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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] Reestablish broken IMAP connections.
commit 39158f59ed697a14a7fcb7d3f471051dd0e0ffcb
Author: David Fifield <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu Sep 20 08:28:12 2012 -0700
Reestablish broken IMAP connections.
facilitator/facilitator-email-poller | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/facilitator/facilitator-email-poller b/facilitator/facilitator-email-poller
index e3f3053..1d42823 100755
--- a/facilitator/facilitator-email-poller
+++ b/facilitator/facilitator-email-poller
@@ -261,35 +261,47 @@ if options.daemonize:
if options.imaplib_debug:
imaplib.Debug = 4
-ca_certs_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="facilitator-email-poller-", suffix=".crt", delete=True)
- ca_certs_file.write(CA_CERTS)
- ca_certs_file.flush()
- imap = IMAP4_SSL_REQUIRED(options.imap_addr[0], options.imap_addr[1],
- None, ca_certs_file.name)
- ca_certs_file.close()
-# Check that the public key is what we expect.
-cert_der = imap.ssl().getpeercert(binary_form=True)
-cert = X509.load_cert_string(cert_der, format=X509.FORMAT_DER)
-pubkey_der = cert.get_pubkey().as_der()
-pubkey_digest = sha1(pubkey_der).digest()
-if pubkey_digest != PUBKEY_SHA1:
- raise ValueError("Public key does not match pin: got %s but expected %s" %
- (pubkey_digest.encode("hex"), PUBKEY_SHA1.encode("hex")))
-pre_debug = imap.debug
-if options.safe_logging:
- # Don't log the login call without --unsafe-logging because it contains a
- # secret password.
- imap.debug = 0
-log(u"logging in as %s" % options.email_addr)
-imap.login(options.email_addr, email_password)
-imap.debug = pre_debug
+def imap_login():
+ """Make an IMAP connection, check the certificate and public key, and log in."""
+ ca_certs_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="facilitator-email-poller-", suffix=".crt", delete=True)
+ try:
+ ca_certs_file.write(CA_CERTS)
+ ca_certs_file.flush()
+ imap = IMAP4_SSL_REQUIRED(options.imap_addr[0], options.imap_addr[1],
+ None, ca_certs_file.name)
+ finally:
+ ca_certs_file.close()
+ # Check that the public key is what we expect.
+ cert_der = imap.ssl().getpeercert(binary_form=True)
+ cert = X509.load_cert_string(cert_der, format=X509.FORMAT_DER)
+ pubkey_der = cert.get_pubkey().as_der()
+ pubkey_digest = sha1(pubkey_der).digest()
+ if pubkey_digest != PUBKEY_SHA1:
+ raise ValueError("Public key does not match pin: got %s but expected %s" %
+ (pubkey_digest.encode("hex"), PUBKEY_SHA1.encode("hex")))
+ pre_debug = imap.debug
+ if options.safe_logging:
+ # Don't log the login call without --unsafe-logging because it contains a
+ # secret password.
+ imap.debug = 0
+ log(u"logging in as %s" % options.email_addr)
+ imap.login(options.email_addr, email_password)
+ imap.debug = pre_debug
+ return imap
+while True:
+ imap = imap_login()
+ try:
+ imap_loop(imap)
+ except imaplib.IMAP4.abort, e:
+ # Try again after a disconnection.
+ log(u"lost server connection: %s" % str(e))
+ else:
+ break
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