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[tor-commits] [tor] branch main updated: Remove broken MSVC support

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dgoulet pushed a commit to branch main
in repository tor.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/main by this push:
     new 65ea7eed1f Remove broken MSVC support
     new 69e3b8bb84 Merge branch 'tor-gitlab/mr/567'
65ea7eed1f is described below

commit 65ea7eed1f32bcb99445ffb45e73561ba735ead8
Author: Alex Xu (Hello71) <alex_y_xu@xxxxxxxx>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 27 01:27:39 2022 -0400

    Remove broken MSVC support
    MSVC compilation has been broken since at least 1e417b727502 ("All remaining
    files in src/common belong to the event loop.") deleted
    src/common/Makefile.nmake in 2018.
 Makefile.am                      |   1 -
 Makefile.nmake                   |  19 ---
 contrib/win32build/tor.nsi.in    |   4 +-
 doc/building-tor-msvc.txt        | 122 --------------------
 scripts/maint/update_versions.py |   5 -
 src/ext/Makefile.nmake           |  12 --
 src/include.am                   |   1 -
 src/test/Makefile.nmake          |  35 ------
 src/tools/Makefile.nmake         |  22 ----
 src/win32/include.am             |   3 -
 src/win32/orconfig.h             | 242 ---------------------------------------
 11 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 464 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 280047a71b..c7b8b16d35 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST+= \
 	INSTALL								\
 	LICENSE								\
-	Makefile.nmake							\
 	README.md								\
 	ReleaseNotes							\
 	scripts/build/combine_libs					\
diff --git a/Makefile.nmake b/Makefile.nmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 32401b50b7..0000000000
--- a/Makefile.nmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-	cd src/common
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake
-	cd ../../src/ext
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake
-	cd ../../src/or
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake
-	cd ../../src/test
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake
-	cd src/common
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake clean
-	cd ../../src/ext
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake clean
-	cd ../../src/or
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake clean
-	cd ../../src/test
-	$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake clean
diff --git a/contrib/win32build/tor.nsi.in b/contrib/win32build/tor.nsi.in
index dd24df454c..2d8c2b9adf 100644
--- a/contrib/win32build/tor.nsi.in
+++ b/contrib/win32build/tor.nsi.in
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 ; NOTE: This file might be obsolete. Look at tor-mingw.nsi.in instead.
 ; How to make an installer:
-;   Step 0. If you are a Tor maintainer, make sure that tor.nsi and
-;           src/win32/orconfig.h all have the correct version number.
+;   Step 0. If you are a Tor maintainer, make sure that tor.nsi has
+;           the correct version number.
 ;   Step 1. Download and install OpenSSL.  Make sure that the OpenSSL
 ;           version listed below matches the one you downloaded.
 ;   Step 2. Download and install NSIS (http://nsis.sourceforge.net)
diff --git a/doc/building-tor-msvc.txt b/doc/building-tor-msvc.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc644d172..0000000000
--- a/doc/building-tor-msvc.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-Building Tor with MSVC.
-NOTE: This is not the preferred method for building Tor on windows: we use
-mingw for our packages.
-Last updated 9 September 2014.
- * Visual Studio 2010
-    https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=323467
- * CMake
-    https://www.cmake.org/download/
- * Perl 5.16
-    https://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads
- * Latest stable OpenSSL tarball
-    https://www.openssl.org/source/
- * Latest stable zlib tarball
-    https://zlib.net/
- * Latest stable libevent Libevent tarball
-    https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases
-Make sure you check signatures for all these packages.
-Building OpenSSL from source as a shared library:
- cd <openssl source dir>
- perl Configure VC-WIN32
- perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
- perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm dll VC-WIN32 >32dll.mak
- perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms\libeay32.def
- perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def
- nmake -f 32dll.mak
-Making OpenSSL final package:
- Create <openssl final package dir>, I'd recommend using a name like <openssl
- source dir>-vc10.
- Copy the following directories and files to their respective locations
-  <openssl source dir>\inc32\openssl => <openssl final package dir>\include\openssl
-  <openssl source dir>\out32dll\libeay32.lib => <openssl final package dir>\lib\libeay32.lib
-  <openssl source dir>\out32dll\ssleay32.lib => <openssl final package dir>\lib\ssleay32.lib
-  <openssl source dir>\out32dll\libeay32.dll => <openssl final package dir>\bin\libeay32.dll
-  <openssl source dir>\out32dll\openssl.exe => <openssl final package dir>\bin\openssl.exe
-  <openssl source dir>\out32dll\ssleay32.dll => <openssl final package dir>\bin\ssleay32.dll
-Building Zlib from source:
- cd <zlib source dir>
- nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc
-Building libevent:
- cd <libevent source dir>
- mkdir build && cd build
- SET OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<openssl final package dir>
- cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING="/MT /Zi /O2 /Ob1 /D NDEBUG" -DZLIB_LIBRARY:FILEPATH="<zlib source dir>\zdll.lib" -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="<zlib source dir>"
- nmake event
-Building Tor:
- Create a dir above tor source dir named build-alpha and two subdirs include
- and lib.
- Your build tree should now be similar to this one:
-  * build-alpha
-    - include
-    - lib
-  * <libevent source dir>
-    - build
-    - cmake
-    - ...
-  * <openssl source dir>
-    - ...
-    - ms
-    - util
-    - ...
-  * <openssl final package dir>
-    - bin
-    - include
-    - lib
-  * <tor source dir>
-    - ...
-    - src
-    - ...
-  * <zlib source dir>
-    - ...
-    - win32
-    - ...
- Copy the following dirs and files to the following locations:
-  <openssl final package dir>\include\openssl => build-alpha\include\openssl
-  <libevent source dir>\include => build-alpha\include
-  <libevent source dir>\WIN32-Code\nmake\event2 => build-alpha\include\event2
-  <zlib source dir>\z*.h => build-alpha\include\z*.h
- Now copy the following files to the following locations and rename them
- according new names:
-  <libevent source dir>\build\lib\event.lib => build-alpha\lib\libevent.lib
-  <openssl final package dir>\lib\libeay32.lib => build-alpha\lib\libcrypto.lib
-  <openssl final package dir>\lib\ssleay32.lib => build-alpha\lib\libssl.lib
-  <zlib source dir>\zdll.lib => build-alpha\lib\libz.lib
- And we are now ready for the build process:
-  cd <tor source dir>
-  nmake -f Makefile.nmake
- After the above process is completed there should be a tor.exe in <tor
- source dir>\src\or
- Copy tor.exe to desired location and also copy zlib1.dll, libeay32.dll and
- ssleay32.dll from built zlib and openssl packages
diff --git a/scripts/maint/update_versions.py b/scripts/maint/update_versions.py
index 07de1c343a..361dbe2cd3 100755
--- a/scripts/maint/update_versions.py
+++ b/scripts/maint/update_versions.py
@@ -129,8 +129,3 @@ update_file(P("contrib/win32build/tor-mingw.nsi.in"),
             re.compile(r'!define VERSION .*'),
             u'!define VERSION "{}"'.format(version),
-# In src/win32/orconfig.h, we replace the definition of VERSION.
-            re.compile(r'#define VERSION .*'),
-            u'#define VERSION "{}"'.format(version))
diff --git a/src/ext/Makefile.nmake b/src/ext/Makefile.nmake
deleted file mode 100644
index d02d03bf41..0000000000
--- a/src/ext/Makefile.nmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-all: csiphash.lib
-CFLAGS = /O2 /MT /I ..\win32 /I ..\..\..\build-alpha\include /I ..\common \
-    /I ..\ext
-CSIPHASH_OBJECTS = csiphash.obj
-csiphash.lib: $(CSIPHASH_OBJECTS)
-	lib $(CSIPHASH_OBJECTS) $(CURVE25519_DONNA_OBJECTS) /out:csiphash.lib
-	del *.obj *.lib
diff --git a/src/include.am b/src/include.am
index 36d323e6eb..29a392a132 100644
--- a/src/include.am
+++ b/src/include.am
@@ -87,6 +87,5 @@ include src/app/include.am
 include src/test/include.am
 include src/tools/include.am
-include src/win32/include.am
 include src/config/include.am
 include src/test/fuzz/include.am
diff --git a/src/test/Makefile.nmake b/src/test/Makefile.nmake
deleted file mode 100644
index ca6a84cf8a..0000000000
--- a/src/test/Makefile.nmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-all: test.exe bench.exe
-CFLAGS = /I ..\win32 /I ..\..\..\build-alpha\include /I ..\common /I ..\or \
-    /I ..\ext
-LIBS = ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libevent.lib \
- ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libcrypto.lib \
- ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libssl.lib \
- ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libz.lib \
- ..\or\libtor.lib \
- ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib \
- crypt32.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib
-TEST_OBJECTS = test.obj test_addr.obj test_channel.obj test_channeltls.obj \
-        test_consdiff.obj test_containers.obj \
-	test_controller_events.obj test_crypto.obj test_data.obj test_dir.obj \
-	test_checkdir.obj test_microdesc.obj test_pt.obj test_util.obj \
-        test_config.obj test_connection.obj \
-	test_cell_formats.obj test_relay.obj test_replay.obj \
-	test_channelpadding.obj \
-	test_circuitstats.obj \
-	test_circuitpadding.obj \
-	test_scheduler.obj test_introduce.obj test_hs.obj tinytest.obj
-tinytest.obj: ..\ext\tinytest.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /D snprintf=_snprintf /c ..\ext\tinytest.c
-test.exe: $(TEST_OBJECTS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) ..\common\*.lib $(TEST_OBJECTS) /Fe$@
-bench.exe: bench.obj
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) bench.obj $(LIBS) ..\common\*.lib /Fe$@
-	del *.obj *.lib test.exe bench.exe
diff --git a/src/tools/Makefile.nmake b/src/tools/Makefile.nmake
deleted file mode 100644
index e223d9b135..0000000000
--- a/src/tools/Makefile.nmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-all: tor-resolve.exe tor-gencert.exe tor-print-ed-signing-cert.exe
-CFLAGS = /I ..\win32 /I ..\..\..\build-alpha\include /I ..\common /I ..\or
-LIBS = ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libevent.lib \
- ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libcrypto.lib \
- ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libssl.lib \
- ..\..\..\build-alpha\lib\libz.lib \
- ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib \
- crypt32.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib
-tor-gencert.exe: tor-gencert.obj
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) ..\common\*.lib tor-gencert.obj
-tor-resolve.exe: tor-resolve.obj
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) ..\common\*.lib tor-resolve.obj
-tor-print-ed-signing-cert.exe: tor-print-ed-signing-cert.obj
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) ..\common\*.lib tor-print-ed-signing-cert.obj
-	del *.obj *.lib *.exe
diff --git a/src/win32/include.am b/src/win32/include.am
deleted file mode 100644
index dad59af3ae..0000000000
--- a/src/win32/include.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-EXTRA_DIST+= src/win32/orconfig.h
diff --git a/src/win32/orconfig.h b/src/win32/orconfig.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c0d17ee5..0000000000
--- a/src/win32/orconfig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-/* orconfig.h for Windows -- This file is *not* generated by autoconf.
- * Instead, it has to be hand-edited to keep Win32 happy.
- */
-/* Windows-only defines. */
-#define CONFDIR ""
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <arpa/inet.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <assert.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_ASSERT_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <ctype.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_CTYPE_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <errno.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_ERRNO_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <fcntl.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_FCNTL_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `ftime' function. */
-#define HAVE_FTIME
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `gettimeofday' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <grp.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_GRP_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `inet_aton' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
-/* #define HAVE_INTTYPES_H */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_LIMITS_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <machine/limits.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_MEMORY_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <netdb.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_NETDB_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <netinet/in.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <poll.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_POLL_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <pwd.h> header file. */
-#undef HAVE_PWD_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <signal.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `socketpair' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STDLIB_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_STRING_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `strlcat' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `strlcpy' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `strptime' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if your timeval has a tv_sec element. */
-/* Change to #undef if you're using BCC */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/fcntl.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ioctl.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/limits.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/poll.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/utime.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/wait.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <time.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_TIME_H
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `uname' function. */
-#undef HAVE_UNAME
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `_vscprintf' function. */
-#define HAVE__VSCPRINTF 1
-/* Define to 1 iff NULL is represented by a 0 in memory. */
-/* Define to 1 iff memset(0) sets doubles to 0.0 */
-/* Name of package */
-#define PACKAGE "tor"
-/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
-/* Define to the full name of this package. */
-/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
-/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
-/* Define to the version of this package. */
-/* The size of a `char', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_CHAR 1
-/* The size of a `int', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_INT 4
-/* The size of a `int16_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_INT16_T
-/* The size of a `int32_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_INT32_T
-/* The size of a `int64_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_INT64_T
-/* The size of a `int8_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_INT8_T
-/* The size of a `long', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_LONG 4
-/* The size of a `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
-/* The size of `pid_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_PID_T 0
-/* The size of a `short', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2
-/* The size of a `time_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_TIME_T 4
-/* The size of a `uint16_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_UINT16_T
-/* The size of a `uint32_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_UINT32_T
-/* The size of a `uint64_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_UINT64_T
-/* The size of a `uint8_t', as computed by sizeof. */
-#undef SIZEOF_UINT8_T
-/* The size of a `void *', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_VOID_P 4
-/* The size of a `__int64', as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF___INT64 8
-/* The sizeof a size_t, as computed by sizeof. */
-#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 4
-/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
-/* Define to 1 iff unaligned int access is allowed */
-/* Define to 1 iff we represent negative integers with two's complement */
-/* Version number of package */
-#define VERSION ""
-#define SHARE_DATADIR ""
-#define USE_CURVE25519_DONNA
-#define STDOUT_FILENO 1
-#define STDERR_FILENO 2
-#define WINVER 0x0501
-#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1

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