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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Merge branch 'master' into packetcapture

commit c594b96685bad43354ba4de3ee018947d0a39cbf
Merge: df54cb8 92cf32d
Author: Arturo Filastò <art@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 17:10:16 2012 +0100

    Merge branch 'master' into packetcapture
    * master:
      Move test inputs back to where they were.
      Disabled debug log in default config file * Make runner rename file to .old if it already exists
      Refactor reporting system * Fix import error in http host test
      * Moved metaclass code to separate branch 'meta'.
      * Removed unused code from assertions.py. * Deleted config.py and process.py.
      * Removed bug as a result of merging which reintroduced the bug for log   messages being printed twice.
      * Made the submit-patch script create the /patches directory if it doesn't already exist.
      * Moved /test_inputs/* to /inputs.
      * Adding new Makefile in top dir * Adding saved copy of *.secdev.org SSL cert so we can correctly check for   cert warning. * Updated installation documentation.
      Move peculiar code to wtf directory. * Comment on tor related code and propose that it gets removed.
      Move peculiar unused file to wtf directory.
      * Added brief doctrings to get pylint to shutup about it.
      * Changed the nettest inputParser to no longer be wrapped by @staticmethod, because that might be confusing to test writers.
      * Changed runner.getTestOptions() to return the localoptions, in addition to setting them as an attribute.
      * There are still bugs in the options parser, and inputs is a listiterater, which also needs to be fixed.
      * Fixed oonicli.py trying to catch the wrong exception. * Added a docstring in oonicli.py. * Fixed oonicli.py not printing the help/info message when called without arguments.

 Makefile                             |  198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bin/ooniprobe                        |   23 ++--
 docs/source/install.rst              |   12 ++-
 inputs/README                        |   46 +++++++
 nettests/bridge_reachability/echo.py |    8 +-
 nettests/core/http_host.py           |    1 +
 nettests/simpletest.py               |   23 +++-
 ooni/lib/secdev.org.pem              |   20 +++
 ooni/nettest.py                      |   17 ++-
 ooni/oonicli.py                      |   22 ++--
 ooni/reporter.py                     |   31 ++---
 ooni/runner.py                       |   19 ++-
 ooni/utils/assertions.py             |  180 -------------------------
 ooni/utils/config.py                 |  121 -----------------
 ooni/utils/meta.py                   |  241 ----------------------------------
 ooni/utils/onion.py                  |   17 +++-
 ooni/utils/process.py                |   73 ----------
 ooni/utils/timer.py                  |  107 ---------------
 submit-patch                         |    7 +-
 test_inputs/README                   |   48 +-------
 20 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 834 deletions(-)

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