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[tor-dev] [GSoC] [Stegotorus] update

Hello Tor-devers,

In last two weeks I was busy implementing the protocol by which the
st server sends a url dictionary to the client, so they the client can
communicate with server using this url code. It was bit tricky because
chop needed to be involved to distinguished between the data being
serve to the user and the data for the steg module. This is working now.

I also made the curl st client to st server communication non-blocking
and now curl sharing the socket with libevent (for the reply). The curl
communication with apache server (for providing covers) is still
blocking. This is not critical as long as the cover webserver and st 
server are on the same machine, but is a good feature to think about.

You can get everything here:


But you need to have apache installed on the server and run
payload_scraper first:


then copy the generated payload list into apcahe_payload/server_list.txt
The name of steg protocol is http_apache (instead of http)

The next 10 days will be writing unit tests, testing, and writing
documentation for http_steg protocol.

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