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[tor-dev] [draft] Proposal 220: Migrate server identity keys to Ed25519

Here's a proposal I wrote about node key migration.  I hope it meshes
well with the authority identity migration proposal that Jake and
Linus are doing.  There are probably holes and mistakes here: let's
fix them.

Filename: 220-ecc-id-keys.txt
Title: Migrate server identity keys to Ed25519
Authors: Nick Mathewson
Created: 12 August 2013
Target: 0.2.5.x
Status: Draft

   [Note: This is a draft proposal; I've probably made some important
   mistakes, and there are parts that need more thinking.  I'm
   publishing it now so that we can do the thinking together.]

0. Introduction

   In current Tor designs, identity keys are limited to 1024-bit RSA

   Clearly, that should change, because RSA doesn't represent a good
   performance-security tradeoff nowadays, and because 1024-bit RSA is
   just plain too short.

   We've already got an improved circuit extension handshake protocol
   that uses curve25519 in place of RSA1024, and we're using (where
   supported) P256 ECDHE in our TLS handshakes, but there are more uses
   of RSA1024 to replace, including:

      * Router identity keys
      * TLS link keys
      * Hidden service keys

   This proposal describes how we'll migrate away from using 1024-bit
   RSA in the first two, since they're tightly coupled.  Hidden service
   crypto changes will be complex, and will merit their own proposal.

   In this proposal, we'll also (incidentally) be extirpating a number
   of SHA1 usages.

1. Overview

   When this proposal is implemented, every router will have an Ed25519
   identity key in addition to its current RSA1024 public key.

   Ed25519 (specifically, Ed25519-SHA-512 as described and specified at
   http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/) is a desirable choice here: it's secure,
   fast, has small keys and small signatures, is bulletproof in several
   important ways, and supports fast batch verification. (It isn't quite
   as fast as RSA1024 when it comes to public key operations, since RSA
   gets to take advantage of small exponents when generating public

   (For reference: In Ed25519 public keys are 32 bytes long, private keys
   are 64 bytes long, and signatures are 64 bytes long.)

   To mirror the way that authority identity keys work, we'll fully
   support keeping Ed25519 identity keys offline; they'll be used to
   sign long-ish term signing keys, which in turn will do all of the
   heavy lifting.  A signing key will get used to sign the things that
   RSA1024 identity keys currently sign.

1.1. 'Personalized' signatures

   Each of the keys introduced here is used to sign more than one kind
   of document. While these documents should be unambiguous, I'd going
   to forward-proof the signatures by specifying each signature to be
   generated, not on the document itself, but on the document prefixed
   with some distinguishing string.

2. Certificates and Router descriptors.

2.1. Certificates

   When generating a signing key, we also generate a certificate for it.
   Unlike the certificates for authorities' signing keys, these
   certificates need to be sent around frequently, in significant
   numbers.  So we'll choose a compact representation.

         VERSION         [1 Byte]
         TYPE            [1 Byte]
         CERTIFIED_KEY   [32 Bytes]
         EXPIRATION_DATE [4 Bytes]
         EXTRA_STUFF     [variable length]
         SIGNATURE       [64 Bytes]

   The "VERSION" field holds the value [01].  The "TYPE" field holds the
   value [01]. The CERTIFIED_KEY field is an Ed25519 public key.  The
   expiration date is a day, given in DAYS since the epoch, after which
   this certificate isn't valid.  The EXTRA_STUFF field is left for a
   future version of this format.

   [XXXX Is "EXTRA_STUFF" a good idea? -NM]

   Before processing any certificate, parties MUST know which identity
   key it is supposed to be signed by, and then check the signature.
   The signature is formed by signing the first N-64 bytes of the
   certificate prefixed with the string "Tor node signing key
   certificate v1".

   We also specify a revocation document for revoking a signing key or an
   identity key.  Its format is:
         FIXED_PREFIX    [8 Bytes]
         VERSION         [1 Byte]
         KEYTYPE         [1 Byte]
         IDENTITY_KEY    [32 Bytes]
         REVOKED_KEY     [32 Bytes]
         PUBLISHED       [8 Bytes]
         EXTRA_STUFF     [variable length]
         SIGNATURE       [64 Bytes]

   [01] for revoking a signing key or [02] or revoking an identity key.
   REVOKED_KEY is the key being revoked; IDENTITY_KEY is the node's
   Ed25519 identity key. PUBLISHED is the time that the document was
   generated, in seconds since the epoch. EXTRA_STUFF is left for a
   future version of this document.  The SIGNATURE is generated with
   the same key as in IDENTITY_KEY, and covers the entire revocation,
   prefixed with "Tor key revocation v1".

   Using these revocation documents is unspecified.

2.2. Managing keys

   By default, we can keep the easy-to-setup key management properties
   that Tor has now, so that node operators aren't required to have
   offline public keys:

        * When a Tor node starts up with no Ed25519 identity keys, it
          generates a new identity keypair.
        * When a Tor node has an Ed25519 identity keypair, and it has
          no signing key, or its signing key is going to expire within
          the next 48 hours, it generates a new signing key to last
          30 days.

   But we also support offline identity keys:

        * When a Tor node starts with an Ed25519 public identity key
          but no private identity key, it checks wither it has
          a currently valid certified signing keypair.  If it does,
          it starts.  Otherwise, it refuses to start.
        * If a Tor node's signing key is going to expire soon, it starts
          warning the user.  If it is expired, then the node shuts down.

2.3. Router descriptors

   We specify the following element that may appear at most once in
   each router descriptor:
      "identity-ed25519" SP identity-key SP certification NL

   The identity-key and certification are base64 encoded with
   terminating =s removed.  When this element is present, it MUST appear
   as the first or second element in the router descriptor.

   [XXX The rationale here is to allow extracting the identity key and
   signing key and checking the signature before fully parsing the rest
   of the document. -NM]

   When an identity-ed25519 element is present, there must also be an
   "router-signature-ed25519" element.  It MUST be the next-to-last
   element in the descriptor, appearing immediately before RSA
   signature.  It MUST contain an ed25519 signature of the entire
   document, from the first character up to but not including the
   "router-signature-ed25519" element, prefixed with the string "Tor
   router descriptor signature v1".  Its format is:

      "router-signature-ed25519" SP signature NL

   Were 'signature' is encoded in base64 with terminating =s removed.

   The identity key in the identity-ed25519 key MUST be the one used to
   sign the certification, and the signing key in the certification MUST
   be the one used to sign the document.

   Note that these keys cross-certify as follows: the ed25519 identity
   key signs the ed25519 signing key in the certificate.  The ed25519
   signing key signs itself and the ed25519 identity key and the RSA
   identity key as part of signing the descriptor.  And the RSA identity
   key also signs all three keys as part of signing the descriptor.

2.3.1. Checking descriptor signatures.

   Current versions of Tor will handle these new formats by ignoring the
   new fields, and not checking any ed25519 information.

   New version of Tor will have a flag that tells them whether to check
   ed25519 information.  When it is set, they must check:

      * All RSA information and signatures that Tor implementations
        currently check.
      * If the identity-ed25519 line is present, it must be well-formed,
        and the certificate must be well-formed and correctly signed,
        and there must be a valid.
      * If we require an ed25519 key for this node (see 3.1 below), the
        ed25519 key must be present.

   Authorities and directory caches will have this flag always-on.  For
   clients, it will be controlled by a torrc option and consensus
   option, to be set to "always-on" in the future once enough clients
   support it.

2.3.2. Extra-info documents

   Extrainfo documents now include "identity-ed25519" and
   "router-signature-ed25519" fields in the same positions in which they
   appear in router descriptors.

   Additionally, we add the base64-encoded, =-stripped SHA256 digest of
   a node's extra-info document field to the extra-info-digest line.
   (All versions of Tor that recognize this line allow an extra field

2.3.3. A note on signature verification

   Here and elsewhere, we're receiving a certificate and a document
   signed with the key certified by that certificate in the same step.
   This is a fine time to use the batch signature checking capability of
   Ed25519, so that we can check both signatures at once without (much)
   additional overhead over checking a single signature.

3. Consensus documents and authority operation

3.1. Handling router identity at the authority

   When receiving router descriptors, authorities must track mappings
   between RSA and Ed25519 keys.

   Rule 1: Once an authority has seen an Ed25519 identity key and an RSA
   identity key together on the same (valid) descriptor, it should no
   longer accept any descriptor signed by that RSA key with a different
   Ed25519 key, or that Ed25519 key with a different RSA key.

   Rule 2: Once an authority has seen an Ed25519 identity key and an RSA
   identity key on the same descriptor, it should no longer accept any
   descriptor signed by that RSA key unless it also has that Ed25519

   These rules together should enforce the property that, even if an
   attacker manages to steal or factor a node's RSA identity key, the
   attacker can't impersonate that node to the authorities, even when
   that node is identified by its RSA key.

   Enforcement of Rule 1 should be advisory-only for a little while (a
   release or two) while node operators get experience having Ed25519
   keys, in case there are any bugs that cause or force identity key
   replacement.  Enforcement of Rule 2 should be advisory-only for
   little while, so that node operators can try 0.2.5 but downgrade to
   0.2.4 without being de-listed from the consensus.

   [XXX I could specify a way to do a signed "I'm downgrading for a
   while!" statement, and kludge some code back into 0.2.4.x to better
   support that?]

3.2. Formats

   Vote and consensus documents now contain an optional "id" field for each
   routerstatus section.  Its format is:

       "id" SP ed25519-identity NL

   where ed25519-identity is base-64 encoded, with trailing = characters
   omitted.  In vote documents, it may be replaced by the format:

       "id" SP "none" NL

   which indicates that the node does not have an ed25519 identity.  (In
   the consensus, a lack of "id" line means that the node has no ed25519

   [XXXX Should the id entries in consensuses go into microdescriptors
     instead? I think perhaps so. -NM]

   A vote or consensus document is ill-formed if it includes the same
   ed25519 identity key twice.

3.3. Generating votes

   An authority should pick which descriptor to choose for a node as
   before, and include the ed25519 identity key for the descriptor if
   it's present.

   As a transition, before Rule 1 and Rule 2 in 3.1 are fully enforced,
   authorities need a way to deal with the possibility that there might
   be two nodes with the same ed25519 key but different RSA keys.  In
   that case, it votes for the one with the most recent publication

   (The existing rules already prevent an authority from voting for two
   servers with the same RSA identity key.)

3.4. Generating a consensus from votes

   This proposal requires a new consensus vote method.  When we deploy
   it, we'll pick the next available vote method in sequence to use for

   When the new consensus method is in use, we must choose nodes first
   by ECC key, then by RSA key.

   First, for every {ECC identity key, RSA identity key} pair listed by
   over half of the voting authorities, list it, unless some other RSA
   identity key digest is listed more popularly for the ECC key.  Break
   ties in favor of low RSA digests. Treat all routerstatus entries that
   mention this <ECC,RSA> pair as being for the same router, and all
   routerstatus entries that mention the same RSA key with an
   unspecified ECC key as being for the same router.

   Then, for every node that has previously not been listed, perform the
   current routerstatus algorithm: listing a node if it has been listed
   by at least N/2 voting authorities, and treating all routerstatuses
   containing the same identity as the same router.

   In other words:

     Let Entries = []

     for each ECC ID listed by any voter:
        Find the RSA key associated with that ECC ID by the most voters,
        breaking ties in favor of low RSA keys.

        If that ECC ID and RSA key ID are listed by > N/2 voting authorities:
            Add the consensus of the routerstatus entries for those
            voters, along with the routerstatus entry for every voter
            that included that RSA key with no ECC key, to Entries.
            Include the ECC ID in the consensus.

      For each RSA key listed by any voter:
        If that RSA key is already in Entries, skip it.

        If the RSA key is listed by > N/2 voting authorities:
            Add the consensus of the routerstatus entries for those
            voters to Entries.  Do not include an ECC key in the

   [XXX Think about this even more.]

4. The link protocol

   [XXX This section won't make much sense unless you grok the v3
   connection protocol as described in tor-spec.txt, first proposed in
   proposal 195.]

   We add four new CertType values for use in CERTS cells:
        4: Ed25519 signing key
        5: Link key certificate certified by Ed25519 signing key
        6: TLS authentication key certified by Ed25519 signing key
        7: RSA cross-certification for Ed25519 identity key

   The content of certificate type 4 is:
        Ed25519 identity key                     [32 byets]
        Signing key certificate as in 2.1 above  [variable length]

   The content of certificate type 5 is:
        CERT_DIGEST                       [32 bytes]
        EXPIRATION_DATE                   [4 bytes]
        EXTRA_STUFF                       [variable]
        SIGNATURE                         [64 bytes]
   where CERT_DIGEST is a SHA256 digest of the X.509 certificate used
   for the TLS link, EXPIRATION_DATE is a date in *days* since the epoch
   starting on which the certificate is invalid, and SIGNATURE is
   a signature using the signing key of the above two fields, prefixed
   with "Tor TLS link certificate check v1".

   The content of certificate type 6 is the same as the signing key in
   2.1 above, except that the TYPE field is 02 and the fixed string used
   in signing is "".  The Ed25519 key
   certified by this key can be used in AUTHENTICATE cells.

   The content of certificate type 7 is:
       ED25519_KEY                       [32 bytes]
       EXPIRATION_DATE                   [4 bytes]
       SIGNATURE                         [128 bytes]
   Here, the Ed25519 identity key is signed with router's identity key,
   to indicate that authenticating with a key certified by the Ed25519
   key counts as certifying with RSA identity key.  (The signature is
   computed on the SHA256 hash of the non-signature parts of the
   certificate, prefixed with the string "Tor TLS RSA/Ed25519

   (There's no reason to have a corresponding Ed25519-signed-RSA-key
   certificate here, since we do not treat authenticating with an RSA
   key as proving ownership of the Ed25519 identity.)

   Relays with Ed25519 keys should always send these certificate types
   in addition to their other certificate types.

   Non-bridge relays with Ed25519 keys should generate TLS link keys of
   appropriate strength, so that the certificate chain from the Ed25519
   key to the link key is strong enough.

   We add a new authentication type for AUTHENTICATE cells:
   "Ed25519-TLSSecret", with AuthType value 2. Its format is the same as
   "RSA-SHA256-TLSSecret", except that the CID and SID fields support
   more key types; some strings are different, and the signature is
   performed with Ed25519 using the authentication key from a type-6

       TYPE: The characters "AUTH0002" [8 octets]
       CID: A SHA256 hash of the initiator's RSA1024 identity key [32 octets]
       SID: A SHA256 hash of the responder's RSA1024 identity key [32 octets]
       CID_ED: The initiator's Ed25519 identity key [32 octets]
       SID_ED: The responder's Ed25519 identity key, or all-zero. [32 octets]
       SLOG: A SHA256 hash of all bytes sent from the responder to the
         initiator as part of the negotiation up to and including the
         AUTH_CHALLENGE cell; that is, the VERSIONS cell, the CERTS cell,
         the AUTH_CHALLENGE cell, and any padding cells.  [32 octets]
       CLOG: A SHA256 hash of all bytes sent from the initiator to the
         responder as part of the negotiation so far; that is, the
         VERSIONS cell and the CERTS cell and any padding cells. [32
       SCERT: A SHA256 hash of the responder's TLS link certificate. [32
       TLSSECRETS: A SHA256 HMAC, using the TLS master secret as the
         secret key, of the following:
           - client_random, as sent in the TLS Client Hello
           - server_random, as sent in the TLS Server Hello
           - the NUL terminated ASCII string:
             "Tor V3 handshake TLS cross-certification with Ed25519"
          [32 octets]
       TIME: The time of day in seconds since the POSIX epoch. [8 octets]
       RAND: A 16 byte value, randomly chosen by the initiator. [16 octets]
       SIG: A signature of all previous fields using the initiator's
          Ed25519 authentication flags.
          [variable length]

   If you've got a consensus that lists an ECC key for a node, but the
   node doesn't give you an ECC key, then refuse this connection.

5. The extend protocol

   We add a new NSPEC node specifier for use in EXTEND2 cells, with
   LSTYPE value [03].  Its length must be 32 bytes; its content is the
   Ed25519 identity key of the target node.

   Clients should use this type only when:
     * They know an Ed25519 identity key for the destination node.
     * The source node supports EXTEND2 cells
     * A torrc option is set, _or_ a consensus value is set.

   We'll leave the consensus value off for a while until more clients
   support this, and then turn it on.

   When picking a channel for a circuit, if this NSPEC value is
   provided, then the RSA identity *and* the Ed25519 identity must

   If we have a channel with a given Ed25519 ID and RSA identity, and we
   have a request for that Ed25519 ID and a different RSA identity, we
   do not attempt to make another connection: we just fail and DESTROY
   the circuit.

   If we receive an EXTEND or EXTEND2 request for a node listed in the
   consensus, but that EXTEND/EXTEND2 request does not include an
   Ed25519 identity key, the node SHOULD treat the connection as failed
   if the Ed25519 identity key it receives does not match the one in the

6. Naming nodes in the interface

   Anywhere in the interface that takes an $identity should be able to
   take an ECC identity too.  ECC identities are case-sensitive base64
   encodings of Ed25519 identity keys. You can use $ to indicate them as
   well; we distinguish RSA identity digests length.

   When we need to indicate an Ed25519 identity key in an hostname
   format (as in a .exit address), we use the lowercased version of the
   name, and perform a case-insensitive match.  (This loses us one bit
   per byte of name,

   Nodes must not list Ed25519 identities in their family lines; clients
   and authorities must not honor them there.

   Clients shouldn't accept .exit addresses with Ed25519 names on SOCKS
   or DNS ports by default, even when AllowDotExit is set.

   We need an identity-to-node map for ECC identity and for RSA

   The controller interface will need to accept and report Ed25519
   identity keys as well as (or instead of) RSA identity keys.  That's a
   separate proposal, though.

7. Hidden service changes out of scope

   Hidden services need to be able identity nodes by ECC keys, just as
   they will need to include ntor keys as well as TAP keys.  Not just
   yet though.  This needs to be part of a bigger hidden service
   revamping strategy.

8. Proposed migration steps

   Once a few versions have shipped with Ed25519 key support, turn on
   "Rule 1" on the authorities.  (Don't allow an Ed25519<->RSA pairing
   to change.)

   Once 0.2.5.x is in beta or rc, turn on the consensus option for
   everyone who receives descriptors with Ed25519 identity keys to check

   Once 0.2.5.x is in beta or rc, turn on the consensus option for
   clients to generate EXTEND2 requests with Ed25519 identity keys.

   Once 0.2.5.x has been stable for a month or two, turn on "Rule 2" on
   authorities.  (Don't allow nodes that have advertised an Ed25519 key
   to stop.)

9. Future proposals

   * Ed25519 identity support on the controller interface
   * Supporting nodes without RSA keys
   * Remove support for nodes without Ed25519 keys
   * Ed25519 support for hidden services
   * Bridge identity support.
   * Ed25519-aware family support
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