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[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Move oonicli into ui/cli component
commit 5a89a2c028fa5058bf56260676a9d0e7c9dc32c6
Author: Arturo Filastò <arturo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Jul 19 18:36:38 2016 +0200
Move oonicli into ui/cli component
bin/ooniprobe | 4 +-
ooni/oonicli.py | 520 ---------------------------------------------
ooni/tests/test_oonicli.py | 12 +-
ooni/ui/cli.py | 520 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 528 insertions(+), 528 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/ooniprobe b/bin/ooniprobe
index ad97553..0274899 100755
--- a/bin/ooniprobe
+++ b/bin/ooniprobe
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
-from ooni.oonicli import setupGlobalOptions
-from ooni.oonicli import runWithDaemonDirector, runWithDirector
+from ooni.ui.cli import runWithDaemonDirector, runWithDirector
+from ooni.ui.cli import setupGlobalOptions
diff --git a/ooni/oonicli.py b/ooni/oonicli.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb1d9f..0000000
--- a/ooni/oonicli.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import json
-import yaml
-import random
-import textwrap
-import urlparse
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from ooni import errors, __version__
-from ooni.constants import CANONICAL_BOUNCER_ONION
-from ooni.settings import config
-from ooni.utils import log
-class LifetimeExceeded(Exception): pass
-class Options(usage.Options):
- synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
- """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)
- longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
- " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
- " files listed on the command line.")
- optFlags = [["help", "h"],
- ["no-collector", "n", "Disable writing to collector"],
- ["no-yamloo", "N", "Disable writing to YAML file"],
- ["no-geoip", "g", "Disable geoip lookup on start"],
- ["list", "s", "List the currently installed ooniprobe "
- "nettests"],
- ["printdeck", "p", "Print the equivalent deck for the "
- "provided command"],
- ["verbose", "v", "Show more verbose information"]
- ]
- optParameters = [
- ["reportfile", "o", None, "Specify the report file name to write to."],
- ["testdeck", "i", None, "Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file "
- "containing the tests to run and their "
- "arguments."],
- ["collector", "c", None, "Specify the address of the collector for "
- "test results. In most cases a user will "
- "prefer to specify a bouncer over this."],
- ["bouncer", "b", None, "Specify the bouncer used to "
- "obtain the address of the "
- "collector and test helpers."],
- ["logfile", "l", None, "Write to this logs to this filename."],
- ["pcapfile", "O", None, "Write a PCAP of the ooniprobe session to "
- "this filename."],
- ["configfile", "f", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe "
- "configuration file."],
- ["datadir", "d", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe data "
- "directory."],
- ["annotations", "a", None, "Annotate the report with a key:value[, "
- "key:value] format."],
- ["preferred-backend", "P", None, "Set the preferred backend to use "
- "when submitting results and/or "
- "communicating with test helpers. "
- "Can be either onion, "
- "https or cloudfront"],
- ["queue", "Q", None, "AMQP Queue URL amqp://user:pass@host:port/vhost/queue"]
- ]
- compData = usage.Completions(
- extraActions=[usage.CompleteFiles(
- "*.py", descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
- repeat=True)],)
- tracer = None
- def __init__(self):
- usage.Options.__init__(self)
- def getUsage(self, width=None):
- return super(Options, self).getUsage(width) + """
-To get started you may want to run:
-$ oonideckgen
-This will tell you how to run ooniprobe :)
- def opt_spew(self):
- """
- Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.
- Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.
- """
- from twisted.python.util import spewer
- sys.settrace(spewer)
- def opt_version(self):
- """
- Display the ooniprobe version and exit.
- """
- print "ooniprobe version:", __version__
- sys.exit(0)
- def parseArgs(self, *args):
- if self['testdeck'] or self['list']:
- return
- try:
- self['test_file'] = args[0]
- self['subargs'] = args[1:]
- except:
- raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")
-def parseOptions():
- print "WARNING: running ooniprobe involves some risk that varies greatly"
- print " from country to country. You should be aware of this when"
- print " running the tool. Read more about this in the manpage or README."
- cmd_line_options = Options()
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- cmd_line_options.getUsage()
- try:
- cmd_line_options.parseOptions()
- except usage.UsageError as ue:
- print cmd_line_options.getUsage()
- raise SystemExit("%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue))
- return dict(cmd_line_options)
-def director_startup_handled_failures(failure):
- log.err("Could not start the director")
- failure.trap(errors.TorNotRunning,
- errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress,
- errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput,
- errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper,
- errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector,
- errors.ProbeIPUnknown,
- errors.InvalidInputFile,
- errors.ConfigFileIncoherent)
- if isinstance(failure.value, errors.TorNotRunning):
- log.err("Tor does not appear to be running")
- log.err("Reporting with a collector is not possible")
- log.msg(
- "Try with a different collector or disable collector reporting with -n")
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress):
- log.err("Invalid format for oonib collector address.")
- log.msg(
- "Should be in the format http://<collector_address>:<port>")
- log.msg("for example: ooniprobe -c httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion")
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput):
- log.err("Unable to fetch the required inputs for the test deck.")
- log.msg(
- "Please file a ticket on our issue tracker: https://github.com/thetorproject/ooni-probe/issues")
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper):
- log.err("Unable to obtain the required test helpers.")
- log.msg(
- "Try with a different bouncer or check that Tor is running properly.")
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector):
- log.err("Could not find a valid collector.")
- log.msg(
- "Try with a different bouncer, specify a collector with -c or disable reporting to a collector with -n.")
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ProbeIPUnknown):
- log.err("Failed to lookup probe IP address.")
- log.msg("Check your internet connection.")
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidInputFile):
- log.err("Invalid input file \"%s\"" % failure.value)
- elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ConfigFileIncoherent):
- log.err("Incoherent config file")
- if config.advanced.debug:
- log.exception(failure)
-def director_startup_other_failures(failure):
- log.err("An unhandled exception occurred while starting the director!")
- log.exception(failure)
-def setupGlobalOptions(logging, start_tor, check_incoherences):
- global_options = parseOptions()
- config.global_options = global_options
- config.set_paths()
- config.initialize_ooni_home()
- try:
- config.read_config_file(check_incoherences=check_incoherences)
- except errors.ConfigFileIncoherent:
- sys.exit(6)
- if global_options['verbose']:
- config.advanced.debug = True
- if not start_tor:
- config.advanced.start_tor = False
- if logging:
- log.start(global_options['logfile'])
- if config.privacy.includepcap or global_options['pcapfile']:
- from ooni.utils.net import hasRawSocketPermission
- if hasRawSocketPermission():
- from ooni.utils.txscapy import ScapyFactory
- config.scapyFactory = ScapyFactory(config.advanced.interface)
- else:
- log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets."
- " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap")
- sys.exit(2)
- global_options['check_incoherences'] = check_incoherences
- return global_options
-def setupAnnotations(global_options):
- annotations={}
- for annotation in global_options["annotations"].split(","):
- pair = annotation.split(":")
- if len(pair) == 2:
- key = pair[0].strip()
- value = pair[1].strip()
- annotations[key] = value
- else:
- log.err("Invalid annotation: %s" % annotation)
- sys.exit(1)
- global_options["annotations"] = annotations
- return annotations
-def setupCollector(global_options, collector_client):
- from backend_client import CollectorClient
- if global_options['collector']:
- collector_client = CollectorClient(global_options['collector'])
- elif config.reports.get('collector', None) is not None:
- collector_client = CollectorClient(config.reports['collector'])
- if not collector_client.isSupported():
- raise errors.CollectorUnsupported
- return collector_client
-def createDeck(global_options, url=None):
- from ooni.nettest import NetTestLoader
- from ooni.deck import Deck, nettest_to_path
- from backend_client import CollectorClient
- if url:
- log.msg("Creating deck for: %s" % (url))
- if global_options['no-yamloo']:
- log.msg("Will not write to a yamloo report file")
- deck = Deck(bouncer=global_options['bouncer'],
- no_collector=global_options['no-collector'])
- try:
- if global_options['testdeck']:
- deck.loadDeck(global_options['testdeck'], global_options)
- else:
- log.debug("No test deck detected")
- test_file = nettest_to_path(global_options['test_file'], True)
- if url is not None:
- args = ('-u', url)
- else:
- args = tuple()
- if any(global_options['subargs']):
- args = global_options['subargs'] + args
- net_test_loader = NetTestLoader(args,
- test_file=test_file,
- annotations=global_options['annotations'])
- if global_options['collector']:
- net_test_loader.collector = \
- CollectorClient(global_options['collector'])
- deck.insert(net_test_loader)
- except errors.MissingRequiredOption as option_name:
- log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name)
- incomplete_net_test_loader = option_name.net_test_loader
- print incomplete_net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
- sys.exit(2)
- except errors.NetTestNotFound as path:
- log.err('Requested NetTest file not found (%s)' % path)
- sys.exit(3)
- except errors.OONIUsageError as e:
- log.err(e)
- print e.net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
- sys.exit(4)
- except errors.HTTPSCollectorUnsupported:
- log.err("HTTPS collectors require a twisted version of at least 14.0.2.")
- sys.exit(6)
- except errors.InsecureBackend:
- log.err("Attempting to report to an insecure collector.")
- log.err("To enable reporting to insecure collector set the "
- "advanced->insecure_backend option to true in "
- "your ooniprobe.conf file.")
- sys.exit(7)
- except Exception as e:
- if config.advanced.debug:
- log.exception(e)
- log.err(e)
- sys.exit(5)
- return deck
-def runTestWithDirector(director, global_options, url=None, start_tor=True):
- deck = createDeck(global_options, url=url)
- start_tor |= deck.requiresTor
- d = director.start(start_tor=start_tor,
- check_incoherences=global_options['check_incoherences'])
- def setup_nettest(_):
- try:
- return deck.setup()
- except errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput as error:
- return defer.failure.Failure(error)
- except errors.NoReachableTestHelpers as error:
- return defer.failure.Failure(error)
- except errors.NoReachableCollectors as error:
- return defer.failure.Failure(error)
- # Wait until director has started up (including bootstrapping Tor)
- # before adding tests
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def post_director_start(_):
- for net_test_loader in deck.netTestLoaders:
- # Decks can specify different collectors
- # for each net test, so that each NetTest
- # may be paired with a test_helper and its collector
- # However, a user can override this behavior by
- # specifying a collector from the command-line (-c).
- # If a collector is not specified in the deck, or the
- # deck is a singleton, the default collector set in
- # ooniprobe.conf will be used
- collector_client = None
- if not global_options['no-collector']:
- collector_client = setupCollector(global_options,
- net_test_loader.collector)
- yield director.startNetTest(net_test_loader,
- global_options['reportfile'],
- collector_client,
- global_options['no-yamloo'])
- d.addCallback(setup_nettest)
- d.addCallback(post_director_start)
- d.addErrback(director_startup_handled_failures)
- d.addErrback(director_startup_other_failures)
- return d
-def runWithDirector(global_options):
- """
- Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe
- test!
- """
- from ooni.director import Director
- start_tor = False
- director = Director()
- if global_options['list']:
- net_tests = [net_test for net_test in director.getNetTests().items()]
- print ""
- print "Installed nettests"
- print "=================="
- for net_test_id, net_test in net_tests:
- optList = []
- for name, details in net_test['arguments'].items():
- optList.append({'long': name, 'doc': details['description']})
- desc = ('\n' +
- net_test['name'] +
- '\n' +
- '-'*len(net_test['name']) +
- '\n' +
- '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(net_test['description'], 80)) +
- '\n\n' +
- '$ ooniprobe {}/{}'.format(net_test['category'],
- net_test['id']) +
- '\n\n' +
- ''.join(usage.docMakeChunks(optList))
- )
- print desc
- print "Note: Third party tests require an external "\
- "application to run properly."
- sys.exit(0)
- elif global_options['printdeck']:
- del global_options['printdeck']
- print "# Copy and paste the lines below into a test deck to run the specified test with the specified arguments"
- print yaml.safe_dump([{'options': global_options}]).strip()
- sys.exit(0)
- if global_options.get('annotations') is not None:
- global_options['annotations'] = setupAnnotations(global_options)
- if global_options.get('preferred-backend') is not None:
- config.advanced.preferred_backend = global_options['preferred-backend']
- if global_options['no-collector']:
- log.msg("Not reporting using a collector")
- global_options['collector'] = None
- start_tor = False
- elif config.advanced.get("preferred_backend", "onion") == "onion":
- start_tor = True
- if (global_options['collector'] and
- config.advanced.get("preferred_backend", "onion") == "onion"):
- start_tor |= True
- return runTestWithDirector(director=director,
- start_tor=start_tor,
- global_options=global_options)
-# this variant version of runWithDirector splits the process in two,
-# allowing a single director instance to be reused with multiple decks.
-def runWithDaemonDirector(global_options):
- """
- Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe
- test!
- """
- from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
- from ooni.director import Director
- try:
- import pika
- from pika import exceptions
- from pika.adapters import twisted_connection
- except ImportError:
- print "Pika is required for queue connection."
- print "Install with \"pip install pika\"."
- sys.exit(7)
- director = Director()
- if global_options.get('annotations') is not None:
- global_options['annotations'] = setupAnnotations(global_options)
- if global_options['no-collector']:
- log.msg("Not reporting using a collector")
- global_options['collector'] = None
- start_tor = False
- else:
- start_tor = True
- finished = defer.Deferred()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def readmsg(_, channel, queue_object, consumer_tag, counter):
- # Wait for a message and decode it.
- if counter >= lifetime:
- log.msg("Counter")
- queue_object.close(LifetimeExceeded())
- yield channel.basic_cancel(consumer_tag=consumer_tag)
- finished.callback(None)
- else:
- log.msg("Waiting for message")
- try:
- ch, method, properties, body = yield queue_object.get()
- log.msg("Got message")
- data = json.loads(body)
- counter += 1
- log.msg("Received %d/%d: %s" % (counter, lifetime, data['url'],))
- # acknowledge the message
- ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)
- d = runTestWithDirector(director=director,
- start_tor=start_tor,
- global_options=global_options,
- url=data['url'].encode('utf8'))
- # When the test has been completed, go back to waiting for a message.
- d.addCallback(readmsg, channel, queue_object, consumer_tag, counter+1)
- except exceptions.AMQPError,v:
- log.msg("Error")
- log.exception(v)
- finished.errback(v)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def runQueue(connection, name, qos):
- # Set up the queue consumer. When a message is received, run readmsg
- channel = yield connection.channel()
- yield channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=qos)
- queue_object, consumer_tag = yield channel.basic_consume(
- queue=name,
- no_ack=False)
- readmsg(None, channel, queue_object, consumer_tag, 0)
- # Create the AMQP connection. This could be refactored to allow test URLs
- # to be submitted through an HTTP server interface or something.
- urlp = urlparse.urlparse(config.global_options['queue'])
- urlargs = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(urlp.query))
- # random lifetime requests counter
- lifetime = random.randint(820, 1032)
- # AMQP connection details are sent through the cmdline parameter '-Q'
- creds = pika.PlainCredentials(urlp.username or 'guest',
- urlp.password or 'guest')
- parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(urlp.hostname,
- urlp.port or 5672,
- urlp.path.rsplit('/',1)[0] or '/',
- creds,
- heartbeat_interval=120,
- )
- cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor,
- twisted_connection.TwistedProtocolConnection,
- parameters)
- d = cc.connectTCP(urlp.hostname, urlp.port or 5672)
- d.addCallback(lambda protocol: protocol.ready)
- # start the wait/process sequence.
- d.addCallback(runQueue, urlp.path.rsplit('/',1)[-1], int(urlargs.get('qos',1)))
- return finished
diff --git a/ooni/tests/test_oonicli.py b/ooni/tests/test_oonicli.py
index 4a58736..8ca8d0c 100644
--- a/ooni/tests/test_oonicli.py
+++ b/ooni/tests/test_oonicli.py
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
+import exceptions
import os
import sys
-import yaml
+import yaml
from twisted.internet import defer
-import exceptions
from ooni import errors
+from ooni.settings import config
from ooni.tests import is_internet_connected
from ooni.tests.bases import ConfigTestCase
-from ooni.settings import config
-from ooni.oonicli import runWithDirector, setupGlobalOptions
-from ooni.oonicli import setupAnnotations, setupCollector
-from ooni.oonicli import createDeck
+from ooni.ui.cli import createDeck
+from ooni.ui.cli import runWithDirector, setupGlobalOptions
+from ooni.ui.cli import setupAnnotations, setupCollector
from ooni.utils.net import hasRawSocketPermission
diff --git a/ooni/ui/cli.py b/ooni/ui/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b402c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ooni/ui/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import json
+import yaml
+import random
+import textwrap
+import urlparse
+from twisted.python import usage
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from ooni import errors, __version__
+from ooni.constants import CANONICAL_BOUNCER_ONION
+from ooni.settings import config
+from ooni.utils import log
+class LifetimeExceeded(Exception): pass
+class Options(usage.Options):
+ synopsis = """%s [options] [path to test].py
+ """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)
+ longdesc = ("ooniprobe loads and executes a suite or a set of suites of"
+ " network tests. These are loaded from modules, packages and"
+ " files listed on the command line.")
+ optFlags = [["help", "h"],
+ ["no-collector", "n", "Disable writing to collector"],
+ ["no-yamloo", "N", "Disable writing to YAML file"],
+ ["no-geoip", "g", "Disable geoip lookup on start"],
+ ["list", "s", "List the currently installed ooniprobe "
+ "nettests"],
+ ["printdeck", "p", "Print the equivalent deck for the "
+ "provided command"],
+ ["verbose", "v", "Show more verbose information"]
+ ]
+ optParameters = [
+ ["reportfile", "o", None, "Specify the report file name to write to."],
+ ["testdeck", "i", None, "Specify as input a test deck: a yaml file "
+ "containing the tests to run and their "
+ "arguments."],
+ ["collector", "c", None, "Specify the address of the collector for "
+ "test results. In most cases a user will "
+ "prefer to specify a bouncer over this."],
+ ["bouncer", "b", None, "Specify the bouncer used to "
+ "obtain the address of the "
+ "collector and test helpers."],
+ ["logfile", "l", None, "Write to this logs to this filename."],
+ ["pcapfile", "O", None, "Write a PCAP of the ooniprobe session to "
+ "this filename."],
+ ["configfile", "f", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe "
+ "configuration file."],
+ ["datadir", "d", None, "Specify a path to the ooniprobe data "
+ "directory."],
+ ["annotations", "a", None, "Annotate the report with a key:value[, "
+ "key:value] format."],
+ ["preferred-backend", "P", None, "Set the preferred backend to use "
+ "when submitting results and/or "
+ "communicating with test helpers. "
+ "Can be either onion, "
+ "https or cloudfront"],
+ ["queue", "Q", None, "AMQP Queue URL amqp://user:pass@host:port/vhost/queue"]
+ ]
+ compData = usage.Completions(
+ extraActions=[usage.CompleteFiles(
+ "*.py", descr="file | module | package | TestCase | testMethod",
+ repeat=True)],)
+ tracer = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ usage.Options.__init__(self)
+ def getUsage(self, width=None):
+ return super(Options, self).getUsage(width) + """
+To get started you may want to run:
+$ oonideckgen
+This will tell you how to run ooniprobe :)
+ def opt_spew(self):
+ """
+ Print an insanely verbose log of everything that happens.
+ Useful when debugging freezes or locks in complex code.
+ """
+ from twisted.python.util import spewer
+ sys.settrace(spewer)
+ def opt_version(self):
+ """
+ Display the ooniprobe version and exit.
+ """
+ print "ooniprobe version:", __version__
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ if self['testdeck'] or self['list']:
+ return
+ try:
+ self['test_file'] = args[0]
+ self['subargs'] = args[1:]
+ except:
+ raise usage.UsageError("No test filename specified!")
+def parseOptions():
+ print "WARNING: running ooniprobe involves some risk that varies greatly"
+ print " from country to country. You should be aware of this when"
+ print " running the tool. Read more about this in the manpage or README."
+ cmd_line_options = Options()
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ cmd_line_options.getUsage()
+ try:
+ cmd_line_options.parseOptions()
+ except usage.UsageError as ue:
+ print cmd_line_options.getUsage()
+ raise SystemExit("%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue))
+ return dict(cmd_line_options)
+def director_startup_handled_failures(failure):
+ log.err("Could not start the director")
+ failure.trap(errors.TorNotRunning,
+ errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress,
+ errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput,
+ errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper,
+ errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector,
+ errors.ProbeIPUnknown,
+ errors.InvalidInputFile,
+ errors.ConfigFileIncoherent)
+ if isinstance(failure.value, errors.TorNotRunning):
+ log.err("Tor does not appear to be running")
+ log.err("Reporting with a collector is not possible")
+ log.msg(
+ "Try with a different collector or disable collector reporting with -n")
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress):
+ log.err("Invalid format for oonib collector address.")
+ log.msg(
+ "Should be in the format http://<collector_address>:<port>")
+ log.msg("for example: ooniprobe -c httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion")
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput):
+ log.err("Unable to fetch the required inputs for the test deck.")
+ log.msg(
+ "Please file a ticket on our issue tracker: https://github.com/thetorproject/ooni-probe/issues")
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper):
+ log.err("Unable to obtain the required test helpers.")
+ log.msg(
+ "Try with a different bouncer or check that Tor is running properly.")
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector):
+ log.err("Could not find a valid collector.")
+ log.msg(
+ "Try with a different bouncer, specify a collector with -c or disable reporting to a collector with -n.")
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ProbeIPUnknown):
+ log.err("Failed to lookup probe IP address.")
+ log.msg("Check your internet connection.")
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidInputFile):
+ log.err("Invalid input file \"%s\"" % failure.value)
+ elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ConfigFileIncoherent):
+ log.err("Incoherent config file")
+ if config.advanced.debug:
+ log.exception(failure)
+def director_startup_other_failures(failure):
+ log.err("An unhandled exception occurred while starting the director!")
+ log.exception(failure)
+def setupGlobalOptions(logging, start_tor, check_incoherences):
+ global_options = parseOptions()
+ config.global_options = global_options
+ config.set_paths()
+ config.initialize_ooni_home()
+ try:
+ config.read_config_file(check_incoherences=check_incoherences)
+ except errors.ConfigFileIncoherent:
+ sys.exit(6)
+ if global_options['verbose']:
+ config.advanced.debug = True
+ if not start_tor:
+ config.advanced.start_tor = False
+ if logging:
+ log.start(global_options['logfile'])
+ if config.privacy.includepcap or global_options['pcapfile']:
+ from ooni.utils.net import hasRawSocketPermission
+ if hasRawSocketPermission():
+ from ooni.utils.txscapy import ScapyFactory
+ config.scapyFactory = ScapyFactory(config.advanced.interface)
+ else:
+ log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets."
+ " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap")
+ sys.exit(2)
+ global_options['check_incoherences'] = check_incoherences
+ return global_options
+def setupAnnotations(global_options):
+ annotations={}
+ for annotation in global_options["annotations"].split(","):
+ pair = annotation.split(":")
+ if len(pair) == 2:
+ key = pair[0].strip()
+ value = pair[1].strip()
+ annotations[key] = value
+ else:
+ log.err("Invalid annotation: %s" % annotation)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ global_options["annotations"] = annotations
+ return annotations
+def setupCollector(global_options, collector_client):
+ from ooni.backend_client import CollectorClient
+ if global_options['collector']:
+ collector_client = CollectorClient(global_options['collector'])
+ elif config.reports.get('collector', None) is not None:
+ collector_client = CollectorClient(config.reports['collector'])
+ if not collector_client.isSupported():
+ raise errors.CollectorUnsupported
+ return collector_client
+def createDeck(global_options, url=None):
+ from ooni.nettest import NetTestLoader
+ from ooni.deck import Deck, nettest_to_path
+ from ooni.backend_client import CollectorClient
+ if url:
+ log.msg("Creating deck for: %s" % (url))
+ if global_options['no-yamloo']:
+ log.msg("Will not write to a yamloo report file")
+ deck = Deck(bouncer=global_options['bouncer'],
+ no_collector=global_options['no-collector'])
+ try:
+ if global_options['testdeck']:
+ deck.loadDeck(global_options['testdeck'], global_options)
+ else:
+ log.debug("No test deck detected")
+ test_file = nettest_to_path(global_options['test_file'], True)
+ if url is not None:
+ args = ('-u', url)
+ else:
+ args = tuple()
+ if any(global_options['subargs']):
+ args = global_options['subargs'] + args
+ net_test_loader = NetTestLoader(args,
+ test_file=test_file,
+ annotations=global_options['annotations'])
+ if global_options['collector']:
+ net_test_loader.collector = \
+ CollectorClient(global_options['collector'])
+ deck.insert(net_test_loader)
+ except errors.MissingRequiredOption as option_name:
+ log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name)
+ incomplete_net_test_loader = option_name.net_test_loader
+ print incomplete_net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except errors.NetTestNotFound as path:
+ log.err('Requested NetTest file not found (%s)' % path)
+ sys.exit(3)
+ except errors.OONIUsageError as e:
+ log.err(e)
+ print e.net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage()
+ sys.exit(4)
+ except errors.HTTPSCollectorUnsupported:
+ log.err("HTTPS collectors require a twisted version of at least 14.0.2.")
+ sys.exit(6)
+ except errors.InsecureBackend:
+ log.err("Attempting to report to an insecure collector.")
+ log.err("To enable reporting to insecure collector set the "
+ "advanced->insecure_backend option to true in "
+ "your ooniprobe.conf file.")
+ sys.exit(7)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if config.advanced.debug:
+ log.exception(e)
+ log.err(e)
+ sys.exit(5)
+ return deck
+def runTestWithDirector(director, global_options, url=None, start_tor=True):
+ deck = createDeck(global_options, url=url)
+ start_tor |= deck.requiresTor
+ d = director.start(start_tor=start_tor,
+ check_incoherences=global_options['check_incoherences'])
+ def setup_nettest(_):
+ try:
+ return deck.setup()
+ except errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput as error:
+ return defer.failure.Failure(error)
+ except errors.NoReachableTestHelpers as error:
+ return defer.failure.Failure(error)
+ except errors.NoReachableCollectors as error:
+ return defer.failure.Failure(error)
+ # Wait until director has started up (including bootstrapping Tor)
+ # before adding tests
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def post_director_start(_):
+ for net_test_loader in deck.netTestLoaders:
+ # Decks can specify different collectors
+ # for each net test, so that each NetTest
+ # may be paired with a test_helper and its collector
+ # However, a user can override this behavior by
+ # specifying a collector from the command-line (-c).
+ # If a collector is not specified in the deck, or the
+ # deck is a singleton, the default collector set in
+ # ooniprobe.conf will be used
+ collector_client = None
+ if not global_options['no-collector']:
+ collector_client = setupCollector(global_options,
+ net_test_loader.collector)
+ yield director.startNetTest(net_test_loader,
+ global_options['reportfile'],
+ collector_client,
+ global_options['no-yamloo'])
+ d.addCallback(setup_nettest)
+ d.addCallback(post_director_start)
+ d.addErrback(director_startup_handled_failures)
+ d.addErrback(director_startup_other_failures)
+ return d
+def runWithDirector(global_options):
+ """
+ Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe
+ test!
+ """
+ from ooni.director import Director
+ start_tor = False
+ director = Director()
+ if global_options['list']:
+ net_tests = [net_test for net_test in director.getNetTests().items()]
+ print ""
+ print "Installed nettests"
+ print "=================="
+ for net_test_id, net_test in net_tests:
+ optList = []
+ for name, details in net_test['arguments'].items():
+ optList.append({'long': name, 'doc': details['description']})
+ desc = ('\n' +
+ net_test['name'] +
+ '\n' +
+ '-'*len(net_test['name']) +
+ '\n' +
+ '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(net_test['description'], 80)) +
+ '\n\n' +
+ '$ ooniprobe {}/{}'.format(net_test['category'],
+ net_test['id']) +
+ '\n\n' +
+ ''.join(usage.docMakeChunks(optList))
+ )
+ print desc
+ print "Note: Third party tests require an external "\
+ "application to run properly."
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif global_options['printdeck']:
+ del global_options['printdeck']
+ print "# Copy and paste the lines below into a test deck to run the specified test with the specified arguments"
+ print yaml.safe_dump([{'options': global_options}]).strip()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if global_options.get('annotations') is not None:
+ global_options['annotations'] = setupAnnotations(global_options)
+ if global_options.get('preferred-backend') is not None:
+ config.advanced.preferred_backend = global_options['preferred-backend']
+ if global_options['no-collector']:
+ log.msg("Not reporting using a collector")
+ global_options['collector'] = None
+ start_tor = False
+ elif config.advanced.get("preferred_backend", "onion") == "onion":
+ start_tor = True
+ if (global_options['collector'] and
+ config.advanced.get("preferred_backend", "onion") == "onion"):
+ start_tor |= True
+ return runTestWithDirector(director=director,
+ start_tor=start_tor,
+ global_options=global_options)
+# this variant version of runWithDirector splits the process in two,
+# allowing a single director instance to be reused with multiple decks.
+def runWithDaemonDirector(global_options):
+ """
+ Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe
+ test!
+ """
+ from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
+ from ooni.director import Director
+ try:
+ import pika
+ from pika import exceptions
+ from pika.adapters import twisted_connection
+ except ImportError:
+ print "Pika is required for queue connection."
+ print "Install with \"pip install pika\"."
+ sys.exit(7)
+ director = Director()
+ if global_options.get('annotations') is not None:
+ global_options['annotations'] = setupAnnotations(global_options)
+ if global_options['no-collector']:
+ log.msg("Not reporting using a collector")
+ global_options['collector'] = None
+ start_tor = False
+ else:
+ start_tor = True
+ finished = defer.Deferred()
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def readmsg(_, channel, queue_object, consumer_tag, counter):
+ # Wait for a message and decode it.
+ if counter >= lifetime:
+ log.msg("Counter")
+ queue_object.close(LifetimeExceeded())
+ yield channel.basic_cancel(consumer_tag=consumer_tag)
+ finished.callback(None)
+ else:
+ log.msg("Waiting for message")
+ try:
+ ch, method, properties, body = yield queue_object.get()
+ log.msg("Got message")
+ data = json.loads(body)
+ counter += 1
+ log.msg("Received %d/%d: %s" % (counter, lifetime, data['url'],))
+ # acknowledge the message
+ ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)
+ d = runTestWithDirector(director=director,
+ start_tor=start_tor,
+ global_options=global_options,
+ url=data['url'].encode('utf8'))
+ # When the test has been completed, go back to waiting for a message.
+ d.addCallback(readmsg, channel, queue_object, consumer_tag, counter+1)
+ except exceptions.AMQPError,v:
+ log.msg("Error")
+ log.exception(v)
+ finished.errback(v)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def runQueue(connection, name, qos):
+ # Set up the queue consumer. When a message is received, run readmsg
+ channel = yield connection.channel()
+ yield channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=qos)
+ queue_object, consumer_tag = yield channel.basic_consume(
+ queue=name,
+ no_ack=False)
+ readmsg(None, channel, queue_object, consumer_tag, 0)
+ # Create the AMQP connection. This could be refactored to allow test URLs
+ # to be submitted through an HTTP server interface or something.
+ urlp = urlparse.urlparse(config.global_options['queue'])
+ urlargs = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(urlp.query))
+ # random lifetime requests counter
+ lifetime = random.randint(820, 1032)
+ # AMQP connection details are sent through the cmdline parameter '-Q'
+ creds = pika.PlainCredentials(urlp.username or 'guest',
+ urlp.password or 'guest')
+ parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(urlp.hostname,
+ urlp.port or 5672,
+ urlp.path.rsplit('/',1)[0] or '/',
+ creds,
+ heartbeat_interval=120,
+ )
+ cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor,
+ twisted_connection.TwistedProtocolConnection,
+ parameters)
+ d = cc.connectTCP(urlp.hostname, urlp.port or 5672)
+ d.addCallback(lambda protocol: protocol.ready)
+ # start the wait/process sequence.
+ d.addCallback(runQueue, urlp.path.rsplit('/',1)[-1], int(urlargs.get('qos',1)))
+ return finished
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