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Re: [tor-dev] Self Introduction for GSoC 2012

On 4/4/12 3:41 PM, junior wrote:
> Tanx a lot Tomas for the response.
> Will you then advice that I continue on the Vidalia or suggest other
> likely projects for me to work on.

I just saw this email, sorry it seems to be so late.
I think that's a question for you to answer, you know yourself better
than I do and you are going to be able to judge whether you would do a
good job or not. If you think you are, your goal would be to make me
understand why that's the case through a proposal and, for example,
fixing bugs or proposing new features.

If you are interested in joining Tor, you should be around IRC as I
suggested and that way it'd be easier for you to see where you'd be more
comfortable working.

Sorry again for responding so close to the deadline.


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