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Re: [tor-dev] Tor Summer of Privacy [ Incorporating ruleset testing into https-everywhere release process ]

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 2:40 AM, karan grover <krngrvr09@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The project I am interested in working on is Incorporating ruleset testing
> into https-everywhere release process. I have been understanding the
> codebase of https-everywhere-checker, and am now quite familiar with it. I

Some time ago I has thought the rules needed more documentation
since they may not be strict "perlre" or "eregexp". And that a new
and up-to-date and more detailed "TEMPLATE" file is needed to be
created for people to copy and paste from as their default template
when creating new rules for a site. Since there is lots of inconsistancy
and lack of minimalization, optimization, and correctness with rules
for existing sites. Which only breeds more of same. At least in my opinion.
Whatever work you or others do there is appreciated, in GSOC or not.
My work is in get sites to enable https rightly. Thx.
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