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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] Merge branch 'bug9349_server_endpoints' into merge-next

commit 5843e89467a30679a64bd10d52b4c7f0124886d7
Merge: fd692bd 8cc46cf
Author: Ximin Luo <infinity0@xxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Oct 19 17:19:39 2013 +0100

    Merge branch 'bug9349_server_endpoints' into merge-next

 doc/design.txt                 |   36 ++++-
 facilitator/Makefile           |    2 +
 facilitator/fac.py             |   68 +++++++-
 facilitator/facilitator        |  347 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 facilitator/facilitator-test   |  201 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 facilitator/facilitator.cgi    |   60 +++++--
 facilitator/facilitator.py     |    1 +
 facilitator/init.d/facilitator |    8 +-
 facilitator/relays             |    2 +
 9 files changed, 572 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)

diff --cc facilitator/Makefile
index 07ed125,e69f9a7..52bd201
--- a/facilitator/Makefile
+++ b/facilitator/Makefile
@@@ -6,9 -5,11 +6,11 @@@ all
 -	mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
 -	cp -f facilitator facilitator-email-poller facilitator-reg-daemon facilitator-reg facilitator.cgi fac.py $(BINDIR)
 -	mkdir -p /etc/flashproxy
 -	cp -f relays /etc/flashproxy
 -	cp -f init.d/facilitator init.d/facilitator-email-poller init.d/facilitator-reg-daemon /etc/init.d/
 +	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
 +	cp -f facilitator facilitator-email-poller facilitator-reg-daemon facilitator-reg facilitator.cgi fac.py $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/flashproxy
++	cp -f relays $(DESTDIR)/etc/flashproxy
 +	cp -f init.d/facilitator init.d/facilitator-email-poller init.d/facilitator-reg-daemon $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d/
  	rm -f *.pyc
diff --cc facilitator/fac.py
index 5e334a5,8e37d39..88365e5
--- a/facilitator/fac.py
+++ b/facilitator/fac.py
@@@ -239,11 -281,14 +281,12 @@@ def transact(f, command, *params)
          raise ValueError("No newline at end of string returned by facilitator")
      return parse_transaction(line[:-1])
- def put_reg(facilitator_addr, client_addr):
 -def put_reg(facilitator_addr, client_addr, transport, registrant_addr=None):
++def put_reg(facilitator_addr, client_addr, transport):
      """Send a registration to the facilitator using a one-time socket. Returns
      true iff the command was successful."""
      f = fac_socket(facilitator_addr)
      params = [("CLIENT", format_addr(client_addr))]
+     params.append(("TRANSPORT", transport))
 -    if registrant_addr is not None:
 -        params.append(("FROM", format_addr(registrant_addr)))
          command, params = transact(f, "PUT", *params)
diff --cc facilitator/facilitator
index f7ebf10,63272f1..cbe3d98
--- a/facilitator/facilitator
+++ b/facilitator/facilitator
@@@ -51,10 -57,13 +57,13 @@@ again. Listen on and port POR
    -d, --debug               don't daemonize, log to stdout.
    -h, --help                show this help.
    -l, --log FILENAME        write log to FILENAME (default \"%(log)s\").
 -  -p, --port PORT           listen on PORT (by default %(port)d).
 +  -p, --port PORT           listen on PORT (default %(port)d).
        --pidfile FILENAME    write PID to FILENAME after daemonizing.
        --privdrop-user USER  switch UID and GID to those of USER.
-   -r, --relay RELAY         send RELAY (host:port) to proxies as the relay to use.
+   -r, --relay-file RELAY    learn relays from FILE.
+       --outer-transports TRANSPORTS
+                             comma-sep list of outer transports to accept proxies
+                             for (by default %(outer-transports)s)
        --unsafe-logging      don't scrub IP addresses from logs.\
  """ % {
      "progname": sys.argv[0],
@@@ -215,11 -283,8 +281,13 @@@ class Handler(SocketServer.StreamReques
      def send_error(self):
          print >> self.wfile, "ERROR"
 +    def error(self, log_msg):
 +        log(log_msg)
 +        self.send_error()
 +        return False
+     # Handle a GET request (got flashproxy poll; need to return a proper client registration)
+     # Example: GET FROM="" TRANSPORT="websocket" TRANSPORT="webrtc"
      def do_GET(self, params):
          proxy_spec = fac.param_first("FROM", params)
          if proxy_spec is None:
@@@ -227,40 -294,78 +295,64 @@@
              proxy_addr = fac.parse_addr_spec(proxy_spec, defport=0)
          except ValueError, e:
 -            log(u"syntax error in proxy address %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(proxy_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
 +            return self.error(u"syntax error in proxy address %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(proxy_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
+         transport_list = fac.param_getlist("PROXY_TRANSPORT", params)
+         if not transport_list:
 -            log(u"PROXY TRANSPORT missing FROM param")
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
++            return self.error(u"PROXY TRANSPORT missing FROM param")
-             reg = get_reg_for_proxy(proxy_addr)
+             client_reg, relay_reg = get_match_for_proxy(proxy_addr, transport_list)
          except Exception, e:
 -            log(u"error getting reg for proxy address %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(proxy_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
 +            return self.error(u"error getting reg for proxy address %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(proxy_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
          check_back_in = get_check_back_in_for_proxy(proxy_addr)
-         if reg:
-             log(u"proxy gets %s, relay %s (now %d)" %
-                 (safe_str(unicode(reg)), options.relay_spec, num_regs()))
-             print >> self.wfile, fac.render_transaction("OK", ("CLIENT", str(reg)), ("RELAY", options.relay_spec), ("CHECK-BACK-IN", str(check_back_in)))
+         if client_reg:
+             log(u"proxy (%s) gets client '%s' (supported transports: %s) (num relays: %s) (remaining regs: %d/%d)" %
+                 (safe_str(repr(proxy_spec)), safe_str(repr(client_reg.addr)), transport_list, num_relays(), num_unhandled_regs(), num_regs()))
+             print >> self.wfile, fac.render_transaction("OK",
+                 ("CLIENT", fac.format_addr(client_reg.addr)),
+                 ("RELAY", fac.format_addr(relay_reg.addr)),
+                 ("CHECK-BACK-IN", str(check_back_in)))
-             log(u"proxy gets none")
+             log(u"proxy (%s) gets none" % safe_str(repr(proxy_spec)))
              print >> self.wfile, fac.render_transaction("NONE", ("CHECK-BACK-IN", str(check_back_in)))
          return True
+     # Handle a PUT request (client made a registration request; register it.)
+     # Example: PUT CLIENT="" TRANSPORT="obfs3|websocket"
      def do_PUT(self, params):
+         # Check out if we recognize the transport in this registration request
+         transport = fac.param_first("TRANSPORT", params)
+         if transport is None:
 -            log(u"PUT missing TRANSPORT param")
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
++            return self.error(u"PUT missing TRANSPORT param")
+         transport = Transport.parse(transport)
+         # See if we have relays that support this transport
+         if transport.outer not in options.outer_transports:
+             return self.error(u"Unrecognized transport: %s" % transport)
          client_spec = fac.param_first("CLIENT", params)
          if client_spec is None:
 -            log(u"PUT missing CLIENT param")
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
 +            return self.error(u"PUT missing CLIENT param")
-             reg = Reg.parse(client_spec)
-         except ValueError, e:
+             reg = Endpoint.parse(client_spec, transport)
+         except (UnknownTransport, ValueError) as e:
+             # XXX should we throw a better error message to the client? Is it possible?
 -            log(u"syntax error in %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(client_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
 +            return self.error(u"syntax error in %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(client_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
              ok = put_reg(reg)
          except Exception, e:
 -            log(u"error putting reg %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(client_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
 -            self.send_error()
 -            return False
 +            return self.error(u"error putting reg %s: %s" % (safe_str(repr(client_spec)), safe_str(repr(str(e)))))
          if ok:
-             log(u"client %s (now %d)" % (safe_str(unicode(reg)), num_regs()))
+             log(u"client %s (transports: %s) (remaining regs: %d/%d)" % (safe_str(unicode(reg)), reg.transport, num_unhandled_regs(), num_regs()))
-             log(u"client %s (already present, now %d)" % (safe_str(unicode(reg)), num_regs()))
+             log(u"client %s (already present) (transports: %s) (remaining regs: %d/%d)" % (safe_str(unicode(reg)), reg.transport, num_unhandled_regs(), num_regs()))
          return True
@@@ -307,22 -419,30 +406,38 @@@ def get_check_back_in_for_proxy(proxy_a
  def put_reg(reg):
      """Add a registration."""
-     addr_str = reg.host
-     af = addr_af(addr_str)
-     REGS = regs_for_af(af)
-     return REGS.add(reg)
+     af = addr_af(reg.addr[0])
+     return CLIENTS[af].addEndpoint(reg.addr, reg.transport)
+ def parse_relay_file(servers, fp):
+     """Parse a file containing Tor relays that we can point proxies to.
+     Throws ValueError on a parsing error. Each line contains a transport chain
+     and an address, for example
+         obfs2|websocket
+     """
+     for line in fp.readlines():
+         try:
+             transport_spec, addr_spec = line.strip().split()
+         except ValueError, e:
+             raise ValueError("Wrong line format: %s." % repr(line))
+         addr = fac.parse_addr_spec(addr_spec, defport=DEFAULT_RELAY_PORT, resolve=True)
+         transport = Transport.parse(transport_spec)
+         if transport.outer not in options.outer_transports:
+             raise ValueError(u"Unrecognized transport: %s" % transport)
+         af = addr_af(addr[0])
+         servers[af].addEndpoint(addr, transport)
  def main():
 -    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dhl:p:r:",
 -        ["debug", "help", "log=", "port=", "pidfile=", "privdrop-user=", "relay-file=", "unsafe-logging"])
 +    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dhl:p:r:", [
 +        "debug",
 +        "help",
 +        "log=",
 +        "port=",
 +        "pidfile=",
 +        "privdrop-user=",
-         "relay=",
++        "relay-file=",
 +        "unsafe-logging",
 +    ])
      for o, a in opts:
          if o == "-d" or o == "--debug":
              options.daemonize = False
diff --cc facilitator/facilitator.cgi
index e4e9bdf,a68d84e..624580f
--- a/facilitator/facilitator.cgi
+++ b/facilitator/facilitator.cgi
@@@ -78,18 -88,45 +87,45 @@@ Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\
  def do_post():
+     """Parse client registration."""
+     # Old style client registration:
+     #   client=
+     # New style client registration:
+     #   client-websocket=|websocket=
      if path_info != "/":
-     client_specs = fs.getlist("client")
-     if len(client_specs) != 1:
-         exit_error(400)
-     client_spec = client_specs[0].strip()
-     try:
-         client_addr = fac.parse_addr_spec(client_spec, defhost=remote_addr[0])
-     except ValueError:
-         exit_error(400)
-     if not fac.put_reg(FACILITATOR_ADDR, client_addr):
-         exit_error(500)
+     # We iterate through the items in the POST body, and see if any of
+     # them look like "client-websocket=". We then split
+     # all those items and send them as separate registrations to the
+     # facilitator.
+     for key in fs.keys():
+         if key != "client" and not key.startswith("client-"):
+             continue
+         if key == "client": # reg without transport info -- default to websocket.
+             transport = "websocket"
+         else: # reg with transport info -- get the "websocket" part out of "client-websocket".
+             transport = key[len("client-"):]
+         # Get the "" part of "client-websocket=".
+         client_spec = fs[key].value.strip()
+         try:
+             client_addr = fac.parse_addr_spec(client_spec, defhost=remote_addr[0])
+         except ValueError:
+             exit_error(400)
+         # XXX what if previous registrations passed through
+         # successfully, but the last one failed and called
+         # exit_error()?
+         # XXX need to link these registrations together, so that
+         # when one is answerered the rest are invalidated.
 -        if not fac.put_reg(FACILITATOR_ADDR, client_addr, transport, remote_addr):
++        if not fac.put_reg(FACILITATOR_ADDR, client_addr, transport):
+             exit_error(500)
      print """\
  Status: 200\r

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