX. Default: 2/3 of the total number of
+        dirauth.
+        "max-consensuses-age-to-cache-for-diff" -- Determines how
+        much consensus history (in hours) relays should try to cache
+        in order to serve diffs.  (min 0, max 8192, default 72)
+        "try-diff-for-consensus-newer-than" -- This parameter
+        determines how old a consensus can be (in hours) before a
+        client should no longer try to find a diff for it.  (min 0,
+        max 8192, default 72)
     "shared-rand-previous-value" SP NumReveals SP Value NL
@@ -3109,6 +3119,7 @@ The following methods have incorrect implementations; authorities SHOULD
       /tor/status-vote/(current|next)/consensus-F.z. and
 4. Directory cache operation
    All directory caches implement this section, except as noted.
@@ -3193,6 +3204,60 @@ The following methods have incorrect implementations; authorities SHOULD
    documents are missing.  Caches download from authorities.  We follow the
    same splitting and back-off rules as in section 4.2.
+4.5. Consensus diffs
+   Instead of downloading an entire consensus, clients may download
+   a "diff" document containing an ed-style diff from a previous
+   consensus document.  Caches (and authorities) make these diffs as
+   they learn about new consensuses.  To do so, they must store a
+   record of older consensuses.
+   (Support for consensus diffs was added in, and is
+   advertised with the DirCache protocol version "2" or later.)
+4.5.1. Consensus diff format
+   Consensus diffs are formatted as follows:
+   The first line is "network-status-diff-version 1" NL
+   The second line is
+           "hash" SP FromDigest SP ToDigest NL
+   where FromDigest is the hex-encoded SHA3-256 digest of the _signed
+   part_ of the consensus that the diff should be applied to, and
+   ToDigest is the hex-encoded SHA3-256 digest of the _entire_
+   consensus resulting from applying the diff.  (See 3.4.1 for
+   information on that part of a consensus is signed.)
+   The third and subsequent lines encode the diff from FromDigest to
+   ToDigest in a limited subset of the ed diff format, as specified
+   in appendix E.
+4.5.2. Serving and requesting diffs.
+   When downloading the current consensus, a client may include an
+   HTTP header of the form
+        X-Or-Diff-From-Consensus: HASH1, HASH2, ...
+   where the HASH values are hex-encoded SHA3-256 digests of the
+   _signed part_ of one or more consensuses that the client knows
+   about.
+   If a cache knows a consensus diff from one of those consensuses
+   to the most recent consensus of the requested flavor, it may
+   send that diff instead of the specified consensus.
+   Caches also serve diffs from the URIs:
+       /tor/status-vote/current/consensus/diff/<HASH>/<FPRLIST>.z
+       /tor/status-vote/current/consensus-<FLAVOR>/diff/<HASH>/<FPRLIST>.z
+   where FLAVOR is the consensus flavor, defaulting to "ns", and
+   FPRLIST is +-separated list of recognized authority identity
+   fingerprints as in appendix B.
 5. Client operation
    Every Tor that is not a directory server (that is, those that do
@@ -3641,3 +3706,46 @@ D. Inferring missing proto lines.
    For Microdesc and Cons, Tor versions before 0.2.7.stable should be taken to
    support version 1; 0.2.7.stable and later should have 1-2.
+E. Limited ed diff format
+   We support the following format for consensus diffs.  It's a
+   subset of the ed diff format, but clients MUST NOT accept other
+   ed commands.
+   We support the following ed commands, each on a line by itself:
+    - "<n1>d"          Delete line n1
+    - "<n1>,<n2>d"     Delete lines n1 through n2, inclusive
+    - "<n1>,$d"        Delete line n1 through the end of the file, inclusive.
+    - "<n1>c"          Replace line n1 with the following block
+    - "<n1>,<n2>c"     Replace lines n1 through n2, inclusive, with the
+                       following block.
+    - "<n1>a"          Append the following block after line n1.
+    - "a"              Append the following block after the current line.
+   Note that line numbers always apply to the file after all previous
+   commands have already been applied.  Note also that line numbers
+   are 1-indexed.
+   The commands MUST apply to the file from back to front, such that
+   lines are only ever referred to by their position in the original
+   file.
+   If there are any directory signatures on the original document, the
+   first command MUST be a "<n1>,$d" form to remove all of the directory
+   signatures.  Using this format ensures that the client will
+   successfully apply the diff even if they have an unusual encoding for
+   the signatures.
+   The "current line" is either the first line of the file, if this is
+   the first command, the last line of a block we added in an append or
+   change command, or the line immediate following a set of lines we just
+   deleted (or the last line of the file if there are no lines after
+   that).
+   The replace and append command take blocks.  These blocks are simply
+   appended to the diff after the line with the command.  A line with
+   just a period (".") ends the block (and is not part of the lines
+   to add).  Note that it is impossible to insert a line with just
+   a single dot.
diff --git a/proposals/000-index.txt b/proposals/000-index.txt
index 2bfebbb..eca98ce 100644
--- a/proposals/000-index.txt
+++ b/proposals/000-index.txt
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Proposals by number:
 137  Keep controllers informed as Tor bootstraps [CLOSED]
 138  Remove routers that are not Running from consensus documents [CLOSED]
 139  Download consensus documents only when it will be trusted [CLOSED]
-140  Provide diffs between consensuses [ACCEPTED]
+140  Provide diffs between consensuses [CLOSED]
 141  Download server descriptors on demand [OBSOLETE]
 142  Combine Introduction and Rendezvous Points [DEAD]
 143  Improvements of Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service Descriptors [SUPERSEDED]
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@ Proposals by status:
    276  Report bandwidth with lower granularity in consensus documents [for 0.3.1.x-alpha]
    277  Detect multiple relay instances running with same ID [for 0.3.??]
-   140  Provide diffs between consensuses
    172  GETINFO controller option for circuit information
    173  GETINFO Option Expansion
    188  Bridge Guards and other anti-enumeration defenses
@@ -309,6 +308,7 @@ Proposals by status:
    137  Keep controllers informed as Tor bootstraps [in 0.2.1.x]
    138  Remove routers that are not Running from consensus documents [in]
    139  Download consensus documents only when it will be trusted [in 0.2.1.x]
+   140  Provide diffs between consensuses [in]
    148  Stream end reasons from the client side should be uniform [in]
    150  Exclude Exit Nodes from a circuit [in]
    152  Optionally allow exit from single-hop circuits [in]
diff --git a/proposals/140-consensus-diffs.txt b/proposals/140-consensus-diffs.txt
index 5a8be3f..7793f84 100644
--- a/proposals/140-consensus-diffs.txt
+++ b/proposals/140-consensus-diffs.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Filename: 140-consensus-diffs.txt
 Title: Provide diffs between consensuses
 Author: Peter Palfrader
 Created: 13-Jun-2008
-Status: Accepted
+Status: Closed
 0. History
diff --git a/tor-spec.txt b/tor-spec.txt
index 927173b..ccbe7fb 100644
--- a/tor-spec.txt
+++ b/tor-spec.txt
@@ -1750,6 +1750,8 @@ see tor-design.pdf.
    "1" -- supports all features in Tor
+   "2" -- adds support for consensus diffs.
 9.8. "Desc"
    Describes features present or absent in descriptors.

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