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[or-cvs] r17085: {updater} Rename glider to thandy, based on discussions on #nottor. Pl (in updater/trunk: . lib lib/thandy specs)

Author: nickm
Date: 2008-10-14 01:10:30 -0400 (Tue, 14 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 17085

Rename glider to thandy, based on discussions on #nottor.  Please let me know ASAP if there is another program Thandy, or if it means something rude, or whatever.

Modified: updater/trunk/Makefile
--- updater/trunk/Makefile	2008-10-14 05:04:40 UTC (rev 17084)
+++ updater/trunk/Makefile	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
 	#python -m sexp.tests
-	python -m glider.tests
+	python -m thandy.tests

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy (from rev 17049, updater/trunk/lib/glider)

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/ClientCLI.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/ClientCLI.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/ClientCLI.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/ClientCLI.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import thandy.util
+import thandy.repository
+import thandy.download
+def update(args):
+    repoRoot = thandy.util.userFilename("cache")
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", [ "repo=", "no-download" ])
+    download = True
+    for o, v in options:
+        if o == '--repo':
+            repoRoot = v
+        elif o == "--no-download":
+            download = False
+    repo = thandy.repository.LocalRepository(repoRoot)
+    files = repo.getFilesToUpdate(trackingBundles=args)
+    if not download:
+        return
+    mirrorlist = repo.getMirrorlistFile().get()
+    downloader = thandy.download.Downloads()
+    downloader.start()
+    for f in files:
+        # XXXX Use hash.
+        dj = thandy.download.DownloadJob(f, repo.getFilename(f),
+                                         mirrorlist)
+        downloader.addDownloadJob(dj)
+        # XXXX replace file in repository if ok; reload; see what changed.
+    # Wait for in-progress jobs
+# Check my repository
+# Tell me what I need to download
+# Download stuff
+# Tell me what to install.
+def usage():
+    print "Known commands:"
+    print "  update [--repo=repository] [--no-download]"
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        usage()
+    cmd = sys.argv[1]
+    args = sys.argv[2:]
+    if cmd in [ "update" ]:
+        globals()[cmd](args)
+    else:
+        usage()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/ServerCLI.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/ServerCLI.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/ServerCLI.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/ServerCLI.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import time
+import simplejson
+import thandy.formats
+import thandy.util
+import thandy.keys
+def tstamp():
+    return time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime())
+def snarf(fname):
+    f = open(fname, 'rb')
+    try:
+        return f.read()
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+def snarfObj(fname):
+    f = open(fname, 'r')
+    try:
+        return simplejson.load(f)
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+def insert(args):
+    repo = os.environ.get("THANDY_MASTER_REPO")
+    backupDir = thandy.util.userFilename("old_files")
+    checkSigs = True
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", ["repo=", "no-check"])
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == "--repo":
+            repo = v
+        elif o == "--no-check":
+            checkSigs = False
+    if not repo:
+        print "No repository specified."
+        usage()
+    if not os.path.exists(repo):
+        print "No such repository as %r"%repo
+        usage()
+    if not os.path.exists(backupDir):
+        os.makedirs(backupDir, 0700)
+    if checkSigs:
+        keys = thandy.util.getKeylist(os.path.join(repo, "meta/keys.txt"))
+    else:
+        keys = None
+    n_ok = 0
+    for fn in args:
+        print "Loading %s..."%fn
+        try:
+            content = snarf(fn)
+        except OSError, e:
+            print "Couldn't open %s: %s"%(fn, e)
+            continue
+        try:
+            obj = simplejson.loads(content)
+        except ValueError, e:
+            print "Couldn't decode %s: %s"%(fn, e)
+            continue
+        try:
+            ss, r, path = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(obj, keys)
+        except thandy.FormatException, e:
+            print "Bad format on %s: %s"%(fn, e)
+            continue
+        if checkSigs and not ss.isValid():
+            print "Not enough valid signatures on %s"%fn
+            continue
+        print "  Looks okay.  It goes in %s"%path
+        assert path.startswith("/")
+        targetPath = os.path.join(repo, path[1:])
+        if os.path.exists(targetPath):
+            oldContents = snarf(targetPath)
+            if oldContents == content:
+                print "  File unchanged!"
+                n_ok += 1
+                continue
+            baseFname = "%s_%s" % (tstamp(), os.path.split(path)[1])
+            backupFname = os.path.join(backupDir, baseFname)
+            print "  Copying old file to %s"%backupFname
+            thandy.util.replaceFile(backupFname, oldContents)
+        parentDir = os.path.split(targetPath)[0]
+        if not os.path.exists(parentDir):
+            print "  Making %s"%parentDir
+            os.makedirs(parentDir, 0755)
+        print "  Replacing file..."
+        thandy.util.replaceFile(targetPath, content)
+        print "  Done."
+        n_ok += 1
+    if n_ok != len(args):
+        sys.exit(1)
+def timestamp(args):
+    repo = os.environ.get("THANDY_MASTER_REPO")
+    ts_keyfile = thandy.util.userFilename("timestamp_key")
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", ["repo=", "ts-key="])
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == "--repo":
+            repo = v
+        elif o == "--ts-key":
+            ts_keyfile = v
+    if repo == None:
+        print "No repository specified."
+        usage()
+    if not os.path.exists(repo):
+        print "No such repository as %r"%repo
+        usage()
+    tsFname = os.path.join(repo, "meta/timestamp.txt")
+    try:
+        mObj = snarfObj(os.path.join(repo, "meta/mirrors.txt"))
+    except OSError:
+        print "No mirror list!"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    try:
+        kObj = snarfObj(os.path.join(repo, "meta/keys.txt"))
+    except OSError:
+        print "No key list!"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    bundles = []
+    for dirpath, dirname, fns in os.walk(os.path.join(repo, "bundleinfo")):
+        for fn in fns:
+            try:
+                bObj = snarfObj(fn)
+            except (ValueError, OSError), e:
+                print "(Couldn't read bundle-like %s)"%fn
+                continue
+            try:
+                _, r, _ = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(bObj)
+            except thandy.FormatException, e:
+                print "Problem reading object from %s"%fn
+                continue
+            if r != "bundle":
+                print "%s was not a good bundle"%fn
+                continue
+            bundles.append(bObj['signed'])
+    timestamp = thandy.formats.makeTimestampObj(
+        mObj['signed'], kObj['signed'], bundles)
+    signable = thandy.formats.makeSignable(timestamp)
+    keydb = thandy.formats.Keylist()
+    #XXXX Still a roundabout way to do this.
+    keylist = thandy.formats.makeKeylistObj(ts_keyfile, True)
+    keydb.addFromKeylist(keylist)
+    for k in keydb.iterkeys():
+        thandy.formats.sign(signable, k)
+    content = simplejson.dumps(signable, sort_keys=True)
+    thandy.util.replaceFile(tsFname, content)
+def usage():
+    print "Known commands:"
+    print "  insert [--no-check] [--repo=repository] file ..."
+    print "  timestamp [--repo=repository]"
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        usage()
+    cmd = sys.argv[1]
+    args = sys.argv[2:]
+    if cmd in [ "insert", "timestamp" ]:
+        globals()[cmd](args)
+    else:
+        usage()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/SignerCLI.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/SignerCLI.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/SignerCLI.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/SignerCLI.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import os
+import getopt
+import sys
+import logging
+import simplejson
+import thandy.keys
+import thandy.formats
+def getKeyStore():
+    return thandy.keys.KeyStore(thandy.util.userFilename("secret_keys"))
+def dumpKey(key, indent=0):
+    i = " "*indent
+    print "%s%s"%(i, key.getKeyID())
+    for r, p in key.getRoles():
+        print "  %s%s\t%s"%(i, r, p)
+def getKey(ks, keyid=None, role=None, path=None):
+    if keyid is not None:
+        keys = ks.getKeysFuzzy(keyid)
+        if None not in (role, path):
+            keys = [ k for k in keys if k.hasRole(role, path) ]
+    elif None not in (role, path):
+        keys = ks.getKeysByRole(role, path)
+    else:
+        assert False
+    if len(keys) < 1:
+        print "No such key.\nI wanted",
+        if keyid: print "keyid='%s...'"%keyid,
+        if None not in (role, path): print "role=%s, path=%s"%(role,path),
+        print
+        print "I only know about:"
+        for k in ks.iterkeys():
+            dumpKey(k)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    elif len(keys) > 1:
+        print "Multiple keys match.  Possibilities are:"
+        for k in keys:
+            dumpKey(k)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        return keys[0]
+# ------------------------------
+def makepackage(args):
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", "keyid=")
+    keyid = None
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == "--keyid":
+            keyid = v
+    if len(args) < 2:
+        usage()
+    configFile = args[0]
+    dataFile = args[1]
+    print "Generating package."
+    package = thandy.formats.makePackageObj(configFile, dataFile)
+    relpath = package['location']
+    print "need a key with role matching [package %s]"%relpath
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    key = getKey(ks, keyid=keyid, role='package', path=relpath)
+    signable = thandy.formats.makeSignable(package)
+    thandy.formats.sign(signable, key)
+    if 1:
+        ss, r, p = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(signable, ks)
+        assert ss.isValid()
+    location = os.path.split(package['location'])[-1]
+    print "Writing signed package to %s"%location
+    f = open(location, 'w')
+    simplejson.dump(signable, f, indent=1)
+    f.close()
+def makebundle(args):
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", "keyid=")
+    keyid = None
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == "--keyid":
+            keyid = v
+    if len(args) < 2:
+        usage()
+    configFile = args[0]
+    packages = {}
+    for pkgFile in args[1:]:
+        print "Loading", pkgFile
+        f = open(pkgFile, 'r')
+        p = simplejson.load(f)
+        f.close()
+        _, r, _ = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(p)
+        if r != 'package':
+            print pkgFile, "was not a package"
+        packages[p['signed']['location']] = p
+    def getHash(path):
+        p = packages[path]
+        return thandy.formats.getDigest(p['signed'])
+    bundleObj = thandy.formats.makeBundleObj(configFile, getHash)
+    signable = thandy.formats.makeSignable(bundleObj)
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    key = getKey(ks, keyid=keyid, role="bundle", path=bundleObj['location'])
+    thandy.formats.sign(signable, key)
+    if 1:
+        ss, r, p = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(signable, ks)
+        assert ss.isValid()
+    location = os.path.split(bundleObj['location'])[-1]
+    print "Writing signed bundle to %s"%location
+    f = open(location, 'w')
+    simplejson.dump(signable, f, indent=1)
+    f.close()
+# ------------------------------
+def makekeylist(args):
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", "keyid=")
+    keyid = None
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == "--keyid":
+            keyid = v
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        usage()
+    keylist = thandy.formats.makeKeylistObj(args[0])
+    signable = thandy.formats.makeSignable(keylist)
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    key = getKey(ks, keyid=keyid, role="master", path="/meta/keys.txt")
+    thandy.formats.sign(signable, key)
+    if 1:
+        ss, r, p = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(signable, ks)
+        assert ss.isValid()
+    print "writing signed keylist to keys.txt"
+    thandy.util.replaceFile("keys.txt",
+              simplejson.dumps(signable, indent=1, sort_keys=True),
+              textMode=True)
+def signkeylist(args):
+    if len(args) != 1:
+        usage()
+    keylist = simplejson.load(open(args[0], 'r'))
+    thandy.formats.SIGNED_SCHEMA.checkMatch(keylist)
+    thandy.formats.KEYLIST_SCHEMA.checkMatch(keylist['signed'])
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    keys = ks.getKeysByRole("master", "/meta/keys.txt")
+    for k in keys:
+        thandy.formats.sign(keylist, k)
+    print "writing signed keylist to keys.txt"
+    thandy.util.replaceFile("keys.txt",
+              simplejson.dumps(keylist, indent=1, sort_keys=True),
+              textMode=True)
+def makemirrorlist(args):
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", "keyid=")
+    keyid = None
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == "--keyid":
+            keyid = v
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        usage()
+    mirrorlist = thandy.formats.makeMirrorListObj(args[0])
+    signable = thandy.formats.makeSignable(mirrorlist)
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    key = getKey(ks, keyid=keyid, role='mirrors', path="/meta/mirrors.txt")
+    thandy.formats.sign(signable, key)
+    if 1:
+        ss, r, p = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(signable, ks)
+        assert ss.isValid()
+    print "writing signed mirrorlist to mirrors.txt"
+    thandy.util.replaceFile("mirrors.txt",
+              simplejson.dumps(signable, indent=1, sort_keys=True),
+              textMode=True)
+# ------------------------------
+def keygen(args):
+    k = getKeyStore()
+    k.load()
+    print "Generating key. This will be slow."
+    key = thandy.keys.RSAKey.generate()
+    print "Generated new key: %s" % key.getKeyID()
+    k.addKey(key)
+    k.save()
+def listkeys(args):
+    k = getKeyStore()
+    k.load()
+    for k in k.iterkeys():
+        print k.getKeyID()
+        for r, p in k.getRoles():
+            print " ", r, p
+def addrole(args):
+    if len(args) < 3:
+        usage()
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    k = getKey(ks, args[0])
+    r = args[1]
+    if r not in thandy.formats.ALL_ROLES:
+        print "Unrecognized role %r.  Known roles are %s"%(
+            r,", ".join(thandy.format.ALL_ROLES))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    p = args[2]
+    k.addRole(r, p)
+    ks.save()
+def delrole(args):
+    if len(args) < 3:
+        usage()
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    k = getKey(ks, args[0])
+    r = args[1]
+    if r not in thandy.formats.ALL_ROLES:
+        print "Unrecognized role %r.  Known roles are %s"%(
+            r,", ".join(thandy.format.ALL_ROLES))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    p = args[2]
+    #XXXX rep.
+    origLen = len(k._roles)
+    k._roles = [ (role,path) for role,path in k._roles
+                 if (role,path) != (r,p) ]
+    removed = origLen - len(k._roles)
+    print removed, "roles removed"
+    if removed:
+        ks.save()
+def chpass(args):
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    print "Old password."
+    ks.load()
+    print "New password."
+    ks.clearPassword()
+    ks.save()
+def dumpkey(args):
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", ["include-secret", "passwd="])
+    includeSecret = False
+    for o,v in options:
+        if o == '--include-secret':
+            includeSecret = True
+        else:
+            print "Unexpected %r"%o
+    ks = getKeyStore()
+    ks.load()
+    keys = []
+    if len(args):
+        keys = [ getKey(ks, a) for a in args ]
+    else:
+        keys = list(ks.iterkeys())
+    for k in keys:
+        data = k.format(private=includeSecret, includeRoles=True)
+        print "Key(", simplejson.dumps(data, indent=2), ")"
+def usage():
+    print "Known commands:"
+    print "  keygen"
+    print "  listkeys"
+    print "  chpass"
+    print "  addrole keyid role path"
+    print "  delrole keyid role path"
+    print "  dumpkey [--include-secret] keyid"
+    print "  makepackage config datafile"
+    print "  makebundle config packagefile ..."
+    print "  signkeylist keylist"
+    print "  makekeylist keylist"
+    print "  makemirrorlist config"
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        usage()
+    cmd = sys.argv[1]
+    args = sys.argv[2:]
+    if cmd in [ "keygen", "listkeys", "addrole", "delrole", "chpass",
+                "dumpkey", "makepackage", "makebundle", "signkeylist",
+                "makekeylist", "signkeylist", "makemirrorlist", ]:
+        globals()[cmd](args)
+    else:
+        usage()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Deleted: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/__init__.py
--- updater/trunk/lib/glider/__init__.py	2008-10-06 10:23:52 UTC (rev 17049)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/__init__.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = [ 'formats' ]

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/__init__.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/__init__.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/__init__.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+__all__ = [ 'formats' ]
+_BaseException = Exception
+class Exception(_BaseException):
+    pass
+class FormatException(Exception):
+    pass
+class UnknownFormat(FormatException):
+    pass
+class BadSignature(Exception):
+    pass
+class BadPassword(Exception):
+    pass
+class InternalError(Exception):
+    pass
+class RepoError(InternalError):
+    pass
+class CryptoError(Exception):
+    pass
+class PubkeyFormatException(FormatException):
+    pass
+class UnknownMethod(CryptoError):
+    pass

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/checkJson.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/checkJson.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/checkJson.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/checkJson.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+import re
+import sys
+import thandy
+class Schema:
+    def matches(self, obj):
+        try:
+            self.checkMatch(obj)
+        except thandy.FormatException:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        raise NotImplemented()
+class Any(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = Any()
+       >>> s.matches("A String")
+       True
+       >>> s.matches([1, "list"])
+       True
+    """
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        pass
+class RE(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = RE("h.*d")
+       >>> s.matches("hello world")
+       True
+       >>> s.matches("Hello World")
+       False
+       >>> s.matches("hello world!")
+       False
+       >>> s.matches([33, "Hello"])
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pat=None, modifiers=0, reObj=None, reName="pattern"):
+        if not reObj:
+            if not pat.endswith("$"):
+                pat += "$"
+            reObj = re.compile(pat, modifiers)
+        self._re = reObj
+        self._reName = reName
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if not isinstance(obj, basestring) or not self._re.match(obj):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("%r did not match %s"
+                                         %(obj,self._reName))
+class Str(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = Str("Hi")
+       >>> s.matches("Hi")
+       True
+       >>> s.matches("Not hi")
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, val):
+        self._str = val
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if self._str != obj:
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Expected %r; got %r"%(self._str, obj))
+class AnyStr(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = AnyStr()
+       >>> s.matches("")
+       True
+       >>> s.matches("a string")
+       True
+       >>> s.matches(["a"])
+       False
+       >>> s.matches(3)
+       False
+       >>> s.matches(u"a unicode string")
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({})
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if not isinstance(obj, basestring):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Expected a string; got %r"%obj)
+class ListOf(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = ListOf(RE("(?:..)*"))
+       >>> s.matches("hi")
+       False
+       >>> s.matches([])
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({})
+       False
+       >>> s.matches(["Hi", "this", "list", "is", "full", "of", "even", "strs"])
+       True
+       >>> s.matches(["This", "one", "is not"])
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, schema, minCount=0, maxCount=sys.maxint,listName="list"):
+        self._schema = schema
+        self._minCount = minCount
+        self._maxCount = maxCount
+        self._listName = listName
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Expected %s; got %r"
+                                         %(self._listName,obj))
+        for item in obj:
+            try:
+                self._schema.checkMatch(item)
+            except thandy.FormatException, e:
+                raise thandy.FormatException("%s in %s"%(e, self._listName))
+        if not (self._minCount <= len(obj) <= self._maxCount):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Length of %s out of range"
+                                         %self._listName)
+class Struct(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = Struct([ListOf(AnyStr()), AnyStr(), Str("X")])
+       >>> s.matches(False)
+       False
+       >>> s.matches("Foo")
+       False
+       >>> s.matches([[], "Q", "X"])
+       True
+       >>> s.matches([[], "Q", "D"])
+       False
+       >>> s.matches([[3], "Q", "X"])
+       False
+       >>> s.matches([[], "Q", "X", "Y"])
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, subschemas, allowMore=False, structName="list"):
+        self._subschemas = subschemas[:]
+        self._allowMore = allowMore
+        self._structName = structName
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Expected %s; got %r"
+                                         %(self._structName,obj))
+        elif len(obj) < len(self._subschemas):
+            raise thandy.FormatException(
+                "Too few fields in %s"%self._structName)
+        elif len(obj) > len(self._subschemas) and not self._allowMore:
+            raise thandy.FormatException(
+                "Too many fields in %s"%self._structName)
+        for item, schema in zip(obj, self._subschemas):
+            schema.checkMatch(item)
+class DictOf(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = DictOf(RE(r'[aeiou]+'), Struct([AnyStr(), AnyStr()]))
+       >>> s.matches("")
+       False
+       >>> s.matches({})
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({"a": ["x", "y"], "e" : ["", ""]})
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({"a": ["x", 3], "e" : ["", ""]})
+       False
+       >>> s.matches({"a": ["x", "y"], "e" : ["", ""], "d" : ["a", "b"]})
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, keySchema, valSchema):
+        self._keySchema = keySchema
+        self._valSchema = valSchema
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        try:
+            iter = obj.iteritems()
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Expected a dict; got %r"%obj)
+        for k,v in iter:
+            self._keySchema.checkMatch(k)
+            self._valSchema.checkMatch(v)
+class Opt:
+    """Helper; applied to a value in Obj to mark it optional.
+       >>> s = Obj(k1=Str("X"), k2=Opt(Str("Y")))
+       >>> s.matches({'k1': "X", 'k2': "Y"})
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({'k1': "X", 'k2': "Z"})
+       False
+       >>> s.matches({'k1': "X"})
+       True
+    """
+    def __init__(self, schema):
+        self._schema = schema
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        self._schema.checkMatch(obj)
+class Obj(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = Obj(a=AnyStr(), bc=Struct([Int(), Int()]))
+       >>> s.matches({'a':"ZYYY", 'bc':[5,9]})
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({'a':"ZYYY", 'bc':[5,9], 'xx':5})
+       True
+       >>> s.matches({'a':"ZYYY", 'bc':[5,9,3]})
+       False
+       >>> s.matches({'a':"ZYYY"})
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, _objname="object", **d):
+        self._objname = _objname
+        self._required = d.items()
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        for k,schema in self._required:
+            try:
+                item = obj[k]
+            except KeyError:
+                if not isinstance(schema, Opt):
+                    raise thandy.FormatException("Missing key %s in %s"
+                                                 %(k,self._objname))
+            else:
+                try:
+                    schema.checkMatch(item)
+                except thandy.FormatException, e:
+                    raise thandy.FormatException("%s in %s.%s"
+                                                 %(e,self._objname,k))
+class Int(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = Int()
+       >>> s.matches(99)
+       True
+       >>> s.matches(False)
+       False
+       >>> s.matches(0L)
+       True
+       >>> s.matches("a string")
+       False
+       >>> Int(lo=10, hi=30).matches(25)
+       True
+       >>> Int(lo=10, hi=30).matches(5)
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, lo=-sys.maxint, hi=sys.maxint):
+        self._lo = lo
+        self._hi = hi
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if isinstance(obj, bool) or not isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
+            # We need to check for bool as a special case, since bool
+            # is for historical reasons a subtype of int.
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Got %r instead of an integer"%obj)
+        elif not (self._lo <= obj <= self._hi):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("%r not in range [%r,%r]"
+                                         %(obj, self._lo, self._hi))
+class Bool(Schema):
+    """
+       >>> s = Bool()
+       >>> s.matches(True) and s.matches(False)
+       True
+       >>> s.matches(11)
+       False
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def checkMatch(self, obj):
+        if not isinstance(obj, bool):
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Got %r instead of a boolean"%obj)

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/download.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/download.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/download.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/download.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import urllib2
+import httplib
+import random
+import threading, Queue
+import thandy.util
+class Downloads:
+    def __init__(self, n_threads=2):
+        self._lock = threading.RLock()
+        self.downloads = {}
+        self.haveDownloaded = {}
+        self.downloadQueue = Queue.Queue()
+        self.threads = [ threading.Thread(target=self._thread) ]
+        for t in self.threads:
+            t.setDaemon(True)
+    def start(self):
+        for t in self.threads:
+            t.start()
+    def isCurrentlyDownloading(self, relPath):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return self.downloads.has_key(relPath)
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def isRedundant(self, relPath):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return (self.downloads.has_key(relPath) or
+                    self.haveDownloaded.has_key(relPath))
+        finally:
+            self._lock.release()
+    def addDownloadJob(self, job):
+        rp = job.getRelativePath()
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        self.downloads[rp] = job
+        self._lock.release()
+        self.downloadQueue.put(job)
+    def _thread(self):
+        while True:
+            job = self.downloadQueue.get()
+            job.download()
+            rp = job.getRelativePath()
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            try:
+                del self.downloads[rp]
+                self.haveDownloaded[rp] = True
+            finally:
+                self._lock.release()
+class DownloadJob:
+    def __init__(self, relPath, destPath, mirrorlist=None,
+                 wantHash=None, canStall=False):
+        self._relPath = relPath
+        self._wantHash = wantHash
+        self._mirrorList = mirrorlist
+        self._destPath = destPath
+        tmppath = thandy.util.userFilename("tmp")
+        if relPath.startswith("/"):
+            relPath = relPath[1:]
+        self._tmppath = os.path.join(tmppath, relPath)
+        d = os.path.dirname(self._tmppath)
+        if not os.path.exists(d):
+            os.makedirs(d, 0700)
+    def getRelativePath(self):
+        return self._relPath
+    def haveStalledFile(self):
+        return os.path.exists(self._tmppath)
+    def getURL(self, mirrorlist=None):
+        if mirrorlist is None:
+            mirrorlist = self._mirrorList
+        weightSoFar = 0
+        usable = []
+        for m in mirrorlist['mirrors']:
+            for c in m['contents']:
+                if thandy.formats.rolePathMatches(c, self._relPath):
+                    weightSoFar += m['weight']
+                    usable.append( (weightSoFar, m) )
+                    break
+        wTarget = random.randint(0, weightSoFar)
+        mirror = None
+        # Could use bisect here instead
+        for w, m in mirrorlist:
+            if w >= wTarget:
+                mirror = m
+                break
+        return m['urlbase'] + self._relPath
+    def download(self):
+        # XXXX RESUME
+        f_in = urllib2.urlopen(self.getURL())
+        f_out = open(self._tmpPath, 'w')
+        while True:
+            c = f_in.read(1024)
+            if not c:
+                break
+            f_out.write(c)
+        f_in.close()
+        f_out.close()
+        # XXXXX retry on failure
+        if self._wantHash:
+            gotHash = thandy.formats.getFileDigest(self._tmpPath)
+            if gotHash != self._wantHash:
+                # XXXX Corrupt file.
+                pass
+        thandy.utils.moveFile(self._tmpPath, self._destPath)

Deleted: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/formats.py
--- updater/trunk/lib/glider/formats.py	2008-10-06 10:23:52 UTC (rev 17049)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/formats.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-import sexp.access
-import sexp.encode
-import time
-import re
-class FormatException(Exception):
-    pass
-class KeyDB:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.keys = {}
-    def addKey(self, k):
-        self.keys[k.getKeyID()] = k
-    def getKey(self, keyid):
-        return self.keys[keyid]
-_rolePathCache = {}
-def rolePathMatches(rolePath, path):
-    """
-    >>> rolePathMatches("a/b/c/", "a/b/c/")
-    True
-    >>> rolePathMatches("**/c.*", "a/b/c.txt")
-    True
-    >>> rolePathMatches("**/c.*", "a/b/c.txt/foo")
-    False
-    >>> rolePathMatches("a/*/c", "a/b/c")
-    True
-    >>> rolePathMatches("a/*/c", "a/b/c.txt")
-    False
-    >>> rolePathMatches("a/*/c", "a/b/c.txt") #Check cache
-    False
-    """
-    try:
-        regex = _rolePathCache[rolePath]
-    except KeyError:
-        rolePath = re.sub(r'/+', '/', rolePath)
-        rolePath = re.escape(rolePath).replace(r'\*\*', r'.*')
-        rolePath = rolePath.replace(r'\*', r'[^/]*')
-        rolePath += "$"
-        regex = _rolePathCache[rolePath] = re.compile(rolePath)
-    return regex.match(path) != None
-def checkSignatures(signed, keyDB, role, path):
-    goodSigs = []
-    badSigs = []
-    unknownSigs = []
-    tangentialSigs = []
-    assert signed[0] == "signed"
-    data = signed[1]
-    d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
-    sexp.encode.hash_canonical(data, d_obj)
-    digest = d_obj.digest()
-    for signature in sexp.access.s_children(signed, "signature"):
-        attrs = signature[1]
-        sig = attrs[2]
-        keyid = s_child(attrs, "keyid")[1]
-        try:
-            key = keyDB.getKey(keyid)
-        except KeyError:
-            unknownSigs.append(keyid)
-            continue
-        method = s_child(attrs, "method")[1]
-        try:
-            result = key.checkSignature(method, sig, digest=digest)
-        except UnknownMethod:
-            continue
-        if result == True:
-            if role is not None:
-                for r,p in key.getRoles():
-                    if r == role and rolePathMatches(p, path):
-                        break
-                else:
-                    tangentialSigs.append(sig)
-                    continue
-            goodSigs.append(keyid)
-        else:
-            badSigs.append(keyid)
-    return goodSigs, badSigs, unknownSigs, tangentialSigs
-def sign(signed, key):
-    assert sexp.access.s_tag(signed) == 'signed'
-    s = signed[1]
-    keyid = key.keyID()
-    oldsignatures = [ s for s in signed[2:] if s_child(s[1], "keyid") != keyid ]
-    signed[2:] = oldsignatures
-    for method, sig in key.sign(s):
-        signed.append(['signature', [['keyid', keyid], ['method', method]],
-                       sig])
-def formatTime(t):
-    """
-    >>> formatTime(1221265172)
-    '2008-09-13 00:19:32'
-    """
-    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(t))
-def parseTime(s):
-    return time.timegm(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
-def _parseSchema(s, t=None):
-    sexpr = sexp.parse.parse(s)
-    schema = sexp.access.parseSchema(sexpr, t)
-    return schema
-  (=pubkey ((:unordered (=type .) (:anyof (. _)))) _)
-TIME_TEMPLATE = r"""/\{d}4-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/"""
-SCHEMA_TABLE['TIME'] = sexp.access.parseSchema(TIME_TEMPLATE)
-ATTRS_TEMPLATE = r"""(:anyof (_ *))"""
- (=signed
-   _
-   (:someof
-     (=signature ((:unordered
-                    (=keyid _) (=method _) .ATTRS)) _)
-   )
- )"""
- (=keylist
-   (=ts .TIME)
-   (=keys
-     (:anyof
-       (=key ((:unordered (=roles (:someof (. .))) .ATTRS)) _)
-     ))
-   *
- )"""
- (=mirrorlist
-   (=ts .TIME)
-   (=mirrors (:anyof
-     (=mirror ((:unordered (=name .) (=urlbase .) (=contents (:someof .))
-                           .ATTRS)))))
-   *)
- (=ts
-   ((:unordered (=at .TIME) (=m .TIME .) (=k .TIME .)
-           (:anyof (=b . . .TIME . .)) .ATTRS))
- )"""
- (=bundle
-   (=at .TIME)
-   (=os .)
-   (:maybe (=arch .))
-   (=packages
-     (:someof
-      (. . . . ((:unordered
-                  (:maybe (=order . . .))
-                  (:maybe (=optional))
-                  (:anyof (=gloss . .))
-                  (:anyof (=longgloss . .))
-                  .ATTRS)))
-     )
-   )
-   *
- )"""
- (=package
-  ((:unordered (=name .)
-               (=version .)
-               (=format . (.ATTRS))
-               (=path .)
-               (=ts .TIME)
-               (=digest .)
-               (:anyof (=shortdesc . .))
-               (:anyof (=longdesc . .))
-               .ATTRS)))
-ALL_ROLES = ('timestamp', 'mirrors', 'bundle', 'package', 'master')
-class Key:
-    def __init__(self, key, roles):
-        self.key = key
-        self.roles = []
-        for r,p in roles:
-            self.addRole(r,p)
-    def addRole(self, role, path):
-        assert role in ALL_ROLES
-        self.roles.append(role, path)
-    def getRoles(self):
-        return self.rules
-    @staticmethod
-    def fromSExpression(sexpr):
-        # must match PUBKEY_SCHEMA
-        typeattr = sexp.access.s_attr(sexpr[1], "type")
-        if typeattr == 'rsa':
-            key = glider.keys.RSAKey.fromSExpression(sexpr)
-            if key is not None:
-                return Key(key)
-        else:
-            return None
-    def format(self):
-        return self.key.format()
-    def getKeyID(self):
-        return self.key.getKeyID()
-    def sign(self, sexpr=None, digest=None):
-        return self.key.sign(sexpr, digest=digest)
-    def checkSignature(self, method, sexpr=None, digest=None):
-        if digest == None:
-            _, digest = self.key._digest(sexpr, method)
-        ok = self.key.checkSignature(method, digest=digest)
-        # XXXX CACHE HERE.
-        return ok
-class Keystore(KeyDB):
-    def __init__(self):
-        KeyDB.__init__(self)
-    @staticmethod
-    def addFromKeylist(sexpr, allowMasterKeys=False):
-        # Don't do this until we have validated the structure.
-        for ks in sexpr.access.s_lookup_all("keys.key"):
-            attrs = ks[1]
-            key_s = ks[2]
-            roles = s_attr(attrs, "roles")
-            #XXXX Use interface of Key, not RSAKey.
-            key = Key.fromSExpression(key_s)
-            if not key:
-                #LOG skipping key.
-                continue
-            for r,p in roles:
-                if r == 'master' and not allowMasterKeys:
-                    #LOG
-                    continue
-                if r not in ALL_ROLES:
-                    continue
-                key.addRole(r,p)
-            self.addKey(key)

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/formats.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/formats.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/formats.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/formats.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+import simplejson
+import time
+import re
+import binascii
+import calendar
+import thandy.checkJson
+import Crypto.Hash.SHA256
+class KeyDB:
+    """A KeyDB holds public keys, indexed by their key IDs."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._keys = {}
+    def addKey(self, k):
+        keyid = k.getKeyID()
+        try:
+            oldkey = self._keys[keyid]
+            for r, p in oldkey.getRoles():
+                if (r, p) not in k.getRoles():
+                    k.addRole(r,p)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        self._keys[k.getKeyID()] = k
+    def getKey(self, keyid):
+        return self._keys[keyid]
+    def getKeysByRole(self, role, path):
+        results = []
+        for key in self._keys.itervalues():
+            for r,p in key.getRoles():
+                if r == role:
+                    if rolePathMatches(p, path):
+                        results.append(key)
+        return results
+    def getKeysFuzzy(self, keyid):
+        r = []
+        for k,v in self._keys.iteritems():
+            if k.startswith(keyid):
+                r.append(v)
+        return r
+    def iterkeys(self):
+        return self._keys.itervalues()
+_rolePathCache = {}
+def rolePathMatches(rolePath, path):
+    """Return true iff the relative path in the filesystem 'path' conforms
+       to the pattern 'rolePath': a path that a given key is
+       authorized to sign.  Patterns are allowed to contain * to
+       represent one or more characters in a filename, and ** to
+       represent any level of directory structure.
+    >>> rolePathMatches("a/b/c/", "a/b/c/")
+    True
+    >>> rolePathMatches("**/c.*", "a/b/c.txt")
+    True
+    >>> rolePathMatches("**/c.*", "a/b/ctxt")
+    False
+    >>> rolePathMatches("**/c.*", "a/b/c.txt/foo")
+    False
+    >>> rolePathMatches("a/*/c", "a/b/c")
+    True
+    >>> rolePathMatches("a/*/c", "a/b/c.txt")
+    False
+    >>> rolePathMatches("a/*/c", "a/b/c.txt") #Check cache
+    False
+    """
+    try:
+        regex = _rolePathCache[rolePath]
+    except KeyError:
+        orig = rolePath
+        # remove duplicate slashes.
+        rolePath = re.sub(r'/+', '/', rolePath)
+        # escape, then ** becomes .*
+        rolePath = re.escape(rolePath).replace(r'\*\*', r'.*')
+        # * becomes [^/]*
+        rolePath = rolePath.replace(r'\*', r'[^/]*')
+        # and no extra text is allowed.
+        rolePath += "$"
+        regex = _rolePathCache[orig] = re.compile(rolePath)
+    return regex.match(path) != None
+class SignatureStatus:
+    """Represents the outcome of checking signature(s) on an object."""
+    def __init__(self, good, bad, unrecognized, unauthorized):
+        # keyids for all the valid signatures
+        self._good = good[:]
+        # keyids for the invalid signatures (we had the key, and it failed).
+        self._bad = bad[:]
+        # keyids for signatures where we didn't recognize the key
+        self._unrecognized = unrecognized[:]
+        # keyids for signatures where we recognized the key, but it doesn't
+        # seem to be allowed to sign this kind of document.
+        self._unauthorized = unauthorized[:]
+    def isValid(self, threshold=1):
+        """Return true iff we got at least 'threshold' good signatures."""
+        return len(self._good) >= threshold
+    def mayNeedNewKeys(self):
+        """Return true iff downloading a new set of keys might tip this
+           signature status over to 'valid.'"""
+        return len(self._unrecognized) or len(self._unauthorized)
+def checkSignatures(signed, keyDB, role=None, path=None):
+    """Given an object conformant to SIGNED_SCHEMA and a set of public keys
+       in keyDB, verify the signed object in 'signed'."""
+    SIGNED_SCHEMA.checkMatch(signed)
+    goodSigs = []
+    badSigs = []
+    unknownSigs = []
+    tangentialSigs = []
+    signable = signed['signed']
+    signatures = signed['signatures']
+    d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+    getDigest(signable, d_obj)
+    digest = d_obj.digest()
+    for signature in signatures:
+        sig = signature['sig']
+        keyid = signature['keyid']
+        method = signature['method']
+        try:
+            key = keyDB.getKey(keyid)
+        except KeyError:
+            unknownSigs.append(keyid)
+            continue
+        try:
+            result = key.checkSignature(method, sig, digest=digest)
+        except thandy.UnknownMethod:
+            continue
+        if result == True:
+            if role is not None:
+                for r,p in key.getRoles():
+                    if r == role and rolePathMatches(p, path):
+                        break
+                else:
+                    tangentialSigs.append(sig)
+                    continue
+            goodSigs.append(keyid)
+        else:
+            badSigs.append(keyid)
+    return SignatureStatus(goodSigs, badSigs, unknownSigs, tangentialSigs)
+def encodeCanonical(obj, outf=None):
+    """Encode the object obj in canoncial JSon form, as specified at
+       http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Canonical_JSON .  It's a restricted
+       dialect of json in which keys are always lexically sorted,
+       there is no whitespace, floats aren't allowed, and only quote
+       and backslash get escaped.  The result is encoded in UTF-8,
+       and the resulting bits are passed to outf (if provided), or joined
+       into a string and returned.
+       >>> encodeCanonical("")
+       '""'
+       >>> encodeCanonical([1, 2, 3])
+       '[1,2,3]'
+       >>> encodeCanonical({"x" : 3, "y" : 2})
+       '{"x":3,"y":2}'
+    """
+    def default(o):
+        raise TypeError("Can't encode %r", o)
+    def floatstr(o):
+        raise TypeError("Floats not allowed.")
+    def canonical_str_encoder(s):
+        return '"%s"' % re.sub(r'(["\\])', r'\\\1', s)
+    # XXX This is, alas, a hack.  I'll submit a canonical JSon patch to
+    # the simplejson folks.
+    iterator = simplejson.encoder._make_iterencode(
+        None, default, canonical_str_encoder, None, floatstr,
+        ":", ",", True, False, True)(obj, 0)
+    result = None
+    if outf == None:
+        result = [ ]
+        outf = result.append
+    for u in iterator:
+        outf(u.encode("utf-8"))
+    if result is not None:
+        return "".join(result)
+def getDigest(obj, digestObj=None):
+    """Update 'digestObj' (typically a SHA256 object) with the digest of
+       the canonical json encoding of obj.  If digestObj is none,
+       compute the SHA256 hash and return it.
+       DOCDOC string equivalence.
+    """
+    useTempDigestObj = (digestObj == None)
+    if useTempDigestObj:
+        digestObj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+    if isinstance(obj, str):
+        digestObj.update(obj)
+    elif isinstance(obj, unicode):
+        digestObj.update(obj.encode("utf-8"))
+    else:
+        encodeCanonical(obj, digestObj.update)
+    if useTempDigestObj:
+        return digestObj.digest()
+def getFileDigest(f, digestObj=None):
+    """Update 'digestObj' (typically a SHA256 object) with the digest of
+       the file object in f.  If digestObj is none, compute the SHA256
+       hash and return it.
+       >>> s = "here is a long string"*1000
+       >>> import cStringIO, Crypto.Hash.SHA256
+       >>> h1 = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+       >>> h2 = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+       >>> getFileDigest(cStringIO.StringIO(s), h1)
+       >>> h2.update(s)
+       >>> h1.digest() == h2.digest()
+       True
+    """
+    useTempDigestObj = (digestObj == None)
+    if useTempDigestObj:
+        digestObj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+    while 1:
+        s = f.read(4096)
+        if not s:
+            break
+        digestObj.update(s)
+    if useTempDigestObj:
+        return digestObj.digest()
+def makeSignable(obj):
+    return { 'signed' : obj, 'signatures' : [] }
+def sign(signed, key):
+    """Add an element to the signatures of 'signed', containing a new signature
+       of the "signed" part.
+    """
+    SIGNED_SCHEMA.checkMatch(signed)
+    signable = signed["signed"]
+    signatures = signed['signatures']
+    keyid = key.getKeyID()
+    signatures = [ s for s in signatures if s['keyid'] != keyid ]
+    method, sig = key.sign(signable)
+    signatures.append({ 'keyid' : keyid,
+                        'method' : method,
+                        'sig' : sig })
+    signed['signatures'] = signatures
+def formatTime(t):
+    """Encode the time 't' in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
+    >>> formatTime(1221265172)
+    '2008-09-13 00:19:32'
+    """
+    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(t))
+def parseTime(s):
+    """Parse a time 's' in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format."""
+    try:
+        return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+    except ValueError:
+        raise thandy.FormatError("Malformed time %r", s)
+def formatBase64(h):
+    """Return the base64 encoding of h with whitespace and = signs omitted."""
+    return binascii.b2a_base64(h).rstrip("=\n ")
+formatHash = formatBase64
+def parseBase64(s):
+    """Parse a base64 encoding with whitespace and = signs omitted. """
+    extra = len(s) % 4
+    if extra:
+        padding = "=" * (4 - extra)
+        s += padding
+    try:
+        return binascii.a2b_base64(s)
+    except binascii.Error:
+        raise thandy.FormatError("Invalid base64 encoding")
+def parseHash(s):
+    h = parseBase64(s)
+    if len(h) != Crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest_size:
+        raise thandy.FormatError("Bad hash length")
+    return h
+S = thandy.checkJson
+# A date, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
+TIME_SCHEMA = S.RE(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}')
+# A hash, base64-encoded
+HASH_SCHEMA = S.RE(r'[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]{43}')
+# A hexadecimal value.
+HEX_SCHEMA = S.RE(r'[a-fA-F0-9]+')
+# A base-64 encoded value
+BASE64_SCHEMA = S.RE(r'[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]+')
+# An RSA key; subtype of PUBKEY_SCHEMA.
+    _keytype=S.Str("rsa"),
+    e=BASE64_SCHEMA,
+    n=BASE64_SCHEMA)
+# Any public key.
+    _keytype=S.AnyStr())
+URL_SCHEMA = S.AnyStr()
+# A single signature of an object.  Indicates the signature, the id of the
+# signing key, and the signing method.
+    keyid=KEYID_SCHEMA,
+    method=SIG_METHOD_SCHEMA,
+    sig=BASE64_SCHEMA)
+# A signed object.
+    signed=S.Any(),
+    signatures=S.ListOf(SIGNATURE_SCHEMA))
+# A role: indicates that a key is allowed to certify a kind of
+# document at a certain place in the repo.
+# A Keylist: indicates a list of live keys and their roles.
+    _type=S.Str("Keylist"),
+    ts=TIME_SCHEMA,
+    keys=S.ListOf(S.Obj(key=PUBKEY_SCHEMA, roles=S.ListOf(ROLE_SCHEMA))))
+# A Mirrorlist: indicates all the live mirrors, and what documents they
+# serve.
+    _type=S.Str("Mirrorlist"),
+    ts=TIME_SCHEMA,
+    mirrors=S.ListOf(S.Obj(name=S.AnyStr(),
+                           urlbase=URL_SCHEMA,
+                           contents=S.ListOf(PATH_PATTERN_SCHEMA),
+                           weight=S.Int(lo=0),
+                           )))
+# A timestamp: indicates the lastest versions of all top-level signed objects.
+    _type = S.Str("Timestamp"),
+    at = TIME_SCHEMA,
+    m = S.Struct([TIME_SCHEMA, HASH_SCHEMA]),
+    k = S.Struct([TIME_SCHEMA, HASH_SCHEMA]),
+    b = S.DictOf(keySchema=S.AnyStr(),
+            valSchema=
+   )
+# A Bundle: lists a bunch of packages that should be updated in tandem
+   _type=S.Str("Bundle"),
+   name=S.AnyStr(),
+   os=S.AnyStr(),
+   arch=S.Opt(S.AnyStr()),
+   version=VERSION_SCHEMA,
+   location=RELPATH_SCHEMA,
+   packages=S.ListOf(S.Obj(
+                    name=S.AnyStr(),
+                    version=VERSION_SCHEMA,
+                    path=RELPATH_SCHEMA,
+                    hash=HASH_SCHEMA,
+                    order=S.Struct([S.Int(), S.Int(), S.Int()]),
+                    optional=S.Opt(S.Bool()),
+                    gloss=S.DictOf(S.AnyStr(), S.AnyStr()),
+                    longgloss=S.DictOf(S.AnyStr(), S.AnyStr()))))
+            _type=S.Str("Package"),
+            name=S.AnyStr(),
+            location=RELPATH_SCHEMA,
+            version=VERSION_SCHEMA,
+            format=S.Obj(),
+            ts=TIME_SCHEMA,
+            files=S.ListOf(S.Struct([RELPATH_SCHEMA, HASH_SCHEMA])),
+            shortdesc=S.DictOf(S.AnyStr(), S.AnyStr()),
+            longdesc=S.DictOf(S.AnyStr(), S.AnyStr()))
+ALL_ROLES = ('timestamp', 'mirrors', 'bundle', 'package', 'master')
+class Key:
+    def __init__(self, key, roles=()):
+        self.key = key
+        self.roles = []
+        for r,p in roles:
+            self.addRole(r,p)
+    def addRole(self, role, path):
+        assert role in ALL_ROLES
+        self.roles.append((role, path))
+    def getRoles(self):
+        return self.roles
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromJSon(obj):
+        # must match PUBKEY_SCHEMA
+        keytype = obj['_keytype']
+        if keytype == 'rsa':
+            return Key(thandy.keys.RSAKey.fromJSon(obj))
+        if typeattr == 'rsa':
+            key = thandy.keys.RSAKey.fromSExpression(sexpr)
+            if key is not None:
+                return Key(key)
+        else:
+            return None
+    def format(self):
+        return self.key.format()
+    def getKeyID(self):
+        return self.key.getKeyID()
+    def sign(self, sexpr=None, digest=None):
+        return self.key.sign(sexpr, digest=digest)
+    def checkSignature(self, method, data, signatute):
+        ok = self.key.checkSignature(method, data, signature)
+        # XXXX CACHE HERE.
+        return ok
+class Keylist(KeyDB):
+    def __init__(self):
+        KeyDB.__init__(self)
+    def addFromKeylist(self, obj, allowMasterKeys=False):
+        for keyitem in obj['keys']:
+            key = keyitem['key']
+            roles = keyitem['roles']
+            try:
+                key = thandy.keys.RSAKey.fromJSon(key)
+            except thandy.FormatException, e:
+                print e
+                #LOG skipping key.
+                continue
+            for r,p in roles:
+                if r == 'master' and not allowMasterKeys:
+                    #LOG
+                    continue
+                if r not in ALL_ROLES:
+                    continue
+                key.addRole(r,p)
+            self.addKey(key)
+class StampedInfo:
+    def __init__(self, ts, hash, version=None, relpath=None):
+        self._ts = ts
+        self._hash = hash
+        self._version = version
+        self._relpath = relpath
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromJSonFields(timeStr, hashStr):
+        t = parseTime(timeStr)
+        h = parseHash(hashStr)
+        return StampedInfo(t, h)
+    def getHash(self):
+        return self._hash
+    def getRelativePath(self):
+        return self._relpath
+class TimestampFile:
+    def __init__(self, at, mirrorlistinfo, keylistinfo, bundleinfo):
+        self._time = at
+        self._mirrorListInfo = mirrorlistinfo
+        self._keyListInfo = keylistinfo
+        self._bundleInfo = bundleinfo
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromJSon(obj):
+        # must be validated.
+        at = parseTime(obj['at'])
+        m = StampedInfo.fromJSonFields(*obj['m'][:2])
+        k = StampedInfo.fromJSonFields(*obj['k'][:2])
+        b = {}
+        for name, bundle in obj['b'].iteritems():
+            v = bundle[0]
+            rp = bundle[1]
+            t = parseTime(bundle[2])
+            h = parseHash(bundle[3])
+            b[name] = StampedInfo(t, h, v, rp)
+        return TimestampFile(at, m, k, b)
+    def getTime(self):
+        return self._time
+    def getMirrorlistInfo(self):
+        return self._mirrorListInfo
+    def getKeylistInfo(self):
+        return self._keyListInfo
+    def getBundleInfo(self, name):
+        return self._bundleInfo[name]
+def readConfigFile(fname, needKeys=(), optKeys=(), preload={}):
+    parsed = preload.copy()
+    result = {}
+    execfile(fname, parsed)
+    for k in needKeys:
+        try:
+            result[k] = parsed[k]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise thandy.FormatError("Missing value for %s in %s"%k,fname)
+    for k in optKeys:
+        try:
+            result[k] = parsed[k]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    return result
+def makePackageObj(config_fname, package_fname):
+    preload = {}
+    shortDescs = {}
+    longDescs = {}
+    def ShortDesc(lang, val): shortDescs[lang] = val
+    def LongDesc(lang, val): longDescs[lang] = val
+    preload = { 'ShortDesc' : ShortDesc, 'LongDesc' : LongDesc }
+    r = readConfigFile(config_fname,
+                       ['name',
+                        'version',
+                        'format',
+                        'location',
+                        'relpath',
+                        ], (), preload)
+    f = open(package_fname, 'rb')
+    digest = getFileDigest(f)
+    # Check fields!
+    result = { '_type' : "Package",
+               'ts' : formatTime(time.time()),
+               'name' : r['name'],
+               'location' : r['location'], #DOCDOC
+               'version' : r['version'],
+               'format' : r['format'],
+               'files' : [ [ r['relpath'], formatHash(digest) ] ],
+               'shortdesc' : shortDescs,
+               'longdesc' : longDescs
+             }
+    PACKAGE_SCHEMA.checkMatch(result)
+    return result
+def makeBundleObj(config_fname, getPackageHash):
+    packages = []
+    def ShortGloss(lang, val): packages[-1]['gloss'][lang] = val
+    def LongGloss(lang, val): packages[-1]['longgloss'][lang] = val
+    def Package(name, version, path, order, optional=False):
+        packages.append({'name' : name,
+                         'version' : version,
+                         'path' : path,
+                         'order' : order,
+                         'optional' : optional,
+                         'gloss' : {},
+                         'longgloss' : {} })
+    preload = { 'ShortGloss' : ShortGloss, 'LongGloss' : LongGloss,
+                'Package' : Package }
+    r = readConfigFile(config_fname,
+                       ['name',
+                        'os',
+                        'version',
+                        'location',
+                        ], ['arch'], preload)
+    result = { '_type' : "Bundle",
+               'at' : formatTime(time.time()),
+               'name' : r['name'],
+               'os' : r['os'],
+               'version' : r['version'],
+               'location' : r['location'],
+               'packages' : packages }
+    if r.has_key('arch'):
+        result['arch'] = r['arch']
+    for p in packages:
+        try:
+            p['hash'] = formatHash(getPackageHash(p['path']))
+        except KeyError:
+            raise thandy.FormatException("No such package as %s"%p['path'])
+    BUNDLE_SCHEMA.checkMatch(result)
+    return result
+def versionIsNewer(v1, v2):
+    return v1 > v2
+def makeTimestampObj(mirrorlist_obj, keylist_obj,
+                     bundle_objs):
+    result = { '_type' : 'Timestamp',
+               'at' : formatTime(time.time()) }
+    result['m'] = [ mirrorlist_obj['ts'],
+                    formatHash(getDigest(mirrorlist_obj)) ]
+    result['k'] = [ keylist_obj['ts'],
+                    formatHash(getDigest(keylist_obj)) ]
+    result['b'] = bundles = {}
+    for bundle in bundle_objs:
+        name = bundle['name']
+        v = bundle['version']
+        entry = [ v, bundle['location'], bundle['at'], formatHash(getDigest(bundle)) ]
+        if not bundles.has_key(name) or versionIsNewer(v, bundles[name][0]):
+            bundles[name] = entry
+    TIMESTAMP_SCHEMA.checkMatch(result)
+    return result
+class MirrorInfo:
+    def __init__(self, name, urlbase, contents, weight):
+        self._name = name
+        self._urlbase = urlbase
+        self._contents = contents
+        self._weight = weight
+    def canServeFile(self, fname):
+        for c in self._contents:
+            if rolePathMatches(c, fname):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def getFileURL(self, fname):
+        if self._urlbase[-1] == '/':
+            return self._urlbase+fname
+        else:
+            return "%s/%s" % (self._urlbase, fname)
+    def format(self):
+        return { 'name' : self._name,
+                 'urlbase' : self._urlbase,
+                 'contents' : self._contents,
+                 'weight' : self._weight }
+def makeMirrorListObj(mirror_fname):
+    mirrors = []
+    def Mirror(*a, **kw): mirrors.append(MirrorInfo(*a, **kw))
+    preload = {'Mirror' : Mirror}
+    r = readConfigFile(mirror_fname, (), (), preload)
+    result = { '_type' : "Mirrorlist",
+               'ts' : formatTime(time.time()),
+               'mirrors' : [ m.format() for m in mirrors ] }
+    MIRRORLIST_SCHEMA.checkMatch(result)
+    return result
+def makeKeylistObj(keylist_fname, includePrivate=False):
+    keys = []
+    def Key(obj): keys.append(obj)
+    preload = {'Key': Key}
+    r = readConfigFile(keylist_fname, (), (), preload)
+    klist = []
+    for k in keys:
+        k = thandy.keys.RSAKey.fromJSon(k)
+        klist.append({'key': k.format(private=includePrivate), 'roles' : k.getRoles() })
+    result = { '_type' : "Keylist",
+               'ts' : formatTime(time.time()),
+               'keys' : klist }
+    KEYLIST_SCHEMA.checkMatch(result)
+    return result
+    'Keylist' : KEYLIST_SCHEMA,
+    'Mirrorlist' : MIRRORLIST_SCHEMA,
+    'Timestamp' : TIMESTAMP_SCHEMA,
+    'Bundle' : BUNDLE_SCHEMA,
+    'Package' : PACKAGE_SCHEMA,
+    }
+def checkSignedObj(obj, keydb=None):
+    # Returns signaturestatus, role, path on sucess.
+    SIGNED_SCHEMA.checkMatch(obj)
+    try:
+        tp = obj['signed']['_type']
+    except KeyError:
+        raise thandy.FormatException("Untyped object")
+    try:
+        schema = SCHEMAS_BY_TYPE[tp]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise thandy.FormatException("Unrecognized type %r" % tp)
+    schema.checkMatch(obj['signed'])
+    if tp == 'Keylist':
+        role = "master"
+        path = "/meta/keys.txt"
+    elif tp == 'Mirrorlist':
+        role = "mirrors"
+        path = "/meta/mirrors.txt"
+    elif tp == "Timestamp":
+        role = 'timestamp'
+        path = "/meta/timestamp.txt"
+    elif tp == 'Bundle':
+        role = 'bundle'
+        path = obj['signed']['location']
+    elif tp == 'Package':
+        role = 'package'
+        path = obj['signed']['location']
+    else:
+        print tp
+        raise "Foo"
+    ss = None
+    if keydb is not None:
+        ss = checkSignatures(obj, keydb, role, path)
+    return ss, role, path

Deleted: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/keys.py
--- updater/trunk/lib/glider/keys.py	2008-10-06 10:23:52 UTC (rev 17049)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/keys.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# These require PyCrypto.
-import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
-import Crypto.Hash.SHA256
-import Crypto.Cipher.AES
-import sexp.access
-import sexp.encode
-import sexp.parse
-import cPickle as pickle
-import binascii
-import os
-import struct
-class CryptoError(Exception):
-    pass
-class PubkeyFormatException(Exception):
-    pass
-class UnknownMethod(Exception):
-    pass
-class PublicKey:
-    def format(self):
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def sign(self, data):
-        # returns a list of method,signature tuples.
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def checkSignature(self, method, data, signature):
-        # returns True, False, or raises UnknownMethod.
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def getKeyID(self):
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def getRoles(self):
-        raise NotImplemented()
-if hex(1L).upper() == "0X1L":
-    def intToBinary(number):
-        """Convert an int or long into a big-endian series of bytes.
-        """
-        # This "convert-to-hex, then use binascii" approach may look silly,
-        # but it's over 10x faster than the Crypto.Util.number approach.
-        h = hex(long(number))
-        h = h[2:-1]
-        if len(h)%2:
-            h = "0"+h
-        return binascii.a2b_hex(h)
-elif hex(1L).upper() == "0X1":
-    def intToBinary(number):
-        h = hex(long(number))
-        h = h[2:]
-        if len(h)%2:
-            h = "0"+h
-        return binascii.a2b_hex(h)
-    import Crypto.Util.number
-    intToBinary = Crypto.Util.number.long_to_bytes
-    assert None
-def binaryToInt(binary):
-   """Convert a big-endian series of bytes into a long.
-   """
-   return long(binascii.b2a_hex(binary), 16)
-def _pkcs1_padding(m, size):
-    # I'd rather use OAEP+, but apparently PyCrypto barely supports
-    # signature verification, and doesn't seem to support signature
-    # verification with nondeterministic padding.  "argh."
-    s = [ "\x00\x01", "\xff"* (size-3-len(m)), "\x00", m ]
-    r = "".join(s)
-    return r
-def _xor(a,b):
-    if a:
-        return not b
-    else:
-        return b
-class RSAKey(PublicKey):
-    """
-    >>> k = RSAKey.generate(bits=512)
-    >>> sexpr = k.format()
-    >>> sexpr[:2]
-    ('pubkey', [('type', 'rsa')])
-    >>> k1 = RSAKey.fromSExpression(sexpr)
-    >>> k1.key.e == k.key.e
-    True
-    >>> k1.key.n == k.key.n
-    True
-    >>> k.getKeyID() == k1.getKeyID()
-    True
-    >>> s = ['tag1', ['foobar'], [['foop', 'bar']], 'baz']
-    >>> method, sig = k.sign(sexpr=s)
-    >>> k.checkSignature(method, sig, sexpr=s)
-    True
-    >>> s2 = [ s ]
-    >>> k.checkSignature(method, sig, sexpr=s2)
-    False
-    """
-    def __init__(self, key):
-        self.key = key
-        self.keyid = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def generate(bits=2048):
-        key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.generate(bits=bits, randfunc=os.urandom)
-        return RSAKey(key)
-    @staticmethod
-    def fromSExpression(sexpr):
-        # sexpr must match PUBKEY_SCHEMA
-        typeattr = sexp.access.s_attr(sexpr[1], "type")
-        if typeattr != "rsa":
-            return None
-        if len(sexpr[2]) != 2:
-            raise PubkeyFormatException("RSA keys must have an e,n pair")
-        e,n = sexpr[2]
-        key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((binaryToInt(n), binaryToInt(e)))
-        return RSAKey(key)
-    def format(self):
-        n = intToBinary(self.key.n)
-        e = intToBinary(self.key.e)
-        return ("pubkey", [("type", "rsa")], (e, n))
-    def getKeyID(self):
-        if self.keyid == None:
-            n = intToBinary(self.key.n)
-            e = intToBinary(self.key.e)
-            keyval = (e,n)
-            d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
-            sexp.encode.hash_canonical(keyval, d_obj)
-            self.keyid = ("rsa", d_obj.digest())
-        return self.keyid
-    def _digest(self, sexpr, method=None):
-        if method in (None, "sha256-pkcs1"):
-            d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
-            sexp.encode.hash_canonical(sexpr, d_obj)
-            digest = d_obj.digest()
-            return ("sha256-pkcs1", digest)
-        raise UnknownMethod(method)
-    def sign(self, sexpr=None, digest=None):
-        assert _xor(sexpr == None, digest == None)
-        if digest == None:
-            method, digest = self._digest(sexpr)
-        m = _pkcs1_padding(digest, (self.key.size()+1) // 8)
-        sig = intToBinary(self.key.sign(m, "")[0])
-        return (method, sig)
-    def checkSignature(self, method, sig, sexpr=None, digest=None):
-        assert _xor(sexpr == None, digest == None)
-        if method != "sha256-pkcs1":
-            raise UnknownMethod("method")
-        if digest == None:
-            method, digest = self._digest(sexpr, method)
-        sig = binaryToInt(sig)
-        m = _pkcs1_padding(digest, (self.key.size()+1) // 8)
-        return self.key.verify(m, (sig,))
-def secretToKey(salt, secret):
-    """Convert 'secret' to a 32-byte key, using a version of the algorithm
-       from RFC2440.  The salt must be SALTLEN+1 bytes long, and should
-       be random, except for the last byte, which encodes how time-
-       consuming the computation should be.
-       (The goal is to make offline password-guessing attacks harder by
-       increasing the time required to convert a password to a key, and to
-       make precomputed password tables impossible to generate by )
-    """
-    assert len(salt) == SALTLEN+1
-    # The algorithm is basically, 'call the last byte of the salt the
-    # "difficulty", and all other bytes of the salt S.  Now make
-    # an infinite stream of S|secret|S|secret|..., and hash the
-    # first N bytes of that, where N is determined by the difficulty.
-    #
-    # Obviously, this wants a hash algorithm that's tricky to
-    # parallelize.
-    #
-    # Unlike RFC2440, we use a 16-byte salt.  Because CPU times
-    # have improved, we start at 16 times the previous minimum.
-    difficulty = ord(salt[-1])
-    count = (16L+(difficulty & 15)) << ((difficulty >> 4) + 10)
-    # Make 'data' nice and long, so that we don't need to call update()
-    # a zillion times.
-    data = salt[:-1]+secret
-    if len(data)<1024:
-        data *= (1024 // len(data))+1
-    d = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
-    iters, leftover = divmod(count, len(data))
-    for _ in xrange(iters):
-        d.update(data)
-        #count -= len(data)
-    if leftover:
-        d.update(data[:leftover])
-        #count -= leftover
-    #assert count == 0
-    return d.digest()
-def encryptSecret(secret, password, difficulty=0x80):
-    """Encrypt the secret 'secret' using the password 'password',
-       and return the encrypted result."""
-    # The encrypted format is:
-    #    "GKEY1"  -- 5 octets, fixed, denotes data format.
-    #    SALT     -- 17 bytes, used to hash password
-    #    IV       -- 16 bytes; salt for encryption
-    #    ENCRYPTED IN AES256-OFB, using a key=s2k(password, salt) and IV=IV:
-    #       SLEN   -- 4 bytes; length of secret, big-endian.
-    #       SECRET -- len(secret) bytes
-    #       D      -- 32 bytes; SHA256 hash of (salt|secret|salt).
-    #
-    # This format leaks the secret length, obviously.
-    assert 0 <= difficulty < 256
-    salt = os.urandom(SALTLEN)+chr(difficulty)
-    key = secretToKey(salt, password)
-    d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
-    d_obj.update(salt)
-    d_obj.update(secret)
-    d_obj.update(salt)
-    d = d_obj.digest()
-    iv = os.urandom(16)
-    e = Crypto.Cipher.AES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
-    # Stupidly, pycrypto doesn't accept that stream ciphers don't need to
-    # take their input in blocks.  So pad it, then ignore the padded output.
-    padlen = 16-((len(secret)+len(d)+4) % 16)
-    if padlen == 16: padlen = 0
-    pad = '\x00' * padlen
-    slen = struct.pack("!L",len(secret))
-    encrypted = e.encrypt("%s%s%s%s" % (slen, secret, d, pad))[:-padlen]
-    return "GKEY1%s%s%s"%(salt, iv, encrypted)
-def decryptSecret(encrypted, password):
-    if encrypted[:5] != "GKEY1":
-        raise UnknownFormat()
-    encrypted = encrypted[5:]
-    if len(encrypted) < SALTLEN+1+16:
-        raise FormatError()
-    salt = encrypted[:SALTLEN+1]
-    iv = encrypted[SALTLEN+1:SALTLEN+1+16]
-    encrypted = encrypted[SALTLEN+1+16:]
-    key = secretToKey(salt, password)
-    e = Crypto.Cipher.AES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
-    padlen = 16-(len(encrypted) % 16)
-    if padlen == 16: padlen = 0
-    pad = '\x00' * padlen
-    decrypted = e.decrypt("%s%s"%(encrypted,pad))
-    slen = struct.unpack("!L", decrypted[:4])[0]
-    secret = decrypted[4:4+slen]
-    hash = decrypted[4+slen:4+slen+Crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest_size]
-    d = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
-    d.update(salt)
-    d.update(secret)
-    d.update(salt)
-    if d.digest() != hash:
-        print repr(decrypted)
-        raise BadPassword()
-    return secret

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/keys.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/keys.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/keys.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/keys.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# These require PyCrypto.
+import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
+import Crypto.Hash.SHA256
+import Crypto.Cipher.AES
+import cPickle as pickle
+import binascii
+import logging
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import simplejson
+import getpass
+import thandy.formats
+import thandy.util
+class PublicKey:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Confusingly, these roles are the ones used for a private key to
+        # remember what we're willing to do with it.
+        self._roles = []
+    def format(self):
+        raise NotImplemented()
+    def sign(self, data):
+        # returns a list of method,signature tuples.
+        raise NotImplemented()
+    def checkSignature(self, method, data, signature):
+        # returns True, False, or raises UnknownMethod.
+        raise NotImplemented()
+    def getKeyID(self):
+        raise NotImplemented()
+    def getRoles(self):
+        return self._roles
+    def addRole(self, role, path):
+        assert role in thandy.formats.ALL_ROLES
+        self._roles.append((role, path))
+    def clearRoles(self):
+        del self._roles[:]
+    def hasRole(self, role, path):
+        for r, p in self._roles:
+            if r == role and thandy.formats.rolePathMatches(p, path):
+                return True
+        return False
+if hex(1L).upper() == "0X1L":
+    def intToBinary(number):
+        """Convert an int or long into a big-endian series of bytes.
+        """
+        # This "convert-to-hex, then use binascii" approach may look silly,
+        # but it's over 10x faster than the Crypto.Util.number approach.
+        h = hex(long(number))
+        h = h[2:-1]
+        if len(h)%2:
+            h = "0"+h
+        return binascii.a2b_hex(h)
+elif hex(1L).upper() == "0X1":
+    def intToBinary(number):
+        h = hex(long(number))
+        h = h[2:]
+        if len(h)%2:
+            h = "0"+h
+        return binascii.a2b_hex(h)
+    import Crypto.Util.number
+    intToBinary = Crypto.Util.number.long_to_bytes
+    assert None
+def binaryToInt(binary):
+   """Convert a big-endian series of bytes into a long.
+   """
+   return long(binascii.b2a_hex(binary), 16)
+def intToBase64(number):
+    return thandy.formats.formatBase64(intToBinary(number))
+def base64ToInt(number):
+    return binaryToInt(thandy.formats.parseBase64(number))
+def _pkcs1_padding(m, size):
+    # I'd rather use OAEP+, but apparently PyCrypto barely supports
+    # signature verification, and doesn't seem to support signature
+    # verification with nondeterministic padding.  "argh."
+    s = [ "\x00\x01", "\xff"* (size-3-len(m)), "\x00", m ]
+    r = "".join(s)
+    return r
+def _xor(a,b):
+    if a:
+        return not b
+    else:
+        return b
+class RSAKey(PublicKey):
+    """
+    >>> k = RSAKey.generate(bits=512)
+    >>> obj = k.format()
+    >>> obj['_keytype']
+    'rsa'
+    >>> base64ToInt(obj['e'])
+    65537L
+    >>> k1 = RSAKey.fromJSon(obj)
+    >>> k1.key.e == k.key.e
+    True
+    >>> k1.key.n == k.key.n
+    True
+    >>> k.getKeyID() == k1.getKeyID()
+    True
+    >>> s = { 'A B C' : "D", "E" : [ "F", "g", 99] }
+    >>> method, sig = k.sign(obj=s)
+    >>> k.checkSignature(method, sig, obj=s)
+    True
+    >>> s2 = [ s ]
+    >>> k.checkSignature(method, sig, obj=s2)
+    False
+    """
+    def __init__(self, key):
+        PublicKey.__init__(self)
+        self.key = key
+        self.keyid = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def generate(bits=2048):
+        key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.generate(bits=bits, randfunc=os.urandom)
+        return RSAKey(key)
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromJSon(obj):
+        # obj must match RSAKEY_SCHEMA
+        thandy.formats.RSAKEY_SCHEMA.checkMatch(obj)
+        n = base64ToInt(obj['n'])
+        e = base64ToInt(obj['e'])
+        if obj.has_key('d'):
+            d = base64ToInt(obj['d'])
+            p = base64ToInt(obj['p'])
+            q = base64ToInt(obj['q'])
+            u = base64ToInt(obj['u'])
+            key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((n, e, d, p, q, u))
+        else:
+            key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((n, e))
+        result = RSAKey(key)
+        if obj.has_key('roles'):
+            for r, p in obj['roles']:
+                result.addRole(r,p)
+        return result
+    def isPrivateKey(self):
+        return hasattr(self.key, 'd')
+    def format(self, private=False, includeRoles=False):
+        n = intToBase64(self.key.n)
+        e = intToBase64(self.key.e)
+        result = { '_keytype' : 'rsa',
+                   'e' : e,
+                   'n' : n }
+        if private:
+            result['d'] = intToBase64(self.key.d)
+            result['p'] = intToBase64(self.key.p)
+            result['q'] = intToBase64(self.key.q)
+            result['u'] = intToBase64(self.key.u)
+        if includeRoles:
+            result['roles'] = self.getRoles()
+        return result
+    def getKeyID(self):
+        if self.keyid == None:
+            d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+            thandy.formats.getDigest(self.format(), d_obj)
+            self.keyid = thandy.formats.formatHash(d_obj.digest())
+        return self.keyid
+    def _digest(self, obj, method=None):
+        if method in (None, "sha256-pkcs1"):
+            d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+            thandy.formats.getDigest(obj, d_obj)
+            digest = d_obj.digest()
+            return ("sha256-pkcs1", digest)
+        raise UnknownMethod(method)
+    def sign(self, obj=None, digest=None):
+        assert _xor(obj == None, digest == None)
+        if digest == None:
+            method, digest = self._digest(obj)
+        m = _pkcs1_padding(digest, (self.key.size()+1) // 8)
+        sig = intToBase64(self.key.sign(m, "")[0])
+        return (method, sig)
+    def checkSignature(self, method, sig, obj=None, digest=None):
+        assert _xor(obj == None, digest == None)
+        if method != "sha256-pkcs1":
+            raise UnknownMethod("method")
+        if digest == None:
+            method, digest = self._digest(obj, method)
+        sig = base64ToInt(sig)
+        m = _pkcs1_padding(digest, (self.key.size()+1) // 8)
+        return bool(self.key.verify(m, (sig,)))
+def secretToKey(salt, secret):
+    """Convert 'secret' to a 32-byte key, using a version of the algorithm
+       from RFC2440.  The salt must be SALTLEN+1 bytes long, and should
+       be random, except for the last byte, which encodes how time-
+       consuming the computation should be.
+       (The goal is to make offline password-guessing attacks harder by
+       increasing the time required to convert a password to a key, and to
+       make precomputed password tables impossible to generate by )
+    """
+    assert len(salt) == SALTLEN+1
+    # The algorithm is basically, 'call the last byte of the salt the
+    # "difficulty", and all other bytes of the salt S.  Now make
+    # an infinite stream of S|secret|S|secret|..., and hash the
+    # first N bytes of that, where N is determined by the difficulty.
+    #
+    # Obviously, this wants a hash algorithm that's tricky to
+    # parallelize.
+    #
+    # Unlike RFC2440, we use a 16-byte salt.  Because CPU times
+    # have improved, we start at 16 times the previous minimum.
+    difficulty = ord(salt[-1])
+    count = (16L+(difficulty & 15)) << ((difficulty >> 4) + 10)
+    # Make 'data' nice and long, so that we don't need to call update()
+    # a zillion times.
+    data = salt[:-1]+secret
+    if len(data)<1024:
+        data *= (1024 // len(data))+1
+    d = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+    iters, leftover = divmod(count, len(data))
+    for _ in xrange(iters):
+        d.update(data)
+        #count -= len(data)
+    if leftover:
+        d.update(data[:leftover])
+        #count -= leftover
+    #assert count == 0
+    return d.digest()
+def encryptSecret(secret, password, difficulty=0x80):
+    """Encrypt the secret 'secret' using the password 'password',
+       and return the encrypted result."""
+    # The encrypted format is:
+    #    "GKEY1"  -- 5 octets, fixed, denotes data format.
+    #    SALT     -- 17 bytes, used to hash password
+    #    IV       -- 16 bytes; salt for encryption
+    #    ENCRYPTED IN AES256-OFB, using a key=s2k(password, salt) and IV=IV:
+    #       SLEN   -- 4 bytes; length of secret, big-endian.
+    #       SECRET -- len(secret) bytes
+    #       D      -- 32 bytes; SHA256 hash of (salt|secret|salt).
+    #
+    # This format leaks the secret length, obviously.
+    assert 0 <= difficulty < 256
+    salt = os.urandom(SALTLEN)+chr(difficulty)
+    key = secretToKey(salt, password)
+    d_obj = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+    d_obj.update(salt)
+    d_obj.update(secret)
+    d_obj.update(salt)
+    d = d_obj.digest()
+    iv = os.urandom(16)
+    e = Crypto.Cipher.AES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
+    # Stupidly, pycrypto doesn't accept that stream ciphers don't need to
+    # take their input in blocks.  So pad it, then ignore the padded output.
+    padlen = 16-((len(secret)+len(d)+4) % 16)
+    if padlen == 16: padlen = 0
+    pad = '\x00' * padlen
+    slen = struct.pack("!L",len(secret))
+    encrypted = e.encrypt("%s%s%s%s" % (slen, secret, d, pad))
+    if padlen:
+        encrypted = encrypted[:-padlen]
+    return "GKEY1%s%s%s"%(salt, iv, encrypted)
+def decryptSecret(encrypted, password):
+    """Decrypt a value encrypted with encryptSecret.  Raises UnknownFormat
+       or FormatError if 'encrypted' was not generated with encryptSecret.
+       Raises BadPassword if the password was not correct.
+    """
+    if encrypted[:5] != "GKEY1":
+        raise thandy.UnknownFormat()
+    encrypted = encrypted[5:]
+    if len(encrypted) < SALTLEN+1+16:
+        raise thandy.FormatException()
+    salt = encrypted[:SALTLEN+1]
+    iv = encrypted[SALTLEN+1:SALTLEN+1+16]
+    encrypted = encrypted[SALTLEN+1+16:]
+    key = secretToKey(salt, password)
+    e = Crypto.Cipher.AES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
+    padlen = 16-(len(encrypted) % 16)
+    if padlen == 16: padlen = 0
+    pad = '\x00' * padlen
+    decrypted = e.decrypt("%s%s"%(encrypted,pad))
+    slen = struct.unpack("!L", decrypted[:4])[0]
+    secret = decrypted[4:4+slen]
+    hash = decrypted[4+slen:4+slen+Crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest_size]
+    d = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.new()
+    d.update(salt)
+    d.update(secret)
+    d.update(salt)
+    if d.digest() != hash:
+        raise thandy.BadPassword()
+    return secret
+class KeyStore(thandy.formats.KeyDB):
+    def __init__(self, fname, encrypted=True):
+        thandy.formats.KeyDB.__init__(self)
+        self._loaded = None
+        self._fname = fname
+        self._passwd = None
+        self._encrypted = encrypted
+    def getpass(self, reprompt=False):
+        if self._passwd != None:
+            return self._passwd
+        while 1:
+            pwd = getpass.getpass("Password: ", sys.stderr)
+            if not reprompt:
+                return pwd
+            pwd2 = getpass.getpass("Confirm: ", sys.stderr)
+            if pwd == pwd2:
+                return pwd
+            else:
+                print "Mismatch; try again."
+    def load(self, password=None):
+        logging.info("Loading private keys from %r...", self._fname)
+        if not os.path.exists(self._fname):
+            logging.info("...no such file.")
+            self._loaded = True
+            return
+        if password is None and self._encrypted:
+            password = self.getpass()
+        contents = open(self._fname, 'rb').read()
+        if self._encrypted:
+            contents = decryptSecret(contents, password)
+        listOfKeys = simplejson.loads(contents)
+        self._passwd = password # It worked.
+        if not listOfKeys.has_key('keys'):
+            listOfKeys['keys'] = []
+        for obj in listOfKeys['keys']:
+            key = RSAKey.fromJSon(obj)
+            self.addKey(key)
+            logging.info("Loaded key %s", key.getKeyID())
+        self._loaded = True
+    def setPassword(self, passwd):
+        self._passwd = passwd
+    def clearPassword(self):
+        self._passwd = None
+    def save(self, password=None):
+        if not self._loaded and self._encrypted:
+            self.load(password)
+        if password is None:
+            password = self.getpass(True)
+        logging.info("Saving private keys into %r...", self._fname)
+        listOfKeys = { 'keys' :
+                       [ key.format(private=True, includeRoles=True) for key in
+                         self._keys.values() ]
+                       }
+        contents = simplejson.dumps(listOfKeys)
+        if self._encrypted:
+            contents = encryptSecret(contents, password)
+        thandy.util.replaceFile(self._fname, contents)
+        self._passwd = password # It worked.
+        logging.info("Done.")

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/master_keys.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/master_keys.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/master_keys.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/master_keys.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

Deleted: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/repository.py
--- updater/trunk/lib/glider/repository.py	2008-10-06 10:23:52 UTC (rev 17049)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/repository.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-import sexp.parse
-import sexp.access
-import glider.formats
-import os
-import threading
-class RepositoryFile:
-    def __init__(self, repository, relativePath, schema,
-                 needRole=None, signedFormat=True, needSigs=1):
-        self._repository = repository
-        self._relativePath = relativePath
-        self._schema = schema
-        self._needRole = needRole
-        self._signedFormat = signedFormat
-        self._needSigs = needSigs
-        self._signed_sexpr = None
-        self._main_sexpr = None
-        self._mtime = None
-    def getPath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self._repository._root, self._relativePath)
-    def _load(self):
-        fname = self.getPath()
-        # Propagate OSError
-        f = None
-        fd = os.open(fname, os.O_RDONLY)
-        try:
-            f = os.fdopen(fd, 'r')
-        except:
-            os.close(fd)
-            raise
-        try:
-            mtime = os.fstat(fd).st_mtime
-            content = f.read()
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        signed_sexpr,main_sexpr = self._checkContent(content)
-        self._signed_sexpr = signed_sexpr
-        self._main_sexpr = main_sexpr
-        self._mtime = mtime
-    def _save(self, content=None):
-        if content == None:
-            content = sexpr.encode
-        signed_sexpr,main_sexpr = self._checkContent(content)
-        fname = self.getPath()
-        fname_tmp = fname+"_tmp"
-        fd = os.open(fname_tmp, os.WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
-        try:
-            os.write(fd, contents)
-        finally:
-            os.close(fd)
-        if sys.platform in ('cygwin', 'win32'):
-            # Win32 doesn't let rename replace an existing file.
-            try:
-                os.unlink(fname)
-            except OSError:
-                pass
-        os.rename(fname_tmp, fname)
-        self._signed_sexpr = signed_sexpr
-        self._main_sexpr = main_sexpr
-        self._mtime = mtime
-    def _checkContent(self, content):
-        sexpr = sexp.parse.parse(content)
-        if not sexpr:
-            raise ParseError()
-        if self._signedFormat:
-            if not glider.formats.SIGNED_SCHEMA.matches(sexpr):
-                raise FormatError()
-            sigs = checkSignatures(sexpr, self._repository._keyDB,
-                                   self._needRole, self._relativePath)
-            good = sigs[0]
-            # XXXX If good is too low but unknown is high, we may need
-            # a new key file.
-            if len(good) < 1:
-                raise SignatureError()
-            main_sexpr = sexpr[1]
-            signed_sexpr = sexpr
-        else:
-            signed_sexpr = None
-            main_sexpr = sexpr
-        if self._schema != None and not self._schema.matches(main_sexpr):
-            raise FormatError()
-        return signed_sexpr, main_sexpr
-    def load(self):
-        if self._main_sexpr == None:
-            self._load()
-class LocalRepository:
-    def __init__(self, root):
-        self._root = root
-        self._keyDB = None
-        self._keylistFile = RepositoryFile(
-            self, "meta/keys.txt", glider.formats.KEYLIST_SCHEMA,
-            needRole="master")
-        self._timestampFile = RepositoryFile(
-            self, "meta/timestamp.txt", glider.formats.TIMESTAMP_SCHEMA,
-            needRole="timestamp")
-        self._mirrorlistFile = RepositoryFile(
-            self, "meta/mirrors.txt", glider.formats.MIRRORLIST_SCHEMA,
-            needRole="mirrors")

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/repository.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/repository.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/repository.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/repository.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import thandy.formats
+import thandy.util
+import simplejson
+import logging
+import os
+import threading
+import time
+class RepositoryFile:
+    def __init__(self, repository, relativePath, schema,
+                 needRole=None, signedFormat=True, needSigs=1):
+        self._repository = repository
+        self._relativePath = relativePath
+        self._schema = schema
+        self._needRole = needRole
+        self._signedFormat = signedFormat
+        self._needSigs = needSigs
+        self._signed_obj = self._main_obj = None
+        self._sigStatus = None
+        self._mtime = None
+    def getRelativePath(self):
+        return self._relativePath
+    def getPath(self):
+        return self._repository.getFilename(self._relativePath)
+    def _load(self):
+        fname = self.getPath()
+        # Propagate OSError
+        f = None
+        fd = os.open(fname, os.O_RDONLY)
+        try:
+            f = os.fdopen(fd, 'r')
+        except:
+            os.close(fd)
+            raise
+        try:
+            mtime = os.fstat(fd).st_mtime
+            content = f.read()
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        signed_obj,main_obj = self._checkContent(content)
+        self._signed_obj = signed_obj
+        self._main_obj = main_obj
+        self._mtime = mtime
+    def _save(self, content=None):
+        if content == None:
+            content = sexpr.encode
+        signed_obj,main_obj = self._checkContent(content)
+        fname = self.getPath()
+        thandy.util.replaceFile(fname, contents)
+        self._signed_obj = signed_obj
+        self._main_obj = main_obj
+        self._mtime = mtime
+    def _checkContent(self, content):
+        try:
+            obj = simplejson.loads(content)
+        except ValueError, e:
+            raise thandy.FormatException("Couldn't decode content: %s"%e)
+        if self._signedFormat:
+            # This is supposed to be signed.
+            thandy.formats.SIGNED_SCHEMA.checkMatch(obj)
+            main_obj = obj['signed']
+            signed_obj = obj
+        else:
+            signed_obj = None
+            main_obj = obj
+        if self._schema != None:
+            self._schema.checkMatch(main_obj)
+        return signed_obj, main_obj
+    def load(self):
+        if self._main_obj == None:
+            self._load()
+    def get(self):
+        return self._main_obj
+    def isLoaded(self):
+        return self._main_obj != None
+    def getContent(self):
+        self.load()
+        return self._main_obj
+    def _checkSignatures(self):
+        self.load()
+        sigStatus = thandy.formats.checkSignatures(self._signed_obj,
+                                     self._repository._keyDB,
+                                     self._needRole, self._relativePath)
+        self._sigStatus = sigStatus
+    def checkSignatures(self):
+        if self._sigStatus is None:
+            self._checkSignatures()
+        return self._sigStatus
+class LocalRepository:
+    def __init__(self, root):
+        self._root = root
+        self._keyDB = thandy.util.getKeylist(None)
+        self._keylistFile = RepositoryFile(
+            self, "/meta/keys.txt", thandy.formats.KEYLIST_SCHEMA,
+            needRole="master")
+        self._timestampFile = RepositoryFile(
+            self, "/meta/timestamp.txt", thandy.formats.TIMESTAMP_SCHEMA,
+            needRole="timestamp")
+        self._mirrorlistFile = RepositoryFile(
+            self, "/meta/mirrors.txt", thandy.formats.MIRRORLIST_SCHEMA,
+            needRole="mirrors")
+        self._metaFiles = [ self._keylistFile,
+                            self._timestampFile,
+                            self._mirrorlistFile ]
+        self._packageFiles = {}
+        self._bundleFiles = {}
+    def getFilename(self, relativePath):
+        if relativePath.startswith("/"):
+            relativePath = relativePath[1:]
+        return os.path.join(self._root, relativePath)
+    def getKeylistFile(self):
+        return self._keylistFile
+    def getTimestampFile(self):
+        return self._timestampFile
+    def getMirrorlistFile(self):
+        return self._mirrorlistFile
+    def getPackageFile(self, relPath):
+        try:
+            return self._packageFiles[relPath]
+        except KeyError:
+            self._packageFiles[relPath] = pkg = RepositoryFile(
+                self, relPath, thandy.formats.PACKAGE_SCHEMA,
+                needRole='package')
+            return pkg
+    def getBundleFile(self, relPath):
+        try:
+            return self._bundleFiles[relPath]
+        except KeyError:
+            self._bundleFiles[relPath] = pkg = RepositoryFile(
+                self, relPath, thandy.formats.BUNDLE_SCHEMA,
+                needRole='bundle')
+            return pkg
+    def getFilesToUpdate(self, now=None, trackingBundles=()):
+        if now == None:
+            now = time.time()
+        need = set()
+        # Fetch missing metafiles.
+        for f in self._metaFiles:
+            try:
+                f.load()
+            except OSError, e:
+                print "need", f.getPath()
+                logging.info("Couldn't load %s: %s.  Must fetch it.",
+                             f.getPath(), e)
+                need.add(f.getRelativePath())
+        # If the timestamp file is out of date, we need to fetch it no
+        # matter what.  (Even if it is isn't signed, it can't possibly
+        # be good.)
+        ts = self._timestampFile.get()
+        if ts:
+            age = now - thandy.formats.parseTime(ts['at'])
+            ts = thandy.formats.TimestampFile.fromJSon(ts)
+            if age > MAX_TIMESTAMP_AGE:
+                need.add(self._timestampFile.getRelativePath())
+        # If the keylist isn't signed right, we can't check the
+        # signatures on anything else.
+        if self._keylistFile.get():
+            s = self._keylistFile.checkSignatures()
+            if not s.isValid(): # For now only require one master key.
+                need.add(self._keylistFile.getRelativePath())
+        if need:
+            return need
+        # Import the keys from the keylist.
+        self._keyDB.addFromKeylist(self._keylistFile.get())
+        # If the timestamp isn't signed right, get a new timestamp and a
+        # new keylist.
+        s = self._timestampFile.checkSignatures()
+        if not s.isValid():
+            need.add(self._keylistFile.getRelativePath())
+            need.add(self._timestampFile.getRelativePath())
+            return need
+        # FINALLY, we know we have an up-to-date, signed timestamp
+        # file.  Check whether the keys and mirrors file are as
+        # authenticated.
+        h_kf = thandy.formats.getDigest(self._keylistFile.get())
+        h_expected = ts.getKeylistInfo().getHash()
+        if h_kf != h_expected:
+            need.add(self._keylistFile.getRelativePath())
+        if need:
+            return need
+        s = self._mirrorlistFile.checkSignatures()
+        if not s.isValid():
+            need.add(self._mirrorlistFile.getRelativePath())
+        h_mf = thandy.formats.getDigest(self._mirrorlistFile.get())
+        h_expected = ts.getMirrorlistInfo().getHash()
+        if h_mf != h_expected:
+            need.add(self._mirrorlistFile.getRelativePath())
+        if need:
+            return need
+        # Okay; that's it for the metadata.  Do we have the right
+        # bundles?
+        bundles = {}
+        for b in trackingBundles:
+            try:
+                binfo = ts.getBundleInfo(b)
+            except KeyError:
+                logging.warn("Unrecognized bundle %s"%b)
+                continue
+            rp = binfo.getRelativePath()
+            bfile = self.getBundleFile(rp)
+            try:
+                bfile.load()
+            except OSError:
+                need.add(rp)
+                continue
+            h_b = thandy.formats.getDigest(bfile.get())
+            h_expected = binfo.getHash()
+            if h_b != h_expected:
+                need.add(rp)
+                continue
+            s = bfile.checkSignatures()
+            if not s.isValid():
+                # Can't actually use it.
+                continue
+            bundles[rp] = bfile
+        # Okay.  So we have some bundles.  See if we have their packages.
+        packages = {}
+        for bfile in bundles.values():
+            bundle = bfile.get()
+            for pkginfo in bundle['packages']:
+                rp = pkginfo['path']
+                pfile = self.getPackageFile(rp)
+                try:
+                    pfile.load()
+                except OSError:
+                    need.add(rp)
+                    continue
+                h_p = thandy.formats.getDigest(pfile.get())
+                h_expected = thandy.formats.parseHash(pkginfo['hash'])
+                if h_p != h_expected:
+                    need.add(rp)
+                    continue
+                s = pfile.checkSignatures()
+                if not s.isValid():
+                    # Can't use it.
+                    continue
+                packages[rp] = pfile
+        # Finally, we have some packages.  Do we have their underlying
+        # files?
+        for pfile in packages.values():
+            package = pfile.get()
+            for f in package['files']:
+                rp, h = f[:2]
+                h_expected = thandy.formats.parseHash(h)
+                fn = self.getFilename(rp)
+                try:
+                    h_got = thandy.formats.getFileDigest(fn)
+                except OSError:
+                    need.add(rp)
+                    continue
+                if h_got != h_expected:
+                    need.add(rp)
+        # Okay; these are the files we need.
+        return need

Deleted: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/tests.py
--- updater/trunk/lib/glider/tests.py	2008-10-06 10:23:52 UTC (rev 17049)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/tests.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import doctest
-import glider.keys
-import glider.formats
-import glider.repository
-import glider.tests
-class EncryptionTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    pass
-def suite():
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(glider.formats))
-    suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(glider.keys))
-    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-    suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromModule(glider.tests))
-    return suite
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite())

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/tests.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/tests.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/tests.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/tests.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import unittest
+import doctest
+import os
+import tempfile
+import thandy.keys
+import thandy.formats
+import thandy.repository
+import thandy.checkJson
+import thandy.tests
+class CanonicalEncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_encode(self):
+        enc = thandy.formats.encodeCanonical
+        self.assertEquals(enc(''), '""')
+        self.assertEquals(enc('"'), '"\\""')
+        self.assertEquals(enc('\t\\\n"\r'),
+                          '"\t\\\\\n\\"\r"')
+class CryptoTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_encrypt(self):
+        s = "The Secret words are marzipan habidashery zeugma."
+        password = "the password is swordfish."
+        encrypted = thandy.keys.encryptSecret(s, password)
+        self.assertNotEquals(encrypted, s)
+        self.assert_(encrypted.startswith("GKEY1"))
+        self.assertEquals(s, thandy.keys.decryptSecret(encrypted, password))
+        self.assertRaises(thandy.BadPassword, thandy.keys.decryptSecret,
+                          encrypted, "password")
+        self.assertRaises(thandy.UnknownFormat, thandy.keys.decryptSecret,
+                          "foobar", password)
+    def test_keystore(self):
+        passwd = "umfitty noonah"
+        fname = tempfile.mktemp()
+        ks = thandy.keys.KeyStore(fname)
+        key1 = thandy.keys.RSAKey.generate(512)
+        key2 = thandy.keys.RSAKey.generate(512)
+        ks.addKey(key1)
+        ks.addKey(key2)
+        ks.save(passwd)
+        ks2 = thandy.keys.KeyStore(fname)
+        ks2.load(passwd)
+        self.assertEquals(key1.key.n, ks2.getKey(key1.getKeyID()).key.n)
+def suite():
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(thandy.formats))
+    suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(thandy.keys))
+    suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(thandy.checkJson))
+    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+    suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromModule(thandy.tests))
+    return suite
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite())

Copied: updater/trunk/lib/thandy/util.py (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/lib/glider/util.py)
--- updater/trunk/lib/thandy/util.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/lib/thandy/util.py	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import simplejson
+import thandy.formats
+import thandy.keys
+import thandy.master_keys
+def moveFile(fromLocation, toLocation):
+    if sys.platform in ('cygwin', 'win32'):
+        # Win32 doesn't let rename replace an existing file.
+        try:
+            os.unlink(toLocation)
+        except OSError:
+            pass
+    os.rename(fromLocation, toLocation)
+def replaceFile(fname, contents, textMode=False):
+    """overwrite the file in 'fname' atomically with the content of 'contents'
+    """
+    dir, prefix = os.path.split(fname)
+    fd, fname_tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, dir=dir, text=textMode)
+    try:
+        os.write(fd, contents)
+    finally:
+        os.close(fd)
+    moveFile(fname_tmp, fname)
+def userFilename(name):
+    try:
+        base = os.environ["THANDY_HOME"]
+    except KeyError:
+        base = "~/.thandy"
+    base = os.path.expanduser(base)
+    if not os.path.exists(base):
+        os.makedirs(base, 0700)
+    return os.path.join(base, name)
+def getKeylist(keys_fname, checkKeys=True):
+    import thandy.master_keys
+    keydb = thandy.formats.Keylist()
+    for key in thandy.master_keys.MASTER_KEYS:
+        keydb.addKey(key)
+    user_keys = userFilename("preload_keys")
+    if os.path.exists(user_keys):
+        #XXXX somewhat roundabout.
+        keylist = thandy.formats.makeKeylistObj(user_keys)
+        keydb.addFromKeylist(keylist, allowMasterKeys=True)
+    if keys_fname and os.path.exists(keys_fname):
+        f = open(keys_fname, 'r')
+        try:
+            obj = simplejson.load(f)
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        ss, role, path = thandy.formats.checkSignedObj(obj, keydb)
+        if role != 'master':
+            raise thandy.FormatException("%s wasn't a keylist."%keys_fname)
+        if checkKeys and not ss.isValid():
+            raise thandy.FormatException("%s not signed by enough master keys"%
+                                         keys_fname)
+        keydb.addFromKeylist(obj['signed'], allowMasterKeys=False)
+    return keydb

Deleted: updater/trunk/specs/glider-spec.txt
--- updater/trunk/specs/glider-spec.txt	2008-10-14 05:04:40 UTC (rev 17084)
+++ updater/trunk/specs/glider-spec.txt	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
-             Glider: Automatic updates for Tor bundles
-0. Preliminaries
-0.0. Scope
-   This document describes a system for distributing Tor binary bundle
-   updates.
-0.1. Proposed code name
-   Since "auto-update" is so generic, I've been thinking about going with
-   "glider", based on the sugar glider you get when you search for "handy
-   pocket creature".  I haven't yet done a search to find out whether
-   somebody else is using the name, so we shouldn't get too attached to it
-   before we see if it's taken.
-0.2. Non-goals
-   This is not meant to replace any existing download mechanism for
-   users who prefer that mechanism.  For example, just downloading
-   source will still work fine.
-   Similarly, we're not trying to force users who do not want to use
-   downloaded binaries to use them, or to force users who do not want
-   automatic updates to get them.  {This should be obvious, but enough
-   people have asked that I'm putting it in the document.}
-   This is not a general-purpose package manager like yum or apt: it
-   assumes that users will want to have one or more of a set of
-   "bundles", not an arbitrary selection of packages dependant on one
-   another.  (Rationale: these systems do what they do pretty well.)
-   This is also not a general-purpose package format.  It assumes the
-   existence of an external package format that can handle install,
-   update, remove, and version query.
-0.3. Goals
-   Once Tor was a single executable that you could just run.  Then it
-   required Privoxy.  Now, thanks to the Tor Browser Bundle and related
-   projects, a full installation can contain Tor, Privoxy, Torbutton,
-   Firefox, and more.
-   We need to keep this software updated.  When we make security fixes,
-   quick uptake helps narrow the window in which attackers can exploit
-   them.
-   We need updates to be easy.  Each additional step a user must take to
-   get updated means that more users will stay with older insecure
-   versions.
-   We need updates to be secure.  We're supposed to be good at crypto;
-   let's act like it.  There is no good reason in this day and age to
-   subject users to rollback attacks or unsigned packages or whatever.
-   We need administration to be simple.  Tor doesn't have a release
-   engineering team, so we can't add too many hard steps to putting out
-   a new release.
-   The system should be easy to implement; we may need to do multiple
-   implementations on the client side at least.
-0.3.1. Goals for package formats and PKIs
-   It should be possible to mirror a repository using only rsync and
-   cron.
-   Separate keys should be used for different people and different
-   roles.
-   Only a minimal set of keys should have to be kept online to keep
-   the system running.
-   The system should handle any single computer or system or person
-   being unavailable.
-   The formats and protocols should be pretty future-proof.
-1. System overview
-   The basic unit of updatability is a "bundle".  A bundle is a set of
-   software components, or "packages", plus some rules about installing
-   them.  Example bundles could be "Tor Browser, stable series" or
-   "Basic Tor, development series".
-   When Glider has responsibility for keeping a bundle up to date, we
-   say that a user has "subscribed" to that bundle.
-   Conceptually, there are four parts to keeping a bundle up to date:
-      Polling:
-        - Periodically, Glider asks a mirror whether there is a newer
-          version of some bundle that a user has subscribed to.  If so,
-          Glider determines what's in the bundle.
-      Fetching:
-        - If the bundle contains packages that Glider hasn't installed
-          or hasn't cached, it needs to download them from a mirror.
-          This can happen over any protocol; v1 should support at least
-          http and https-over-Tor.  V1 should also support resuming
-          partial downloads, since many users have unreliable
-          connections.
-          Later versions could support Bittorrent, or whatever.
-      Validation:
-        - Throughout the process, Glider must ensure that all the
-          bundles are signed correctly, all the packages are signed
-          correctly, and everything is up-to-date.
-          We want to specify this so that users can't be tricked about
-          the contents of a bundle, can't install a malicious package,
-          and can't be fooled into believing that an old bundle is
-          actually the latest.
-      Installation:
-        - Now Glider has a set of packages to install.  The format of
-          these packages will be platform-dependent: they could be pkg
-          files on OSX, MSI files on Win32, RPMs or DEBs on Linux, and
-          so on.  Glider should query the user for permission to start
-          installing packages, then install the packages.  All other
-          steps should generally happen automatically, in the
-          background, without needing user intervention.  This part
-          needs user intervention because (A) it isn't nice to install
-          updates without permission, and (B) in some configurations,
-          it needs administrator privileges.
-          (NO OTHER PART of this design needs administrator privileges.)
-1.1. The repository
-   Each Glider instance knows about one or more "repositories".  A
-   repository is a filesystem somewhere that contains the packages in a
-   set of bundles, and some associated metadata.  A repository must
-   exist at one or more canonical hosts, and may have a number of full
-   or partial mirrors.
-   In v1, each Glider instance will know about only one repository.
-1.2. The PKI
-   The trust root for the whole system is, necessarily, whatever users
-   download when they first download a copy of Glider.  We need to make
-   sure that the first download happens from a site we trust, using
-   HTTPS.
-   Glider ships with root keys, which in turn are used to verify the
-   keys for all the other roles.  There are a few root keys, operated by
-   trusted admins for the system.  If root keys ever need to be changed,
-   we can just ship an update of Glider: it's supposed to be
-   self-updating anyway.
-   The root keys are only used to sign a 'key list' of all the other
-   keys and their roles.  A key list is valid if it has been signed by a
-   threshold of root keys.
-   Each package is signed with the key of its authorized builder.  For
-   example, one volunteer may be authorized to build the mac versions of
-   several packages, and another may be authorized to build the windows
-   version of just one.
-   Each bundle is signed with the key of its maintainer.  It's assumed
-   that the bundle maintainer might be the package maintainer for some
-   but not all of the packages.
-   The list of mirrors is also signed.  If the mirror list is
-   automatically updated, this key must be kept online; otherwise, it
-   can be offline.
-   To prevent an adversary from replaying an out-of-date signed
-   document, an automated process periodically signs a timestamped
-   statement containing the hashes of the mirror list, the latest
-   bundles, and the key list, using yet another special-purpose key.
-   This key must be kept online.
-1.3. Threat Model And Analysis
-   We assume an adversary who can operate compromised mirrors, and who
-   can possibly compromise the main repository.  At worst, such an
-   adversary can DOS users in a way that they can detect.
-   We're assuming for the moment an OSX/Win32-like execution model,
-   where all packages will run equal privilege, but occasionally
-   installation will require higher privilege.  This means that once a
-   hostile package is installed, it can basically do whatever it
-   wants.  As rootkit writers demonstrate, compromise is really
-   tenuous: any attacker who can induce a user to install a hostile
-   piece of code has, in effect, permanently compromised that user
-   until they reinstall.
-   Thus, if an adversary compromises enough keys to sign a compromised
-   package, or tricks a packager into signing a compromised package,
-   and manages to get that package into a signed bundle, the best we
-   can do is to limit the number of users who are affected.  We do
-   this by compartmentalizing signing keys so that only the package
-   and bundle in question are at risk.
-   (If we had replicated build processes and a bit-by-bit reliable
-   build process, we could have multiple packagers test that a binary
-   was built properly, and multiply sign it.  This would be effective
-   against an adversary compromising a single packaging key, but not
-   against one compromising a source repository.)
-2. The repository layout
-   The filesystem layout in the repository is used for two purposes:
-     - To give mirrors an easy way to mirror only some of the repository.
-     - To specify which parts of the repository a given key has the
-       authority to sign.
-   The following files exist in all repositories and mirrors:
-    /meta/keys.txt
-         Signed by the root keys; indicates keys and roles.
-         [???? I'm using the txt extension here.  Is that smart?]
-    /meta/mirrors.txt
-         Signed by the mirror key; indicates which parts of the
-         repository are mirrored at what mirrors.
-    /meta/timestamp.txt
-         Signed by the timestamp key; indicates hashes and timestamps
-         for the latest versions of keys.txt and mirrors.txt.  Also
-         indicates the latest version of each bundle for each os/arch.
-         This is the only file that needs to be downloaded for polling.
-    /bundleinfo/bundlename/os-arch/bundlename-os-arch-bundleversion.txt
-         Signed by the appropriate bundle key.  Describes what
-         packages make up a bundle, and what order to install,
-         uninstall, and upgrade them in.
-    /pkginfo/packagename/os-arch/version/packagename-os-arch-packageversion.txt
-         Signed by the appropriate package key.  Tells the name of the
-         file that makes up a package, its hash, and what procedure
-         is used to install it.
-    /packages/packagename/os-arch/version/(some filename)
-         The actual package file.  Its naming convention will depend
-         on the underlying packaging system.
-3. Document formats
-3.1. Metaformat
-   All documents use Rivest's SEXP meta-format as documented at
-     http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/sexp.html
-   with the restriction that no "display hint" fields are to be used,
-   and the base64 transit encoding isn't used either.
-   (We use SEXP because it's really easy to parse, really portable,
-   and unlike most other tagged data formats, has a
-   trivially-specified canonical format suitable for hashing.)
-   In descriptions of syntax below, we use regex-style qualifiers, so
-   that in
-        (sofa slipcover? occupant* leg+)
-   the sofa will have an optional slipcover, zero or more occupants,
-   and one or more legs.  This pattern matches (sofa leg) and (sofa
-   slipcover occupant occupant leg leg leg leg) but not (sofa leg
-   slipcover).
-   We also use a braces notation to indicate elements that can occur
-   in any order.  For example,
-        (bread {flour+ eggs? yeast})
-   matches a list starting with "bread", and then containing one or
-   more  of flours, zero or one occurrences of eggs, and one
-   occurrence of yeast, in any order.  This pattern matches (bread eggs
-   yeast flour) but not (bread yeast) or (bread flour eggs yeast
-   macadamias).
-3.2. File formats: general principles
-   We use tagged lists (lists whose first element is a string) to
-   indicate typed objects.  Tags are generally lower-case, with
-   hyphens used for separation.  Think Lispy.
-   We use attrlists [lists of (key value) lists] to indicate a
-   multimap from keys to values.  Clients MUST accept unrecognized
-   keys in these attrlists.  The syntax for an attrlist with two
-   recognized and required keys is typically given as ({(key1 val1)
-   (key2 val2) (ATTR VAL)*}), indicating that the keys can occur in
-   any order, intermixed with other attributes.
-   Timestamp files will be downloaded very frequently; all other files
-   will be much smaller in size than package files.  Thus,
-   size-optimization for timestamp files makes sense and most other
-   other space optimizations don't.
-   Versions are represented as lists of the form (v I1 I2 I3 I4 ...)
-   where each item is a number or alphanumeric version component.  For
-   example, the version "" is represented as (v 0 2 1 5
-   alpha).
-   All signed files are of the format:
-       (signed
-          X
-          (signature ({(keyid K) (method M) (ATTR VAL)*}) SIG)+
-       )
-       { "_type" : "Signed",
-         "signed" : X,
-         "sigatures" : [
-            { "keyid" : K,
-              "method" : M,
-              ...
-              "sig" : S } ]
-   where: X is a list whose first element describes the signed object.
-          K is the identifier of a key signing the document
-          M is the method to be used to make the signature
-          (ATTR VAL) is an arbitrary list whose first element is a
-             string.
-          SIG is a signature of the canonical encoding of X using the
-          identified key.
-   We define two signing methods at present:
-       sha256-oaep : A signature of the SHA256 hash of the canonical
-         encoding of X, using OAEP+ padding. [XXXX say more about mgf]
-   All times are given as strings of the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
-   in UTC.
-   All keys are of the format:
-      (pubkey ({(type TYPE) (ATTR VAL)*}) KEYVAL)
-      { "_keytype" : TYPE,
-         ...
-        "keyval" : KEYVAL }
-   where TYPE is a string describing the type of the key and how it's
-   used to sign documents.  The type determines the interpretation of
-   The ID of a key is a two-element list of the type and the SHA-256
-   hash of the canonical encoding of the KEYVAL field.
-   We define one keytype at present: 'rsa'.  The KEYVAL in this case
-   is a 2-element list of (e n), with both values given in big-endian
-   binary format.  [This makes keys 45-60% more compact than using
-   decimal integers.]
-      {Values given as integers.}
-      {'e' : e, 'n' : n, big-endian hex. }
-   All RSA keys must be at least 2048 bits long.
-   Every role in the system is associated with a key.  Replacing
-   anything but a root key is supposed to be relatively easy.
-   Root-keys sign other keys, and certify them as belonging to roles.
-   Clients are configured to know the root keys.
-   Bundle keys certify the contents of a bundle.
-   Package keys certify packages for a given program or set of
-   programs.
-   Mirror keys certify a list of mirrors.  We expect this to be an
-   automated process.
-   Timestamp keys certify that given versions of other metadata
-   documents are up-to-date.  They are the only keys that absolutely
-   need to be kept online.  (If they are not, timestamps won't be
-   generated.)
-3.3. File formats: key list
-   The key list file is signed by multiple root keys.  It indicates
-   which keys are authorized to sign which parts of the repository.
-   (keylist
-     (ts TIME)
-     (keys
-       ((key ({(roles (ROLE PATH)+) (ATTR VAL)*}) KEY)*)
-     ...
-   )
-     { "_type" : "Keylist",
-       "ts" : TIME,
-       "keys" : [
-           { "roles" : [ [ ROLE, PATH ], ... ],
-             ...
-             "key" : KEY }, ... ] }
-   The "ts" line describes when the keys file was updated.  Clients
-   MUST NOT replace a file with an older one, and SHOULD NOT accept a
-   file too far in the future.
-   A ROLE is one of "timestamp" "mirrors" "bundle" or "package".
-   PATH is a path relative to the top of the directory hierarchy.  It
-   may contain "*" elements to indicate "any file", and may end with a
-   "/**" element to indicate all files under a given point.
-3.4. File formats: mirror list
-   The mirror list is signed by a mirror key.  It indicates which
-   mirrors are active and believed to be mirroring which parts of the
-   repository.
-   (mirrorlist
-     (ts TIME)
-     (mirrors
-       ( (mirror ({(name N) (urlbase U) (contents PATH+) (weight W)
-                   (official)?  (ATTR VAL)})) * )
-     ...
-    )
-    { "_type" : "Mirrorlist",
-      "mirrors" : [
-         { "name" : N,
-           "urlbase" : U,
-           "contents" : [PATH ... ] ,
-           "weight" : W,
-           "official" : BOOL,
-           ...
-         }, ... ]
-    }
-  Every mirror is a copy of some or all of the directory hierarchy
-  containing at least the /meta, /bundles/, and /pkginfo directories.
-  N is a descriptive name for the mirror; U is the URL of the mirror's
-  base (i.e., the parent of the "meta" directory); and the PATH
-  elements are the components describing how much of the packages
-  directory is mirrored.  Their format is as in the keylist file.
-  W is an integer used to weight mirrors when picking at random;
-  mirrors with more bandwidth should have higher weigths.   The
-  "official" element should only be present if the mirror is (one of
-  the) official repositories operated by the Tor Project.
-3.5. File formats: timestamp files
-  The timestamp file is signed by a timestamp key.  It indicates the
-  latest versions of other files, and contains a regularly updated
-  timestamp to prevent rollback attacks.
-  (ts
-    ({(at TIME)
-  )
-    { "_type" : Timestamp,
-      "at" : TIME,
-      "m" : [ TIME, HASH ],
-      "k" : [ TIME, HASH ],
-      "b" : { NAME :
-                 [ [ Version, Path, Time, Hash ] ] }
-    }
-  TIME is when the timestamp was signed.  MIRRORLISTHASH is the digest
-  of the mirror-list file; KEYLISTHASH is the digest of the key list
-  file; and the 'b' entries are a list of the latest version of all
-  bundles and their locations and hashes.
-3.6. File formats: bundle files
-  (bundle
-    (at TIME)
-    (os OS)
-    [(arch ARCH)]
-    (version V)
-    (packages
-                                (optional)?
-                                (gloss LANG TEXT)*
-                                (longloss LANG TEXT)*
-                                 (ATTR VAL)*})? )* )
-  )
-     { "_type" : "Bundle",
-       "name" : NAME,
-       "at" : TIME,
-       "os" : OS,
-       [ "arch" : ARCH, ]
-       "version" : V
-       "packages" :
-          [ { "name" : NAME,
-              "version" : VERSION,
-              "path" : PATH,
-              "hash" : HASH,
-              "order" : [ INST, UPDATE, REMOVE ],
-              [ "optional : BOOL, ]
-              "gloss" : { LANG : TEXT },
-              "longgloss" : { LANG : TEXT },
-              } ] }
-  Most elements are self-explanatory; the INST, UPDATE, and REMOVE
-  elements of the order element are numbers defining the order in
-  which the packages are installed, updated, and removed respectively.
-  The "optional" element is present if the package is optional.
-  "Gloss" is a short utf-8 human-readable string explaining what the
-  package provides for the bundle; "longloss" is a longer such
-  utf-8 string.
-  (Note that the gloss strings are meant, not to describe the package,
-  but to describe what the package provides for the bundle.  For
-  example, "The Anonymous Email Bundle needs the Python Runtime to run
-  Mixminion.")
-  Multiple gloss strings are allowed; each should have a different
-  language. The UI should display the must appropriate language to the
-  user.
-3.7. File formats: package files
-  (package
-    ({(name NAME)
-     (version VERSION)
-     (format FMT ((ATTR VAL)*)? )
-     (path PATH)
-     (ts TIME)
-     (digest HASH)
-     (shortdesc LANG TEXT)*
-     (longdesc LANG TEXT)*
-     (ATTR VAL)* })
-  )
-  Most elements are self-explanatory.  The "FMT" element describes the
-  file format of the package, which should give enough information
-  about how to install it.
-  No two package files in the same repository should have the same
-  name and version.  If a package needs to be changed, the version
-  MUST be incremented.
-  Descriptions are tagged with languages in the same way as glosses.
-4. Detailed Workflows
-4.1. The client application
-  Periodically, the client updater fetches a timestamp file from a
-  mirror.  If the timestamp in the file is up-to-date, the client
-  first checks to see whether the keys file listed is one that the
-  client has.  If not, the client fetches it, makes sure the hash of
-  the keys file matches the hash in the timestamp file, makes sure its
-  date is more recent than any keys file they have but not too far in
-  the future, and that it is signed by enough root keys that the
-  client recognizes.
-       [If the timestamp file is not up-to-date, the client tries a
-       few mirrors until it finds one with a good timestamp.]
-       [If the keys file from a mirror does not match the timestamp
-       file, the client tries a new mirror for both.]
-       [If the keys file is not signed by enough root keys, the client
-       warns the user and tries another mirror for both the timestamp
-       file and the keys file.]
-  Once the client has an up-to-date keys file, the client checks the
-  signature on the timestamp file.  Assuming it checks out, the client
-  refreshes the mirror list as needed, and refreshes any bundle files
-  to which the user is subscribed if the client does not have
-  the latest version of those files.  The client checks signatures on
-  these files, and fetches package metadata for any packages listed in
-  the bundle file that the client does not have, checks signatures on
-  these, and fetches binaries for packages that might need to be
-  installed or updated.  As the packages arrive, clients check their
-  hashes.
-  Once the client has gotten enough packages, it informs the user that
-  new packages have arrived, and asks them if they want to update.
-  Clients SHOULD cache at least the latest versions they have received
-  of all files.
-4.1.1. Download preferences
-  Users should be able to specify that packages must be only
-  downloaded over Tor, or must only be downloaded over encrypted
-  protocols, or both.  Users should also be able to express preference
-  for Tor vs non-Tor and encrypted vs non-encrypted, even if they
-  allow both.
-4.2. Mirrors
-  Periodically, mirrors do an rsync or equivalent to fetch the latest
-  version of whatever parts of the repository have changed since the
-  version they currently hold.  Mirrors SHOULD replace older versions
-  of the repository idempotently, so that clients are less likely to
-  see inconsistent state.  Mirrors SHOULD validate the information
-  they receive, and not serve partial or inconsistent files.
-4.3. Workflow: Packagers
-  When a new binary package is done, the person making the package
-  runs a tool to generate and sign a package file, and sends both the
-  package and the package file to a repository admin.  Typically, the
-  base package file will be generated by inserting a version into a
-  template.
-  Packages MAY have as part of their build process a script to
-  generate the appropriately versioned package file.  This script
-  should at a minimum demand a build version, or use a timestamp in
-  place of a build version, to prevent two packages with the same
-  version from being created.
-4.4. Workflow: bundlers
-  When the packages in a bundle are done, the bundler runs a tool on
-  the package files to generate and sign a bundle file.  Typically,
-  this tool uses a template bundle file.
-4.5. Workflow: repository administrators
-  Repository administrators use a tool to validate signed files into the
-  repository.  The repository should not be altered manually.
-  This tool acts as follows:
-     - Package files may be added, but never replaced.
-     - Bundle files may be added, but never replaced.
-     - No file may be added unless it is syntactically valid and
-       signed by a key in the keys file authorized to sign files of
-       this type in this file's location location.
-     - A package file may not be added unless all of its binary
-       packages match their hashes.
-     - A bundle file may not be added unless all of its package files
-       are present and match their hashes.
-     - When adding a new keylist, bundle, or mirrors list, the
-       timestamp file must be regenerated immediately.
-5. Parameter setting and corner cases.
-5.1. Timing
-  The timestamp file SHOULD be regenerated every 15 minutes.  Mirrors
-  SHOULD attempt to update every hour.  Clients SHOULD accept a
-  timestamp file up to 6 hours old.
-5.2. Format versioning and forward-compatibility:
-  All of the above formats include the ability to add more
-  attribute-value fields for backwards-compatible format changes.  If
-  we need to make a backwards incompatible format change, we create a
-  new filename for the new format.
-5.3. Key management and migration:
-  Root keys should be kept offline.  All keys except timestamp and
-  mirror keys should be stored encrypted.
-  All the formats above allow for multiple keys to sign a single
-  document.  To replace a compromised root key, it suffices to sign
-  keylist documents with both the compromised key and its replacement
-  until all clients have updated to a new version of the autoupdater.
-  To replace another key, it suffices to authorize the new key in the
-  keylist.  Note that a new package or bundle key must re-sign and
-  issue new versions of all packages or bundles it has generated.
-F. Future directions and open questions
-F.1. Package decomposition
-  It would be neat to decouple existing packages.  Right now, we'd
-  never want a windows user to have to fetch an openssl dll and Tor
-  separately.  But if they're using an auto-update tool, it'd be
-  pretty keen to have them not need to fetch a new openssl every time
-  Tor has a bugfix.
-F.2. Caching at Tor servers.
-  See Tor Proposal number 127.
-F.3. Support for more download methods
-  Ozymandns, chunked downloads, and bittorrent would all be neat
-  ideas.
-F.4. Support for bogus clocks.
-  Glider should have a user configurable "no, my clock is _supposed_
-  to be wrong" mode, since lots of users seem to _like_ having their
-  clocks in 1970 forever.
-R. Ideas I'm rejecting for the moment
-R.1. Considering recommended versions from Tor consensus directory documents
-  This requires a working Tor to update Tor; that's not necessarily a
-  great idea.
-R.2. Integration with existing GPG signatures
-  The OpenPGP signature and key format is so complicated that you'd
-  have to be mad to touch it.

Copied: updater/trunk/specs/thandy-spec.txt (from rev 17084, updater/trunk/specs/glider-spec.txt)
--- updater/trunk/specs/thandy-spec.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ updater/trunk/specs/thandy-spec.txt	2008-10-14 05:10:30 UTC (rev 17085)
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+             Thandy: Automatic updates for Tor bundles
+0. Preliminaries
+0.0. Scope
+   This document describes a system for distributing Tor binary bundle
+   updates.
+0.1. Proposed code name
+   Since "auto-update" is so generic, I had been thinking about going with
+   "glider", based on the sugar glider you get when you search for "handy
+   pocket creature".  Based on conversations, it seems that "glider"
+   is taken by a well-known WoW bot, so I'm rechristening this thing
+   as "Thandy" (which could stand for Tor's Handy pocket creature if
+   you want it to, or which could also be a person's first name).
+   Some of this document still refers to "Glider", and needs to be updated.
+0.2. Non-goals
+   This is not meant to replace any existing download mechanism for
+   users who prefer that mechanism.  For example, just downloading
+   source will still work fine.
+   Similarly, we're not trying to force users who do not want to use
+   downloaded binaries to use them, or to force users who do not want
+   automatic updates to get them.  {This should be obvious, but enough
+   people have asked that I'm putting it in the document.}
+   This is not a general-purpose package manager like yum or apt: it
+   assumes that users will want to have one or more of a set of
+   "bundles", not an arbitrary selection of packages dependant on one
+   another.  (Rationale: these systems do what they do pretty well.)
+   This is also not a general-purpose package format.  It assumes the
+   existence of an external package format that can handle install,
+   update, remove, and version query.
+0.3. Goals
+   Once Tor was a single executable that you could just run.  Then it
+   required Privoxy.  Now, thanks to the Tor Browser Bundle and related
+   projects, a full installation can contain Tor, Privoxy, Torbutton,
+   Firefox, and more.
+   We need to keep this software updated.  When we make security fixes,
+   quick uptake helps narrow the window in which attackers can exploit
+   them.
+   We need updates to be easy.  Each additional step a user must take to
+   get updated means that more users will stay with older insecure
+   versions.
+   We need updates to be secure.  We're supposed to be good at crypto;
+   let's act like it.  There is no good reason in this day and age to
+   subject users to rollback attacks or unsigned packages or whatever.
+   We need administration to be simple.  Tor doesn't have a release
+   engineering team, so we can't add too many hard steps to putting out
+   a new release.
+   The system should be easy to implement; we may need to do multiple
+   implementations on the client side at least.
+0.3.1. Goals for package formats and PKIs
+   It should be possible to mirror a repository using only rsync and
+   cron.
+   Separate keys should be used for different people and different
+   roles.
+   Only a minimal set of keys should have to be kept online to keep
+   the system running.
+   The system should handle any single computer or system or person
+   being unavailable.
+   The formats and protocols should be pretty future-proof.
+1. System overview
+   The basic unit of updatability is a "bundle".  A bundle is a set of
+   software components, or "packages", plus some rules about installing
+   them.  Example bundles could be "Tor Browser, stable series" or
+   "Basic Tor, development series".
+   When Glider has responsibility for keeping a bundle up to date, we
+   say that a user has "subscribed" to that bundle.
+   Conceptually, there are four parts to keeping a bundle up to date:
+      Polling:
+        - Periodically, Glider asks a mirror whether there is a newer
+          version of some bundle that a user has subscribed to.  If so,
+          Glider determines what's in the bundle.
+      Fetching:
+        - If the bundle contains packages that Glider hasn't installed
+          or hasn't cached, it needs to download them from a mirror.
+          This can happen over any protocol; v1 should support at least
+          http and https-over-Tor.  V1 should also support resuming
+          partial downloads, since many users have unreliable
+          connections.
+          Later versions could support Bittorrent, or whatever.
+      Validation:
+        - Throughout the process, Glider must ensure that all the
+          bundles are signed correctly, all the packages are signed
+          correctly, and everything is up-to-date.
+          We want to specify this so that users can't be tricked about
+          the contents of a bundle, can't install a malicious package,
+          and can't be fooled into believing that an old bundle is
+          actually the latest.
+      Installation:
+        - Now Glider has a set of packages to install.  The format of
+          these packages will be platform-dependent: they could be pkg
+          files on OSX, MSI files on Win32, RPMs or DEBs on Linux, and
+          so on.  Glider should query the user for permission to start
+          installing packages, then install the packages.  All other
+          steps should generally happen automatically, in the
+          background, without needing user intervention.  This part
+          needs user intervention because (A) it isn't nice to install
+          updates without permission, and (B) in some configurations,
+          it needs administrator privileges.
+          (NO OTHER PART of this design needs administrator privileges.)
+1.1. The repository
+   Each Glider instance knows about one or more "repositories".  A
+   repository is a filesystem somewhere that contains the packages in a
+   set of bundles, and some associated metadata.  A repository must
+   exist at one or more canonical hosts, and may have a number of full
+   or partial mirrors.
+   In v1, each Glider instance will know about only one repository.
+1.2. The PKI
+   The trust root for the whole system is, necessarily, whatever users
+   download when they first download a copy of Glider.  We need to make
+   sure that the first download happens from a site we trust, using
+   HTTPS.
+   Glider ships with root keys, which in turn are used to verify the
+   keys for all the other roles.  There are a few root keys, operated by
+   trusted admins for the system.  If root keys ever need to be changed,
+   we can just ship an update of Glider: it's supposed to be
+   self-updating anyway.
+   The root keys are only used to sign a 'key list' of all the other
+   keys and their roles.  A key list is valid if it has been signed by a
+   threshold of root keys.
+   Each package is signed with the key of its authorized builder.  For
+   example, one volunteer may be authorized to build the mac versions of
+   several packages, and another may be authorized to build the windows
+   version of just one.
+   Each bundle is signed with the key of its maintainer.  It's assumed
+   that the bundle maintainer might be the package maintainer for some
+   but not all of the packages.
+   The list of mirrors is also signed.  If the mirror list is
+   automatically updated, this key must be kept online; otherwise, it
+   can be offline.
+   To prevent an adversary from replaying an out-of-date signed
+   document, an automated process periodically signs a timestamped
+   statement containing the hashes of the mirror list, the latest
+   bundles, and the key list, using yet another special-purpose key.
+   This key must be kept online.
+1.3. Threat Model And Analysis
+   We assume an adversary who can operate compromised mirrors, and who
+   can possibly compromise the main repository.  At worst, such an
+   adversary can DOS users in a way that they can detect.
+   We're assuming for the moment an OSX/Win32-like execution model,
+   where all packages will run equal privilege, but occasionally
+   installation will require higher privilege.  This means that once a
+   hostile package is installed, it can basically do whatever it
+   wants.  As rootkit writers demonstrate, compromise is really
+   tenuous: any attacker who can induce a user to install a hostile
+   piece of code has, in effect, permanently compromised that user
+   until they reinstall.
+   Thus, if an adversary compromises enough keys to sign a compromised
+   package, or tricks a packager into signing a compromised package,
+   and manages to get that package into a signed bundle, the best we
+   can do is to limit the number of users who are affected.  We do
+   this by compartmentalizing signing keys so that only the package
+   and bundle in question are at risk.
+   (If we had replicated build processes and a bit-by-bit reliable
+   build process, we could have multiple packagers test that a binary
+   was built properly, and multiply sign it.  This would be effective
+   against an adversary compromising a single packaging key, but not
+   against one compromising a source repository.)
+2. The repository layout
+   The filesystem layout in the repository is used for two purposes:
+     - To give mirrors an easy way to mirror only some of the repository.
+     - To specify which parts of the repository a given key has the
+       authority to sign.
+   The following files exist in all repositories and mirrors:
+    /meta/keys.txt
+         Signed by the root keys; indicates keys and roles.
+         [???? I'm using the txt extension here.  Is that smart?]
+    /meta/mirrors.txt
+         Signed by the mirror key; indicates which parts of the
+         repository are mirrored at what mirrors.
+    /meta/timestamp.txt
+         Signed by the timestamp key; indicates hashes and timestamps
+         for the latest versions of keys.txt and mirrors.txt.  Also
+         indicates the latest version of each bundle for each os/arch.
+         This is the only file that needs to be downloaded for polling.
+    /bundleinfo/bundlename/os-arch/bundlename-os-arch-bundleversion.txt
+         Signed by the appropriate bundle key.  Describes what
+         packages make up a bundle, and what order to install,
+         uninstall, and upgrade them in.
+    /pkginfo/packagename/os-arch/version/packagename-os-arch-packageversion.txt
+         Signed by the appropriate package key.  Tells the name of the
+         file that makes up a package, its hash, and what procedure
+         is used to install it.
+    /packages/packagename/os-arch/version/(some filename)
+         The actual package file.  Its naming convention will depend
+         on the underlying packaging system.
+3. Document formats
+3.1. Metaformat
+   All documents use Rivest's SEXP meta-format as documented at
+     http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/sexp.html
+   with the restriction that no "display hint" fields are to be used,
+   and the base64 transit encoding isn't used either.
+   (We use SEXP because it's really easy to parse, really portable,
+   and unlike most other tagged data formats, has a
+   trivially-specified canonical format suitable for hashing.)
+   In descriptions of syntax below, we use regex-style qualifiers, so
+   that in
+        (sofa slipcover? occupant* leg+)
+   the sofa will have an optional slipcover, zero or more occupants,
+   and one or more legs.  This pattern matches (sofa leg) and (sofa
+   slipcover occupant occupant leg leg leg leg) but not (sofa leg
+   slipcover).
+   We also use a braces notation to indicate elements that can occur
+   in any order.  For example,
+        (bread {flour+ eggs? yeast})
+   matches a list starting with "bread", and then containing one or
+   more  of flours, zero or one occurrences of eggs, and one
+   occurrence of yeast, in any order.  This pattern matches (bread eggs
+   yeast flour) but not (bread yeast) or (bread flour eggs yeast
+   macadamias).
+3.2. File formats: general principles
+   We use tagged lists (lists whose first element is a string) to
+   indicate typed objects.  Tags are generally lower-case, with
+   hyphens used for separation.  Think Lispy.
+   We use attrlists [lists of (key value) lists] to indicate a
+   multimap from keys to values.  Clients MUST accept unrecognized
+   keys in these attrlists.  The syntax for an attrlist with two
+   recognized and required keys is typically given as ({(key1 val1)
+   (key2 val2) (ATTR VAL)*}), indicating that the keys can occur in
+   any order, intermixed with other attributes.
+   Timestamp files will be downloaded very frequently; all other files
+   will be much smaller in size than package files.  Thus,
+   size-optimization for timestamp files makes sense and most other
+   other space optimizations don't.
+   Versions are represented as lists of the form (v I1 I2 I3 I4 ...)
+   where each item is a number or alphanumeric version component.  For
+   example, the version "" is represented as (v 0 2 1 5
+   alpha).
+   All signed files are of the format:
+       (signed
+          X
+          (signature ({(keyid K) (method M) (ATTR VAL)*}) SIG)+
+       )
+       { "_type" : "Signed",
+         "signed" : X,
+         "sigatures" : [
+            { "keyid" : K,
+              "method" : M,
+              ...
+              "sig" : S } ]
+   where: X is a list whose first element describes the signed object.
+          K is the identifier of a key signing the document
+          M is the method to be used to make the signature
+          (ATTR VAL) is an arbitrary list whose first element is a
+             string.
+          SIG is a signature of the canonical encoding of X using the
+          identified key.
+   We define two signing methods at present:
+       sha256-oaep : A signature of the SHA256 hash of the canonical
+         encoding of X, using OAEP+ padding. [XXXX say more about mgf]
+   All times are given as strings of the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
+   in UTC.
+   All keys are of the format:
+      (pubkey ({(type TYPE) (ATTR VAL)*}) KEYVAL)
+      { "_keytype" : TYPE,
+         ...
+        "keyval" : KEYVAL }
+   where TYPE is a string describing the type of the key and how it's
+   used to sign documents.  The type determines the interpretation of
+   The ID of a key is a two-element list of the type and the SHA-256
+   hash of the canonical encoding of the KEYVAL field.
+   We define one keytype at present: 'rsa'.  The KEYVAL in this case
+   is a 2-element list of (e n), with both values given in big-endian
+   binary format.  [This makes keys 45-60% more compact than using
+   decimal integers.]
+      {Values given as integers.}
+      {'e' : e, 'n' : n, big-endian hex. }
+   All RSA keys must be at least 2048 bits long.
+   Every role in the system is associated with a key.  Replacing
+   anything but a root key is supposed to be relatively easy.
+   Root-keys sign other keys, and certify them as belonging to roles.
+   Clients are configured to know the root keys.
+   Bundle keys certify the contents of a bundle.
+   Package keys certify packages for a given program or set of
+   programs.
+   Mirror keys certify a list of mirrors.  We expect this to be an
+   automated process.
+   Timestamp keys certify that given versions of other metadata
+   documents are up-to-date.  They are the only keys that absolutely
+   need to be kept online.  (If they are not, timestamps won't be
+   generated.)
+3.3. File formats: key list
+   The key list file is signed by multiple root keys.  It indicates
+   which keys are authorized to sign which parts of the repository.
+   (keylist
+     (ts TIME)
+     (keys
+       ((key ({(roles (ROLE PATH)+) (ATTR VAL)*}) KEY)*)
+     ...
+   )
+     { "_type" : "Keylist",
+       "ts" : TIME,
+       "keys" : [
+           { "roles" : [ [ ROLE, PATH ], ... ],
+             ...
+             "key" : KEY }, ... ] }
+   The "ts" line describes when the keys file was updated.  Clients
+   MUST NOT replace a file with an older one, and SHOULD NOT accept a
+   file too far in the future.
+   A ROLE is one of "timestamp" "mirrors" "bundle" or "package".
+   PATH is a path relative to the top of the directory hierarchy.  It
+   may contain "*" elements to indicate "any file", and may end with a
+   "/**" element to indicate all files under a given point.
+3.4. File formats: mirror list
+   The mirror list is signed by a mirror key.  It indicates which
+   mirrors are active and believed to be mirroring which parts of the
+   repository.
+   (mirrorlist
+     (ts TIME)
+     (mirrors
+       ( (mirror ({(name N) (urlbase U) (contents PATH+) (weight W)
+                   (official)?  (ATTR VAL)})) * )
+     ...
+    )
+    { "_type" : "Mirrorlist",
+      "mirrors" : [
+         { "name" : N,
+           "urlbase" : U,
+           "contents" : [PATH ... ] ,
+           "weight" : W,
+           "official" : BOOL,
+           ...
+         }, ... ]
+    }
+  Every mirror is a copy of some or all of the directory hierarchy
+  containing at least the /meta, /bundles/, and /pkginfo directories.
+  N is a descriptive name for the mirror; U is the URL of the mirror's
+  base (i.e., the parent of the "meta" directory); and the PATH
+  elements are the components describing how much of the packages
+  directory is mirrored.  Their format is as in the keylist file.
+  W is an integer used to weight mirrors when picking at random;
+  mirrors with more bandwidth should have higher weigths.   The
+  "official" element should only be present if the mirror is (one of
+  the) official repositories operated by the Tor Project.
+3.5. File formats: timestamp files
+  The timestamp file is signed by a timestamp key.  It indicates the
+  latest versions of other files, and contains a regularly updated
+  timestamp to prevent rollback attacks.
+  (ts
+    ({(at TIME)
+  )
+    { "_type" : Timestamp,
+      "at" : TIME,
+      "m" : [ TIME, HASH ],
+      "k" : [ TIME, HASH ],
+      "b" : { NAME :
+                 [ [ Version, Path, Time, Hash ] ] }
+    }
+  TIME is when the timestamp was signed.  MIRRORLISTHASH is the digest
+  of the mirror-list file; KEYLISTHASH is the digest of the key list
+  file; and the 'b' entries are a list of the latest version of all
+  bundles and their locations and hashes.
+3.6. File formats: bundle files
+  (bundle
+    (at TIME)
+    (os OS)
+    [(arch ARCH)]
+    (version V)
+    (packages
+                                (optional)?
+                                (gloss LANG TEXT)*
+                                (longloss LANG TEXT)*
+                                 (ATTR VAL)*})? )* )
+  )
+     { "_type" : "Bundle",
+       "name" : NAME,
+       "at" : TIME,
+       "os" : OS,
+       [ "arch" : ARCH, ]
+       "version" : V
+       "packages" :
+          [ { "name" : NAME,
+              "version" : VERSION,
+              "path" : PATH,
+              "hash" : HASH,
+              "order" : [ INST, UPDATE, REMOVE ],
+              [ "optional : BOOL, ]
+              "gloss" : { LANG : TEXT },
+              "longgloss" : { LANG : TEXT },
+              } ] }
+  Most elements are self-explanatory; the INST, UPDATE, and REMOVE
+  elements of the order element are numbers defining the order in
+  which the packages are installed, updated, and removed respectively.
+  The "optional" element is present if the package is optional.
+  "Gloss" is a short utf-8 human-readable string explaining what the
+  package provides for the bundle; "longloss" is a longer such
+  utf-8 string.
+  (Note that the gloss strings are meant, not to describe the package,
+  but to describe what the package provides for the bundle.  For
+  example, "The Anonymous Email Bundle needs the Python Runtime to run
+  Mixminion.")
+  Multiple gloss strings are allowed; each should have a different
+  language. The UI should display the must appropriate language to the
+  user.
+3.7. File formats: package files
+  (package
+    ({(name NAME)
+     (version VERSION)
+     (format FMT ((ATTR VAL)*)? )
+     (path PATH)
+     (ts TIME)
+     (digest HASH)
+     (shortdesc LANG TEXT)*
+     (longdesc LANG TEXT)*
+     (ATTR VAL)* })
+  )
+  Most elements are self-explanatory.  The "FMT" element describes the
+  file format of the package, which should give enough information
+  about how to install it.
+  No two package files in the same repository should have the same
+  name and version.  If a package needs to be changed, the version
+  MUST be incremented.
+  Descriptions are tagged with languages in the same way as glosses.
+4. Detailed Workflows
+4.1. The client application
+  Periodically, the client updater fetches a timestamp file from a
+  mirror.  If the timestamp in the file is up-to-date, the client
+  first checks to see whether the keys file listed is one that the
+  client has.  If not, the client fetches it, makes sure the hash of
+  the keys file matches the hash in the timestamp file, makes sure its
+  date is more recent than any keys file they have but not too far in
+  the future, and that it is signed by enough root keys that the
+  client recognizes.
+       [If the timestamp file is not up-to-date, the client tries a
+       few mirrors until it finds one with a good timestamp.]
+       [If the keys file from a mirror does not match the timestamp
+       file, the client tries a new mirror for both.]
+       [If the keys file is not signed by enough root keys, the client
+       warns the user and tries another mirror for both the timestamp
+       file and the keys file.]
+  Once the client has an up-to-date keys file, the client checks the
+  signature on the timestamp file.  Assuming it checks out, the client
+  refreshes the mirror list as needed, and refreshes any bundle files
+  to which the user is subscribed if the client does not have
+  the latest version of those files.  The client checks signatures on
+  these files, and fetches package metadata for any packages listed in
+  the bundle file that the client does not have, checks signatures on
+  these, and fetches binaries for packages that might need to be
+  installed or updated.  As the packages arrive, clients check their
+  hashes.
+  Once the client has gotten enough packages, it informs the user that
+  new packages have arrived, and asks them if they want to update.
+  Clients SHOULD cache at least the latest versions they have received
+  of all files.
+4.1.1. Download preferences
+  Users should be able to specify that packages must be only
+  downloaded over Tor, or must only be downloaded over encrypted
+  protocols, or both.  Users should also be able to express preference
+  for Tor vs non-Tor and encrypted vs non-encrypted, even if they
+  allow both.
+4.2. Mirrors
+  Periodically, mirrors do an rsync or equivalent to fetch the latest
+  version of whatever parts of the repository have changed since the
+  version they currently hold.  Mirrors SHOULD replace older versions
+  of the repository idempotently, so that clients are less likely to
+  see inconsistent state.  Mirrors SHOULD validate the information
+  they receive, and not serve partial or inconsistent files.
+4.3. Workflow: Packagers
+  When a new binary package is done, the person making the package
+  runs a tool to generate and sign a package file, and sends both the
+  package and the package file to a repository admin.  Typically, the
+  base package file will be generated by inserting a version into a
+  template.
+  Packages MAY have as part of their build process a script to
+  generate the appropriately versioned package file.  This script
+  should at a minimum demand a build version, or use a timestamp in
+  place of a build version, to prevent two packages with the same
+  version from being created.
+4.4. Workflow: bundlers
+  When the packages in a bundle are done, the bundler runs a tool on
+  the package files to generate and sign a bundle file.  Typically,
+  this tool uses a template bundle file.
+4.5. Workflow: repository administrators
+  Repository administrators use a tool to validate signed files into the
+  repository.  The repository should not be altered manually.
+  This tool acts as follows:
+     - Package files may be added, but never replaced.
+     - Bundle files may be added, but never replaced.
+     - No file may be added unless it is syntactically valid and
+       signed by a key in the keys file authorized to sign files of
+       this type in this file's location location.
+     - A package file may not be added unless all of its binary
+       packages match their hashes.
+     - A bundle file may not be added unless all of its package files
+       are present and match their hashes.
+     - When adding a new keylist, bundle, or mirrors list, the
+       timestamp file must be regenerated immediately.
+5. Parameter setting and corner cases.
+5.1. Timing
+  The timestamp file SHOULD be regenerated every 15 minutes.  Mirrors
+  SHOULD attempt to update every hour.  Clients SHOULD accept a
+  timestamp file up to 6 hours old.
+5.2. Format versioning and forward-compatibility:
+  All of the above formats include the ability to add more
+  attribute-value fields for backwards-compatible format changes.  If
+  we need to make a backwards incompatible format change, we create a
+  new filename for the new format.
+5.3. Key management and migration:
+  Root keys should be kept offline.  All keys except timestamp and
+  mirror keys should be stored encrypted.
+  All the formats above allow for multiple keys to sign a single
+  document.  To replace a compromised root key, it suffices to sign
+  keylist documents with both the compromised key and its replacement
+  until all clients have updated to a new version of the autoupdater.
+  To replace another key, it suffices to authorize the new key in the
+  keylist.  Note that a new package or bundle key must re-sign and
+  issue new versions of all packages or bundles it has generated.
+F. Future directions and open questions
+F.1. Package decomposition
+  It would be neat to decouple existing packages.  Right now, we'd
+  never want a windows user to have to fetch an openssl dll and Tor
+  separately.  But if they're using an auto-update tool, it'd be
+  pretty keen to have them not need to fetch a new openssl every time
+  Tor has a bugfix.
+F.2. Caching at Tor servers.
+  See Tor Proposal number 127.
+F.3. Support for more download methods
+  Ozymandns, chunked downloads, and bittorrent would all be neat
+  ideas.
+F.4. Support for bogus clocks.
+  Glider should have a user configurable "no, my clock is _supposed_
+  to be wrong" mode, since lots of users seem to _like_ having their
+  clocks in 1970 forever.
+R. Ideas I'm rejecting for the moment
+R.1. Considering recommended versions from Tor consensus directory documents
+  This requires a working Tor to update Tor; that's not necessarily a
+  great idea.
+R.2. Integration with existing GPG signatures
+  The OpenPGP signature and key format is so complicated that you'd
+  have to be mad to touch it.