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[or-cvs] r23720: {arm} Renaming the torrc util to torConfig now that it has more fu (in arm/trunk/src: . interface util)

Author: atagar
Date: 2010-10-29 15:14:31 +0000 (Fri, 29 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 23720

Renaming the torrc util to torConfig now that it has more functionality.

Modified: arm/trunk/src/interface/configFilePanel.py
--- arm/trunk/src/interface/configFilePanel.py	2010-10-29 13:00:09 UTC (rev 23719)
+++ arm/trunk/src/interface/configFilePanel.py	2010-10-29 15:14:31 UTC (rev 23720)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import curses
 import threading
-from util import conf, panel, torrc, uiTools
+from util import conf, panel, torConfig, uiTools
 DEFAULT_CONFIG = {"features.config.file.showScrollbars": True,
                   "features.config.file.maxLinesPerEntry": 8}
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     renderedContents, corrections, confLocation = None, {}, None
     if self.configType == TORRC:
-      loadedTorrc = torrc.getTorrc()
+      loadedTorrc = torConfig.getTorrc()
       confLocation = loadedTorrc.getConfigLocation()
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@
       if lineNumber in corrections:
         lineIssue, lineIssueMsg = corrections[lineNumber]
-        if lineIssue == torrc.VAL_DUPLICATE:
+        if lineIssue == torConfig.VAL_DUPLICATE:
           lineComp["option"][1] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("blue")
           lineComp["argument"][1] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("blue")
-        elif lineIssue == torrc.VAL_MISMATCH:
+        elif lineIssue == torConfig.VAL_MISMATCH:
           lineComp["argument"][1] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("red")
           lineComp["correction"][0] = " (%s)" % lineIssueMsg

Modified: arm/trunk/src/interface/controller.py
--- arm/trunk/src/interface/controller.py	2010-10-29 13:00:09 UTC (rev 23719)
+++ arm/trunk/src/interface/controller.py	2010-10-29 15:14:31 UTC (rev 23720)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 import descriptorPopup
 import fileDescriptorPopup
-from util import conf, log, connections, hostnames, panel, sysTools, torrc, torTools, uiTools
+from util import conf, log, connections, hostnames, panel, sysTools, torConfig, torTools, uiTools
 import graphing.bandwidthStats
 import graphing.connStats
 import graphing.psStats
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
   #  confLocation = ""
   # loads the torrc and provides warnings in case of validation errors
-  loadedTorrc = torrc.getTorrc()
+  loadedTorrc = torConfig.getTorrc()
@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@
     for lineNum in corrections:
       problem = corrections[lineNum][0]
-      if problem == torrc.VAL_DUPLICATE: irrelevantLines.append(lineNum)
-      elif problem == torrc.VAL_MISMATCH: mismatchLines.append(lineNum)
+      if problem == torConfig.VAL_DUPLICATE: irrelevantLines.append(lineNum)
+      elif problem == torConfig.VAL_MISMATCH: mismatchLines.append(lineNum)
     if irrelevantLines:
@@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@
     elif page == 2 and False and key == ord('r') or key == ord('R'):
       # reloads torrc, providing a notice if successful or not
-      loadedTorrc = torrc.getTorrc()
+      loadedTorrc = torConfig.getTorrc()

Modified: arm/trunk/src/starter.py
--- arm/trunk/src/starter.py	2010-10-29 13:00:09 UTC (rev 23719)
+++ arm/trunk/src/starter.py	2010-10-29 15:14:31 UTC (rev 23720)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import util.log
 import util.panel
 import util.sysTools
-import util.torrc
+import util.torConfig
 import util.torTools
 import util.uiTools
 import TorCtl.TorCtl
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
   # loads user preferences for utilities
-  for utilModule in (util.conf, util.connections, util.hostnames, util.log, util.panel, util.sysTools, util.torrc, util.torTools, util.uiTools):
+  for utilModule in (util.conf, util.connections, util.hostnames, util.log, util.panel, util.sysTools, util.torConfig, util.torTools, util.uiTools):
   # overwrites undefined parameters with defaults

Copied: arm/trunk/src/util/torConfig.py (from rev 23717, arm/trunk/src/util/torrc.py)
--- arm/trunk/src/util/torConfig.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ arm/trunk/src/util/torConfig.py	2010-10-29 15:14:31 UTC (rev 23720)
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+Helper functions for working with tor's configuration file.
+import curses
+import threading
+from util import sysTools, torTools, uiTools
+CONFIG = {"features.torrc.validate": True,
+          "torrc.multiline": [],
+          "torrc.alias": {},
+          "torrc.label.size.b": [],
+          "torrc.label.size.kb": [],
+          "torrc.label.size.mb": [],
+          "torrc.label.size.gb": [],
+          "torrc.label.size.tb": [],
+          "torrc.label.time.sec": [],
+          "torrc.label.time.min": [],
+          "torrc.label.time.hour": [],
+          "torrc.label.time.day": [],
+          "torrc.label.time.week": []}
+# enums and values for numeric torrc entries
+SIZE_MULT = {"b": 1, "kb": 1024, "mb": 1048576, "gb": 1073741824, "tb": 1099511627776}
+TIME_MULT = {"sec": 1, "min": 60, "hour": 3600, "day": 86400, "week": 604800}
+# enums for issues found during torrc validation:
+# VAL_DUPLICATE - entry is ignored due to being a duplicate
+# VAL_MISMATCH  - the value doesn't match tor's current state
+# descriptions of tor's configuration options fetched from its man page
+TORRC = None # singleton torrc instance
+MAN_OPT_INDENT = 7 # indentation before options in the man page
+MAN_EX_INDENT = 15 # indentation used for man page examples
+def loadConfig(config):
+  CONFIG["torrc.multiline"] = config.get("torrc.multiline", [])
+  CONFIG["torrc.alias"] = config.get("torrc.alias", {})
+  # all the torrc.label.* values are comma separated lists
+  for configKey in CONFIG.keys():
+    if configKey.startswith("torrc.label."):
+      configValues = config.get(configKey, "").split(",")
+      if configValues: CONFIG[configKey] = [val.strip() for val in configValues]
+def getTorrc():
+  """
+  Singleton constructor for a Controller. Be aware that this starts as being
+  unloaded, needing the torrc contents to be loaded before being functional.
+  """
+  global TORRC
+  if TORRC == None: TORRC = Torrc()
+  return TORRC
+def loadOptionDescriptions():
+  """
+  Fetches and parses descriptions for tor's configuration options from its man
+  page. This can be a somewhat lengthy call, and raises an IOError if issues
+  occure.
+  """
+  raisedExc = None
+  try:
+    manCallResults = sysTools.call("man tor")
+    lastOption, lastArg = None, None
+    lastDescription = ""
+    for line in manCallResults:
+      strippedLine = line.strip()
+      # we have content, but an indent less than an option (ignore line)
+      if strippedLine and not line.startswith(" " * MAN_OPT_INDENT): continue
+      # line starts with an indent equivilant to a new config option
+      isOptIndent = line.startswith(" " * MAN_OPT_INDENT) and line[MAN_OPT_INDENT] != " "
+      if isOptIndent:
+        # Most lines with this indent that aren't config options won't have
+        # any description set at this point (not a perfect filter, but cuts
+        # down on the noise).
+        strippedDescription = lastDescription.strip()
+        if lastOption and strippedDescription:
+          CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS[lastOption] = (lastArg, strippedDescription)
+        lastDescription = ""
+        # parses the option and argument
+        line = line.strip()
+        divIndex = line.find(" ")
+        if divIndex != -1:
+          lastOption, lastArg = line[:divIndex], line[divIndex + 1:]
+      else:
+        # Appends the text to the running description. Empty lines and lines
+        # starting with a specific indentation are used for formatting, for
+        # instance the ExitPolicy and TestingTorNetwork entries.
+        if lastDescription and lastDescription[-1] != "\n":
+          lastDescription += " "
+        if not strippedLine:
+          lastDescription += "\n\n"
+        elif line.startswith(" " * MAN_EX_INDENT):
+          lastDescription += "    %s\n" % strippedLine
+        else: lastDescription += strippedLine
+  except IOError, exc:
+    raisedExc = exc
+  if raisedExc: raise raisedExc
+def isConfigDescriptionAvailable(option):
+  """
+  Returns if a description for the given configuration option has been loaded
+  or not.
+  Arguments:
+    option - tor config option
+  """
+  return option in CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS
+def getConfigDescription(option):
+  """
+  Provides a tuple with arguments and description for the given tor
+  configuration option, fetched from its man page. This provides None if no
+  such option has been loaded. If the man page is in the process of being
+  loaded then this call blocks until it finishes.
+  Arguments:
+    option - tor config option
+  """
+  if option in CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS:
+    returnVal = CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS[option]
+  else: returnVal = None
+  return returnVal
+def getConfigLocation():
+  """
+  Provides the location of the torrc, raising an IOError with the reason if the
+  path can't be determined.
+  """
+  conn = torTools.getConn()
+  configLocation = conn.getInfo("config-file")
+  if not configLocation: raise IOError("unable to query the torrc location")
+  # checks if this is a relative path, needing the tor pwd to be appended
+  if configLocation[0] != "/":
+    torPid = conn.getMyPid()
+    failureMsg = "querying tor's pwd failed because %s"
+    if not torPid: raise IOError(failureMsg % "we couldn't get the pid")
+    try:
+      # pwdx results are of the form:
+      # 3799: /home/atagar
+      # 5839: No such process
+      results = sysTools.call("pwdx %s" % torPid)
+      if not results:
+        raise IOError(failureMsg % "pwdx didn't return any results")
+      elif results[0].endswith("No such process"):
+        raise IOError(failureMsg % ("pwdx reported no process for pid " + torPid))
+      elif len(results) != 1 or results.count(" ") != 1:
+        raise IOError(failureMsg % "we got unexpected output from pwdx")
+      else:
+        pwdPath = results[0][results[0].find(" ") + 1:]
+        configLocation = "%s/%s" % (pwdPath, configLocation)
+    except IOError, exc:
+      raise IOError(failureMsg % ("the pwdx call failed: " + str(exc)))
+  return torTools.getPathPrefix() + configLocation
+def validate(contents = None):
+  """
+  Performs validation on the given torrc contents, providing back a mapping of
+  line numbers to tuples of the (issue, msg) found on them.
+  Arguments:
+    contents - torrc contents
+  """
+  conn = torTools.getConn()
+  contents = _stripComments(contents)
+  issuesFound, seenOptions = {}, []
+  for lineNumber in range(len(contents) - 1, -1, -1):
+    lineText = contents[lineNumber]
+    if not lineText: continue
+    lineComp = lineText.split(None, 1)
+    if len(lineComp) == 2: option, value = lineComp
+    else: option, value = lineText, ""
+    # most parameters are overwritten if defined multiple times
+    if option in seenOptions and not option in CONFIG["torrc.multiline"]:
+      issuesFound[lineNumber] = (VAL_DUPLICATE, "")
+      continue
+    else: seenOptions.append(option)
+    # replace aliases with their recognized representation
+    if option in CONFIG["torrc.alias"]:
+      option = CONFIG["torrc.alias"][option]
+    # tor appears to replace tabs with a space, for instance:
+    # "accept\t*:563" is read back as "accept *:563"
+    value = value.replace("\t", " ")
+    # parse value if it's a size or time, expanding the units
+    value, valueType = _parseConfValue(value)
+    # issues GETCONF to get the values tor's currently configured to use
+    torValues = conn.getOption(option, [], True)
+    # multiline entries can be comma separated values (for both tor and conf)
+    valueList = [value]
+    if option in CONFIG["torrc.multiline"]:
+      valueList = [val.strip() for val in value.split(",")]
+      fetchedValues, torValues = torValues, []
+      for fetchedValue in fetchedValues:
+        for fetchedEntry in fetchedValue.split(","):
+          fetchedEntry = fetchedEntry.strip()
+          if not fetchedEntry in torValues:
+            torValues.append(fetchedEntry)
+    for val in valueList:
+      # checks if both the argument and tor's value are empty
+      isBlankMatch = not val and not torValues
+      if not isBlankMatch and not val in torValues:
+        # converts corrections to reader friedly size values
+        displayValues = torValues
+        if valueType == SIZE_VALUE:
+          displayValues = [uiTools.getSizeLabel(int(val)) for val in torValues]
+        elif valueType == TIME_VALUE:
+          displayValues = [uiTools.getTimeLabel(int(val)) for val in torValues]
+        issuesFound[lineNumber] = (VAL_MISMATCH, ", ".join(displayValues))
+  return issuesFound
+def _parseConfValue(confArg):
+  """
+  Converts size or time values to their lowest units (bytes or seconds) which
+  is what GETCONF calls provide. The returned is a tuple of the value and unit
+  type.
+  Arguments:
+    confArg - torrc argument
+  """
+  if confArg.count(" ") == 1:
+    val, unit = confArg.lower().split(" ", 1)
+    if not val.isdigit(): return confArg, UNRECOGNIZED
+    mult, multType = _getUnitType(unit)
+    if mult != None:
+      return str(int(val) * mult), multType
+  return confArg, UNRECOGNIZED
+def _getUnitType(unit):
+  """
+  Provides the type and multiplier for an argument's unit. The multiplier is
+  None if the unit isn't recognized.
+  Arguments:
+    unit - string representation of a unit
+  """
+  for label in SIZE_MULT:
+    if unit in CONFIG["torrc.label.size." + label]:
+      return SIZE_MULT[label], SIZE_VALUE
+  for label in TIME_MULT:
+    if unit in CONFIG["torrc.label.time." + label]:
+      return TIME_MULT[label], TIME_VALUE
+  return None, UNRECOGNIZED
+def _stripComments(contents):
+  """
+  Removes comments and extra whitespace from the given torrc contents.
+  Arguments:
+    contents - torrc contents
+  """
+  strippedContents = []
+  for line in contents:
+    if line and "#" in line: line = line[:line.find("#")]
+    strippedContents.append(line.strip())
+  return strippedContents
+class Torrc():
+  """
+  Wrapper for the torrc. All getters provide None if the contents are unloaded.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.contents = None
+    self.configLocation = None
+    self.valsLock = threading.RLock()
+    # cached results for the current contents
+    self.displayableContents = None
+    self.strippedContents = None
+    self.corrections = None
+  def load(self):
+    """
+    Loads or reloads the torrc contents, raising an IOError if there's a
+    problem.
+    """
+    self.valsLock.acquire()
+    # clears contents and caches
+    self.contents, self.configLocation = None, None
+    self.displayableContents = None
+    self.strippedContents = None
+    self.corrections = None
+    try:
+      self.configLocation = getConfigLocation()
+      configFile = open(self.configLocation, "r")
+      self.contents = configFile.readlines()
+      configFile.close()
+    except IOError, exc:
+      self.valsLock.release()
+      raise exc
+    self.valsLock.release()
+  def isLoaded(self):
+    """
+    Provides true if there's loaded contents, false otherwise.
+    """
+    return self.contents != None
+  def getConfigLocation(self):
+    """
+    Provides the location of the loaded configuration contents. This may be
+    available, even if the torrc failed to be loaded.
+    """
+    return self.configLocation
+  def getContents(self):
+    """
+    Provides the contents of the configuration file.
+    """
+    self.valsLock.acquire()
+    returnVal = list(self.contents) if self.contents else None
+    self.valsLock.relese()
+    return returnVal
+  def getDisplayContents(self, strip = False):
+    """
+    Provides the contents of the configuration file, formatted in a rendering
+    frindly fashion:
+    - Tabs print as three spaces. Keeping them as tabs is problematic for
+      layouts since it's counted as a single character, but occupies several
+      cells.
+    - Strips control and unprintable characters.
+    Arguments:
+      strip - removes comments and extra whitespace if true
+    """
+    self.valsLock.acquire()
+    if not self.isLoaded(): returnVal = None
+    else:
+      if self.displayableContents == None:
+        # restricts contents to displayable characters
+        self.displayableContents = []
+        for lineNum in range(len(self.contents)):
+          lineText = self.contents[lineNum]
+          lineText = lineText.replace("\t", "   ")
+          lineText = "".join([char for char in lineText if curses.ascii.isprint(char)])
+          self.displayableContents.append(lineText)
+      if strip:
+        if self.strippedContents == None:
+          self.strippedContents = _stripComments(self.displayableContents)
+        returnVal = list(self.strippedContents)
+      else: returnVal = list(self.displayableContents)
+    self.valsLock.release()
+    return returnVal
+  def getCorrections(self):
+    """
+    Performs validation on the loaded contents and provides back the
+    corrections. If validation is disabled then this won't provide any
+    results.
+    """
+    self.valsLock.acquire()
+    if not self.isLoaded(): returnVal = None
+    elif not CONFIG["features.torrc.validate"]: returnVal = {}
+    else:
+      if self.corrections == None:
+        self.corrections = validate(self.contents)
+      returnVal = dict(self.corrections)
+    self.valsLock.release()
+    return returnVal
+  def getLock(self):
+    """
+    Provides the lock governing concurrent access to the contents.
+    """
+    return self.valsLock
+def _testConfigDescriptions():
+  """
+  Tester for the loadOptionDescriptions function, fetching the man page
+  contents and dumping its parsed results.
+  """
+  loadOptionDescriptions()
+  sortedOptions = CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS.keys()
+  sortedOptions.sort()
+  for i in range(len(sortedOptions)):
+    option = sortedOptions[i]
+    argument, description = getConfigDescription(option)
+    optLabel = "OPTION: \"%s\"" % option
+    argLabel = "ARGUMENT: \"%s\"" % argument
+    print "     %-45s %s" % (optLabel, argLabel)
+    print "\"%s\"" % description
+    if i != len(sortedOptions) - 1: print "-" * 80

Deleted: arm/trunk/src/util/torrc.py
--- arm/trunk/src/util/torrc.py	2010-10-29 13:00:09 UTC (rev 23719)
+++ arm/trunk/src/util/torrc.py	2010-10-29 15:14:31 UTC (rev 23720)
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-Helper functions for working with tor's configuration file.
-import curses
-import threading
-from util import sysTools, torTools, uiTools
-CONFIG = {"features.torrc.validate": True,
-          "torrc.multiline": [],
-          "torrc.alias": {},
-          "torrc.label.size.b": [],
-          "torrc.label.size.kb": [],
-          "torrc.label.size.mb": [],
-          "torrc.label.size.gb": [],
-          "torrc.label.size.tb": [],
-          "torrc.label.time.sec": [],
-          "torrc.label.time.min": [],
-          "torrc.label.time.hour": [],
-          "torrc.label.time.day": [],
-          "torrc.label.time.week": []}
-# enums and values for numeric torrc entries
-SIZE_MULT = {"b": 1, "kb": 1024, "mb": 1048576, "gb": 1073741824, "tb": 1099511627776}
-TIME_MULT = {"sec": 1, "min": 60, "hour": 3600, "day": 86400, "week": 604800}
-# enums for issues found during torrc validation:
-# VAL_DUPLICATE - entry is ignored due to being a duplicate
-# VAL_MISMATCH  - the value doesn't match tor's current state
-# descriptions of tor's configuration options fetched from its man page
-TORRC = None # singleton torrc instance
-MAN_OPT_INDENT = 7 # indentation before options in the man page
-MAN_EX_INDENT = 15 # indentation used for man page examples
-def loadConfig(config):
-  CONFIG["torrc.multiline"] = config.get("torrc.multiline", [])
-  CONFIG["torrc.alias"] = config.get("torrc.alias", {})
-  # all the torrc.label.* values are comma separated lists
-  for configKey in CONFIG.keys():
-    if configKey.startswith("torrc.label."):
-      configValues = config.get(configKey, "").split(",")
-      if configValues: CONFIG[configKey] = [val.strip() for val in configValues]
-def getTorrc():
-  """
-  Singleton constructor for a Controller. Be aware that this starts as being
-  unloaded, needing the torrc contents to be loaded before being functional.
-  """
-  global TORRC
-  if TORRC == None: TORRC = Torrc()
-  return TORRC
-def getConfigLocation():
-  """
-  Provides the location of the torrc, raising an IOError with the reason if the
-  path can't be determined.
-  """
-  conn = torTools.getConn()
-  configLocation = conn.getInfo("config-file")
-  if not configLocation: raise IOError("unable to query the torrc location")
-  # checks if this is a relative path, needing the tor pwd to be appended
-  if configLocation[0] != "/":
-    torPid = conn.getMyPid()
-    failureMsg = "querying tor's pwd failed because %s"
-    if not torPid: raise IOError(failureMsg % "we couldn't get the pid")
-    try:
-      # pwdx results are of the form:
-      # 3799: /home/atagar
-      # 5839: No such process
-      results = sysTools.call("pwdx %s" % torPid)
-      if not results:
-        raise IOError(failureMsg % "pwdx didn't return any results")
-      elif results[0].endswith("No such process"):
-        raise IOError(failureMsg % ("pwdx reported no process for pid " + torPid))
-      elif len(results) != 1 or results.count(" ") != 1:
-        raise IOError(failureMsg % "we got unexpected output from pwdx")
-      else:
-        pwdPath = results[0][results[0].find(" ") + 1:]
-        configLocation = "%s/%s" % (pwdPath, configLocation)
-    except IOError, exc:
-      raise IOError(failureMsg % ("the pwdx call failed: " + str(exc)))
-  return torTools.getPathPrefix() + configLocation
-def validate(contents = None):
-  """
-  Performs validation on the given torrc contents, providing back a mapping of
-  line numbers to tuples of the (issue, msg) found on them.
-  Arguments:
-    contents - torrc contents
-  """
-  conn = torTools.getConn()
-  contents = _stripComments(contents)
-  issuesFound, seenOptions = {}, []
-  for lineNumber in range(len(contents) - 1, -1, -1):
-    lineText = contents[lineNumber]
-    if not lineText: continue
-    lineComp = lineText.split(None, 1)
-    if len(lineComp) == 2: option, value = lineComp
-    else: option, value = lineText, ""
-    # most parameters are overwritten if defined multiple times
-    if option in seenOptions and not option in CONFIG["torrc.multiline"]:
-      issuesFound[lineNumber] = (VAL_DUPLICATE, "")
-      continue
-    else: seenOptions.append(option)
-    # replace aliases with their recognized representation
-    if option in CONFIG["torrc.alias"]:
-      option = CONFIG["torrc.alias"][option]
-    # tor appears to replace tabs with a space, for instance:
-    # "accept\t*:563" is read back as "accept *:563"
-    value = value.replace("\t", " ")
-    # parse value if it's a size or time, expanding the units
-    value, valueType = _parseConfValue(value)
-    # issues GETCONF to get the values tor's currently configured to use
-    torValues = conn.getOption(option, [], True)
-    # multiline entries can be comma separated values (for both tor and conf)
-    valueList = [value]
-    if option in CONFIG["torrc.multiline"]:
-      valueList = [val.strip() for val in value.split(",")]
-      fetchedValues, torValues = torValues, []
-      for fetchedValue in fetchedValues:
-        for fetchedEntry in fetchedValue.split(","):
-          fetchedEntry = fetchedEntry.strip()
-          if not fetchedEntry in torValues:
-            torValues.append(fetchedEntry)
-    for val in valueList:
-      # checks if both the argument and tor's value are empty
-      isBlankMatch = not val and not torValues
-      if not isBlankMatch and not val in torValues:
-        # converts corrections to reader friedly size values
-        displayValues = torValues
-        if valueType == SIZE_VALUE:
-          displayValues = [uiTools.getSizeLabel(int(val)) for val in torValues]
-        elif valueType == TIME_VALUE:
-          displayValues = [uiTools.getTimeLabel(int(val)) for val in torValues]
-        issuesFound[lineNumber] = (VAL_MISMATCH, ", ".join(displayValues))
-  return issuesFound
-def loadOptionDescriptions():
-  """
-  Fetches and parses descriptions for tor's configuration options from its man
-  page. This can be a somewhat lengthy call, and raises an IOError if issues
-  occure.
-  """
-  raisedExc = None
-  try:
-    manCallResults = sysTools.call("man tor")
-    lastOption, lastArg = None, None
-    lastDescription = ""
-    for line in manCallResults:
-      strippedLine = line.strip()
-      # we have content, but an indent less than an option (ignore line)
-      if strippedLine and not line.startswith(" " * MAN_OPT_INDENT): continue
-      # line starts with an indent equivilant to a new config option
-      isOptIndent = line.startswith(" " * MAN_OPT_INDENT) and line[MAN_OPT_INDENT] != " "
-      if isOptIndent:
-        # Most lines with this indent that aren't config options won't have
-        # any description set at this point (not a perfect filter, but cuts
-        # down on the noise).
-        strippedDescription = lastDescription.strip()
-        if lastOption and strippedDescription:
-          CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS[lastOption] = (lastArg, strippedDescription)
-        lastDescription = ""
-        # parses the option and argument
-        line = line.strip()
-        divIndex = line.find(" ")
-        if divIndex != -1:
-          lastOption, lastArg = line[:divIndex], line[divIndex + 1:]
-      else:
-        # Appends the text to the running description. Empty lines and lines
-        # starting with a specific indentation are used for formatting, for
-        # instance the ExitPolicy and TestingTorNetwork entries.
-        if lastDescription and lastDescription[-1] != "\n":
-          lastDescription += " "
-        if not strippedLine:
-          lastDescription += "\n\n"
-        elif line.startswith(" " * MAN_EX_INDENT):
-          lastDescription += "    %s\n" % strippedLine
-        else: lastDescription += strippedLine
-  except IOError, exc:
-    raisedExc = exc
-  if raisedExc: raise raisedExc
-def isConfigDescriptionAvailable(option):
-  """
-  Returns if a description for the given configuration option has been loaded
-  or not.
-  Arguments:
-    option - tor config option
-  """
-  return option in CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS
-def getConfigDescription(option):
-  """
-  Provides a tuple with arguments and description for the given tor
-  configuration option, fetched from its man page. This provides None if no
-  such option has been loaded. If the man page is in the process of being
-  loaded then this call blocks until it finishes.
-  Arguments:
-    option - tor config option
-  """
-  if option in CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS:
-    returnVal = CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS[option]
-  else: returnVal = None
-  return returnVal
-def _testConfigDescriptions():
-  """
-  Tester for the loadOptionDescriptions function, fetching the man page
-  contents and dumping its parsed results.
-  """
-  loadOptionDescriptions()
-  sortedOptions = CONFIG_DESCRIPTIONS.keys()
-  sortedOptions.sort()
-  for i in range(len(sortedOptions)):
-    option = sortedOptions[i]
-    argument, description = getConfigDescription(option)
-    optLabel = "OPTION: \"%s\"" % option
-    argLabel = "ARGUMENT: \"%s\"" % argument
-    print "     %-45s %s" % (optLabel, argLabel)
-    print "\"%s\"" % description
-    if i != len(sortedOptions) - 1: print "-" * 80
-def _parseConfValue(confArg):
-  """
-  Converts size or time values to their lowest units (bytes or seconds) which
-  is what GETCONF calls provide. The returned is a tuple of the value and unit
-  type.
-  Arguments:
-    confArg - torrc argument
-  """
-  if confArg.count(" ") == 1:
-    val, unit = confArg.lower().split(" ", 1)
-    if not val.isdigit(): return confArg, UNRECOGNIZED
-    mult, multType = _getUnitType(unit)
-    if mult != None:
-      return str(int(val) * mult), multType
-  return confArg, UNRECOGNIZED
-def _getUnitType(unit):
-  """
-  Provides the type and multiplier for an argument's unit. The multiplier is
-  None if the unit isn't recognized.
-  Arguments:
-    unit - string representation of a unit
-  """
-  for label in SIZE_MULT:
-    if unit in CONFIG["torrc.label.size." + label]:
-      return SIZE_MULT[label], SIZE_VALUE
-  for label in TIME_MULT:
-    if unit in CONFIG["torrc.label.time." + label]:
-      return TIME_MULT[label], TIME_VALUE
-  return None, UNRECOGNIZED
-def _stripComments(contents):
-  """
-  Removes comments and extra whitespace from the given torrc contents.
-  Arguments:
-    contents - torrc contents
-  """
-  strippedContents = []
-  for line in contents:
-    if line and "#" in line: line = line[:line.find("#")]
-    strippedContents.append(line.strip())
-  return strippedContents
-class Torrc():
-  """
-  Wrapper for the torrc. All getters provide None if the contents are unloaded.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.contents = None
-    self.configLocation = None
-    self.valsLock = threading.RLock()
-    # cached results for the current contents
-    self.displayableContents = None
-    self.strippedContents = None
-    self.corrections = None
-  def load(self):
-    """
-    Loads or reloads the torrc contents, raising an IOError if there's a
-    problem.
-    """
-    self.valsLock.acquire()
-    # clears contents and caches
-    self.contents, self.configLocation = None, None
-    self.displayableContents = None
-    self.strippedContents = None
-    self.corrections = None
-    try:
-      self.configLocation = getConfigLocation()
-      configFile = open(self.configLocation, "r")
-      self.contents = configFile.readlines()
-      configFile.close()
-    except IOError, exc:
-      self.valsLock.release()
-      raise exc
-    self.valsLock.release()
-  def isLoaded(self):
-    """
-    Provides true if there's loaded contents, false otherwise.
-    """
-    return self.contents != None
-  def getConfigLocation(self):
-    """
-    Provides the location of the loaded configuration contents. This may be
-    available, even if the torrc failed to be loaded.
-    """
-    return self.configLocation
-  def getContents(self):
-    """
-    Provides the contents of the configuration file.
-    """
-    self.valsLock.acquire()
-    returnVal = list(self.contents) if self.contents else None
-    self.valsLock.relese()
-    return returnVal
-  def getDisplayContents(self, strip = False):
-    """
-    Provides the contents of the configuration file, formatted in a rendering
-    frindly fashion:
-    - Tabs print as three spaces. Keeping them as tabs is problematic for
-      layouts since it's counted as a single character, but occupies several
-      cells.
-    - Strips control and unprintable characters.
-    Arguments:
-      strip - removes comments and extra whitespace if true
-    """
-    self.valsLock.acquire()
-    if not self.isLoaded(): returnVal = None
-    else:
-      if self.displayableContents == None:
-        # restricts contents to displayable characters
-        self.displayableContents = []
-        for lineNum in range(len(self.contents)):
-          lineText = self.contents[lineNum]
-          lineText = lineText.replace("\t", "   ")
-          lineText = "".join([char for char in lineText if curses.ascii.isprint(char)])
-          self.displayableContents.append(lineText)
-      if strip:
-        if self.strippedContents == None:
-          self.strippedContents = _stripComments(self.displayableContents)
-        returnVal = list(self.strippedContents)
-      else: returnVal = list(self.displayableContents)
-    self.valsLock.release()
-    return returnVal
-  def getCorrections(self):
-    """
-    Performs validation on the loaded contents and provides back the
-    corrections. If validation is disabled then this won't provide any
-    results.
-    """
-    self.valsLock.acquire()
-    if not self.isLoaded(): returnVal = None
-    elif not CONFIG["features.torrc.validate"]: returnVal = {}
-    else:
-      if self.corrections == None:
-        self.corrections = validate(self.contents)
-      returnVal = dict(self.corrections)
-    self.valsLock.release()
-    return returnVal
-  def getLock(self):
-    """
-    Provides the lock governing concurrent access to the contents.
-    """
-    return self.valsLock