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Re: [tor-dev] Fwd: [tor-relays] tcmalloc in FreeBSD

On 08/06/2012 07:03 PM, Nick Mathewson wrote:
Hm.  Tor itself doesn't have a tcmalloc compilation option, so whatever
it's doing is something freebsd added.  To debug this kind of thing,
what I usually suggest is to rebuild and look carefully at which
compiler and linker options are used in building Tor, and see if they
include the appropriate options for tcmalloc.

Thanks for your answer Nick, but I don't get you:

It seems tor has a configure option to support tcmalloc since 2008; I guess I could be wrong (again) but I understand that if the configure script supports the tcmalloc option is because, is some sense, the compilation will use as well the mentioned libraries.

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