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[tor-commits] [arm/release] Added validation that torrc is wizard generated
commit 8f313c620eeec6bfa3c5845fb5c3a7ff187f82ea
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Jul 27 07:44:34 2011 -0700
Added validation that torrc is wizard generated
Doing regex checks that the options match what the arm wizard would produce.
src/resources/torrcOverride/override.py | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/resources/torrcOverride/override.py b/src/resources/torrcOverride/override.py
index 21e6b28..dffa3a5 100755
--- a/src/resources/torrcOverride/override.py
+++ b/src/resources/torrcOverride/override.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ pkill -sighup tor
import os
+import re
import sys
import grp
import pwd
@@ -41,13 +42,40 @@ USER = "tor-arm"
GROUP = "tor-arm"
TOR_CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/tor/torrc"
ARM_CONFIG_FILE = "/var/lib/tor-arm/torrc"
+RUN_VERIFY = True # use 'tor --verify-config' to check the torrc
+# regex patterns for options the wizard may include
+WIZARD_OPT = ("^DataDirectory \S+$",
+ "^Log notice file \S+$",
+ "^ControlPort 9052$",
+ "^CookieAuthentication 1$",
+ "^RunAsDaemon 1$",
+ "^User \S+$",
+ "^ORPort (443|9001)$",
+ "^DirPort (80|9030)$",
+ "^Nickname ",
+ "^ContactInfo ",
+ "^BridgeRelay 1$",
+ "^PublishServerDescriptor 0$",
+ "^RelayBandwidthRate ",
+ "^RelayBandwidthBurst ",
+ "^AccountingMax ",
+ "^SocksPort 0$",
+ "^PortForwarding 1$",
+ "^ExitPolicy (accept|reject) \S+$",
+ "^DirPortFrontPage \S+$",
+ "^ClientOnly 1$",
+ "^MaxCircuitDirtiness ",
+ "^UseBridges 1$",
+ "^Bridge ")
HELP_MSG = """Usage %s [OPTION]
Backup the system wide torrc (%s) and replace it with the
contents of %s.
- --init creates the necessary user and paths
- --remove reverts changes made with --init
+ --init creates the necessary user and paths
+ --remove reverts changes made with --init
+ --validate PATH checks if the given file is wizard generated
""" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), TOR_CONFIG_FILE, ARM_CONFIG_FILE)
def init():
@@ -196,27 +224,37 @@ def replaceTorrc():
# man, unix is really weird...
_, status = os.waitpid(fork_pid, 0)
- if status != 0:
+ if status != 0 or not os.path.exists(tf.name):
print "The child seems to have failed; exiting!"
# attempt to verify that the config is OK
- if os.path.exists(tf.name):
- # construct our SU string
- SUSTRING = "su -c 'tor --verify-config -f " + str(tf.name) + "' " + USER
- # We raise privs to drop them with 'su'
+ # raise privilages to drop them with 'su'
- # We drop privs here and exec tor to verify it as the dropped_uid
+ # drop privilages and exec tor to verify it as the dropped_uid
print "Using Tor to verify that arm will not break Tor's config:"
- success = os.system(SUSTRING)
+ verifyCmd = "su -c 'tor --verify-config -f %s' %s" % (tf.name, USER)
+ success = os.system(verifyCmd)
if success != 0:
print "Tor says the new configuration file is invalid: %s (%s)" % (ARM_CONFIG_FILE, tf.name)
+ # validates that the torrc matches what the wizard could produce
+ torrcFile = open(tf.name)
+ torrcContents = torrcFile.readlines()
+ torrcFile.close()
+ if not isWizardGenerated(torrcContents):
+ print "torrc doesn't match what we'd expect from the setup wizard"
+ sys.exit(1)
# backup the previous tor config
if os.path.exists(TOR_CONFIG_FILE):
@@ -243,6 +281,34 @@ def replaceTorrc():
+def isWizardGenerated(torrcLines):
+ """
+ True if the given torrc contents could be generated by the wizard, false
+ otherwise. This just checks the basic format and options used, not the
+ validity of most generated values so this could still be rejected by tor.
+ """
+ wizardPatterns = [re.compile(opt) for opt in WIZARD_OPT]
+ for line in torrcLines:
+ commentStart = line.find("#")
+ if commentStart != -1: line = line[:commentStart]
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line: continue # blank line
+ isRecognized = False
+ for pattern in wizardPatterns:
+ if pattern.match(line):
+ isRecognized = True
+ break
+ if not isRecognized:
+ print "Unrecognized torrc contents: %s" % line
+ return False
+ return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
# sanity check that we're on linux
if os.name != "posix":
@@ -260,6 +326,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "--remove":
+ elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == "--validate":
+ torrcFile = open(sys.argv[2])
+ torrcContents = torrcFile.readlines()
+ torrcFile.close()
+ isValid = isWizardGenerated(torrcContents)
+ if isValid: print "torrc validated"
+ else: print "torrc invalid"
print HELP_MSG
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