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[or-cvs] and dirservers are better for non-clique situations
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and dirservers are better for non-clique situations
Index: tor-design.tex
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/doc/tor-design.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -d -r1.19 -r1.20
--- tor-design.tex 24 Oct 2003 03:39:14 -0000 1.19
+++ tor-design.tex 24 Oct 2003 04:09:10 -0000 1.20
@@ -679,11 +679,14 @@
specification \cite{tor-spec}.
% we should, uh, add this to the spec. oh, and write it. -RD
-Because the directories are signed, they can be cached at all the other
-onion routers (or even elsewhere). Thus directory servers are not a
-performance bottleneck when we have many users, and also they won't
-aid traffic analysis by forcing clients to periodically announce their
-existence to any central point.
+Using directory servers rather than flooding approaches provides
+simplicity and flexibility. For example, they don't complicate
+the analysis when we start experimenting with non-clique network
+topologies. And because the directories are signed, they can be cached at
+all the other onion routers (or even elsewhere). Thus directory servers
+are not a performance bottleneck when we have many users, and also they
+won't aid traffic analysis by forcing clients to periodically announce
+their existence to any central point.
\Section{Rendezvous points: location privacy}