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[or-cvs] r17377: {} add proposal 156 from mwenge, Tracking blocked ports on the (tor/trunk/doc/spec/proposals)

Author: arma
Date: 2008-11-23 19:53:19 -0500 (Sun, 23 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 17377

add proposal 156 from mwenge, Tracking blocked ports on the client side

Added: tor/trunk/doc/spec/proposals/156-tracking-blocked-ports.txt
--- tor/trunk/doc/spec/proposals/156-tracking-blocked-ports.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ tor/trunk/doc/spec/proposals/156-tracking-blocked-ports.txt	2008-11-24 00:53:19 UTC (rev 17377)
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+Filename: 156-tracking-blocked-ports.txt
+Title: Tracking blocked ports on the client side
+Version: $Revision$
+Last-Modified: $Date$
+Author: Robert Hogan
+Created: 14-Oct-2008
+Status: Open
+Target: 0.2.?
+Tor clients that are behind extremely restrictive firewalls can end up
+waiting a while for their first successful OR connection to a node on the
+network.  Worse, the more restrictive their firewall the more susceptible
+they are to an attacker guessing their entry nodes. Tor routers that
+are behind extremely restrictive firewalls can only offer a limited,
+'partitioned' service to other routers and clients on the network. Exit
+nodes behind extremely restrictive firewalls may advertise ports that they
+are actually not able to connect to, wasting network resources in circuit
+constructions that are doomed to fail at the last hop on first use.
+When a client attempts to connect to an entry guard it should avoid
+further attempts on ports that fail once until it has connected to at
+least one entry guard successfully. (Maybe it should wait for more than
+one failure to reduce the skew on the first node selection.) Thereafter
+it should select entry guards regardless of port and warn the user if
+it observes that connections to a given port have failed every multiple
+of 5 times without success or since the last success.
+Tor should warn the operators of exit, middleman and entry nodes if it
+observes that connections to a given port have failed a multiple of 5
+times without success or since the last success. If attempts on a port
+fail 20 or more times without or since success, Tor should add the port
+to a 'blocked-ports' entry in its descriptor's extra-info. Some thought
+needs to be given to what the authorities might do with this information.
+Related TODO item:
+    "- Automatically determine what ports are reachable and start using
+      those, if circuits aren't working and it's a pattern we
+      recognize ("port 443 worked once and port 9001 keeps not
+      working")."
+I've had a go at implementing all of this in the attached.
+Just a note on the patch, storing the digest of each router that uses the port
+is a bit of a memory hog, and its only real purpose is to provide a count of
+routers using that port when warning the user. That could be achieved when
+warning the user by iterating through the routerlist instead.
+Index: src/or/connection_or.c
+--- src/or/connection_or.c	(revision 17104)
++++ src/or/connection_or.c	(working copy)
+@@ -502,6 +502,9 @@
+ connection_or_connect_failed(or_connection_t *conn,
+                              int reason, const char *msg)
+ {
++  if ((reason == END_OR_CONN_REASON_NO_ROUTE) ||
++      (reason == END_OR_CONN_REASON_REFUSED))
++    or_port_hist_failure(conn->identity_digest,TO_CONN(conn)->port);
+   control_event_or_conn_status(conn, OR_CONN_EVENT_FAILED, reason);
+   if (!authdir_mode_tests_reachability(get_options()))
+     control_event_bootstrap_problem(msg, reason);
+@@ -580,6 +583,7 @@
+     /* already marked for close */
+     return NULL;
+   }
+   return conn;
+ }
+@@ -909,6 +913,7 @@
+   control_event_or_conn_status(conn, OR_CONN_EVENT_CONNECTED, 0);
+   if (started_here) {
++    or_port_hist_success(TO_CONN(conn)->port);
+     rep_hist_note_connect_succeeded(conn->identity_digest, now);
+     if (entry_guard_register_connect_status(conn->identity_digest,
+                                             1, now) < 0) {
+Index: src/or/rephist.c
+--- src/or/rephist.c	(revision 17104)
++++ src/or/rephist.c	(working copy)
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ static void bw_arrays_init(void);
+ static void predicted_ports_init(void);
+ static void hs_usage_init(void);
++static void or_port_hist_init(void);
+ /** Total number of bytes currently allocated in fields used by rephist.c. */
+ uint64_t rephist_total_alloc=0;
+@@ -89,6 +90,25 @@
+   digestmap_t *link_history_map;
+ } or_history_t;
++/** or_port_hist_t contains our router/client's knowledge of
++    all OR ports offered on the network, and how many servers with each port we
++    have succeeded or failed to connect to. */
++typedef struct {
++  /** The port this entry is tracking. */
++  uint16_t or_port;
++  /** Have we ever connected to this port on another OR?. */
++  unsigned int success:1;
++  /** The ORs using this port. */
++  digestmap_t *ids;
++  /** The ORs using this port we have failed to connect to. */
++  digestmap_t *failure_ids;
++  /** Are we excluding ORs with this port during entry selection?*/
++  unsigned int excluded;
++} or_port_hist_t;
++static unsigned int still_searching = 0;
++static smartlist_t *or_port_hists;
+ /** When did we last multiply all routers' weighted_run_length and
+  * total_run_weights by STABILITY_ALPHA? */
+ static time_t stability_last_downrated = 0;
+@@ -164,6 +184,16 @@
+   tor_free(hist);
+ }
++/** Helper: free storage held by a single OR port history entry. */
++static void
++or_port_hist_free(or_port_hist_t *p)
++  tor_assert(p);
++  digestmap_free(p->ids,NULL);
++  digestmap_free(p->failure_ids,NULL);
++  tor_free(p);
+ /** Update an or_history_t object <b>hist</b> so that its uptime/downtime
+  * count is up-to-date as of <b>when</b>.
+  */
+@@ -1639,7 +1669,7 @@
+     tmp_time = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_times, i);
+     if (*tmp_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) {
+       tmp_port = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_list, i);
+-      log_debug(LD_CIRC, "Expiring predicted port %d", *tmp_port);
++      log_debug(LD_HIST, "Expiring predicted port %d", *tmp_port);
+       smartlist_del(predicted_ports_list, i);
+       smartlist_del(predicted_ports_times, i);
+       rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(uint16_t)+sizeof(time_t);
+@@ -1821,6 +1851,12 @@
+   tor_free(last_stability_doc);
+   built_last_stability_doc_at = 0;
+   predicted_ports_free();
++  if (or_port_hists) {
++    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, p,
++                      or_port_hist_free(p));
++    smartlist_free(or_port_hists);
++    or_port_hists = NULL;
++  }
+ }
+ /****************** hidden service usage statistics ******************/
+@@ -2356,3 +2392,225 @@
+   tor_free(fname);
+ }
++/** Create a new entry in the port tracking cache for the or_port in
++  * <b>ri</b>. */
++or_port_hist_new(const routerinfo_t *ri)
++  or_port_hist_t *result;
++  const char *id=ri->cache_info.identity_digest;
++  if (!or_port_hists)
++    or_port_hist_init();
++  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp,
++    {
++      /* Cope with routers that change their advertised OR port or are
++         dropped from the networkstatus. We don't discard the failures of
++         dropped routers because they are still valid when counting
++         consecutive failures on a port.*/
++      if (digestmap_get(tp->ids, id) && (tp->or_port != ri->or_port)) {
++        digestmap_remove(tp->ids, id);
++      }
++      if (tp->or_port == ri->or_port) {
++        if (!(digestmap_get(tp->ids, id)))
++          digestmap_set(tp->ids, id, (void*)1);
++        return;
++      }
++    });
++  result = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(or_port_hist_t));
++  result->or_port=ri->or_port;
++  result->success=0;
++  result->ids=digestmap_new();
++  digestmap_set(result->ids, id, (void*)1);
++  result->failure_ids=digestmap_new();
++  result->excluded=0;
++  smartlist_add(or_port_hists, result);
++/** Create the port tracking cache. */
++/*XXX: need to call this when we rebuild/update our network status */
++static void
++  routerlist_t *rl = router_get_routerlist();
++  if (!or_port_hists)
++    or_port_hists=smartlist_create();
++  if (rl && rl->routers) {
++    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rl->routers, routerinfo_t *, ri,
++    {
++      or_port_hist_new(ri);
++    });
++  }
++#define NOT_BLOCKED 0
++/** Return the list of blocked ports for our router's extra-info.*/
++char *
++  char blocked_ports[2048];
++  char *bp;
++  tor_snprintf(blocked_ports,sizeof(blocked_ports),"blocked-ports");
++  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp,
++    {
++      if (digestmap_size(tp->failure_ids) >= PROBABLY_BLOCKED)
++        tor_snprintf(blocked_ports+strlen(blocked_ports),
++                     sizeof(blocked_ports)," %u,",tp->or_port);
++    });
++  if (strlen(blocked_ports) == 13)
++    return NULL;
++  bp=tor_strdup(blocked_ports);
++  bp[strlen(bp)-1]='\n';
++  bp[strlen(bp)]='\0';
++  return bp;
++/** Revert to client-only mode if we have seen to many failures on a port or
++  * range of ports.*/
++static void
++or_port_hist_report_block(unsigned int min_severity)
++  or_options_t *options=get_options();
++  char failures_observed[2048],possibly_blocked[2048],probably_blocked[2048];
++  char port[1024];
++  memset(failures_observed,0,sizeof(failures_observed));
++  memset(possibly_blocked,0,sizeof(possibly_blocked));
++  memset(probably_blocked,0,sizeof(probably_blocked));
++  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp,
++    {
++      unsigned int failures = digestmap_size(tp->failure_ids);
++      if (failures >= min_severity) {
++        tor_snprintf(port, sizeof(port), " %u (%u failures %s out of %u on the"
++                     " network)",tp->or_port,failures,
++                     (!tp->success)?"and no successes": "since last success",
++                     digestmap_size(tp->ids));
++        if (failures >= PROBABLY_BLOCKED) {
++          strlcat(probably_blocked, port, sizeof(probably_blocked));
++        } else if (failures >= POSSIBLY_BLOCKED)
++          strlcat(possibly_blocked, port, sizeof(possibly_blocked));
++        else if (failures >= FAILURES_OBSERVED)
++          strlcat(failures_observed, port, sizeof(failures_observed));
++      }
++    });
++  log_warn(LD_HIST,"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
++           server_mode(options) &&
++           ((min_severity==FAILURES_OBSERVED) || strlen(probably_blocked))?
++           "You should consider disabling your Tor server.":"",
++           (min_severity==FAILURES_OBSERVED)?
++           "Tor appears to be blocked from connecting to a range of ports "
++           "with the result that it cannot connect to one tenth of the Tor "
++           "network. ":"",
++           strlen(failures_observed)?
++           "Tor has observed failures on the following ports: ":"",
++           failures_observed,
++           strlen(possibly_blocked)?
++           "Tor is possibly blocked on the following ports: ":"",
++           possibly_blocked,
++           strlen(probably_blocked)?
++           "Tor is almost certainly blocked on the following ports: ":"",
++           probably_blocked);
++/** Record the success of our connection to <b>digest</b>'s
++  * OR port. */
++or_port_hist_success(uint16_t or_port)
++  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp,
++    {
++      if (tp->or_port != or_port)
++        continue;
++      /*Reset our failure stats so we can notice if this port ever gets
++        blocked again.*/
++      tp->success=1;
++      if (digestmap_size(tp->failure_ids)) {
++        digestmap_free(tp->failure_ids,NULL);
++        tp->failure_ids=digestmap_new();
++      }
++      if (still_searching) {
++        still_searching=0;
++        SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists,or_port_hist_t *,t,t->excluded=0;);
++      }
++      return;
++    });
++/** Record the failure of our connection to <b>digest</b>'s
++  * OR port. Warn, exclude the port from future entry guard selection, or
++  * add port to blocked-ports in our server's extra-info as appropriate. */
++or_port_hist_failure(const char *digest, uint16_t or_port)
++  int total_failures=0, ports_excluded=0, report_block=0;
++  int total_routers=smartlist_len(router_get_routerlist()->routers);
++  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp,
++    {
++      ports_excluded += tp->excluded;
++      total_failures+=digestmap_size(tp->failure_ids);
++      if (tp->or_port != or_port)
++        continue;
++      /* We're only interested in unique failures */
++      if (digestmap_get(tp->failure_ids, digest))
++        return;
++      total_failures++;
++      digestmap_set(tp->failure_ids, digest, (void*)1);
++      if (still_searching && !tp->success) {
++        tp->excluded=1;
++        ports_excluded++;
++      }
++      if ((digestmap_size(tp->ids) >= POSSIBLY_BLOCKED) &&
++         !(digestmap_size(tp->failure_ids) % POSSIBLY_BLOCKED))
++        report_block=POSSIBLY_BLOCKED;
++    });
++  if (total_failures >= (int)(total_routers/10))
++    or_port_hist_report_block(FAILURES_OBSERVED);
++  else if (report_block)
++    or_port_hist_report_block(report_block);
++  if (ports_excluded >= smartlist_len(or_port_hists)) {
++    log_warn(LD_HIST,"During entry node selection Tor tried every port "
++             "offered on the network on at least one server "
++             "and didn't manage a single "
++             "successful connection. This suggests you are behind an "
++             "extremely restrictive firewall. Tor will keep trying to find "
++             "a reachable entry node.");
++    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp, tp->excluded=0;);
++  }
++/** Add any ports marked as excluded in or_port_hist_t to <b>rt</b> */
++or_port_hist_exclude(routerset_t *rt)
++  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(or_port_hists, or_port_hist_t *, tp,
++    {
++      char portpolicy[9];
++      if (tp->excluded) {
++        tor_snprintf(portpolicy,sizeof(portpolicy),"*:%u", tp->or_port);
++        log_warn(LD_HIST,"Port %u may be blocked, excluding it temporarily "
++                          "from entry guard selection.", tp->or_port);
++        routerset_parse(rt, portpolicy, "Ports");
++      }
++    });
++/** Allow the exclusion of ports during our search for an entry node. */
++    still_searching=1;
+Index: src/or/or.h
+--- src/or/or.h	(revision 17104)
++++ src/or/or.h	(working copy)
+@@ -3864,6 +3864,13 @@
+ int any_predicted_circuits(time_t now);
+ int rep_hist_circbuilding_dormant(time_t now);
++void or_port_hist_failure(const char *digest, uint16_t or_port);
++void or_port_hist_success(uint16_t or_port);
++void or_port_hist_new(const routerinfo_t *ri);
++void or_port_hist_exclude(routerset_t *rt);
++void or_port_hist_search_again(void);
++char *or_port_hist_get_blocked_ports(void);
+ /** Possible public/private key operations in Tor: used to keep track of where
+  * we're spending our time. */
+ typedef enum {
+Index: src/or/routerparse.c
+--- src/or/routerparse.c	(revision 17104)
++++ src/or/routerparse.c	(working copy)
+@@ -1401,6 +1401,8 @@
+     goto err;
+   }
++  or_port_hist_new(router);
+   if (!router->platform) {
+     router->platform = tor_strdup("<unknown>");
+   }
+Index: src/or/router.c
+--- src/or/router.c	(revision 17104)
++++ src/or/router.c	(working copy)
+@@ -1818,6 +1818,7 @@
+   char published[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+   char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
+   char *bandwidth_usage;
++  char *blocked_ports;
+   int result;
+   size_t len;
+@@ -1825,7 +1826,6 @@
+                 extrainfo->cache_info.identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+   format_iso_time(published, extrainfo->cache_info.published_on);
+   bandwidth_usage = rep_hist_get_bandwidth_lines(1);
+   result = tor_snprintf(s, maxlen,
+                         "extra-info %s %s\n"
+                         "published %s\n%s",
+@@ -1835,6 +1835,16 @@
+   if (result<0)
+     return -1;
++  blocked_ports = or_port_hist_get_blocked_ports();
++  if (blocked_ports) {
++      result = tor_snprintf(s+strlen(s), maxlen-strlen(s),
++                            "%s",
++                            blocked_ports);
++      tor_free(blocked_ports);
++      if (result<0)
++        return -1;
++  }
+   if (should_record_bridge_info(options)) {
+     static time_t last_purged_at = 0;
+     char *geoip_summary;
+Index: src/or/circuitbuild.c
+--- src/or/circuitbuild.c	(revision 17104)
++++ src/or/circuitbuild.c	(working copy)
+@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
+ static void entry_guards_changed(void);
+ static time_t start_of_month(time_t when);
++static int num_live_entry_guards(void);
+ /** Iterate over values of circ_id, starting from conn-\>next_circ_id,
+  * and with the high bit specified by conn-\>circ_id_type, until we get
+@@ -1627,12 +1628,14 @@
+   smartlist_t *excluded;
+   or_options_t *options = get_options();
+   router_crn_flags_t flags = 0;
++  routerset_t *_ExcludeNodes;
+   if (state && options->UseEntryGuards &&
+       (purpose != CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_TESTING || options->BridgeRelay)) {
+     return choose_random_entry(state);
+   }
++  _ExcludeNodes = routerset_new();
+   excluded = smartlist_create();
+   if (state && (r = build_state_get_exit_router(state))) {
+@@ -1670,12 +1673,18 @@
+   if (options->_AllowInvalid & ALLOW_INVALID_ENTRY)
+     flags |= CRN_ALLOW_INVALID;
++  if (options->ExcludeNodes)
++    routerset_union(_ExcludeNodes,options->ExcludeNodes);
++  or_port_hist_exclude(_ExcludeNodes);
+   choice = router_choose_random_node(
+            NULL,
+            excluded,
+-           options->ExcludeNodes,
++           _ExcludeNodes,
+            flags);
+   smartlist_free(excluded);
++  routerset_free(_ExcludeNodes);
+   return choice;
+ }
+@@ -2727,6 +2736,7 @@
+ entry_guards_update_state(or_state_t *state)
+ {
+   config_line_t **next, *line;
++  unsigned int have_reachable_entry=0;
+   if (! entry_guards_dirty)
+     return;
+@@ -2740,6 +2750,7 @@
+       char dbuf[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1];
+       if (!e->made_contact)
+         continue; /* don't write this one to disk */
++      have_reachable_entry=1;
+       *next = line = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(config_line_t));
+       line->key = tor_strdup("EntryGuard");
+       line->value = tor_malloc(HEX_DIGEST_LEN+MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+2);
+@@ -2785,6 +2796,11 @@
+   if (!get_options()->AvoidDiskWrites)
+     or_state_mark_dirty(get_or_state(), 0);
+   entry_guards_dirty = 0;
++  /* XXX: Is this the place to decide that we no longer have any reachable
++    guards? */
++  if (!have_reachable_entry)
++    or_port_hist_search_again();
+ }
+ /** If <b>question</b> is the string "entry-guards", then dump

Property changes on: tor/trunk/doc/spec/proposals/156-tracking-blocked-ports.txt
Name: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native