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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Merge branch 'master' of git-rw.torproject.org:ooni-probe

commit 5c29daa8c9d33f272f618d37d1ba76b5f7998640
Merge: 85f0da8 e10033c
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 06:40:55 2012 +0000

    Merge branch 'master' of git-rw.torproject.org:ooni-probe

 .gitignore                                |    2 +
 before_i_commit.sh                        |   37 ++
 data/Makefile                             |   10 +
 docs/source/api/modules.rst               |    7 +
 docs/source/api/ooni.kit.rst              |   19 +
 docs/source/api/ooni.lib.rst              |   36 ++
 docs/source/api/ooni.rst                  |   15 +-
 docs/source/api/ooni.templates.rst        |   15 +-
 docs/source/api/ooni.utils.rst            |  114 ++++-
 docs/source/index.rst                     |   41 +-
 docs/source/writing_tests.rst             |    3 +-
 inputs/Makefile                           |    3 +
 inputs/captive_portal_tests.txt.good      |    4 -
 inputs/cctld.txt                          |  511 ------------------
 inputs/dns_servers.txt.bak                |    6 -
 inputs/dns_servers.txt.bak2               |    1 -
 inputs/example_exp_list.txt               |    3 -
 inputs/major_isp_dns_servers.txt          |  796 -----------------------------
 inputs/short_hostname_list.txt            |    7 -
 inputs/tld-list-cc.txt                    |  511 ------------------
 inputs/tld-list-mozilla.txt               |    5 -
 inputs/top-1m.txt.bak2                    |   11 -
 nettests/bridge_reachability/bridget.py   |  462 +++++++++++++++++
 nettests/bridge_reachability/echo.py      |  195 +++++++
 nettests/bridget.py                       |  499 ------------------
 nettests/core/captiveportal.py            |    5 +-
 nettests/core/dnstamper.py                |   97 +++--
 nettests/core/echo.py                     |    1 -
 nettests/core/keyword_filtering.py        |   39 ++
 nettests/core/url_list.py                 |   23 +
 nettests/echo.py                          |  196 -------
 nettests/examples/example_httpt.py        |    9 +-
 nettests/examples/example_scapyt.py       |    1 +
 ooni/__init__.py                          |   15 +-
 ooni/config.py                            |   38 ++-
 ooni/custodiet.py                         |  421 ---------------
 ooni/inputunit.py                         |  133 +-----
 ooni/lib/Makefile                         |   36 --
 ooni/lib/txscapy.py                       |   55 ++-
 ooni/nettest.py                           |  391 +++------------
 ooni/nodes.py                             |  176 +++++++
 ooni/oonicli.py                           |   40 +-
 ooni/plugoo/__init__.py                   |   47 --
 ooni/plugoo/assets.py                     |   62 ---
 ooni/plugoo/interface.py                  |   56 --
 ooni/plugoo/nodes.py                      |  176 -------
 ooni/plugoo/reports.py                    |  145 ------
 ooni/plugoo/tests.py                      |  142 -----
 ooni/plugoo/work.py                       |  148 ------
 ooni/protocols/http.py                    |  141 -----
 ooni/protocols/scapyproto.py              |   55 --
 ooni/reporter.py                          |   95 ++--
 ooni/runner.py                            |  261 ++++-------
 ooni/scaffolding.py                       |   78 ---
 ooni/templates/httpt.py                   |   51 ++-
 ooni/templates/scapyt.py                  |  108 ++++-
 ooni/utils/geodata.py                     |   31 ++
 ooni/utils/legacy.py                      |  459 -----------------
 ooni/utils/log.py                         |   20 +-
 ooni/utils/onion.py                       |    4 +-
 oonib/oonibackend.py                      |   12 +-
 oonib/report/api.py                       |   63 +--
 oonib/report/db/models.py                 |   83 ---
 ooniprobe.conf                            |   25 +
 requirements.txt                          |   27 +-
 test_inputs/README                        |   48 ++
 test_inputs/dns_tamper_file.txt           |    3 +
 test_inputs/dns_tamper_test_resolvers.txt |    2 +
 test_inputs/http_host_file.txt            |    2 +
 test_inputs/keyword_filtering_file.txt    |    2 +
 test_inputs/url_lists_file.txt            |    2 +
 tests/test_dns.py                         |   24 +
 72 files changed, 1868 insertions(+), 5493 deletions(-)

diff --cc nettests/bridge_reachability/echo.py
index 0000000,0c20a3f..e59eee5
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/nettests/bridge_reachability/echo.py
+++ b/nettests/bridge_reachability/echo.py
@@@ -1,0 -1,195 +1,195 @@@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ #
+ #  +---------+
+ #  | echo.py |
+ #  +---------+
+ #     A simple ICMP-8 ping test.
+ #
+ # :author: Isis Lovecruft
+ # :version: 0.0.1-pre-alpha
+ # :license: (c) 2012 Isis Lovecruft
+ #           see attached LICENCE file
+ #
+ import os
+ import sys
+ from pprint           import pprint
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ from twisted.plugin   import IPlugin
+ from twisted.python   import usage
+ from ooni.nettest     import NetTestCase
+ from ooni.utils       import log, Storage
+ from ooni.utils.net   import PermissionsError, IfaceError
+ try:
+     from scapy.all             import sr1, IP, ICMP        ## XXX v4/v6?
+     from ooni.lib              import txscapy
+     from ooni.lib.txscapy      import txsr, txsend
+     from ooni.templates.scapyt import ScapyTest
+ except:
+     log.msg("This test requires scapy, see www.secdev.org/projects/scapy")
+ ## xxx TODO: move these to a utility function for determining OSes
+ LINUX=sys.platform.startswith("linux")
+ OPENBSD=sys.platform.startswith("openbsd")
+ FREEBSD=sys.platform.startswith("freebsd")
+ NETBSD=sys.platform.startswith("netbsd")
+ DARWIN=sys.platform.startswith("darwin")
+ SOLARIS=sys.platform.startswith("sunos")
+ WINDOWS=sys.platform.startswith("win32")
+ class EchoTest(ScapyTest):
+     """
+     xxx fill me in
+     """
+     name         = 'echo'
+     author       = 'Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>'
+     description  = 'A simple ICMP-8 test to see if a host is reachable.'
+     version      = '0.0.1'
+     inputFile    = ['file', 'f', None, 'File of list of IPs to ping']
+     requiresRoot = True
+     optParameters = [
+         ['interface', 'i', None, 'Network interface to use'],
+         ['count', 'c', 5, 'Number of packets to send', int],
+         ['size', 's', 56, 'Number of bytes to send in ICMP data field', int],
+         ['ttl', 'l', 25, 'Set the IP Time to Live', int],
+         ['timeout', 't', 2, 'Seconds until timeout if no response', int],
+         ['pcap', 'p', None, 'Save pcap to this file'],
+         ['receive', 'r', True, 'Receive response packets']
+         ]
+     def setUp(self, *a, **kw):
+         '''
+         :ivar ifaces:
+             Struct returned from getifaddrs(3) and turned into a tuple in the
+             form (*ifa_name, AF_FAMILY, *ifa_addr)
+         '''
+         if self.localOptions:
+             log.debug("%s: local_options found" % self.name)
+             for key, value in self.localOptions.items():
+                 log.debug("setting self.%s = %s" % (key, value))
+                 setattr(self, key, value)
+         ## xxx is this now .subOptions?
+         #self.inputFile = self.localOptions['file']
+         self.timeout *= 1000            ## convert to milliseconds
+         if not self.interface:
+             log.msg("No network interface specified!")
+             log.debug("OS detected: %s" % sys.platform)
+             if LINUX or OPENBSD or NETBSD or FREEBSD or DARWIN or SOLARIS:
+                 from twisted.internet.test import _posixifaces
+                 log.msg("Attempting to discover network interfaces...")
+                 ifaces = _posixifaces._interfaces()
+             elif WINDOWS:
+                 from twisted.internet.test import _win32ifaces
+                 log.msg("Attempting to discover network interfaces...")
+                 ifaces = _win32ifaces._interfaces()
+             else:
+                 log.debug("Client OS %s not accounted for!" % sys.platform)
+                 log.debug("Unable to discover network interfaces...")
+                 ifaces = [('lo', '')]
+             ## found = {'eth0': ''}
+             found = [{i[0]: i[2]} for i in ifaces if i[0] != 'lo']
+             log.info("Found interfaces:\n%s" % pprint(found))
+             self.interfaces = self.tryInterfaces(found)
+         else:
+             ## xxx need a way to check that iface exists, is up, and
+             ## we have permissions on it
+             log.debug("Our interface has been set to %s" % self.interface)
+         if self.pcap:
+             try:
+                 self.pcapfile = open(self.pcap, 'a+')
+             except:
+                 log.msg("Unable to write to pcap file %s" % self.pcap)
+                 self.pcapfile = None
+         try:
+             assert os.path.isfile(self.file)
+             fp = open(self.file, 'r')
+         except Exception, e:
+             hosts = ['', '']
+             log.err(e)
+         else:
+             self.inputs = self.inputProcessor(fp)
+         self.removePorts(hosts)
+         log.debug("Initialization of %s test completed with:\n%s"
+                   % (self.name, ''.join(self.__dict__)))
+     @staticmethod
 -    def inputParser(inputs):
++    def inputParser(self, one_input):
+         log.debug("Removing possible ports from host addresses...")
+         log.debug("Initial inputs:\n%s" % pprint(inputs))
 -        assert isinstance(inputs, list)
 -        hosts = [h.rsplit(':', 1)[0] for h in inputs]
++        #host = [h.rsplit(':', 1)[0] for h in inputs]
++        host = h.rsplit(':', 1)[0]
+         log.debug("Inputs converted to:\n%s" % hosts)
 -        return hosts
++        return host
+     def tryInterfaces(self, ifaces):
+         try:
+             from scapy.all import sr1   ## we want this check to be blocking
+         except:
+             log.msg("This test requires scapy: www.secdev.org/projects/scapy")
+             raise SystemExit
+         ifup = {}
+         while ifaces:
+             for ifname, ifaddr in ifaces:
+                 log.debug("Currently testing network capabilities of interface"
+                           + "%s  by sending a packet to our address %s"
+                           % (ifname, ifaddr))
+                 try:
+                     pkt = IP(dst=ifaddr)/ICMP()
+                     ans, unans = sr(pkt, iface=ifname, timeout=self.timeout)
+                 except Exception, e:
+                     raise PermissionsError if e.find("Errno 1") else log.err(e)
+                 else:
+                     ## xxx i think this logic might be wrong
+                     log.debug("Interface test packet\n%s\n\n%s"
+                               % (pkt.summary(), pkt.show2()))
+                     if ans.summary():
+                         log.info("Received answer for test packet on interface"
+                                  +"%s :\n%s" % (ifname, ans.summary()))
+                         ifup.update(ifname, ifaddr)
+                     else:
+                         log.info("Our interface test packet was unanswered:\n%s"
+                                  % unans.summary())
+         if len(ifup) > 0:
+             log.msg("Discovered the following working network interfaces: %s"
+                     % ifup)
+             return ifup
+         else:
+             raise IfaceError("Could not find a working network interface.")
+     def buildPackets(self):
+         log.debug("self.input is %s" % self.input)
+         log.debug("self.hosts is %s" % self.hosts)
+         for addr in self.input:
+             packet = IP(dst=self.input)/ICMP()
+             self.request.append(packet)
+         return packet
+     def test_icmp(self):
+         if self.recieve:
+             self.buildPackets()
+             all = []
+             for packet in self.request:
+                 d = self.sendReceivePackets(packets=packet)
+                 all.append(d)
+                 self.response.update({packet: d})
+             d_list = defer.DeferredList(all)
+             return d_list
+         else:
+             d = self.sendPackets()
+             return d
diff --cc ooni/nettest.py
index 84c3289,3534a32..27e733c
--- a/ooni/nettest.py
+++ b/ooni/nettest.py
@@@ -1,17 -1,8 +1,16 @@@
  # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
 -# :authors: Arturo "hellais" Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
 +#     nettest.py
 +# ------------------->
 +# :authors: Arturo "hellais" Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>,
 +#           Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  # :licence: see LICENSE
 +# :copyright: 2012 Arturo Filasto, Isis Lovecruft
 +# :version: 0.1.0-alpha
 +# <-------------------
- from functools import partial
  import sys
  import os
  import itertools
@@@ -392,10 -118,10 +127,10 @@@ class NetTestCase(unittest.TestCase)
      name = "I Did Not Change The Name"
      author = "Jane Doe <foo@xxxxxxxxxxx>"
 -    version = "0"
 +    version = "0.0.0"
+     inputs = [None]
      inputFile = None
-     inputs    = [None]
      report = {}
      report['errors'] = []
diff --cc ooni/oonicli.py
index a61b3f9,5ee6deb..4f5eac5
--- a/ooni/oonicli.py
+++ b/ooni/oonicli.py
@@@ -41,21 -41,19 +41,15 @@@ class Options(usage.Options, app.Reacto
      optFlags = [["help", "h"],
                  ['debug-stacktraces', 'B',
--                    'Report deferred creation and callback stack traces'],
--                ]
++                    'Report deferred creation and callback stack traces'],]
--    optParameters = [
--        ["reportfile", "o", None, "report file name"],
-         ["logfile", "l", "test.log", "log file name"],
-         ['temp-directory', None, '_ooni_temp',
-          'Path to use as working directory for tests.']
-         ]
 -        ["logfile", "l", None, "log file name"],
 -        ]
++    optParameters = [["reportfile", "o", None, "report file name"],
++                     ["logfile", "l", None, "log file name"],]
      compData = usage.Completions(
                  "*.py", descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
--                repeat=True)],
--        )
++                repeat=True)],)
      tracer = None
@@@ -86,29 -85,22 +80,27 @@@
  def run():
 -    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
 -        sys.argv.append("--help")
 +    """
 +    Call me to begin testing a file or module.
 +    """
-     config = Options()
+     cmd_line_options = Options()
 +    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-         config.getUsage()
++        cmd_line_options.getUsage()
-         config.parseOptions()
+         cmd_line_options.parseOptions()
 -    except usage.error, ue:
 +    except usage.UsageError, ue:
          raise SystemExit, "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue)
 +    log.start()
-     log.debug("oonicli.run: config set to %s" % config)
-     if config['debug-stacktraces']:
+     if cmd_line_options['debug-stacktraces']:
-     classes = runner.findTestClassesFromConfig(config)
-     casesList, options = runner.loadTestsAndOptions(classes, config)
+     classes = runner.findTestClassesFromConfig(cmd_line_options)
+     casesList, options = runner.loadTestsAndOptions(classes, cmd_line_options)
      for idx, cases in enumerate(casesList):
-         orunner = runner.ORunner(cases, options[idx], config)
+         orunner = runner.ORunner(cases, options[idx], cmd_line_options)
+         log.start(cmd_line_options['logfile'])
diff --cc ooni/runner.py
index 52c6596,797a9d4..c8c6812
--- a/ooni/runner.py
+++ b/ooni/runner.py
@@@ -239,27 -149,31 +149,34 @@@ class ORunner(object)
          self.cases = cases
          self.options = options
 +        log.debug("ORunner: cases=%s" % type(cases))
 +        log.debug("ORunner: options=%s" % options)
-             first = options.pop(0)
-         except:
-             first = options
-         if 'inputs' in first:
-             self.inputs = self.options['inputs']
+             assert len(options) != 0, "Length of options is zero!"
+         except AssertionError, ae:
+             self.inputs = []
+             log.err(ae)
-             log.msg("Could not find inputs!")
-             self.inputs = [None]
+             try:
+                 first = options.pop(0)
+             except:
+                 first = options
+             if 'inputs' in first:
+                 self.inputs = options['inputs']
+             else:
+                 log.msg("Could not find inputs!")
+                 log.msg("options[0] = %s" % first)
+                 self.inputs = [None]
-             reportFile = open(config['reportfile'], 'a+')
-         except:
+             reportFile = open(cmd_line_options['reportfile'], 'a+')
+         except TypeError:
              filename = 'report_'+date.timestamp()+'.yaml'
              reportFile = open(filename, 'a+')
-         self.reporterFactory = ReporterFactory(
-             reportFile, testSuite=self.baseSuite(self.cases))
+         self.reporterFactory = ReporterFactory(reportFile,
+                                                testSuite=self.baseSuite(self.cases))
      def runWithInputUnit(self, input_unit):
          idx = 0

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