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[or-cvs] mention bandwidth-observed in the tor spec
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mention bandwidth-observed in the tor spec
thanks to duck for pointing out this omission
Index: tor-spec.txt
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/doc/tor-spec.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.64
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -u -d -r1.64 -r1.65
--- tor-spec.txt 9 Aug 2004 07:41:25 -0000 1.64
+++ tor-spec.txt 25 Sep 2004 06:26:59 -0000 1.65
@@ -625,12 +625,18 @@
directory-related HTTP connections. If any port is not supported, the
value 0 is given instead of a port number.
- "bandwidth" bandwidth-avg bandwidth-burst
+ "bandwidth" bandwidth-avg bandwidth-burst bandwidth-observed
Estimated bandwidth for this router, in bytes per second. The
- "average" bandwidth is the volume per second that the OR is willing to
- sustain over long periods; the "burst" bandwidth is the volume that
- the OR is willing to sustain in very short intervals.
+ "average" bandwidth is the volume per second that the OR is willing
+ to sustain over long periods; the "burst" bandwidth is the volume
+ that the OR is willing to sustain in very short intervals. The
+ "observed" value is an estimate of the capacity this server can
+ handle. The server remembers the max bandwidth sustained output
+ over any ten second period in the past day, and another sustained
+ input. The "observed" value is the lesser of these two numbers.
+ [bandwidth-observed was not present before 0.0.8.]
"platform" string